General_Actions.General_Downloads General_Actions Actions 10 icon-reporting-actions General_Downloads Downloads 35 Downloads Actions getDownloads 109 Actions getDownloads widgetActionsgetDownloads 0 table 1 General_Actions.Actions_SubmenuPagesEntry General_Actions Actions 10 icon-reporting-actions Actions_SubmenuPagesEntry Entry pages 10 Entry pages Actions getEntryPageUrls 103 Actions getEntryPageUrls widgetActionsgetEntryPageUrls 0 table 1 Entry Page Titles Actions getEntryPageTitles 106 Actions getEntryPageTitles widgetActionsgetEntryPageTitles 0 table 1 General_Actions.Actions_SubmenuPagesExit General_Actions Actions 10 icon-reporting-actions Actions_SubmenuPagesExit Exit pages 15 Exit pages Actions getExitPageUrls 104 Actions getExitPageUrls widgetActionsgetExitPageUrls 0 table 1 Exit page titles Actions getExitPageTitles 107 Actions getExitPageTitles widgetActionsgetExitPageTitles 0 table 1 General_Actions.General_Outlinks General_Actions Actions 10 icon-reporting-actions General_Outlinks Outlinks 30 Outlinks Actions getOutlinks 108 Actions getOutlinks widgetActionsgetOutlinks 0 table 1 General_Actions.General_Pages General_Actions Actions 10 icon-reporting-actions General_Pages Pages 5 Pages Actions getPageUrls 102 Actions getPageUrls widgetActionsgetPageUrls 0 table 1 General_Actions.Actions_SubmenuPageTitles General_Actions Actions 10 icon-reporting-actions Actions_SubmenuPageTitles Page titles 20 Page titles Actions getPageTitles 105 Actions getPageTitles widgetActionsgetPageTitles 0 table 1 General_Actions.Actions_SubmenuSitesearch General_Actions Actions 10 icon-reporting-actions Actions_SubmenuSitesearch Site Search 25 Site Search Keywords Actions getSiteSearchKeywords 115 Actions getSiteSearchKeywords widgetActionsgetSiteSearchKeywords 0 table 1 Pages Following a Site Search Actions getPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch 116 Actions getPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch widgetActionsgetPageUrlsFollowingSiteSearch 0 table 1 Search Keywords with No Results Actions getSiteSearchNoResultKeywords 118 Actions getSiteSearchNoResultKeywords widgetActionsgetSiteSearchNoResultKeywords 0 table 1 Page Titles Following a Site Search Actions getPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch 119 Actions getPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch widgetActionsgetPageTitlesFollowingSiteSearch 0 table 1 Search Categories Actions getSiteSearchCategories 120 Actions getSiteSearchCategories widgetActionsgetSiteSearchCategories 0 table 1 General_Actions.Events_Events General_Actions Actions 10 icon-reporting-actions Events_Events Events 40 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 99 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Events widgetEvents 0 ByDimension 1 Event Categories General_Actions Actions 99 Events_Events Events 99 Events getCategory 100 Events getCategory eventAction widgetEventsgetCategorysecondaryDimensioneventAction 0 table 1 Event Actions General_Actions Actions 99 Events_Events Events 99 Events getAction 101 Events getAction eventName widgetEventsgetActionsecondaryDimensioneventName 0 table 1 Event Names General_Actions Actions 99 Events_Events Events 99 Events getName 102 Events getName eventAction widgetEventsgetNamesecondaryDimensioneventAction 0 table 1 General_Actions.Contents_Contents General_Actions Actions 10 icon-reporting-actions Contents_Contents Contents 45 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 99 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Contents widgetContents 0 ByDimension 1 Content Name General_Actions Actions 99 Contents_Contents Contents 99 Contents getContentNames 135 Contents getContentNames widgetContentsgetContentNames 0 table 1 Content Piece General_Actions Actions 99 Contents_Contents Contents 99 Contents getContentPieces 136 Contents getContentPieces widgetContentsgetContentPieces 0 table 1 General_Visitors.DevicesDetection_Devices General_Visitors Visitors 5 icon-reporting-visitors DevicesDetection_Devices Devices 15 Device type DevicesDetection getType 100 DevicesDetection getType widgetDevicesDetectiongetType 0 table 1 Device model DevicesDetection getModel 102 DevicesDetection getModel widgetDevicesDetectiongetModel 0 table 1 Device brand DevicesDetection getBrand 104 DevicesDetection getBrand widgetDevicesDetectiongetBrand 0 table 1 Screen Resolution Resolution getResolution 108 Resolution getResolution widgetResolutiongetResolution 0 table 1 General_Visitors.VisitorInterest_Engagement General_Visitors Visitors 5 icon-reporting-visitors VisitorInterest_Engagement Engagement 30 Visits per visit duration VisitorInterest getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration 115 VisitorInterest getNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration widgetVisitorInterestgetNumberOfVisitsPerVisitDuration 0 cloud 1 Visits per number of