rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater(1, Date::factory('2014-04-05')); $ar->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater(2, Date::factory('2014-04-05')); $ar->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater(2, Date::factory('2014-04-06')); $api = API::getInstance(); $cronarchive = new TestCronArchive(Fixture::getRootUrl() . 'tests/PHPUnit/proxy/index.php'); $cronarchive->setApiToInvalidateArchivedReport($api); $cronarchive->init(); $expectedInvalidations = array( array(array(1,2), '2014-04-05'), array(array(2), '2014-04-06') ); $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidations, $api->getInvalidatedReports()); } public function test_setSegmentsToForceFromSegmentIds_CorrectlyGetsSegmentDefinitions_FromSegmentIds() { Fixture::createWebsite('2014-12-12 00:01:02'); SegmentAPI::getInstance()->add('foo', 'actions>=1', 1, true, true); SegmentAPI::getInstance()->add('barb', 'actions>=2', 1, true, true); SegmentAPI::getInstance()->add('burb', 'actions>=3', 1, true, true); SegmentAPI::getInstance()->add('sub', 'actions>=4', 1, true, true); $cronarchive = new TestCronArchive(Fixture::getRootUrl() . 'tests/PHPUnit/proxy/index.php'); $cronarchive->setSegmentsToForceFromSegmentIds(array(2, 4)); $expectedSegments = array('actions>=2', 'actions>=4'); $this->assertEquals($expectedSegments, array_values($cronarchive->segmentsToForce)); } public function test_output() { \Piwik\Tests\Framework\Mock\FakeCliMulti::$specifiedResults = array( '/method=API.get/' => serialize(array(array('nb_visits' => 1))) ); Fixture::createWebsite('2014-12-12 00:01:02'); SegmentAPI::getInstance()->add('foo', 'actions>=2', 1, true, true); SegmentAPI::getInstance()->add('burr', 'actions>=4', 1, true, true); $logger = new FakeLogger(); $archiver = new CronArchive(null, $logger); $archiver->shouldArchiveAllSites = true; $archiver->shouldArchiveAllPeriodsSince = true; $archiver->segmentsToForce = array('actions>=2;browserCode=FF', 'actions>=2'); $archiver->init(); $archiver->run(); $expected = << Settings > General Settings. See the doc at: - Reports for today will be processed at most every %s seconds. You can change this value in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings. - Reports for the current week/month/year will be refreshed at most every %s seconds. - Will process all 1 websites - Limiting segment archiving to following segments: * actions>=2;browserCode=FF * actions>=2 --------------------------- START Starting Piwik reports archiving... Will pre-process for website id = 1, period = day, date = last%s - pre-processing all visits - skipping segment archiving for 'actions>=4'. - pre-processing segment 1/1 actions>=2 Archived website id = 1, period = day, 1 segments, 1 visits in last %s days, 1 visits today, Time elapsed: %s Will pre-process for website id = 1, period = week, date = last%s - pre-processing all visits - skipping segment archiving for 'actions>=4'. - pre-processing segment 1/1 actions>=2 Archived website id = 1, period = week, 1 segments, 1 visits in last %s weeks, 1 visits this week, Time elapsed: %s Will pre-process for website id = 1, period = month, date = last%s - pre-processing all visits - skipping segment archiving for 'actions>=4'. - pre-processing segment 1/1 actions>=2 Archived website id = 1, period = month, 1 segments, 1 visits in last %s months, 1 visits this month, Time elapsed: %s Will pre-process for website id = 1, period = year, date = last%s - pre-processing all visits - skipping segment archiving for 'actions>=4'. - pre-processing segment 1/1 actions>=2 Archived website id = 1, period = year, 1 segments, 1 visits in last %s years, 1 visits this year, Time elapsed: %s Archived website id = 1, %s API requests, Time elapsed: %s [1/1 done] Done archiving! --------------------------- SUMMARY Total visits for today across archived websites: 1 Archived today's reports for 1 websites Archived week/month/year for 1 websites Skipped 0 websites - 0 skipped because no new visit since the last script execution - 0 skipped because existing daily reports are less than 150 seconds old - 0 skipped because existing week/month/year periods reports are less than 3600 seconds old Total API requests: %s done: 1/1 100%, 1 vtoday, 1 wtoday, 1 wperiods, %s req, %s ms, no error Time elapsed: %s LOG; $this->assertStringMatchesFormat($expected, $logger->output); } public function test_shouldNotStopProcessingWhenOneSiteIsInvalid() { \Piwik\Tests\Framework\Mock\FakeCliMulti::$specifiedResults = array( '/method=API.get/' => serialize(array(array('nb_visits' => 1))) ); Fixture::createWebsite('2014-12-12 00:01:02'); $logger = new FakeLogger(); $archiver = new CronArchive(null, $logger); $archiver->shouldArchiveSpecifiedSites = array(99999, 1); $archiver->init(); $archiver->run(); $expected = <<assertContains($expected, $logger->output); } public function provideContainerConfig() { return array( 'Piwik\CliMulti' => \DI\object('Piwik\Tests\Framework\Mock\FakeCliMulti') ); } } class TestCronArchive extends CronArchive { protected function checkPiwikUrlIsValid() { } protected function initPiwikHost($piwikUrl = false) { } }