runApiTests($api, $params); } public function getApiToCall() { return array('Goals.getDaysToConversion', 'MultiSites.getAll' ); } public function getApiForTesting() { $dateTime = self::$fixture->dateTime; $idSite1 = self::$fixture->idSite1; // NOTE: copied from TwoVisitors_TwoWebsites_DifferentDays (including the test or inheriting means // the test will get run by phpunit, even when we only want to run this one. should be put into // non-test class later.) $apiToCall = $this->getApiToCall(); $singlePeriodApi = array('VisitsSummary.get', 'Goals.get'); $periods = array( 'day', 'week', 'month', 'year' ); $result = array(); // Live output for a quick visualisation if some other API test break $result[] = array( 'Live.getLastVisitsDetails', array( 'idSite' => self::$fixture->idSite1, 'date' => $dateTime, 'periods' => 'year', 'keepLiveDates' => true, 'otherRequestParameters' => array('showColumns' => 'lastActionDateTime,referrerType,referrerName,actions,events,visitConverted'), )); // Request data for the last 6 periods and idSite=all $result[] = array($apiToCall, array('idSite' => 'all', 'date' => $dateTime, 'periods' => $periods, 'setDateLastN' => true )); // Request data for the last 6 periods and idSite=1 $result[] = array($apiToCall, array('idSite' => $idSite1, 'date' => $dateTime, 'periods' => $periods, 'setDateLastN' => true, 'testSuffix' => '_idSiteOne_' )); // We also test a single period to check that this use case (Reports per idSite in the response) works $result[] = array($singlePeriodApi, array('idSite' => 'all', 'date' => $dateTime, 'periods' => array('day', 'month'), 'setDateLastN' => false, 'testSuffix' => '_NotLastNPeriods' )); // testing metadata API for multiple periods $apiToCall = array_diff($apiToCall, array('Actions.getPageTitle', 'Actions.getPageUrl')); foreach ($apiToCall as $api) { list($apiModule, $apiAction) = explode(".", $api); $result[] = array( 'API.getProcessedReport', array('idSite' => $idSite1, 'date' => $dateTime, 'periods' => array('day'), 'setDateLastN' => true, 'apiModule' => $apiModule, 'apiAction' => $apiAction, 'testSuffix' => '_' . $api . '_firstSite_lastN') ); } return $result; } // TODO: this test should be in an integration test for Piwik\Archive. setup code for getting metrics from different // plugins is non-trivial, so not done now. public function test_Archive_getNumeric_ReturnsMetricsFromDifferentPlugins_WhenThoseMetricsAreRequested() { // Tests that getting a visits summary metric (nb_visits) & a Goal's metric (Goal_revenue) // at the same time works. $dateTimeRange = '2010-01-03,2010-01-06'; $columns = array('nb_visits', 'Goal_nb_conversions'); $idSite1 = self::$fixture->idSite1; $archive = Archive::build($idSite1, 'range', $dateTimeRange); $result = $archive->getNumeric($columns); $this->assertEquals( array( 'nb_visits' => 5, 'Goal_nb_conversions' => 6 ), $result ); } // TODO: this test should be in an integration test for Piwik\Archive. setup code for getting metrics from different // plugins is non-trivial, so not done now. public function test_Archive_getNumeric_shouldInvalidateRememberedReportsOncePerRequestIfNeeded() { // Tests that getting a visits summary metric (nb_visits) & a Goal's metric (Goal_revenue) // at the same time works. $dateTimeRange = '2010-01-03,2010-01-06'; $columns = array('nb_visits', 'Goal_nb_conversions', 'nb_actions'); $idSite1 = self::$fixture->idSite1; $archive = Archive::build($idSite1, 'range', $dateTimeRange); $result = $archive->getNumeric($columns); $this->assertEquals( array( 'nb_visits' => 5, 'Goal_nb_conversions' => 6, 'nb_actions' => 13 ), $result ); $cache = Cache::getTransientCache(); $this->assertEquals(array(self::$fixture->idSite1, self::$fixture->idSite2), $cache->fetch('Archive.SiteIdsOfRememberedReportsInvalidated')); $invalidator = StaticContainer::get('Piwik\Archive\ArchiveInvalidator'); self::$fixture->trackVisits(); // trackVisits should remember to invalidate archived reports $this->assertNotEmpty($invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated()); // although there were new tracked visists it doesn'T change as the report invalidation is cached and was // already invalidated in previous Archive::get(); $archive = Archive::build($idSite1, 'range', $dateTimeRange); $result = $archive->getNumeric($columns); $this->assertEquals( array( 'nb_visits' => 5, 'Goal_nb_conversions' => 6, 'nb_actions' => 13 // actions should remain the same as nothing was reports are still marked as already processed ), $result ); // make sure the caching in archive::get() worked and they are still to be invalidated $this->assertCount(10, $invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated()); // now we force to actually invalidate archived reports again and then archive will be rebuilt for requsted siteId = 1 $cache->delete('Archive.SiteIdsOfRememberedReportsInvalidated'); $archive = Archive::build($idSite1, 'range', $dateTimeRange); $result = $archive->getNumeric($columns); // archive::get() should have invalidated siteId 1 and siteId 2 should be still to be done $expectedArchiveReportsLeft = array('2010-01-04' => array(2)); $this->assertEquals($expectedArchiveReportsLeft, $invalidator->getRememberedArchivedReportsThatShouldBeInvalidated()); $this->assertEquals( array( 'nb_visits' => 6, 'Goal_nb_conversions' => 7, 'nb_actions' => 26 // now actions should be increased as the reports were invalidated ), $result ); } public static function getOutputPrefix() { return 'TwoVisitors_twoWebsites_differentDays_Conversions'; } } TwoVisitorsTwoWebsitesDifferentDaysConversionsTest::$fixture = new TwoSitesTwoVisitorsDifferentDays(); TwoVisitorsTwoWebsitesDifferentDaysConversionsTest::$fixture->allowConversions = true;