pages VisitorInterest getNumberOfVisitsPerPage 120 VisitorInterest getNumberOfVisitsPerPage widgetVisitorInterestgetNumberOfVisitsPerPage 0 cloud 1 Visits by Visit Number VisitorInterest getNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount 125 VisitorInterest getNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount widgetVisitorInterestgetNumberOfVisitsByVisitCount 0 table 1 Visits by Days Since Last Visit VisitorInterest getNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast 130 VisitorInterest getNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast widgetVisitorInterestgetNumberOfVisitsByDaysSinceLast 0 table 1 Returning Visits Over Time VisitFrequency getEvolutionGraph 1 1 graphEvolution VisitFrequency getEvolutionGraph widgetVisitFrequencygetEvolutionGraphforceView1viewDataTablegraphEvolution 0 graphEvolution 1 Frequency Overview VisitFrequency get 2 1 sparklines VisitFrequency get widgetVisitFrequencygetforceView1viewDataTablesparklines 0 sparklines 1 General_Visitors.DevicesDetection_Software General_Visitors Visitors 5 icon-reporting-visitors DevicesDetection_Software Software 20 Operating System versions DevicesDetection getOsVersions 102 DevicesDetection getOsVersions widgetDevicesDetectiongetOsVersions 0 table 1 Browsers DevicesDetection getBrowsers 105 DevicesDetection getBrowsers widgetDevicesDetectiongetBrowsers 0 table 1 Browser version DevicesDetection getBrowserVersions 106 DevicesDetection getBrowserVersions widgetDevicesDetectiongetBrowserVersions 0 table 1 Configurations Resolution getConfiguration 107 Resolution getConfiguration widgetResolutiongetConfiguration 0 table 1 Operating System families DevicesDetection getOsFamilies 108 DevicesDetection getOsFamilies widgetDevicesDetectiongetOsFamilies 0 table 1 Browser engines DevicesDetection getBrowserEngines 110 DevicesDetection getBrowserEngines widgetDevicesDetectiongetBrowserEngines 0 graphPie 1 Browser Plugins DevicePlugins getPlugin 113 DevicePlugins getPlugin widgetDevicePluginsgetPlugin 0 table 1 General_Visitors.General_Overview General_Visitors Visitors 5 icon-reporting-visitors General_Overview Overview 2 Visits Over Time VisitsSummary getEvolutionGraph 5 1 graphEvolution VisitsSummary getEvolutionGraph widgetVisitsSummarygetEvolutionGraphforceView1viewDataTablegraphEvolution 0 graphEvolution 1 Visits Overview VisitsSummary get 10 1 sparklines VisitsSummary get widgetVisitsSummarygetforceView1viewDataTablesparklines 0 sparklines 1 General_Visitors.UserCountry_SubmenuLocations General_Visitors Visitors 5 icon-reporting-visitors UserCountry_SubmenuLocations Locations 25 Visitor Map UserCountryMap visitorMap 1 UserCountryMap visitorMap widgetUserCountryMapvisitorMap 0 Country UserCountry getCountry 105 UserCountry getCountry widgetUserCountrygetCountry 0 table 1 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 106 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Continent widgetContinent 0 1 Continent General_Visitors Visitors 99 UserCountry_SubmenuLocations Locations 99 UserCountry getContinent 106 UserCountry getContinent widgetUserCountrygetContinent 0 table 1 General_Visitors Visitors 99 UserCountry_SubmenuLocations Locations 99 UserCountry getDistinctCountries 106 UserCountry getDistinctCountries widgetUserCountrygetDistinctCountries 0 table 1 Region UserCountry getRegion 107 UserCountry getRegion widgetUserCountrygetRegion 0 table 1 Browser language UserLanguage getLanguage 108 UserLanguage getLanguage widgetUserLanguagegetLanguage 0 table 1 City UserCountry getCity 110 UserCountry getCity widgetUserCountrygetCity 0 table 1 Language code UserLanguage getLanguageCode 111 UserLanguage getLanguageCode widgetUserLanguagegetLanguageCode 0 table 1 General_Visitors.VisitTime_SubmenuTimes General_Visitors Visitors 5 icon-reporting-visitors VisitTime_SubmenuTimes Times 35 Visits per local time VisitTime getVisitInformationPerLocalTime 115 VisitTime getVisitInformationPerLocalTime widgetVisitTimegetVisitInformationPerLocalTime 0 graphVerticalBar 1 Visits per server time VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 120 VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime widgetVisitTimegetVisitInformationPerServerTime 0 graphVerticalBar 1 Visits by Day of Week VisitTime getByDayOfWeek 125 VisitTime getByDayOfWeek widgetVisitTimegetByDayOfWeek 0 graphVerticalBar 1 General_Visitors.UserCountryMap_RealTimeMap General_Visitors Visitors 5 icon-reporting-visitors UserCountryMap_RealTimeMap Real-time Map 40 Real-time Map UserCountryMap realtimeMap 5 UserCountryMap realtimeMap widgetUserCountryMaprealtimeMap 0 General_Visitors.Live_VisitorLog General_Visitors Visitors 5 icon-reporting-visitors Live_VisitorLog Visitor Log 5 Visitor Log Live getLastVisitsDetails 10 1 VisitorLog Live getLastVisitsDetails 1 widgetLivegetLastVisitsDetailsforceView1viewDataTableVisitorLogsmall1 0 VisitorLog 1 