site = new Site($idSite); $date = Date::factory('2010-03-06'); $this->period = Period\Factory::build('month', $date); $segment = new Segment('', array($this->site->getId())); $params = new Parameters($this->site, $this->period, $segment); $this->logAggregator = new LogAggregator($params); } public function test_generateQuery() { $query = $this->logAggregator->generateQuery('test, test2', 'log_visit', '1=1', false, '5'); $expected = array( 'sql' => 'SELECT /* sites 1 */ /* 2010-03-01,2010-03-31 */ test, test2 FROM log_visit AS log_visit WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY 5', 'bind' => array ( 0 => '2010-03-01 00:00:00', 1 => '2010-03-31 23:59:59', 2 => 1 ) ); $this->assertSame($expected, $query); } public function test_generateQuery_withSegment_shouldNotUseTmpTableWhenNotEnabled() { $segment = new Segment('userId==1', array($this->site->getId())); $params = new Parameters($this->site, $this->period, $segment); $this->logAggregator = new LogAggregator($params); $query = $this->logAggregator->generateQuery('test, test2', 'log_visit', '1=1', false, '5'); $expected = array( 'sql' => 'SELECT /* segmenthash 4eaf469650796451c610972d0ca1e9e8 */ /* sites 1 */ /* 2010-03-01,2010-03-31 */ test, test2 FROM log_visit AS log_visit WHERE ( 1=1 ) AND ( log_visit.user_id = ? ) ORDER BY 5', 'bind' => array ( '2010-03-01 00:00:00', '2010-03-31 23:59:59', 1, '1' ) ); $this->assertSame($expected, $query); } public function test_generateQuery_withSegment_shouldUseTmpTableWhenEnabled() { $segment = new Segment('userId==1', array($this->site->getId())); $params = new Parameters($this->site, $this->period, $segment); $this->logAggregator = new LogAggregator($params); $this->logAggregator->allowUsageSegmentCache(); $query = $this->logAggregator->generateQuery('test, test2', 'log_visit', '1=1', false, '5'); $expected = array( 'sql' => 'SELECT /* segmenthash 4eaf469650796451c610972d0ca1e9e8 */ /* sites 1 */ /* 2010-03-01,2010-03-31 */ test, test2 FROM logtmpsegment0e053be69df974017fba4276a0d4347d AS logtmpsegment0e053be69df974017fba4276a0d4347d INNER JOIN log_visit AS log_visit ON log_visit.idvisit = logtmpsegment0e053be69df974017fba4276a0d4347d.idvisit WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY 5', 'bind' => array ( '2010-03-01 00:00:00', '2010-03-31 23:59:59', 1, ) ); $this->assertSame($expected, $query); } public function testSetMaxExecutionTimeOfArchivingQueries() { if (SystemTestCase::isMysqli()) { // See $this->markTestSkipped('Max execution query hint does not work for Mysqli.'); } // limit query to one milli second Config::getInstance()->General['archiving_query_max_execution_time'] = 0.001; try { $this->logAggregator->getDb()->query('SELECT SLEEP(5) FROM ' . Common::prefixTable('log_visit')); $this->fail('Query was not aborted by max execution limit'); } catch (\Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $e) { $isMaxExecutionTimeError = $this->logAggregator->getDb()->isErrNo($e, DbMigration::ERROR_CODE_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME_EXCEEDED_QUERY_INTERRUPTED) || $this->logAggregator->getDb()->isErrNo($e, DbMigration::ERROR_CODE_MAX_EXECUTION_TIME_EXCEEDED_SORT_ABORTED) || strpos($e->getMessage(), 'maximum statement execution time exceeded') !== false; $this->assertTrue($isMaxExecutionTimeError); } } private function setSqlRequirePrimaryKeySetting($val) { try { $this->logAggregator->getDb()->exec('SET SESSION sql_require_primary_key=' . $val); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->logAggregator->getDb()->isErrNo($e, 1193)) { // ignore General error: 1193 Unknown system variable 'sql_require_primary_key' try { // on mariadb this might work $this->logAggregator->getDb()->exec('SET SESSION innodb_force_primary_key=' . $val); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->logAggregator->getDb()->isErrNo($e, 1193)) { // ignore General error: 1193 Unknown system variable 'sql_require_primary_key' return; } else { throw $e; } } } else { throw $e; } } } public function test_generateQuery_withSegment_shouldUseTmpTableWhenEnabledAndPrimaryKeyRequired() { $segment = new Segment('userId==2', array($this->site->getId())); $params = new Parameters($this->site, $this->period, $segment); $this->logAggregator = new LogAggregator($params); $this->logAggregator->allowUsageSegmentCache(); $this->setSqlRequirePrimaryKeySetting(1); $query = $this->logAggregator->generateQuery('test, test2', 'log_visit', '1=1', false, '5'); $this->setSqlRequirePrimaryKeySetting(0);// reset variable $expected = array( 'sql' => 'SELECT /* segmenthash 4a4d16d6897e7fed2d5d151016a5a19c */ /* sites 1 */ /* 2010-03-01,2010-03-31 */ test, test2 FROM logtmpsegment4ef74412006a3160b17ca5fe99a5f866 AS logtmpsegment4ef74412006a3160b17ca5fe99a5f866 INNER JOIN log_visit AS log_visit ON log_visit.idvisit = logtmpsegment4ef74412006a3160b17ca5fe99a5f866.idvisit WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY 5', 'bind' => array ( '2010-03-01 00:00:00', '2010-03-31 23:59:59', 1, ) ); $this->assertSame($expected, $query); } public function test_getSegmentTmpTableName() { $this->assertEquals('logtmpsegmentcc2efa0acbd5f209e8ee8618e72f3f9b', $this->logAggregator->getSegmentTmpTableName()); } public function test_getSegmentTmpTableNameWithLongPrefix() { Config::getInstance()->database['tables_prefix'] = 'myverylongtableprefixtestfoobartest'; $this->assertEquals('logtmpsegmentcc2efa0acbd5f209', $this->logAggregator->getSegmentTmpTableName()); } public function test_generateQuery_WithQueryHint_ShouldAddQueryHintAsComment() { $this->logAggregator->setQueryOriginHint('MyPluginName'); $query = $this->logAggregator->generateQuery('test, test2', 'log_visit', '1=1', false, '5'); $expected = array( 'sql' => 'SELECT /* sites 1 */ /* 2010-03-01,2010-03-31 */ /* MyPluginName */ test, test2 FROM log_visit AS log_visit WHERE 1=1 ORDER BY 5', 'bind' => array ( 0 => '2010-03-01 00:00:00', 1 => '2010-03-31 23:59:59', 2 => 1 ) ); $this->assertSame($expected, $query); } public function test_queryVisitsByDimension_withComplexDimensionSelect() { $dimensions = [ 'CASE WHEN HOUR(log_visit.visit_first_action_time) <= 11 THEN \'l\'' . 'ELSE \'r\'' . 'END AS label', ]; /** @var \Zend_Db_Statement $query */ $query = $this->logAggregator->queryVisitsByDimension($dimensions); $result = $query->fetchAll(); $expected = [ [ 'label' => 'l', 1 => '1', 2 => '1', 3 => '7', 4 => '7', 5 => '1621', 6 => '0', 7 => '1', 39 => '0', ], [ 'label' => 'r', 1 => '1', 2 => '1', 3 => '1', 4 => '1', 5 => '1', 6 => '1', 7 => '1', 39 => '0', ], ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, $result); } } LogAggregatorTest::$fixture = new OneVisitorTwoVisits();