invalidator = new ArchiveInvalidator(new Model(), StaticContainer::get(ArchivingStatus::class), new NullLogger()); } public function test_removeInvalidationsFromDistributedList_removesEntriesFromList_WhenNoPluginSpecified() { $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1,2,3], 'ExamplePlugin'); $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1,4,5], 'MyOtherPlugin'); $list = new ReArchiveList(); $list->add('badjson'); $this->invalidator->removeInvalidationsFromDistributedList([2,3]); $items = $list->getAll(); $expected = [ '{"idSites":[1],"pluginName":"ExamplePlugin","report":null,"startDate":null}', '{"idSites":[1,4,5],"pluginName":"MyOtherPlugin","report":null,"startDate":null}', ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $items); } public function test_removeInvalidationsFromDistributedList_removesEntriesFromList_WhenPluginNameIsSpecified() { $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1,2,3], 'ExamplePlugin'); $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1,4,5], 'MyOtherPlugin'); $this->invalidator->removeInvalidationsFromDistributedList([1,2,3], 'ExamplePlugin'); $list = new ReArchiveList(); $items = $list->getAll(); $expected = [ '{"idSites":[1,4,5],"pluginName":"MyOtherPlugin","report":null,"startDate":null}', ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $items); } public function test_removeInvalidationsFromDistributedList_removesAllSiteEntries() { $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1, 2, 3], 'ExamplePlugin'); $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1, 4, 5], 'ExamplePlugin'); $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving('all', 'ExamplePlugin'); $this->invalidator->removeInvalidationsFromDistributedList('all', 'ExamplePlugin'); $list = new ReArchiveList(); $items = $list->getAll(); $expected = []; $this->assertEquals($expected, $items); } public function test_removeInvalidationsFromDistributedList_removesEntriesFromList_WhenPluginNameAndReportIsSpecified() { $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1,4,5], 'ExamplePlugin'); $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1,4,5], 'ExamplePlugin', 'myReport'); $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1,4,5], 'ExamplePlugin', 'myOtherReport'); $this->invalidator->removeInvalidationsFromDistributedList([1,4,5], 'ExamplePlugin', 'myReport'); $list = new ReArchiveList(); $items = $list->getAll(); $expected = [ '{"idSites":[1,4,5],"pluginName":"ExamplePlugin","report":null,"startDate":null}', '{"idSites":[1,4,5],"pluginName":"ExamplePlugin","report":"myOtherReport","startDate":null}', ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $items); } public function test_removeInvalidations_removesAll_ifAllSitesSpecified() { $this->insertInvalidations([ ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => 'myReport'], ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 2, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => null], ['name' => 'done.MyOtherPlugin', 'idsite' => 3, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'report' => ''], ['name' => 'done', 'idsite' => 4, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'report' => ''], ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 5, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => 'myOtherReport'], ]); $this->invalidator->removeInvalidations($idSite = 'all', 'MyPlugin'); $invalidations = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntries(); $expectedInvalidations = [ ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 3, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'name' => 'done.MyOtherPlugin', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 4, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ]; $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidations, $invalidations); } public function test_removeInvalidations_removesAllForMultipleSites() { $this->insertInvalidations([ ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => 'myReport'], ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 2, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => null], ['name' => 'done.MyOtherPlugin', 'idsite' => 3, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'report' => ''], ['name' => 'done', 'idsite' => 4, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'report' => ''], ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 5, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => 'myOtherReport'], ]); $this->invalidator->removeInvalidations([1,2,3], 'MyPlugin'); $invalidations = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntries(); $expectedInvalidations = [ ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 3, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'name' => 'done.MyOtherPlugin', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 4, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 5, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'report' => 'myOtherReport'], ]; $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidations, $invalidations); } public function test_removeInvalidations_removesAllForPlugin() { $this->insertInvalidations([ ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => 'myReport'], ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => null], ['name' => 'doneSEGMENTHASH.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => null], ['name' => 'done.MyOtherPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'report' => ''], ['name' => 'doneSEGMENTHASH.MyOtherPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'report' => ''], ['name' => 'done', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'report' => ''], ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => 'myOtherReport'], ]); $this->invalidator->removeInvalidations($idSite = 1, 'MyPlugin'); $invalidations = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntries(); $expectedInvalidations = [ ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'name' => 'done.MyOtherPlugin', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'name' => 'doneSEGMENTHASH.MyOtherPlugin', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ]; $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidations, $invalidations); } public function test_removeInvalidations_removesAllForSingleReport() { $this->insertInvalidations([ ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => 'myReport'], ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => null], ['name' => 'doneSEGMENTHASH.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => null], ['name' => 'doneSEGMENTHASH.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => 'myReport'], ['name' => 'done.MyOtherPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'report' => ''], ['name' => 'done', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => 1, 'report' => ''], ['name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => 1, 'report' => 'myOtherReport'], ]); $this->invalidator->removeInvalidations($idSite = 1, 'MyPlugin', 'myReport'); $invalidations = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntries(); $expectedInvalidations = [ [ 'idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'report' => NULL, ], [ 'idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'doneSEGMENTHASH.MyPlugin', 'report' => NULL, ], [ 'idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done.MyOtherPlugin', 'report' => '', ], [ 'idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => '', ], [ 'idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2012-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-04', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done.MyPlugin', 'report' => 'myOtherReport', ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidations, $invalidations); } public function