General_Visitors.CustomVariables_CustomVariables General_Visitors Visitors 5 icon-reporting-visitors CustomVariables_CustomVariables Custom Variables 10 Custom Variables CustomVariables getCustomVariables 110 CustomVariables getCustomVariables widgetCustomVariablesgetCustomVariables 0 table 1 General_Visitors.UserId_UserReportTitle General_Visitors Visitors 5 icon-reporting-visitors UserId_UserReportTitle Users 6 Users UserId getUsers 109 UserId getUsers widgetUserIdgetUsers 0 table 1 Dashboard_Dashboard.1 Dashboard_Dashboard Dashboard 0 icon-reporting-dashboard 1 Dashboard 0 Dashboard embeddedIndex 99 Dashboard embeddedIndex 1 widgetDashboardembeddedIndexidDashboard1 0 Referrers_Referrers.Referrers_WidgetGetAll Referrers_Referrers Referrers 15 icon-reporting-referer Referrers_WidgetGetAll All Referrers 5 Referrer Types Referrers getReferrerType 101 Referrers getReferrerType widgetReferrersgetReferrerType 0 tableAllColumns 1 Referrers Referrers getAll 102 Referrers getAll widgetReferrersgetAll 0 tableAllColumns 1 Referrers_Referrers.Referrers_Campaigns Referrers_Referrers Referrers 15 icon-reporting-referer Referrers_Campaigns Campaigns 20 Campaigns Referrers getCampaigns 109 Referrers getCampaigns widgetReferrersgetCampaigns 0 table 1 Referrers_Referrers.General_Overview Referrers_Referrers Referrers 15 icon-reporting-referer General_Overview Overview 2 Evolution over the period Referrers getEvolutionGraph 9 1 graphEvolution Referrers getEvolutionGraph nb_visits widgetReferrersgetEvolutionGraphforceView1viewDataTablegraphEvolutioncolumnsArray 0 graphEvolution 1 Referrer Type Referrers getSparklines 10 1 sparklines Referrers getSparklines widgetReferrersgetSparklinesforceView1viewDataTablesparklines 0 sparklines 1 Referrers_Referrers.Referrers_SubmenuSearchEngines Referrers_Referrers Referrers 15 icon-reporting-referer Referrers_SubmenuSearchEngines Search Engines & Keywords 10 Keywords Referrers getKeywords 103 Referrers getKeywords widgetReferrersgetKeywords 0 table 1 Search Engines Referrers getSearchEngines 107 Referrers getSearchEngines widgetReferrersgetSearchEngines 0 table 1 Referrers_Referrers.Referrers_SubmenuWebsites Referrers_Referrers Referrers 15 icon-reporting-referer Referrers_SubmenuWebsites Websites & Social 15 Websites Referrers getWebsites 105 Referrers getWebsites widgetReferrersgetWebsites 0 table 1 Social Networks Referrers getSocials 111 Referrers getSocials widgetReferrersgetSocials 0 graphPie 1 Goals_Goals.1 Goals_Goals Goals 25 icon-reporting-goal 1 Goal 1 - Thank you 900 Goal 1 - Thank you CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 15 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Goal_1 widgetGoal_1 0 1 Goals_Goals Goals 99 1 1 99 Goals getEvolutionGraph 13 1 graphEvolution Goals getEvolutionGraph 1 widgetGoalsgetEvolutionGraphforceView1viewDataTablegraphEvolutionidGoal1 0 graphEvolution 1 Goals_Goals Goals 99 1 1 99 Goals get 14 1 sparklines Goals get 1 1 widgetGoalsgetforceView1viewDataTablesparklinesidGoal1allow_multiple1 0 sparklines 1 Conversions Overview Goals_Goals Goals 99 1 1 99 Goals goalConversionsOverview 15 Goals goalConversionsOverview 1 widgetGoalsgoalConversionsOverviewidGoal1 0 Goals hasConversions 1 table 1 Goal Goal 1 - Thank you conversions by type of visit CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 17 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Goals1 widgetGoals1 0 Goals hasConversions 1 ByDimension 1 Custom Variables Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 CustomVariables getCustomVariables 301 1 tableGoals CustomVariables getCustomVariables 1 1 widgetCustomVariablesgetCustomVariablesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Visits per server time Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 302 1 tableGoals VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 1 1 widgetVisitTimegetVisitInformationPerServerTimeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Device type Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getType 201 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getType 1 1 widgetDevicesDetectiongetTypeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Device model Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getModel 202 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getModel 1 1 widgetDevicesDetectiongetModelforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Device brand Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getBrand 203 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getBrand 1 1 widgetDevicesDetectiongetBrandforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Country Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getCountry 204 1 tableGoals UserCountry getCountry 1 1 widgetUserCountrygetCountryforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Continent Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getContinent 