getSegmentToTest(); // this method can access the DB, so we get it here instead of the data provider } $this->runApiTests($api, $params); } public function getApiForTesting() { // we will test all segments from all plugins $apiToCall = array('VisitsSummary.get', 'CustomVariables.getCustomVariables'); return array( array($apiToCall, array('idSite' => 'all', 'date' => self::$fixture->dateTime, 'periods' => array('day', 'week'), 'setDateLastN' => true)) ); } public function getSegmentToTest() { $segments = AutoSuggestAPITest::getSegmentsMetadata(); $minimumExpectedSegmentsCount = 55; // as of Piwik 1.12 $this->assertGreaterThan($minimumExpectedSegmentsCount, count($segments)); $segmentExpression = array(); $seenVisitorId = false; foreach ($segments as $segment) { $value = 'campaign'; if ($segment == 'visitorId') { $seenVisitorId = true; $value = '34c31e04394bdc63'; } if ($segment == 'visitEcommerceStatus') { $value = 'none'; } if ($segment == 'actionType') { $value = 'pageviews'; } if ($segment == 'fingerprint') { $value = 'abcdef1234567890'; //Needs to be a valid 16-char hex string } $matchNone = $segment . '!=' . $value; // deviceType != campaign matches ALL visits, but we want to match None if ($segment == 'deviceType') { $matchNone = $segment . '==car%20browser'; } if ($segment == 'deviceBrand') { $matchNone = $segment . '==Yarvik'; } $segmentExpression[] = $matchNone; } $segment = implode(";", $segmentExpression); // just checking that this segment was tested (as it has the only visible to admin flag) $this->assertTrue($seenVisitorId); $this->assertGreaterThan(100, strlen($segment)); return $segment; } public static function getOutputPrefix() { return 'twoVisitsWithCustomVariables_segmentMatchNONE'; } } TwoVisitsWithCustomVariablesSegmentMatchNONETest::$fixture = new TwoVisitsWithCustomVariables(); TwoVisitsWithCustomVariablesSegmentMatchNONETest::$fixture->doExtraQuoteTests = false;