runApiTests($api, $params); } public function getApiForTesting() { // Segment matching some $segments = array('customVariableName1==VisitorType;customVariableValue1==LoggedIn', 'customVariableName1==VisitorType;customVariableValue1=@LoggedI'); $apiToCall = array('Referrers.getKeywords', 'CustomVariables.getCustomVariables', 'VisitsSummary.get'); $periods = array('day', 'week'); // We run it twice just to check that running archiving twice for same input parameters doesn't create more records/overhead $result = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= 2; $i++) { foreach ($segments as $segment) { $result[] = array( $apiToCall, array('idSite' => 'all', 'date' => self::$fixture->dateTime, 'periods' => $periods, 'setDateLastN' => true, 'segment' => $segment) ); } } return $result; } /** * @depends testApi */ public function testCheck() { // TODO: if we do this in archivewriter, we don't need this code $archivePurger = StaticContainer::get(ArchivePurger::class); $archivePurger->purgeInvalidatedArchivesFrom(Date::factory(self::$fixture->dateTime)); $archivePurger->purgeInvalidatedArchivesFrom(Date::factory('2009-12-01')); // ---------------------------------------------- // Implementation Checks // ---------------------------------------------- // Verify that, when a segment is specified, only the requested report is processed // In this case, check that only the Custom Variables blobs have been processed $tests = array( // 1) CHECK 'day' archive stored in January // We expect 2 segments // * (1 custom variable name + 2 ref metrics // + 1 subtable chunk for the custom var values + 6 Referrers blob (2 of them subtables) // ) 'archive_blob_2010_01' => 20, // This contains all 'last N' weeks & days, // (6 metrics // + 2 referrer metrics // + 3 done flag ) // * 2 segments // for each "Last N" date that has data (just one date) 'archive_numeric_2010_01' => 22, // 2) CHECK 'week' archive stored in December (week starts the month before) // We expect 2 segments * (1 custom variable name + 2 ref metrics + 1 subtable chunk for the values of the name + 6 referrers blob (2 of them subtables)) 'archive_blob_2009_12' => 20, // 6 metrics, // 2 Referrer metrics (Referrers_distinctSearchEngines/Referrers_distinctKeywords), // 3 done flag (referrers, CustomVar, VisitsSummary), all for period = 2, day w/ visits is in new year, other days have no data // X * 2 segments 'archive_numeric_2009_12' => (6 + 2 + 3) * 2, ); foreach ($tests as $table => $expectedRows) { $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM " . Common::prefixTable($table); $countBlobs = Db::get()->fetchOne($sql); if($expectedRows != $countBlobs) { $output = Db::get()->fetchAll("SELECT * FROM " . Common::prefixTable($table) . " ORDER BY name, idarchive ASC"); var_export('This is debug output from ' . __CLASS__ . ' in case of an error: '); var_export($output); } $this->assertEquals($expectedRows, $countBlobs, "$table: %s"); } } /** * Check that it merges all subtables into one blob entry * * @depends testApi */ public function test_checkArchiveRecords_shouldMergeSubtablesIntoOneRow() { $chunk = new Chunk(); $tests = array( 'archive_blob_2010_01' => array( $chunk->getRecordNameForTableId('CustomVariables_valueByName', 0) => 6, $chunk->getRecordNameForTableId('Referrers_keywordBySearchEngine', 0) => 1, $chunk->getRecordNameForTableId('Referrers_searchEngineByKeyword', 0) => 1 ), 'archive_blob_2009_12' => array( $chunk->getRecordNameForTableId('CustomVariables_valueByName', 0) => 6, $chunk->getRecordNameForTableId('Referrers_keywordBySearchEngine', 0) => 1, $chunk->getRecordNameForTableId('Referrers_searchEngineByKeyword', 0) => 1, ) ); $numTests = 0; foreach ($tests as $table => $expectedSubtables) { foreach ($expectedSubtables as $name => $expectedNumSubtables) { $sql = "SELECT `value` FROM " . Common::prefixTable($table) . " WHERE `name` ='$name'"; $blobs = Db::get()->fetchAll($sql); foreach ($blobs as $blob) { $numTests++; $blob = $blob['value']; $blob = gzuncompress($blob); $blob = unserialize($blob); $countSubtables = count($blob); $this->assertEquals($expectedNumSubtables, $countSubtables, "$name in $table expected to contain $expectedNumSubtables subtables, got $countSubtables"); } } } // 6 _subtables entries + 6 _subtables entries for the segment $this->assertEquals(12, $numTests, "$numTests were executed but expected 12"); } public static function getOutputPrefix() { return 'twoVisitsWithCustomVariables_segmentMatchVisitorType'; } } TwoVisitsWithCustomVariablesSegmentMatchVisitorTypeTest::$fixture = new TwoVisitsWithCustomVariables(); TwoVisitsWithCustomVariablesSegmentMatchVisitorTypeTest::$fixture->doExtraQuoteTests = false;