test_rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater_shouldCreateAnEntryInCaseThereIsNoneYet() { //Updated for change to allow for multiple transactions to invalidate the same report without deadlock. $key = 'report_to_invalidate_2_2014-04-05' . '_' . getmypid(); $this->assertEmpty(Option::getLike('%'. $key . '%')); $keyStored = $this->rememberReport(2, '2014-04-05'); $this->assertStringEndsWith($key, $keyStored); $this->assertSame('1', Option::get($keyStored)); } public function test_rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater_shouldNotCreateEntryTwice() { $this->rememberReport(2, '2014-04-05'); $this->rememberReport(2, '2014-04-05'); $this->rememberReport(2, '2014-04-05'); $this->assertCount(1, Option::getLike('%report_to_invalidate%')); } public function test_getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated_shouldNotReturnEntriesInCaseNoneAreRemembered() { $reports = $this->invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated(); $this->assertSame(array(), $reports); } public function test_getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated_shouldGroupEntriesByDate() { $this->rememberReportsForManySitesAndDates(); $reports = $this->invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated(); $this->assertSameReports($this->getRememberedReportsByDate(), $reports); } private function assertSameReports($expected, $actual) { $keys1 = array_keys($expected); $keys2 = array_keys($actual); sort($keys1); sort($keys2); $this->assertSame($keys1, $keys2); foreach ($expected as $index => $values) { sort($values); sort($actual[$index]); $this->assertSame($values, $actual[$index]); } } public function test_forgetRememberedArchivedReportsToInvalidateForSite_shouldNotDeleteAnythingInCaseNoReportForThatSite() { $this->rememberReportsForManySitesAndDates(); $this->invalidator->forgetRememberedArchivedReportsToInvalidateForSite(10); $reports = $this->invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated(); $this->assertSameReports($this->getRememberedReportsByDate(), $reports); } public function test_forgetRememberedArchivedReportsToInvalidateForSite_shouldOnlyDeleteReportsBelongingToThatSite() { $this->rememberReportsForManySitesAndDates(); $this->invalidator->forgetRememberedArchivedReportsToInvalidateForSite(7); $reports = $this->invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated(); $expected = array( '2014-04-05' => array(1, 2, 4), '2014-05-05' => array(2, 5), '2014-04-06' => array(3) ); $this->assertSameReports($expected, $reports); } public function test_forgetRememberedArchivedReportsToInvalidate_shouldNotForgetAnythingIfThereIsNoMatch() { $this->rememberReportsForManySitesAndDates(); // site does not match $this->invalidator->forgetRememberedArchivedReportsToInvalidate(10, Date::factory('2014-04-05')); $reports = $this->invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated(); $this->assertSameReports($this->getRememberedReportsByDate(), $reports); // date does not match $this->invalidator->forgetRememberedArchivedReportsToInvalidate(7, Date::factory('2012-04-05')); $reports = $this->invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated(); $this->assertSameReports($this->getRememberedReportsByDate(), $reports); } public function test_forgetRememberedArchivedReportsToInvalidate_shouldOnlyDeleteReportBelongingToThatSiteAndDate() { $this->rememberReportsForManySitesAndDates(); $this->invalidator->forgetRememberedArchivedReportsToInvalidate(2, Date::factory('2014-04-05')); $reports = $this->invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated(); $expected = array( '2014-04-05' => array(1, 4, 7), '2014-05-05' => array(2, 5), '2014-04-06' => array(3), '2014-04-08' => array(7), '2014-05-08' => array(7), ); $this->assertSameReports($expected, $reports); unset($expected['2014-05-08']); $this->invalidator->forgetRememberedArchivedReportsToInvalidate(7, Date::factory('2014-05-08')); $reports = $this->invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated(); $this->assertSameReports($expected, $reports); } public function test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_shouldForgetInvalidatedSitesAndDates() { $this->rememberReportsForManySitesAndDates(); $idSites = array(2, 10, 7, 5); $dates = array( Date::factory('2014-04-05'), Date::factory('2014-04-08'), Date::factory('2010-10-10'), ); $this->invalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated($idSites, $dates, 'week'); $reports = $this->invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated(); $expected = array( '2014-04-05' => array(1, 4), '2014-05-05' => array(2, 5), '2014-04-06' => array(3), '2014-05-08' => array(7), ); $this->assertSameReports($expected, $reports); } private function rememberReport($idSite, $date) { $date = Date::factory($date); return $this->invalidator->rememberToInvalidateArchivedReportsLater($idSite, $date); } private function getRememberedReportsByDate() { return array( '2014-04-06' => array(3), '2014-04-05' => array(4, 7, 2, 1), '2014-05-05' => array(5, 2), '2014-04-08' => array(7), '2014-05-08' => array(7), ); } private function rememberReportsForManySitesAndDates() { $this->rememberReport(2, '2014-04-05'); $this->rememberReport(2, '2014-04-05'); // should appear only once for this site and date $this->rememberReport(3, '2014-04-06'); $this->rememberReport(1, '2014-04-05'); $this->rememberReport(2, '2014-05-05'); $this->rememberReport(5, '2014-05-05'); $this->rememberReport(4, '2014-04-05'); $this->rememberReport(7, '2014-04-05'); $this->rememberReport(7, '2014-05-08'); $this->rememberReport(7, '2014-04-08'); } public function test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_DoesNotInvalidateDatesBeforePurgeThreshold() { PrivacyManager::savePurgeDataSettings(array( 'delete_logs_enable' => 1, 'delete_logs_older_than' => 180, )); $dateBeforeThreshold = Date::factory('today')->subDay(190); $thresholdDate = Date::factory('today')->subDay(180); $dateAfterThreshold = Date::factory('today')->subDay(170); // can't test more than day since today will change, causing the test to fail w/ other periods randomly $this->insertArchiveRow(1, $dateBeforeThreshold, 'day'); $this->insertArchiveRow(1, $dateAfterThreshold, 'day'); /** @var ArchiveInvalidator $archiveInvalidator */ $archiveInvalidator = self::$fixture->piwikEnvironment->getContainer()->get('Piwik\Archive\ArchiveInvalidator'); $result = $archiveInvalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated(array(1), array($dateBeforeThreshold, $dateAfterThreshold), 'day'); $this->assertEquals($thresholdDate->toString(), $result->minimumDateWithLogs); $expectedProcessedDates = array($dateAfterThreshold->toString()); $this->assertEquals($expectedProcessedDates, $result->processedDates); $expectedWarningDates = array($dateBeforeThreshold->toString()); $this->assertEquals($expectedWarningDates, $result->warningDates); $invalidatedArchives = $this->getInvalidatedIdArchives(); $countInvalidatedArchives = 0; foreach ($invalidatedArchives as $idarchives) { $countInvalidatedArchives += count($idarchives); } // the day, day w/ a segment, week, month & year are invalidated $this->assertEquals(1, $countInvalidatedArchives); $invalidatedArchiveTableEntries = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntries(); $this->assertCount(4, $invalidatedArchiveTableEntries); } public function test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_InvalidatesCorrectlyWhenNoArchiveTablesExist() { /** @var ArchiveInvalidator $archiveInvalidator */ $archiveInvalidator = self::$fixture->piwikEnvironment->getContainer()->get('Piwik\Archive\ArchiveInvalidator'); $result = $archiveInvalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated([1], [Date::factory('2016-03-04')], false, null, false); $this->assertEquals([ '2016-03-04', ], $result->processedDates); $expectedIdArchives = []; $idArchives = $this->getInvalidatedArchives(); // Remove empty values (some new empty entries may be added each month) $idArchives = array_filter($idArchives); $expectedIdArchives = array_filter($expectedIdArchives); $this->assertEqualsSorted($expectedIdArchives, $idArchives); $expectedEntries = [ [ 'idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2016-01-01', 'date2' => '2016-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null, ], [ 'idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2016-02-29', 'date2' => '2016-03-06', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null, ], [ 'idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2016-03-01', 'date2' => '2016-03-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null, ], [ 'idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2016-03-04', 'date2' => '2016-03-04', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null, ], ]; $invalidatedArchiveTableEntries = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntries(); $this->assertEqualsSorted($expectedEntries, $invalidatedArchiveTableEntries); } /** * @dataProvider getTestDataForMarkArchivesAsInvalidated */ public function test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_MarksCorrectArchivesAsInvalidated($idSites, $dates, $period, $segment, $cascadeDown, $expectedIdArchives, $expectedInvalidatedArchives, $name = null) { $this->insertArchiveRowsForTest(); if (!empty($segment)) { $segment = new Segment($segment, $idSites); } /** @var ArchiveInvalidator $archiveInvalidator */ $archiveInvalidator = self::$fixture->piwikEnvironment->getContainer()->get('Piwik\Archive\ArchiveInvalidator'); $result = $archiveInvalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated($idSites, $dates, $period, $segment, $cascadeDown, false, $name); $this->assertEquals($dates, $result->processedDates); $idArchives = $this->getInvalidatedArchives(); // Remove empty values (some new empty entries may be added each month) $idArchives = array_filter($idArchives); $this->assertEquals($expectedIdArchives, $idArchives); $invalidatedIdArchives = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntries(); $this->assertEqualsSorted($expectedInvalidatedArchives, $invalidatedIdArchives); } public function getTestDataForMarkArchivesAsInvalidated() { // $idSites, $dates, $period, $segment, $cascadeDown, $expectedIdArchives return array( // day period, multiple sites, multiple dates across tables, cascade = true array( array(1, 2), array('2015-01-01', '2015-02-05', '2015-04-30'), 'day', null, true, array( '2015_04' => array( '1.2015-04-30.2015-04-30.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '2.2015-04-30.2015-04-30.1.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-04-27.2015-05-03.2.done', '2.2015-04-27.2015-05-03.2.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-04-01.2015-04-30.3.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '2.2015-04-01.2015-04-30.3.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', ), '2015_01' => array( '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-01.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '2.2015-01-01.2015-01-01.1.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-31.3.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '2.2015-01-01.2015-01-31.3.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-01.2015-12-31.4.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '2.2015-01-01.2015-12-31.4.done', '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-10.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), '2015_02' => array( '1.2015-02-05.2015-02-05.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '2.2015-02-05.2015-02-05.1.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-02-02.2015-02-08.2.done', '2.2015-02-02.2015-02-08.2.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-02-01.2015-02-28.3.done.VisitsSummary', '2.2015-02-01.2015-02-28.3.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', ), '2014_12' => [ '1.2014-12-29.2015-01-04.2.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '2.2014-12-29.2015-01-04.2.done.VisitsSummary', ], ), [ ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2014-12-29', 'date2' => '2015-01-04', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-01', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-02-01', 'date2' => '2015-02-28', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '85', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-02-02', 'date2' => '2015-02-08', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-02-05', 'date2' => '2015-02-05', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-04-01', 'date2' => '2015-04-30', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '100', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-04-27', 'date2' => '2015-05-03', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-04-30', 'date2' => '2015-04-30', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '2', 'date1' => '2014-12-29', 'date2' => '2015-01-04', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '2', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-01', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '2', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '110', 'idsite' => '2', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '2', 'date1' => '2015-02-01', 'date2' => '2015-02-28', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '2', 'date1' => '2015-02-02', 'date2' => '2015-02-08', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '2', 'date1' => '2015-02-05', 'date2' => '2015-02-05', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '2', 'date1' => '2015-04-01', 'date2' => '2015-04-30', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '2', 'date1' => '2015-04-27', 'date2' => '2015-05-03', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '2', 'date1' => '2015-04-30', 'date2' => '2015-04-30', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ], ), // month period, one site, one date, cascade = false array( array(1), array('2015-01-01'), 'month', null, false, array( '2015_01' => array( '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-31.3.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-01.2015-12-31.4.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', ), ), [ ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ], ), // month period, one site, one date, cascade = true array( array(1), array('2015-01-15'), 'month', null, true, array( '2014_12' => array( '1.2014-12-29.2015-01-04.2.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', ), '2015_01' => array( '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-01.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-02.2015-01-02.1.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-03.2015-01-03.1.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-04.2015-01-04.1.done', '1.2015-01-05.2015-01-05.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-06.2015-01-06.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-07.2015-01-07.1.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-08.2015-01-08.1.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-09.2015-01-09.1.done', '1.2015-01-10.2015-01-10.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-11.2015-01-11.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-12.2015-01-12.1.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-13.2015-01-13.1.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-14.2015-01-14.1.done', '1.2015-01-15.2015-01-15.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-16.2015-01-16.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-17.2015-01-17.1.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-18.2015-01-18.1.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-19.2015-01-19.1.done', '1.2015-01-20.2015-01-20.