205 1 tableGoals UserCountry getContinent 1 1 widgetUserCountrygetContinentforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Region Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getRegion 206 1 tableGoals UserCountry getRegion 1 1 widgetUserCountrygetRegionforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 City Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getCity 207 1 tableGoals UserCountry getCity 1 1 widgetUserCountrygetCityforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Referrer Type Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getReferrerType 1 1 tableGoals Referrers getReferrerType 1 1 widgetReferrersgetReferrerTypeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Keywords Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getKeywords 2 1 tableGoals Referrers getKeywords 1 1 widgetReferrersgetKeywordsforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Search Engines Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getSearchEngines 3 1 tableGoals Referrers getSearchEngines 1 1 widgetReferrersgetSearchEnginesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Websites Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getWebsites 4 1 tableGoals Referrers getWebsites 1 1 widgetReferrersgetWebsitesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Campaigns Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getCampaigns 5 1 tableGoals Referrers getCampaigns 1 1 widgetReferrersgetCampaignsforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 tableGoals 1 Visits to Conversion Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals getVisitsUntilConversion 101 1 table Goals getVisitsUntilConversion 1 1 widgetGoalsgetVisitsUntilConversionforceView1viewDataTabletabledocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 table 1 Days to Conversion Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals getDaysToConversion 102 1 table Goals getDaysToConversion 1 1 widgetGoalsgetDaysToConversionforceView1viewDataTabletabledocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal1 0 table 1 Goals_Goals.2 Goals_Goals Goals 25 icon-reporting-goal 2 Goal 2 - Hello 901 Goal 2 - Hello CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 20 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Goal_2 widgetGoal_2 0 1 Goals_Goals Goals 99 2 2 99 Goals getEvolutionGraph 18 1 graphEvolution Goals getEvolutionGraph 2 widgetGoalsgetEvolutionGraphforceView1viewDataTablegraphEvolutionidGoal2 0 graphEvolution 1 Goals_Goals Goals 99 2 2 99 Goals get 19 1 sparklines Goals get 2 0 widgetGoalsgetforceView1viewDataTablesparklinesidGoal2allow_multiple0 0 sparklines 1 Conversions Overview Goals_Goals Goals 99 2 2 99 Goals goalConversionsOverview 20 Goals goalConversionsOverview 2 widgetGoalsgoalConversionsOverviewidGoal2 0 Goals hasConversions 2 table 1 Goal Goal 2 - Hello conversions by type of visit CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 22 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Goals2 widgetGoals2 0 Goals hasConversions 2 ByDimension 1 Custom Variables Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 CustomVariables getCustomVariables 301 1 tableGoals CustomVariables getCustomVariables 1 2 widgetCustomVariablesgetCustomVariablesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Visits per server time Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 302 1 tableGoals VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 1 2 widgetVisitTimegetVisitInformationPerServerTimeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Device type Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getType 201 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getType 1 2 widgetDevicesDetectiongetTypeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Device model Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getModel 202 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getModel 1 2 widgetDevicesDetectiongetModelforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Device brand Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getBrand 203 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getBrand 1 2 widgetDevicesDetectiongetBrandforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Country Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getCountry 204 1 tableGoals UserCountry getCountry 1 2 widgetUserCountrygetCountryforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Continent Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getContinent 205 1 tableGoals UserCountry getContinent 1 2 widgetUserCountrygetContinentforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Region Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getRegion 206 1 tableGoals UserCountry getRegion 1 2 widgetUserCountrygetRegionforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 City Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getCity 