------------------------------------------------------- Using this 'archive.php' script is no longer recommended. Please use '/path/to/php /home/travis/build/piwik/piwik/tests/PHPUnit/proxy/../../..//console core:archive --url=http://localhost/tests/PHPUnit/proxy/index.php' instead. To get help use '/path/to/php /home/travis/build/piwik/piwik/tests/PHPUnit/proxy/../../..//console core:archive --help' See also: http://piwik.org/docs/setup-auto-archiving/ If you cannot use the console because it requires CLI try 'php archive.php --url=http://your.piwik/path' ------------------------------------------------------- INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] --------------------------- INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] INIT INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] Running Piwik 3.0.0-b2 as Super User INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] --------------------------- INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] NOTES INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - If you execute this script at least once per hour (or more often) in a crontab, you may disable 'Browser trigger archiving' in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings. INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] See the doc at: http://piwik.org/docs/setup-auto-archiving/ INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - Reports for today will be processed at most every 150 seconds. You can change this value in Piwik UI > Settings > General Settings. INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - Reports for the current week/month/year will be refreshed at most every 3600 seconds. INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - Will invalidate archived reports for 2012-08-09 for following websites ids: 1 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - Will invalidate archived reports for 2012-08-10 for following websites ids: 1 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - Will invalidate archived reports for 2012-08-11 for following websites ids: 1 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - Will invalidate archived reports for 2012-08-15 for following websites ids: 1,2,3 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - Will invalidate archived reports for 2012-09-30 for following websites ids: 1 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - Will invalidate archived reports for 2014-03-12 for following websites ids: 1,3 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - Will invalidate archived reports for 2014-03-13 for following websites ids: 1,3 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - Will process 3 other websites because some old data reports have been invalidated (eg. using the Log Import script) , IDs: 1, 2, 3 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] --------------------------- INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] START INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] Starting Piwik reports archiving... INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] Old report was invalidated for website id 1 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] Will pre-process for website id = 1, period = day, date = last52 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:30] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:31] - pre-processing segment 1/3 browserCode==IE INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:31] - pre-processing segment 2/3 visitCount<=5;visitorType!=non-existing-type;daysSinceFirstVisit<=50 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:32] - pre-processing segment 3/3 visitCount<=5;visitorType!=re%2C%3Btest%20is%20encoded;daysSinceFirstVisit<=50 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:35] Archived website id = 1, period = day, 3 segments, 0 visits in last 52 days, 0 visits today, Time elapsed: 5.122s INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:35] Will pre-process for website id = 1, period = week, date = last260 INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:35] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:35] - pre-processing segment 1/3 browserCode==IE INFO [2016-11-15 09:45:35] - pre-processing segment 2/3 visitCount<=5;visitorType!=non-existing-type;daysSinceFirstVisit<=50 INFO [2016-11-15 09:46:26] - pre-processing segment 3/3 visitCount<=5;visitorType!=re%2C%3Btest%20is%20encoded;daysSinceFirstVisit<=50 INFO [2016-11-15 09:46:55] Archived website id = 1, period = week, 3 segments, 41 visits in last 260 weeks, 0 visits this week, Time elapsed: 80.017s INFO [2016-11-15 09:46:55] Will pre-process for website id = 1, period = month, date = last52 INFO [2016-11-15 09:46:55] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:46:55] - pre-processing segment 1/3 browserCode==IE INFO [2016-11-15 09:46:55] - pre-processing segment 2/3 visitCount<=5;visitorType!=non-existing-type;daysSinceFirstVisit<=50 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:06] - pre-processing segment 3/3 visitCount<=5;visitorType!=re%2C%3Btest%20is%20encoded;daysSinceFirstVisit<=50 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:12] Archived website id = 1, period = month, 3 segments, 41 visits in last 52 months, 0 visits this month, Time elapsed: 16.800s INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:12] Will pre-process for website id = 1, period = year, date = last7 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:12] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:12] - pre-processing segment 1/3 browserCode==IE INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:12] - pre-processing segment 2/3 visitCount<=5;visitorType!=non-existing-type;daysSinceFirstVisit<=50 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:16] - pre-processing segment 3/3 visitCount<=5;visitorType!=re%2C%3Btest%20is%20encoded;daysSinceFirstVisit<=50 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:18] Archived website id = 1, period = year, 3 segments, 41 visits in last 7 years, 0 visits this year, Time elapsed: 6.342s INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:18] Archived website id = 1, 16 API requests, Time elapsed: 108.287s [1/3 done] INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:18] Old report was invalidated for website id 2 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:18] Will pre-process for website id = 2, period = day, date = last52 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:18] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:20] Archived website id = 2, period = day, 0 segments, 0 visits in last 52 days, 0 visits today, Time elapsed: 1.610s INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:20] Will pre-process for website id = 2, period = week, date = last260 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:20] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:40] Archived website id = 2, period = week, 0 segments, 1 visits in last 260 weeks, 0 visits this week, Time elapsed: 20.198s INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:40] Will pre-process for website id = 2, period = month, date = last52 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:40] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:44] Archived website id = 2, period = month, 0 segments, 1 visits in last 52 months, 0 visits this month, Time elapsed: 4.258s INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:44] Will pre-process for website id = 2, period = year, date = last7 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:44] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:45] Archived website id = 2, period = year, 0 segments, 1 visits in last 7 years, 0 visits this year, Time elapsed: 1.143s INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:45] Archived website id = 2, 4 API requests, Time elapsed: 27.212s [2/3 done] INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:45] Old report was invalidated for website id 3 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:45] Will pre-process for website id = 3, period = day, date = last52 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:45] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:47] Archived website id = 3, period = day, 0 segments, 0 visits in last 52 days, 0 visits today, Time elapsed: 1.496s INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:47] Will pre-process for website id = 3, period = week, date = last260 INFO [2016-11-15 09:47:47] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:08] Archived website id = 3, period = week, 0 segments, 15 visits in last 260 weeks, 0 visits this week, Time elapsed: 21.096s INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:08] Will pre-process for website id = 3, period = month, date = last52 INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:08] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:12] Archived website id = 3, period = month, 0 segments, 15 visits in last 52 months, 0 visits this month, Time elapsed: 4.401s INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:12] Will pre-process for website id = 3, period = year, date = last7 INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:12] - pre-processing all visits INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] Archived website id = 3, period = year, 0 segments, 15 visits in last 7 years, 0 visits this year, Time elapsed: 1.760s INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] Archived website id = 3, 4 API requests, Time elapsed: 28.759s [3/3 done] INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] Done archiving! INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] --------------------------- INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] SUMMARY INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] Total visits for today across archived websites: 0 INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] Archived today's reports for 3 websites INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] Archived week/month/year for 3 websites INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] Skipped 0 websites INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] - 0 skipped because no new visit since the last script execution INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] - 0 skipped because existing daily reports are less than 150 seconds old INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] - 0 skipped because existing week/month/year periods reports are less than 3600 seconds old INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] Total API requests: 24 INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] done: 3/3 100%, 0 vtoday, 3 wtoday, 3 wperiods, 24 req, 164395 ms, no error INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] Time elapsed: 164.395s INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] --------------------------- INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] SCHEDULED TASKS INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] Starting Scheduled tasks... INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] done INFO [2016-11-15 09:48:14] ---------------------------