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-21.2015-01-21.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-22.2015-01-22.1.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-23.2015-01-23.1.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-24.2015-01-24.1.done', '1.2015-01-25.2015-01-25.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-26.2015-01-26.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-27.2015-01-27.1.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-28.2015-01-28.1.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-29.2015-01-29.1.done', '1.2015-01-30.2015-01-30.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-31.2015-01-31.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-05.2015-01-11.2.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-12.2015-01-18.2.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-19.2015-01-25.2.done', '1.2015-01-26.2015-02-01.2.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-31.3.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-01.2015-12-31.4.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-10.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), ), [ ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2014-12-29', 'date2' => '2015-01-04', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-01', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-02', 'date2' => '2015-01-02', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-03', 'date2' => '2015-01-03', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '10', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-04', 'date2' => '2015-01-04', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-05', 'date2' => '2015-01-05', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-05', 'date2' => '2015-01-11', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-06', 'date2' => '2015-01-06', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-07', 'date2' => '2015-01-07', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-08', 'date2' => '2015-01-08', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '25', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-09', 'date2' => '2015-01-09', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-10', 'date2' => '2015-01-10', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-11', 'date2' => '2015-01-11', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-12', 'date2' => '2015-01-12', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-12', 'date2' => '2015-01-18', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-13', 'date2' => '2015-01-13', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '40', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-14', 'date2' => '2015-01-14', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-15', 'date2' => '2015-01-15', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-16', 'date2' => '2015-01-16', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-17', 'date2' => '2015-01-17', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-18', 'date2' => '2015-01-18', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '55', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-19', 'date2' => '2015-01-19', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '100', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-19', 'date2' => '2015-01-25', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-20', 'date2' => '2015-01-20', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-21', 'date2' => '2015-01-21', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-22', 'date2' => '2015-01-22', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-23', 'date2' => '2015-01-23', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '70', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-24', 'date2' => '2015-01-24', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-25', 'date2' => '2015-01-25', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-26', 'date2' => '2015-01-26', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-26', 'date2' => '2015-02-01', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-27', 'date2' => '2015-01-27', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-28', 'date2' => '2015-01-28', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '85', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-29', 'date2' => '2015-01-29', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-30', 'date2' => '2015-01-30', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-31', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ], ), // week period, one site, multiple dates w/ redundant dates & periods, cascade = true array( array(1), array('2015-01-02', '2015-01-03', '2015-01-31'), 'week', null, true, array( '2014_12' => array( '1.2014-12-29.2014-12-29.1.done', '1.2014-12-30.2014-12-30.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2014-12-31.2014-12-31.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2014-12-29.2015-01-04.2.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2014-12-01.2014-12-31.3.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2014-12-05.2015-01-01.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), '2015_01' => array( '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-01.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-02.2015-01-02.1.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-03.2015-01-03.1.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-04.2015-01-04.1.done', '1.2015-01-26.2015-01-26.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-27.2015-01-27.1.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-28.2015-01-28.1.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-01-29.2015-01-29.1.done', '1.2015-01-30.2015-01-30.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-31.2015-01-31.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-26.2015-02-01.2.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-31.3.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-01.2015-12-31.4.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-10.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), '2015_02' => array( '1.2015-02-01.2015-02-01.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-02-01.2015-02-28.3.done.VisitsSummary', ), '2014_01' => [ '1.2014-01-01.2014-12-31.4.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', ], ), [ ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2014-01-01', 'date2' => '2014-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2014-12-01', 'date2' => '2014-12-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '85', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2014-12-29', 'date2' => '2014-12-29', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2014-12-29', 'date2' => '2015-01-04', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2014-12-30', 'date2' => '2014-12-30', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2014-12-31', 'date2' => '2014-12-31', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-01', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-02', 'date2' => '2015-01-02', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-03', 'date2' => '2015-01-03', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '10', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-04', 'date2' => '2015-01-04', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-26', 'date2' => '2015-01-26', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-26', 'date2' => '2015-02-01', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-27', 'date2' => '2015-01-27', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-28', 'date2' => '2015-01-28', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '85', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-29', 'date2' => '2015-01-29', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-30', 'date2' => '2015-01-30', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-31', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-02-01', 'date2' => '2015-02-01', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-02-01', 'date2' => '2015-02-28', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ], ), // range period, exact match, cascade = true array( array(1), array('2015-01-01', '2015-01-10'), 'range', null, true, array( '2015_01' => array( '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-10.