207 1 tableGoals UserCountry getCity 1 2 widgetUserCountrygetCityforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Referrer Type Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getReferrerType 1 1 tableGoals Referrers getReferrerType 1 2 widgetReferrersgetReferrerTypeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Keywords Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getKeywords 2 1 tableGoals Referrers getKeywords 1 2 widgetReferrersgetKeywordsforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Search Engines Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getSearchEngines 3 1 tableGoals Referrers getSearchEngines 1 2 widgetReferrersgetSearchEnginesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Websites Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getWebsites 4 1 tableGoals Referrers getWebsites 1 2 widgetReferrersgetWebsitesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Campaigns Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getCampaigns 5 1 tableGoals Referrers getCampaigns 1 2 widgetReferrersgetCampaignsforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 tableGoals 1 Visits to Conversion Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals getVisitsUntilConversion 101 1 table Goals getVisitsUntilConversion 1 2 widgetGoalsgetVisitsUntilConversionforceView1viewDataTabletabledocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 table 1 Days to Conversion Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals getDaysToConversion 102 1 table Goals getDaysToConversion 1 2 widgetGoalsgetDaysToConversionforceView1viewDataTabletabledocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal2 0 table 1 Goals_Goals.3 Goals_Goals Goals 25 icon-reporting-goal 3 triggered js 902 triggered js CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 25 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Goal_3 widgetGoal_3 0 1 Goals_Goals Goals 99 3 3 99 Goals getEvolutionGraph 23 1 graphEvolution Goals getEvolutionGraph 3 widgetGoalsgetEvolutionGraphforceView1viewDataTablegraphEvolutionidGoal3 0 graphEvolution 1 Goals_Goals Goals 99 3 3 99 Goals get 24 1 sparklines Goals get 3 0 widgetGoalsgetforceView1viewDataTablesparklinesidGoal3allow_multiple0 0 sparklines 1 Conversions Overview Goals_Goals Goals 99 3 3 99 Goals goalConversionsOverview 25 Goals goalConversionsOverview 3 widgetGoalsgoalConversionsOverviewidGoal3 0 Goals hasConversions 3 table 1 Goal triggered js conversions by type of visit CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 27 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Goals3 widgetGoals3 0 Goals hasConversions 3 ByDimension 1 Custom Variables Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 CustomVariables getCustomVariables 301 1 tableGoals CustomVariables getCustomVariables 1 3 widgetCustomVariablesgetCustomVariablesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Visits per server time Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 302 1 tableGoals VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 1 3 widgetVisitTimegetVisitInformationPerServerTimeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Device type Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getType 201 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getType 1 3 widgetDevicesDetectiongetTypeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Device model Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getModel 202 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getModel 1 3 widgetDevicesDetectiongetModelforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Device brand Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getBrand 203 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getBrand 1 3 widgetDevicesDetectiongetBrandforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Country Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getCountry 204 1 tableGoals UserCountry getCountry 1 3 widgetUserCountrygetCountryforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Continent Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getContinent 205 1 tableGoals UserCountry getContinent 1 3 widgetUserCountrygetContinentforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Region Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getRegion 206 1 tableGoals UserCountry getRegion 1 3 widgetUserCountrygetRegionforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 City Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getCity 207 1 tableGoals UserCountry getCity 1 3 widgetUserCountrygetCityforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Referrer Type Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getReferrerType 1 1 tableGoals Referrers getReferrerType 1 3 widgetReferrersgetReferrerTypeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Keywords Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getKeywords 