getInstalledPluginsName(); // ensure all plugins are installed correctly (some plugins database tables would be missing otherwise) foreach ($installedPlugins as $installedPlugin) { \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->loadPlugin($installedPlugin)->install(); } $result = Fixture::updateDatabase(); if ($result === false) { throw new \Exception("Failed to update pre-2.0 database (nothing to update)."); } // truncate log tables so old data won't be re-archived foreach (['log_visit', 'log_link_visit_action', 'log_conversion', 'log_conversion_item'] as $table) { Db::query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . Common::prefixTable($table)); } self::trackTwoVisitsOnSameDay(); // launch archiving VisitFrequencyApi::getInstance()->get(1, 'year', '2012-12-29'); } /** * add two visits from same visitor on dec. 29 */ private static function trackTwoVisitsOnSameDay() { $t = Fixture::getTracker(1, '2012-12-29 01:01:30', $defaultInit = true, $useLocal = true); $t->enableBulkTracking(); $t->setUrl(''); $t->setIp(''); $t->doTrackPageView('incredible title!'); $t->setForceVisitDateTime('2012-12-29 03:01:30'); $t->setUrl(''); $t->doTrackPageView('other incredible title!'); $t->doBulkTrack(); } /** * @dataProvider getApiForTesting */ public function testApi($api, $params) { // note: not sure why I have to manually activate plugin in order for `./console tests:run BackwardsCompatibility1XTest` to work try { \Piwik\Plugin\Manager::getInstance()->activatePlugin('DevicesDetection'); } catch (\Exception $e) { } $this->runApiTests($api, $params); } public function getApiForTesting() { $idSite = 1; $dateTime = '2012-03-06 11:22:33'; // page performance metrics added in Matomo 4 $performanceMetrics = [ 'sum_time_generation', 'nb_hits_with_time_generation', 'min_time_generation', 'max_time_generation', 'sum_time_network', 'nb_hits_with_time_network', 'min_time_network', 'max_time_network', 'sum_time_server', 'nb_hits_with_time_server', 'min_time_server', 'max_time_server', 'sum_time_transfer', 'nb_hits_with_time_transfer', 'min_time_transfer', 'max_time_transfer', 'sum_time_dom_processing', 'nb_hits_with_time_dom_processing', 'min_time_dom_processing', 'max_time_dom_processing', 'sum_time_dom_completion', 'nb_hits_with_time_dom_completion', 'min_time_dom_completion', 'max_time_dom_completion', 'sum_time_on_load', 'nb_hits_with_time_on_load', 'min_time_on_load', 'max_time_on_load', 'avg_time_generation', 'avg_time_network', 'avg_time_server', 'avg_time_transfer', 'avg_time_dom_processing', 'avg_time_dom_completion', 'avg_time_on_load', 'avg_page_load_time', ]; $defaultOptions = [ 'idSite' => $idSite, 'date' => $dateTime, 'disableArchiving' => true, 'otherRequestParameters' => [ // when changing this, might also need to change the same line in OneVisitorTwoVisitsTest.php 'hideColumns' => 'nb_users,sum_bandwidth,nb_hits_with_bandwidth,min_bandwidth,max_bandwidth' ], 'xmlFieldsToRemove' => array_merge([ 'entry_sum_visit_length', 'sum_visit_length', 'nb_visits_converted', 'interactionPosition', 'pageviewPosition', ], $performanceMetrics), ]; /** * When Piwik\Tests\System\BackwardsCompatibility1XTest is failing, * as this test compares fixtures to OneVisitorTwoVisits* fixtures, * sometimes for a given API method that fails to generate the same output as OneVisitorTwoVisits does, * we need to add the API below which will cause the fixtures for this API to be created in processed/ */ $reportsToCompareSeparately = [ // the label column is not the first column here 'MultiSites.getAll', // those reports generate a different segment as a different raw value was stored that time 'DevicesDetection.getOsVersions', 'DevicesDetection.getBrowserVersions', 'DevicesDetection.getBrowserEngines', 'DevicesDetection.getBrowsers', 'Goals.get', // Following #9345 'Actions.getPageUrls', 'Actions.getDownloads', 'Actions.getDownload', 'Actions.getEntryPageUrls', 'Actions.getExitPageUrls', 'Actions.getPageTitle', // new flag dimensions 'UserCountry.getCountry', 'Tour.getLevel', 'Tour.getChallenges' ]; $apiNotToCall = [ // in the SQL dump, a referrer is named, but now in OneVisitorTwoVisits it is 'Referrers', // changes made to SQL dump to test VisitFrequency change the day of week 'VisitTime.getByDayOfWeek', // did not exist in Piwik 1.X 'DevicesDetection.getBrowserEngines', // now enriched with goal metrics 'DevicesDetection.getType', 'DevicesDetection.getBrand', 'DevicesDetection.getModel', // different result as some plugins have been removed in Matomo 4 'DevicePlugins.getPlugin', // has different output before and after 'PrivacyManager.getAvailableVisitColumnsToAnonymize', // we test VisitFrequency explicitly 'VisitFrequency.get', // do not test as label formats have changed 'VisitTime.getVisitInformationPerLocalTime', 'VisitTime.getVisitInformationPerServerTime', // the Actions.getPageTitles test fails for unknown reason, so skipping it // eg. 'Actions.getPageTitles', 'Actions.getEntryPageTitles', // segment values can differ due to missing metadata in old reports 'Actions.getExitPageTitles', // Outlinks now tracked with URL Fragment which was not the case in 1.X 'Actions.get', 'Actions.getOutlink', 'Actions.getOutlinks', // system settings such as enable_plugin_update_communication are enabled by default in newest version, // but ugpraded Piwik are not 'CorePluginsAdmin.getSystemSettings', // visit length changes slightly with change to previous visitor detection in #13935 'VisitsSummary.getSumVisitsLength', 'VisitsSummary.getSumVisitsLengthPretty', // did not exist before Matomo 4 'PagePerformance.get', // Did not exist before Matomo 4.11. 'MultiSites.getAllWithGroups' ]; if (!Manager::getInstance()->isPluginActivated('CustomVariables')) { // includes some columns that are not available when CustomVariables plugin is not available $apiNotToCall[] = 'PrivacyManager.getAvailableLinkVisitActionColumnsToAnonymize'; } $apiNotToCall = array_merge($apiNotToCall, $reportsToCompareSeparately); $allReportsOptions = $defaultOptions; $allReportsOptions['compareAgainst'] = 'OneVisitorTwoVisits'; $allReportsOptions['apiNotToCall'] = $apiNotToCall; return [ ['all', $allReportsOptions], ['VisitFrequency.get', ['idSite' => $idSite, 'date' => '2012-03-03', 'setDateLastN' => true, 'disableArchiving' => true, 'testSuffix' => '_multipleDates']], ['VisitFrequency.get', ['idSite' => $idSite, 'date' => $dateTime, 'periods' => ['day', 'week', 'month', 'year'], 'disableArchiving' => false]], ['VisitFrequency.get', ['idSite' => $idSite, 'date' => '2012-03-06,2012-12-31', 'periods' => ['range'], 'disableArchiving' => true]], ['Actions.getPageUrls', ['idSite' => $idSite, 'date' => '2012-03-06,2012-12-31', 'otherRequestParameters' => ['expanded' => '1'], 'xmlFieldsToRemove' => $performanceMetrics, 'testSuffix' => '_expanded', 'periods' => ['range'], 'disableArchiving' => true]], ['Actions.getPageUrls', ['idSite' => $idSite, 'date' => '2012-03-06,2012-12-31', 'otherRequestParameters' => ['flat' => '1'], 'xmlFieldsToRemove' => $performanceMetrics, 'testSuffix' => '_flat', 'periods' => ['range'], 'disableArchiving' => true]], ['Actions.getPageUrls', ['idSite' => $idSite, 'date' => '2012-03-06', 'otherRequestParameters' => ['idSubtable' => '30'], 'xmlFieldsToRemove' => $performanceMetrics, 'testSuffix' => '_subtable', 'periods' => ['day'], 'disableArchiving' => true]], ['VisitFrequency.get', ['idSite' => $idSite, 'date' => '2012-03-03,2012-12-12', 'periods' => ['month'], 'testSuffix' => '_multipleOldNew', 'disableArchiving' => true]], [$reportsToCompareSeparately, $defaultOptions], ]; } public function provideContainerConfig() { return [ 'Piwik\Config' => \DI\decorate(function ($previous) { $general = $previous->General; $general['action_title_category_delimiter'] = "/"; $previous->General = $general; return $previous; }), ]; } } BackwardsCompatibility1XTest::$fixture = new SqlDump(); BackwardsCompatibility1XTest::$fixture->dumpUrl = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . BackwardsCompatibility1XTest::FIXTURE_LOCATION; BackwardsCompatibility1XTest::$fixture->tablesPrefix = '';