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), ), [ // empty ], ), // range period, overlapping a range in the DB array( array(1), array('2015-01-02', '2015-03-05'), 'range', null, true, array( '2015_01' => array( '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-10.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), '2015_03' => [ '1.2015-03-04.2015-03-05.5.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-03-05.2015-03-10.5.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', ], ), [ // empty ], ), // week period, one site, cascade = true, segment array( array(1), array('2015-01-05'), 'month', self::TEST_SEGMENT_1, true, array( '2014_12' => array( '1.2014-12-29.2015-01-04.2.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', ), '2015_01' => array( '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-01.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-05.2015-01-05.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-06.2015-01-06.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-10.2015-01-10.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-11.2015-01-11.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-15.2015-01-15.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-16.2015-01-16.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-20.2015-01-20.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-21.2015-01-21.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-25.2015-01-25.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-26.2015-01-26.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-30.2015-01-30.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-31.2015-01-31.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', '1.2015-01-26.2015-02-01.2.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-31.3.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', ), ), [ // TODO: super strange, there are two idarchive = 106 values here ['idarchive' => '106', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '1', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-01', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-02', 'date2' => '2015-01-02', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-03', 'date2' => '2015-01-03', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-04', 'date2' => '2015-01-04', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-05', 'date2' => '2015-01-11', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-05', 'date2' => '2015-01-05', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '16', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-06', 'date2' => '2015-01-06', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-07', 'date2' => '2015-01-07', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-08', 'date2' => '2015-01-08', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-09', 'date2' => '2015-01-09', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-10', 'date2' => '2015-01-10', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '31', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-11', 'date2' => '2015-01-11', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-12', 'date2' => '2015-01-18', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-12', 'date2' => '2015-01-12', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-13', 'date2' => '2015-01-13', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-14', 'date2' => '2015-01-14', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-15', 'date2' => '2015-01-15', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '46', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-16', 'date2' => '2015-01-16', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-17', 'date2' => '2015-01-17', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-18', 'date2' => '2015-01-18', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-19', 'date2' => '2015-01-25', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-19', 'date2' => '2015-01-19', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-20', 'date2' => '2015-01-20', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '61', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-21', 'date2' => '2015-01-21', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-22', 'date2' => '2015-01-22', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-23', 'date2' => '2015-01-23', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-24', 'date2' => '2015-01-24', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-25', 'date2' => '2015-01-25', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '76', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-26', 'date2' => '2015-01-26', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-26', 'date2' => '2015-02-01', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-27', 'date2' => '2015-01-27', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-28', 'date2' => '2015-01-28', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-29', 'date2' => '2015-01-29', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-30', 'date2' => '2015-01-30', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '106', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2014-12-29', 'date2' => '2015-01-04', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => '91', 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-31', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', 'report' => null], ], ), // removing all periods array( array(1), array('2015-05-05'), '', null, false, array( '2015_01' => array( '1.2015-01-01.2015-12-31.4.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', ), '2015_05' => array( '1.2015-05-05.2015-05-05.1.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', '1.2015-05-04.2015-05-10.2.done5447835b0a861475918e79e932abdfd8', '1.2015-05-01.2015-05-31.3.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', ), ), [ ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-05-05', 'date2' => '2015-05-05', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-05-04', 'date2' => '2015-05-10', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-05-01', 'date2' => '2015-05-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ], ), // period before site creation date [ [1], ['2012-03-02'], '', null, false, [ // empty ], [ // month week and year exist, but not day since it is before the site was created ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-03-01', 'date2' => '2012-03-31', 'period' => 3, 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-02-27', 'date2' => '2012-03-04', 'period' => 2, 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => null, 'idsite' => 1, 'date1' => '2012-01-01', 'date2' => '2012-12-31', 'period' => 4, 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ], ], ); } /** * @dataProvider getTestDataForMarkArchiveRangesAsInvalidated */ public function test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_MarksAllSubrangesOfRange($idSites, $dates, $segment, $expectedIdArchives) { $dates = array_map(array('Piwik\Date', 'factory'), $dates); $this->insertArchiveRowsForTest(); if (!empty($segment)) { $segment = new Segment($segment, $idSites); } /** @var ArchiveInvalidator $archiveInvalidator */ $archiveInvalidator = self::$fixture->piwikEnvironment->getContainer()->get('Piwik\Archive\ArchiveInvalidator'); $result = $archiveInvalidator->markArchivesOverlappingRangeAsInvalidated($idSites, array($dates), $segment); $this->assertEquals(array($dates[0]), $result->processedDates); $idArchives = $this->getInvalidatedArchives(); // Remove empty values (some new empty entries may be added each month) $idArchives = array_filter($idArchives); $expectedIdArchives = array_filter($expectedIdArchives); $this->assertEquals($expectedIdArchives, $idArchives); } public function getTestDataForMarkArchiveRangesAsInvalidated() { // $idSites, $dates, $segment, $expectedIdArchives return array( // range period, has an exact match, also a match where DB end date = reference start date array( array(1), array('2015-01-01', '2015-01-10'), null, array( '2014_12' => array( '1.2014-12-05.2015-01-01.