2 1 tableGoals Referrers getKeywords 1 3 widgetReferrersgetKeywordsforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Search Engines Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getSearchEngines 3 1 tableGoals Referrers getSearchEngines 1 3 widgetReferrersgetSearchEnginesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Websites Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getWebsites 4 1 tableGoals Referrers getWebsites 1 3 widgetReferrersgetWebsitesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Campaigns Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getCampaigns 5 1 tableGoals Referrers getCampaigns 1 3 widgetReferrersgetCampaignsforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 tableGoals 1 Visits to Conversion Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals getVisitsUntilConversion 101 1 table Goals getVisitsUntilConversion 1 3 widgetGoalsgetVisitsUntilConversionforceView1viewDataTabletabledocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 table 1 Days to Conversion Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals getDaysToConversion 102 1 table Goals getDaysToConversion 1 3 widgetGoalsgetDaysToConversionforceView1viewDataTabletabledocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal3 0 table 1 Goals_Goals.General_Overview Goals_Goals Goals 25 icon-reporting-goal General_Overview Overview 2 Overview CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 5 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer GoalsOverview widgetGoalsOverview 0 1 Goals_Goals Goals 99 General_Overview Overview 99 Goals getEvolutionGraph 1 1 graphEvolution Goals getEvolutionGraph widgetGoalsgetEvolutionGraphforceView1viewDataTablegraphEvolution 0 graphEvolution 1 Goals_Goals Goals 99 General_Overview Overview 99 Goals get 2 1 sparklines Goals get widgetGoalsgetforceView1viewDataTablesparklines 0 sparklines 1 Goal Goal 1 - Thank you Goals_Goals Goals 99 General_Overview Overview 99 Goals get 3 1 sparklines Goals get 1 1 1 widgetGoalsgetforceView1viewDataTablesparklinesidGoal1allow_multiple1only_summary1 0 sparklines 1 Goal Goal 2 - Hello Goals_Goals Goals 99 General_Overview Overview 99 Goals get 4 1 sparklines Goals get 2 0 1 widgetGoalsgetforceView1viewDataTablesparklinesidGoal2allow_multiple0only_summary1 0 sparklines 1 Goal triggered js Goals_Goals Goals 99 General_Overview Overview 99 Goals get 5 1 sparklines Goals get 3 0 1 widgetGoalsgetforceView1viewDataTablesparklinesidGoal3allow_multiple0only_summary1 0 sparklines 1 Conversions overview by type of visit CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 7 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Goals widgetGoals 0 Goals hasConversions ByDimension 1 Custom Variables Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 CustomVariables getCustomVariables 301 1 tableGoals CustomVariables getCustomVariables 1 0 widgetCustomVariablesgetCustomVariablesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Visits per server time Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 Goals by User attribute Goals by User attribute 99 VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 302 1 tableGoals VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 1 0 widgetVisitTimegetVisitInformationPerServerTimeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Device type Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getType 201 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getType 1 0 widgetDevicesDetectiongetTypeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Device model Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getModel 202 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getModel 1 0 widgetDevicesDetectiongetModelforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Device brand Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 DevicesDetection getBrand 203 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getBrand 1 0 widgetDevicesDetectiongetBrandforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Country Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getCountry 204 1 tableGoals UserCountry getCountry 1 0 widgetUserCountrygetCountryforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Continent Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getContinent 205 1 tableGoals UserCountry getContinent 1 0 widgetUserCountrygetContinentforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Region Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getRegion 206 1 tableGoals UserCountry getRegion 1 0 widgetUserCountrygetRegionforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 City Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 Goals by User location Goals by User location 99 UserCountry getCity 207 1 tableGoals UserCountry getCity 1 0 widgetUserCountrygetCityforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Referrer Type Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getReferrerType 1 1 tableGoals Referrers getReferrerType 1 0 widgetReferrersgetReferrerTypeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Keywords Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getKeywords 2 1 tableGoals Referrers getKeywords 1 0 widgetReferrersgetKeywordsforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Search Engines Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getSearchEngines 3 1 tableGoals Referrers getSearchEngines 1 0 widgetReferrersgetSearchEnginesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Websites Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getWebsites 4 1 tableGoals Referrers getWebsites 1 0 widgetReferrersgetWebsitesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Campaigns Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Goals by Referrers Goals by Referrers 99 Referrers getCampaigns 5 1 tableGoals Referrers getCampaigns 1 0 widgetReferrersgetCampaignsforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 tableGoals 1 Visits to Conversion Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals getVisitsUntilConversion 101 1 table Goals getVisitsUntilConversion 1 0 widgetGoalsgetVisitsUntilConversionforceView1viewDataTabletabledocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 table 1 Days to Conversion Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals engagement Goals engagement 99 Goals getDaysToConversion 102 1 table Goals getDaysToConversion 1 0 widgetGoalsgetDaysToConversionforceView1viewDataTabletabledocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoal0 0 table 1 Goals_Goals.Goals_ManageGoals Goals_Goals Goals 25 icon-reporting-goal Goals_ManageGoals Manage Goals 9999 Manage Goals Goals editGoals 99 Goals editGoals widgetGoalseditGoals 0 Goals_Ecommerce.Goals_EcommerceLog Goals_Ecommerce Ecommerce 20 icon-reporting-ecommerce Goals_EcommerceLog Ecommerce Log 5 Ecommerce Log Ecommerce getEcommerceLog 99 Ecommerce getEcommerceLog widgetEcommercegetEcommerceLog 0 Goals_Ecommerce.General_Overview Goals_Ecommerce Ecommerce 20 icon-reporting-ecommerce General_Overview Overview 2 Overview CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 10 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer EcommerceOverview widgetEcommerceOverview 0 1 Goals_Ecommerce Ecommerce 99 General_Overview Overview 99 Goals getEvolutionGraph 8 1 graphEvolution Goals getEvolutionGraph ecommerceOrder widgetGoalsgetEvolutionGraphforceView1viewDataTablegraphEvolutionidGoalecommerceOrder 0 graphEvolution 1 Goals_Ecommerce Ecommerce 99 General_Overview Overview 99 Ecommerce getSparklines 9 1 sparklines Ecommerce getSparklines ecommerceOrder widgetEcommercegetSparklinesforceView1viewDataTablesparklinesidGoalecommerceOrder 0 sparklines 1 Conversions Overview Goals_Goals Goals 99 ecommerceOrder ecommerceOrder 99 Ecommerce getConversionsOverview 10 Ecommerce getConversionsOverview ecommerceOrder widgetEcommercegetConversionsOverviewidGoalecommerceOrder 0 Goals hasConversions ecommerceOrder table 1 Goals_Ecommerce.Goals_Products Goals_Ecommerce Ecommerce 20 icon-reporting-ecommerce Goals_Products Products 10 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 99 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer Products widgetProducts 0 ByDimension 1 Product SKU Goals_Ecommerce Ecommerce 99 Goals_Products Products 99 Goals getItemsSku 130 Goals getItemsSku widgetGoalsgetItemsSku 0 table 1 Product Name Goals_Ecommerce Ecommerce 99 Goals_Products Products 99 Goals getItemsName 131 Goals getItemsName widgetGoalsgetItemsName 0 table 1 Product Category Goals_Ecommerce Ecommerce 99 Goals_Products Products 99 Goals getItemsCategory 132 Goals getItemsCategory widgetGoalsgetItemsCategory 0 table 1 Goals_Ecommerce.Ecommerce_Sales Goals_Ecommerce Ecommerce 20 icon-reporting-ecommerce Ecommerce_Sales Sales 15 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer 12 CoreHome renderWidgetContainer ecommerceOrder GoalsOrder widgetGoalsOrderidGoalecommerceOrder 0 ByDimension 1 Custom Variables Sales by User attribute Sales by User attribute 99 Sales by User attribute Sales by User attribute 99 CustomVariables getCustomVariables 301 1 tableGoals CustomVariables getCustomVariables 1 ecommerceOrder widgetCustomVariablesgetCustomVariablesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 Visits per server time Sales by User attribute Sales by User attribute 99 Sales by User attribute Sales by User attribute 99 VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 302 1 tableGoals VisitTime getVisitInformationPerServerTime 1 ecommerceOrder widgetVisitTimegetVisitInformationPerServerTimeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 Device type Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 DevicesDetection getType 201 