resetTestingEnvironmentChanges(); } /** * @dataProvider getApiForTesting */ public function testApi($api, $params) { $this->runApiTests($api, $params); } public function getApiForTesting() { $apis = array( array('all', array('idSite' => self::$fixture->idSite, 'date' => '2012-08-09', 'periods' => 'month')), array('Referrers.getNumberOfDistinctWebsites', array('idSite' => self::$fixture->idSite, 'date' => '2012-08-09', 'setDateLastN' => true, 'periods' => 'day')), array('MultiSites.getAll', array('idSite' => self::$fixture->idSite, 'date' => '2012-08-09', 'periods' => array('month'), 'setDateLastN' => true, 'otherRequestParameters' => array('enhanced' => 1), 'testSuffix' => '_withEnhancedAndLast7')), // report generated from custom log format including generation time array('Actions.getPageUrls', array('idSite' => self::$fixture->idSite, 'date' => '2012-09-30', 'periods' => 'day')), array('VisitsSummary.get', array('idSite' => self::$fixture->idSite2, 'date' => '2012-08-09', 'periods' => 'month', 'testSuffix' => '_siteIdTwo_TrackedUsingLogReplay')), ); // Running a few interesting tests for Log Replay use case $apiMethods = array(); if (getenv('MYSQL_ADAPTER') != 'MYSQLI') { // Mysqli rounds latitude/longitude $apiMethods = array('Live.getLastVisitsDetails'); } $apiMethods[] = 'Actions'; $apiMethods[] = 'VisitorInterest'; $apiMethods[] = 'VisitFrequency'; $apis[] = array($apiMethods, array( 'idSite' => self::$fixture->idSite, 'date' => '2012-08-09,2014-04-01', 'periods' => 'range', 'otherRequestParameters' => array( 'filter_limit' => 1000 ), 'xmlFieldsToRemove' => array('fingerprint') )); // imported via --replay-tracking --idsite=3 should ignore idSite from logs and use fixed idSite instead $apis[] = array($apiMethods, array( 'idSite' => 3, 'date' => '2012-08-09,2014-04-01', 'periods' => 'range', 'otherRequestParameters' => array( 'filter_limit' => 1000 ), 'testSuffix' => '_siteIdThree_TrackedUsingLogReplayWithFixedSiteId' )); return $apis; } /** * NOTE: This test must be last since the new sites that get added are added in * random order. * NOTE: This test combines two tests in order to avoid executing the log importer another time. * If the log importer were refactored, the invalid requests test could be a unit test in * python. */ public function test_LogImporter_CreatesSitesWhenDynamicResolverUsed_AndReportsOnInvalidRequests() { $this->simulateInvalidTrackerRequest(); $output = self::$fixture->logVisitsWithDynamicResolver($maxPayloadSize = 3); // reload access so new sites are viewable Access::getInstance()->setSuperUserAccess(true); // make sure sites aren't created twice $piwikDotNet = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrl(''); $this->assertEquals(1, count($piwikDotNet)); $anothersiteDotCom = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrl(''); $this->assertEquals(1, count($anothersiteDotCom)); $whateverDotCom = API::getInstance()->getSitesIdFromSiteUrl(''); $this->assertEquals(1, count($whateverDotCom)); // make sure invalid requests are reported correctly self::assertStringContainsString('The Matomo tracker identified 2 invalid requests on lines: 10, 11', $output); self::assertStringContainsString("The following lines were not tracked by Matomo, either due to a malformed tracker request or error in the tracker:\n\n10, 11", $output); } public function test_LogImporter_RetriesWhenServerFails() { $this->simulateTrackerFailure(); $logFile = PIWIK_INCLUDE_PATH . '/tests/resources/access-logs/fake_logs_enable_all.log'; $options = array( '--idsite' => self::$fixture->idSite, '--token-auth' => Fixture::getTokenAuth(), '--retry-max-attempts' => 5, '--retry-delay' => 1 ); $output = Fixture::executeLogImporter($logFile, $options, $allowFailure = true); $output = implode("\n", $output); for ($i = 2; $i != 6; ++$i) { self::assertStringContainsString("Retrying request, attempt number $i", $output); } self::assertStringNotContainsString("Retrying request, attempt number 6", $output); self::assertStringContainsString("Max number of attempts reached, server is unreachable!", $output); } private function simulateTrackerFailure() { $testingEnvironment = new TestingEnvironmentVariables(); $testingEnvironment->_triggerTrackerFailure = true; $testingEnvironment->save(); } public static function getOutputPrefix() { return 'ImportLogs'; } private function resetTestingEnvironmentChanges() { $testingEnvironment = new TestingEnvironmentVariables(); $testingEnvironment->_triggerTrackerFailure = null; $testingEnvironment->_triggerInvalidRequests = null; $testingEnvironment->save(); } private function simulateInvalidTrackerRequest() { $testEnvironment = new TestingEnvironmentVariables(); $testEnvironment->_triggerInvalidRequests = true; $testEnvironment->save(); } public static function provideContainerConfigBeforeClass() { $result = array(); $observers = array(); $testingEnvironment = new TestingEnvironmentVariables(); if ($testingEnvironment->_triggerTrackerFailure) { $observers[] = array('Tracker.newHandler', function () { @http_response_code(500); throw new \Exception("injected exception"); }); } if ($testingEnvironment->_triggerInvalidRequests) { // we trigger an invalid request by checking for triggerInvalid=1 in a request, and if found replacing the // request w/ a request that has an nonexistent idsite $observers[] = array('Tracker.initRequestSet', function (RequestSet $requestSet) { $requests = $requestSet->getRequests(); foreach ($requests as $index => $request) { $url = $request->getParam('url'); if (strpos($url, 'triggerInvalid=1') !== false) { $newParams = $request->getParams(); $newParams['idsite'] = 1000; $requests[$index] = new Request($newParams); } } $requestSet->setRequests($requests); }); } if (!empty($observers)) { $result[''] = \DI\add($observers); } return $result; } } ImportLogsTest::$fixture = new ManySitesImportedLogs(); ImportLogsTest::$fixture->includeIisWithCustom = true; ImportLogsTest::$fixture->includeNetscaler = true; ImportLogsTest::$fixture->includeCloudfront = true; ImportLogsTest::$fixture->includeCloudfrontRtmp = true; ImportLogsTest::$fixture->includeNginxJson = true; ImportLogsTest::$fixture->includeApiCustomVarMapping = true;