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), '2015_01' => array( '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-10.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), ), [ // empty ], ), // range period, overlapping range = a match array( array(1), array('2015-01-02', '2015-03-05'), null, array( '2015_01' => array( '1.2015-01-01.2015-01-10.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), '2015_03' => array( '1.2015-03-04.2015-03-05.5.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-03-05.2015-03-10.5.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', ), ), [ // empty ], ), // range period, small range within the 2014-12-05 to 2015-01-01 range should cause it to be invalidated array( array(1), array('2014-12-18', '2014-12-20'), null, array( '2014_12' => array( '1.2014-12-05.2015-01-01.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), ), [ // empty ], ), // range period, range that overlaps start of archived range array( array(1), array('2014-12-01', '2014-12-05'), null, array( '2014_12' => array( '1.2014-12-05.2015-01-01.5.done.VisitsSummary', ), ), [ // empty ], ), // range period, large range that includes the smallest archived range (3 to 4 March) array( array(1), array('2015-01-11', '2015-03-30'), null, array( '2015_03' => array( '1.2015-03-04.2015-03-05.5.done.VisitsSummary', '1.2015-03-05.2015-03-10.5.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341.UserCountry', ), ), [ // empty ], ), // range period, doesn't match any archived ranges array( array(1), array('2014-12-01', '2014-12-04'), null, array( ), [ // empty ], ), // three-month range period, there's a range archive for the middle month array( array(1), array('2014-09-01', '2014-11-08'), null, array( '2014_10' => array( '1.2014-10-15.2014-10-20.5.done3736b708e4d20cfc10610e816a1b2341', ), ), [ // empty ], ), ); } public function test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_forceInvalidatesNonExistantRangesWhenRequired() { $archives = $this->getInvalidatedArchives(); $this->assertEmpty($archives); $this->invalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated([1], ['2015-03-04,2015-03-06', '2016-04-03,2016-05-12'], 'range', null, false); $archives = $this->getInvalidatedArchives(); $this->assertEmpty($archives); $this->invalidator->markArchivesAsInvalidated([1], ['2015-03-04,2015-03-06', '2016-04-03,2016-05-12'], 'range', null, false, true); $archives = $this->getInvalidatedArchives(); $this->assertEquals([], $archives); $expectedInvalidatedTableEntries = [ ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-03-04', 'date2' => '2015-03-06', 'period' => '5', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2016-04-03', 'date2' => '2016-05-12', 'period' => '5', 'name' => 'done', 'report' => null], ]; $invalidatedTableEntries = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntries(); $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidatedTableEntries, $invalidatedTableEntries); } public function test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_invalidatesIndividualPluginNames() { $idSites = [1]; $dates = ['2015-01-11']; $period = 'day'; $segment = new Segment('', [1]); $cascadeDown = false; $expectedIdArchives = []; $expectedInvalidatedArchives = [ ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done.ExamplePlugin', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done.ExamplePlugin', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-05', 'date2' => '2015-01-11', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done.ExamplePlugin', 'report' => null], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-11', 'date2' => '2015-01-11', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done.ExamplePlugin', 'report' => null], ]; $plugin = 'ExamplePlugin'; $this->test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_MarksCorrectArchivesAsInvalidated($idSites, $dates, $period, $segment, $cascadeDown, $expectedIdArchives, $expectedInvalidatedArchives, $plugin); } public function test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_invalidatesIndividualReports() { $idSites = [1]; $dates = ['2015-01-11']; $period = 'day'; $segment = new Segment('', [1]); $cascadeDown = false; $expectedIdArchives = []; $expectedInvalidatedArchives = [ ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-01-31', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done.ExamplePlugin', 'report' => 'someReport'], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-01', 'date2' => '2015-12-31', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done.ExamplePlugin', 'report' => 'someReport'], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-05', 'date2' => '2015-01-11', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done.ExamplePlugin', 'report' => 'someReport'], ['idarchive' => NULL, 'idsite' => '1', 'date1' => '2015-01-11', 'date2' => '2015-01-11', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done.ExamplePlugin', 'report' => 'someReport'], ]; $report = 'ExamplePlugin.someReport'; $this->test_markArchivesAsInvalidated_MarksCorrectArchivesAsInvalidated($idSites, $dates, $period, $segment, $cascadeDown, $expectedIdArchives, $expectedInvalidatedArchives, $report); } public function test_reArchiveReport_createsCorrectInvalidationEntries_forAllSitesIfAllSpecified() { Date::$now = strtotime('2020-06-16 12:00:00'); Config::getInstance()->General['rearchive_reports_in_past_last_n_months'] = 'last1'; $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving('all', 'VisitsSummary'); $this->invalidator->applyScheduledReArchiving(); $countInvalidations = $this->getNumInvalidations(); $invalidationSites = Db::fetchAll("SELECT DISTINCT idsite FROM " . Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations')); $invalidationSites = array_column($invalidationSites, 'idsite'); $this->assertEquals(550, $countInvalidations); $this->assertEquals([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], $invalidationSites); } private function getNumInvalidations() { return Db::fetchOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations')); } public function test_scheduleReArchiving_cleanupWhenReportGiven() { $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1, 2, 3], 'ExamplePlugin', '5'); $this->invalidator->applyScheduledReArchiving(); $this->assertEquals(729, $this->getNumInvalidations()); $this->invalidator->scheduleReArchiving([1, 2, 3], 'ExamplePlugin', '5'); $this->invalidator->applyScheduledReArchiving(); // should not end up having twice the amount of invalidations but delete existing $this->assertEquals(729, $this->getNumInvalidations()); } public function test_reArchiveReport_createsCorrectInvalidationEntries_ifNoReportSpecified() { Date::$now = strtotime('2020-06-16 12:00:00'); Config::getInstance()->General['rearchive_reports_in_past_last_n_months'] = 'last1'; $this->invalidator->reArchiveReport([1], 'VisitsSummary'); $expectedInvalidations = [ array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => NULL, 