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getType 1 ecommerceOrder widgetDevicesDetectiongetTypeforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 Device model Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 DevicesDetection getModel 202 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getModel 1 ecommerceOrder widgetDevicesDetectiongetModelforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 Device brand Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 DevicesDetection getBrand 203 1 tableGoals DevicesDetection getBrand 1 ecommerceOrder widgetDevicesDetectiongetBrandforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 Country Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 UserCountry getCountry 204 1 tableGoals UserCountry getCountry 1 ecommerceOrder widgetUserCountrygetCountryforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 Continent Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 UserCountry getContinent 205 1 tableGoals UserCountry getContinent 1 ecommerceOrder widgetUserCountrygetContinentforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 Region Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 UserCountry getRegion 206 1 tableGoals UserCountry getRegion 1 ecommerceOrder widgetUserCountrygetRegionforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 City Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 Sales by User location Sales by User location 99 UserCountry getCity 207 1 tableGoals UserCountry getCity 1 ecommerceOrder 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widgetReferrersgetSearchEnginesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 Websites Sales by Referrers Sales by Referrers 99 Sales by Referrers Sales by Referrers 99 Referrers getWebsites 4 1 tableGoals Referrers getWebsites 1 ecommerceOrder widgetReferrersgetWebsitesforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 Campaigns Sales by Referrers Sales by Referrers 99 Sales by Referrers Sales by Referrers 99 Referrers getCampaigns 5 1 tableGoals Referrers getCampaigns 1 ecommerceOrder widgetReferrersgetCampaignsforceView1viewDataTabletableGoalsdocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 tableGoals 1 Visits to Conversion Sales engagement Sales engagement 99 Sales engagement Sales engagement 99 Goals getVisitsUntilConversion 101 1 table Goals getVisitsUntilConversion 1 ecommerceOrder widgetGoalsgetVisitsUntilConversionforceView1viewDataTabletabledocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 table 1 Days to Conversion Sales engagement Sales engagement 99 Sales engagement Sales engagement 99 Goals getDaysToConversion 102 1 table Goals getDaysToConversion 1 ecommerceOrder widgetGoalsgetDaysToConversionforceView1viewDataTabletabledocumentationForGoalsPage1idGoalecommerceOrder 0 table 1 ExampleUI_UiFramework.ExampleUI_GetTemperaturesDataTable ExampleUI_UiFramework UI Framework 90 ExampleUI_GetTemperaturesDataTable Data tables 99 Data tables ExampleUI getTemperatures 210 ExampleUI getTemperatures widgetExampleUIgetTemperatures 0 table 1 ExampleUI_UiFramework.Bar graph ExampleUI_UiFramework UI Framework 90 Bar graph Bar graph 99 Data tables ExampleUI getTemperatures 210 1 graphVerticalBar ExampleUI getTemperatures widgetExampleUIgetTemperaturesforceView1viewDataTablegraphVerticalBar 0 graphVerticalBar 1 ExampleUI_UiFramework.Treemap ExampleUI_UiFramework UI Framework 90 Treemap Treemap 99 Treemap example ExampleUI getTemperatures 210 1 infoviz-treemap ExampleUI getTemperatures widgetExampleUIgetTemperaturesforceView1viewDataTableinfoviz-treemap 0 infoviz-treemap 1 ExampleUI_UiFramework.Sparklines ExampleUI_UiFramework UI Framework 90 Sparklines Sparklines 99 Temperatures evolution over time ExampleUI getTemperaturesEvolution 211 1 sparklines ExampleUI getTemperaturesEvolution widgetExampleUIgetTemperaturesEvolutionforceView1viewDataTablesparklines 0 sparklines 1 ExampleUI_UiFramework.Evolution Graph ExampleUI_UiFramework UI Framework 90 Evolution Graph Evolution Graph 99 Evolution of server temperatures over the last few days ExampleUI getTemperaturesEvolution 211 1 graphEvolution ExampleUI getTemperaturesEvolution server1 server2 widgetExampleUIgetTemperaturesEvolutionforceView1viewDataTablegraphEvolutioncolumnsArray 0 graphEvolution 1 ExampleUI_UiFramework.Pie graph ExampleUI_UiFramework UI Framework 90 Pie graph Pie graph 99 Pie graph ExampleUI getPlanetRatios 212 ExampleUI getPlanetRatios widgetExampleUIgetPlanetRatios 0 graphPie 1 ExampleUI_UiFramework.Tag clouds ExampleUI_UiFramework UI Framework 90 Tag clouds Tag clouds 99 Simple tag cloud ExampleUI getPlanetRatios 5 1 cloud ExampleUI getPlanetRatios widgetExampleUIgetPlanetRatiosforceView1viewDataTablecloud 0 cloud 1 Advanced tag cloud: with logos and links ExampleUI getPlanetRatiosWithLogos 213 ExampleUI getPlanetRatiosWithLogos widgetExampleUIgetPlanetRatiosWithLogos 0 cloud 1