'dates' => '2020-05-01,2020-05-01|2020-05-02,2020-05-02|2020-05-03,2020-05-03|2020-05-04,2020-05-04|2020-05-05,2020-05-05|2020-05-06,2020-05-06' . '|2020-05-07,2020-05-07|2020-05-08,2020-05-08|2020-05-09,2020-05-09|2020-05-10,2020-05-10|2020-05-11,2020-05-11|2020-05-12,2020-05-12' . '|2020-05-13,2020-05-13|2020-05-14,2020-05-14|2020-05-15,2020-05-15|2020-05-16,2020-05-16|2020-05-17,2020-05-17|2020-05-18,2020-05-18' . '|2020-05-19,2020-05-19|2020-05-20,2020-05-20|2020-05-21,2020-05-21|2020-05-22,2020-05-22|2020-05-23,2020-05-23|2020-05-24,2020-05-24' . '|2020-05-25,2020-05-25|2020-05-26,2020-05-26|2020-05-27,2020-05-27|2020-05-28,2020-05-28|2020-05-29,2020-05-29|2020-05-30,2020-05-30' . '|2020-05-31,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-01|2020-06-02,2020-06-02|2020-06-03,2020-06-03|2020-06-04,2020-06-04|2020-06-05,2020-06-05' . '|2020-06-06,2020-06-06|2020-06-07,2020-06-07|2020-06-08,2020-06-08|2020-06-09,2020-06-09|2020-06-10,2020-06-10|2020-06-11,2020-06-11' . '|2020-06-12,2020-06-12|2020-06-13,2020-06-13|2020-06-14,2020-06-14', 'count' => '45', ), array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => NULL, 'dates' => '2020-05-04,2020-05-10|2020-05-11,2020-05-17|2020-05-18,2020-05-24|2020-05-25,2020-05-31|2020-04-27,2020-05-03|2020-06-01,2020-06-07' . '|2020-06-08,2020-06-14', 'count' => '7', ), array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => NULL, 'dates' => '2020-05-01,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-30', 'count' => '2', ), array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => NULL, 'dates' => '2020-01-01,2020-12-31', 'count' => '1', ), ]; $actualInvalidations = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntriesSummary(); $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidations, $actualInvalidations); } public function test_reArchiveReport_createsCorrectInvalidationEntries_ifReportSpecified() { Date::$now = strtotime('2020-06-16 12:00:00'); Config::getInstance()->General['rearchive_reports_in_past_last_n_months'] = 'last1'; $this->invalidator->reArchiveReport([1], 'VisitsSummary', 'some.Report'); $expectedInvalidations = [ array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-05-01,2020-05-01|2020-05-02,2020-05-02|2020-05-03,2020-05-03|2020-05-04,2020-05-04|2020-05-05,2020-05-05' . '|2020-05-06,2020-05-06|2020-05-07,2020-05-07|2020-05-08,2020-05-08|2020-05-09,2020-05-09|2020-05-10,2020-05-10' . '|2020-05-11,2020-05-11|2020-05-12,2020-05-12|2020-05-13,2020-05-13|2020-05-14,2020-05-14|2020-05-15,2020-05-15' . '|2020-05-16,2020-05-16|2020-05-17,2020-05-17|2020-05-18,2020-05-18|2020-05-19,2020-05-19|2020-05-20,2020-05-20' . '|2020-05-21,2020-05-21|2020-05-22,2020-05-22|2020-05-23,2020-05-23|2020-05-24,2020-05-24|2020-05-25,2020-05-25' . '|2020-05-26,2020-05-26|2020-05-27,2020-05-27|2020-05-28,2020-05-28|2020-05-29,2020-05-29|2020-05-30,2020-05-30' . '|2020-05-31,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-01|2020-06-02,2020-06-02|2020-06-03,2020-06-03|2020-06-04,2020-06-04' . '|2020-06-05,2020-06-05|2020-06-06,2020-06-06|2020-06-07,2020-06-07|2020-06-08,2020-06-08|2020-06-09,2020-06-09' . '|2020-06-10,2020-06-10|2020-06-11,2020-06-11|2020-06-12,2020-06-12|2020-06-13,2020-06-13|2020-06-14,2020-06-14', 'count' => '45', ), array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-05-04,2020-05-10|2020-05-11,2020-05-17|2020-05-18,2020-05-24|2020-05-25,2020-05-31|2020-04-27,2020-05-03' . '|2020-06-01,2020-06-07|2020-06-08,2020-06-14', 'count' => '7', ), array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-05-01,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-30', 'count' => '2', ), array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-01-01,2020-12-31', 'count' => '1', ), ]; $actualInvalidations = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntriesSummary(); $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidations, $actualInvalidations); } public function test_reArchive_acceptsCustomStartDate() { Date::$now = strtotime('2020-06-16 12:00:00'); Config::getInstance()->General['rearchive_reports_in_past_last_n_months'] = 'last3'; $customStartDate = Date::yesterday()->subMonth(1)->setDay(1); $this->invalidator->reArchiveReport([1], 'VisitsSummary', 'some.Report', $customStartDate); $expectedInvalidations = [ array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-05-01,2020-05-01|2020-05-02,2020-05-02|2020-05-03,2020-05-03|2020-05-04,2020-05-04|2020-05-05,2020-05-05' . '|2020-05-06,2020-05-06|2020-05-07,2020-05-07|2020-05-08,2020-05-08|2020-05-09,2020-05-09|2020-05-10,2020-05-10' . '|2020-05-11,2020-05-11|2020-05-12,2020-05-12|2020-05-13,2020-05-13|2020-05-14,2020-05-14|2020-05-15,2020-05-15' . '|2020-05-16,2020-05-16|2020-05-17,2020-05-17|2020-05-18,2020-05-18|2020-05-19,2020-05-19|2020-05-20,2020-05-20' . '|2020-05-21,2020-05-21|2020-05-22,2020-05-22|2020-05-23,2020-05-23|2020-05-24,2020-05-24|2020-05-25,2020-05-25' . '|2020-05-26,2020-05-26|2020-05-27,2020-05-27|2020-05-28,2020-05-28|2020-05-29,2020-05-29|2020-05-30,2020-05-30' . '|2020-05-31,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-01|2020-06-02,2020-06-02|2020-06-03,2020-06-03|2020-06-04,2020-06-04' . '|2020-06-05,2020-06-05|2020-06-06,2020-06-06|2020-06-07,2020-06-07|2020-06-08,2020-06-08|2020-06-09,2020-06-09' . '|2020-06-10,2020-06-10|2020-06-11,2020-06-11|2020-06-12,2020-06-12|2020-06-13,2020-06-13|2020-06-14,2020-06-14', 'count' => '45', ), array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-05-04,2020-05-10|2020-05-11,2020-05-17|2020-05-18,2020-05-24|2020-05-25,2020-05-31|2020-04-27,2020-05-03' . '|2020-06-01,2020-06-07|2020-06-08,2020-06-14', 'count' => '7', ), array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-05-01,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-30', 'count' => '2', ), array ( 'idsite' => '1', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-01-01,2020-12-31', 'count' => '1', ), ]; $actualInvalidations = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntriesSummary(); $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidations, $actualInvalidations); } public function test_reArchive_alsoInvalidatesSegments() { Date::$now = strtotime('2020-06-16 12:00:00'); Config::getInstance()->General['rearchive_reports_in_past_last_n_months'] = 'last2'; Config::getInstance()->General['process_new_segments_from'] = 'beginning_of_time'; $idSite = Fixture::createWebsite(Date::today()->subMonth(1)->getDatetime()); $t = Fixture::getTracker($idSite, '2020-05-04 03:45:45'); $t->setUrl(''); Fixture::checkResponse($t->doTrackPageView('test page')); Rules::setBrowserTriggerArchiving(false); API::getInstance()->add('autoArchiveSegment', 'browserCode==IE', false, true); API::getInstance()->add('browserArchiveSegment', 'browserCode==IE', false, false); Rules::setBrowserTriggerArchiving(true); $this->invalidator->reArchiveReport([$idSite], 'VisitsSummary', 'some.Report'); $expectedInvalidations = [ array ( 'idsite' => '11', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-04-30,2020-04-30|2020-05-01,2020-05-01|2020-05-02,2020-05-02|2020-05-03,2020-05-03|2020-05-04,2020-05-04|2020-05-05,2020-05-05|2020-05-06,2020-05-06|2020-05-07,2020-05-07|2020-05-08,2020-05-08|2020-05-09,2020-05-09|2020-05-10,2020-05-10|2020-05-11,2020-05-11|2020-05-12,2020-05-12|2020-05-13,2020-05-13|2020-05-14,2020-05-14|2020-05-15,2020-05-15|2020-05-16,2020-05-16|2020-05-17,2020-05-17|2020-05-18,2020-05-18|2020-05-19,2020-05-19|2020-05-20,2020-05-20|2020-05-21,2020-05-21|2020-05-22,2020-05-22|2020-05-23,2020-05-23|2020-05-24,2020-05-24|2020-05-25,2020-05-25|2020-05-26,2020-05-26|2020-05-27,2020-05-27|2020-05-28,2020-05-28|2020-05-29,2020-05-29|2020-05-30,2020-05-30|2020-05-31,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-01|2020-06-02,2020-06-02|2020-06-03,2020-06-03|2020-06-04,2020-06-04|2020-06-05,2020-06-05|2020-06-06,2020-06-06|2020-06-07,2020-06-07|2020-06-08,2020-06-08|2020-06-09,2020-06-09|2020-06-10,2020-06-10|2020-06-11,2020-06-11|2020-06-12,2020-06-12|2020-06-13,2020-06-13|2020-06-14,2020-06-14', 'count' => '46', ), array ( 'idsite' => '11', 'period' => '1', 'name' => 'done5f4f9bafeda3443c3c2d4b2ef4dffadc.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-05-04,2020-05-04|2020-05-05,2020-05-05|2020-05-06,2020-05-06|2020-05-07,2020-05-07|2020-05-08,2020-05-08|2020-05-09,2020-05-09|2020-05-10,2020-05-10|2020-05-11,2020-05-11|2020-05-12,2020-05-12|2020-05-13,2020-05-13|2020-05-14,2020-05-14|2020-05-15,2020-05-15|2020-05-16,2020-05-16|2020-05-17,2020-05-17|2020-05-18,2020-05-18|2020-05-19,2020-05-19|2020-05-20,2020-05-20|2020-05-21,2020-05-21|2020-05-22,2020-05-22|2020-05-23,2020-05-23|2020-05-24,2020-05-24|2020-05-25,2020-05-25|2020-05-26,2020-05-26|2020-05-27,2020-05-27|2020-05-28,2020-05-28|2020-05-29,2020-05-29|2020-05-30,2020-05-30|2020-05-31,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-01|2020-06-02,2020-06-02|2020-06-03,2020-06-03|2020-06-04,2020-06-04|2020-06-05,2020-06-05|2020-06-06,2020-06-06|2020-06-07,2020-06-07|2020-06-08,2020-06-08|2020-06-09,2020-06-09|2020-06-10,2020-06-10|2020-06-11,2020-06-11|2020-06-12,2020-06-12|2020-06-13,2020-06-13|2020-06-14,2020-06-14', 'count' => '42', ), array ( 'idsite' => '11', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-04-27,2020-05-03|2020-05-04,2020-05-10|2020-05-11,2020-05-17|2020-05-18,2020-05-24|2020-05-25,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-07|2020-06-08,2020-06-14', 'count' => '7', ), array ( 'idsite' => '11', 'period' => '2', 'name' => 'done5f4f9bafeda3443c3c2d4b2ef4dffadc.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-05-04,2020-05-10|2020-05-11,2020-05-17|2020-05-18,2020-05-24|2020-05-25,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-07|2020-06-08,2020-06-14', 'count' => '6', ), array ( 'idsite' => '11', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-04-01,2020-04-30|2020-05-01,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-30', 'count' => '3', ), array ( 'idsite' => '11', 'period' => '3', 'name' => 'done5f4f9bafeda3443c3c2d4b2ef4dffadc.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-05-01,2020-05-31|2020-06-01,2020-06-30', 'count' => '2', ), array ( 'idsite' => '11', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-01-01,2020-12-31', 'count' => '1', ), array ( 'idsite' => '11', 'period' => '4', 'name' => 'done5f4f9bafeda3443c3c2d4b2ef4dffadc.VisitsSummary', 'report' => 'some.Report', 'dates' => '2020-01-01,2020-12-31', 'count' => '1', ), ]; $actualInvalidations = $this->getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntriesSummary(); $this->assertEquals($expectedInvalidations, $actualInvalidations); } private function getInvalidatedIdArchives() { $result = array(); foreach (ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled(ArchiveTableCreator::NUMERIC_TABLE) as $table) { $date = ArchiveTableCreator::getDateFromTableName($table); $idArchives = Db::fetchAll("SELECT idarchive FROM $table WHERE name LIKE 'done%' AND value = ?", array(ArchiveWriter::DONE_INVALIDATED)); $idArchives = array_map('reset', $idArchives); $result[$date] = $idArchives; } return $result; } private function getInvalidatedArchives($anyTsArchived = true) { $result = array(); foreach (ArchiveTableCreator::getTablesArchivesInstalled(ArchiveTableCreator::NUMERIC_TABLE) as $table) { $date = ArchiveTableCreator::getDateFromTableName($table); $sql = "SELECT CONCAT(idsite, '.', date1, '.', date2, '.', period, '.', name) FROM $table WHERE name LIKE 'done%' AND value = ?"; if (!$anyTsArchived) { $sql .= " AND ts_archived IS NOT NULL"; } $archiveSpecs = Db::fetchAll($sql, array(ArchiveWriter::DONE_INVALIDATED)); $archiveSpecs = array_map('reset', $archiveSpecs); if (empty($archiveSpecs)) { continue; } $result[$date] = $archiveSpecs; } return $result; } private function insertArchiveRowsForTest() { $periods = array('day', 'week', 'month', 'year'); $sites = array(1,2,3); $startDate = Date::factory('2014-12-01'); $endDate = Date::factory('2015-05-31'); foreach ($periods as $periodLabel) { $nextEndDate = $endDate->addPeriod(1, $periodLabel); for ($date = $startDate; $date->isEarlier($nextEndDate); $date = $date->addPeriod(1, $periodLabel)) { foreach ($sites as $idSite) { $this->insertArchiveRow($idSite, $date->toString(), $periodLabel); } } } $rangePeriods = array( '2015-03-04,2015-03-05', '2014-12-05,2015-01-01', '2015-03-05,2015-03-10', '2015-01-01,2015-01-10', '2014-10-15,2014-10-20' ); foreach ($rangePeriods as $dateRange) { $this->insertArchiveRow($idSite = 1, $dateRange, 'range'); } } private function insertArchiveRow($idSite, $date, $periodLabel, $doneValue = ArchiveWriter::DONE_OK) { $periodObject = \Piwik\Period\Factory::build($periodLabel, $date); $dateStart = $periodObject->getDateStart(); $dateEnd = $periodObject->getDateEnd(); $table = ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable($dateStart); $model = new Model(); $idArchive = $model->allocateNewArchiveId($table); $periodId = Piwik::$idPeriods[$periodLabel]; $doneFlag = 'done'; if ($idArchive % 5 == 1) { $doneFlag = Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsAllPlugins(self::$segment1); } else if ($idArchive % 5 == 2) { $doneFlag .= '.VisitsSummary'; } else if ($idArchive % 5 == 3) { $doneFlag = Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsOnePlugin(self::$segment1, 'UserCountry'); } else if ($idArchive % 5 == 4) { $doneFlag = Rules::getDoneFlagArchiveContainsAllPlugins(self::$segment2); } $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (idarchive, name, value, idsite, date1, date2, period, ts_archived) VALUES ($idArchive, 'nb_visits', 1, $idSite, '$dateStart', '$dateEnd', $periodId, NOW()), ($idArchive, '$doneFlag', $doneValue, $idSite, '$dateStart', '$dateEnd', $periodId, NOW())"; Db::query($sql); } private function getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntries() { return Db::fetchAll("SELECT idarchive, idsite, date1, date2, period, name, report FROM " . Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations')); } private function assertEqualsSorted(array $expectedEntries, array $invalidatedArchiveTableEntries) { $this->sortArray($expectedEntries); $this->sortArray($invalidatedArchiveTableEntries); $this->assertEquals($expectedEntries, $invalidatedArchiveTableEntries); } private function sortArray(array &$expectedEntries) { usort($expectedEntries, function ($lhs, $rhs) { return strcmp(json_encode($lhs), json_encode($rhs)); }); } private function getInvalidatedArchiveTableEntriesSummary() { $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); return Db::fetchAll("SELECT idsite, period, name, report, GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(date1, ',', date2) SEPARATOR '|') as dates, COUNT(*) as count FROM $table GROUP BY idsite, period, name, report"); } private static function addVisitToEachSite() { $t = Fixture::getTracker(1, '2012-04-05 00:00:00'); $t->enableBulkTracking(); for ($i = 0; $i < 10; ++$i) { $t->setIdSite($i + 1); $t->setUrl(''); self::assertTrue($t->doTrackPageView('test page')); } Fixture::checkBulkTrackingResponse($t->doBulkTrack()); } protected static function configureFixture($fixture) { parent::configureFixture($fixture); $fixture->createSuperUser = true; } private function insertInvalidations(array $invalidations) { $table = Common::prefixTable('archive_invalidations'); foreach ($invalidations as $invalidation) { $sql = "INSERT INTO $table (name, idsite, date1, date2, period, ts_invalidated, report) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), ?)"; Db::query($sql, [ $invalidation['name'], $invalidation['idsite'], $invalidation['date1'], $invalidation['date2'], $invalidation['period'], $invalidation['report'], ]); } } }