1 3 action http://example.org/index.htm View product left in cart 2 11 _pkp 999 _pks SKU VERY nice indeed _pkn PRODUCT THREE LEFT in cart _pkc 1 180 3 min 0s action http://example.org/index.htm View product left in cart 2 12 _pkp 333 _pks SKU VERY nice indeed _pkn PRODUCT THREE LEFT in cart _pkc 2 180 3 min 0s action http://example.org/index.htm View product left in cart 2 13 _pks SKU IN ABANDONED CART TWO _pkn PRODUCT TWO LEFT in cart _pkc Category TWO LEFT in cart 3 361 6 min 1s ecommerceAbandonedCart 2510.11 4 SKU VERY nice indeed PRODUCT THREE LEFT in cart Electronics & Cameras 10 1 SKU IN ABANDONED CART ONE PRODUCT ONE LEFT in cart 500.11 1 SKU IN ABANDONED CART TWO PRODUCT TWO LEFT in cart Category TWO LEFT in cart 1000 2 plugins/Morpheus/images/ecommerceAbandonedCart.gif 0 USD $ returningCustomer plugins/Live/images/returningVisitor.gif 0 2 abandonedCart plugins/Morpheus/images/ecommerceAbandonedCart.gif 0 0 721 12 min 1s 0 3 3 direct Direct Entry pl Polish Desktop plugins/DevicesDetection/images/screens/normal.gif Unknown Windows XP Windows plugins/DevicesDetection/images/os/WIN.gif WIN XP Gecko Gecko (Firefox) Firefox 3.6 Firefox plugins/DevicesDetection/images/browsers/FF.gif FF 3.6 0 Europe eur Poland pl plugins/UserCountry/images/flags/pl.png Poland 12:34:06 12 0 VisitorName Great name! ValueIsZero 0 VisitorType NewLoggedOut 1024x768 flash, java plugins/DevicePlugins/images/plugins/flash.gif flash plugins/DevicePlugins/images/plugins/java.gif java 1 2 action http://example.org/index.htm Looking at Electronics & Cameras page with a page level custom variable 2 5 _pkc Electronics & Cameras 1 360 6 min 0s action http://example.org/index.htm Looking at Electronics & Cameras page again 2 6 _pkc Electronics & Cameras 2 360 6 min 0s action http://example.org/index.htm Looking at product page 2 7 _pkp 666 _pks SKU VERY nice indeed _pkn PRODUCT name _pkc Electronics & Cameras 3 720 12 min 0s ecommerceOrder 937nsjusu 3894 1111.11 1000 111 0.11 666 8 SKU VERY nice indeed PRODUCT name Multiple Category 1 500 2 ANOTHER SKU HERE PRODUCT name BIS 100 6 plugins/Morpheus/images/ecommerceOrder.gif ecommerceOrder 1037nsjusu4s3894 2000 1500 400 100 0 2 SKU VERY nice indeed PRODUCT name 11.22 1 SKU2 Canon SLR Electronics & Cameras 1500 1 plugins/Morpheus/images/ecommerceOrder.gif action http://example.org/index.htm View product left in cart 2 8 _pkp 999 _pks SKU VERY nice indeed _pkn PRODUCT THREE LEFT in cart _pkc 4 180 3 min 0s action http://example.org/index.htm View product left in cart 2 9 _pkp 333 _pks SKU VERY nice indeed _pkn PRODUCT THREE LEFT in cart _pkc 5 180 3 min 0s action http://example.org/index.htm View product left in cart 2 10 _pks SKU IN ABANDONED CART TWO _pkn PRODUCT TWO LEFT in cart _pkc Category TWO LEFT in cart 6 361 6 min 1s ecommerceAbandonedCart 2510.11 4 SKU VERY nice indeed PRODUCT THREE LEFT in cart Electronics & Cameras 10 1 SKU IN ABANDONED CART ONE PRODUCT ONE LEFT in cart 500.11 1 SKU IN ABANDONED CART TWO PRODUCT TWO LEFT in cart Category TWO LEFT in cart 1000 2 plugins/Morpheus/images/ecommerceAbandonedCart.gif 0 USD $ returning plugins/Live/images/returningVisitor.gif 1 plugins/Morpheus/images/goal.png 2 orderedThenAbandonedCart plugins/Morpheus/images/ecommerceOrder.gif 0 0 3961 1 hours 6 min 0 6 6 direct Direct Entry pl Polish Desktop plugins/DevicesDetection/images/screens/normal.gif Unknown Windows XP Windows plugins/DevicesDetection/images/os/WIN.gif WIN XP Gecko Gecko (Firefox) Firefox 3.6 Firefox plugins/DevicesDetection/images/browsers/FF.gif FF 3.6 0 Europe eur Poland pl plugins/UserCountry/images/flags/pl.png Poland 12:34:06 12 0 VisitorName Great name! ValueIsZero 0 VisitorType NewLoggedOut 1024x768 flash, java plugins/DevicePlugins/images/plugins/flash.gif flash plugins/DevicePlugins/images/plugins/java.gif java 1 1 goal title match, triggered ONCE 1 10 1 http://example.org/index.htm plugins/Morpheus/images/goal.png action http://example.org/index.htm incredible title! 2 1 _pkp 1111.11111 _pks SKU2 _pkn PRODUCT name _pkc Electronics & Cameras 1 360 6 min 0s action http://example.org/index.htm Another Product page 2 2 _pkp 666 _pks SKU VERY nice indeed _pkn PRODUCT name _pkc Electronics & Cameras 2 360 6 min 0s action http://example.org/index.htm Another Product page with no category 2 3 _pkp 888 _pks SKU VERY nice indeed _pkn PRODUCT name _pkc 3 0 0s action http://example.org/index.htm Another Product page with multiple categories 2 4 _pks SKU VERY nice indeed _pkn PRODUCT name _pkc ["Multiple Category 1","",0,"Multiple Category 2","Electronics & Cameras","Multiple Category 4","Multiple Category 5","SHOULD NOT BE REPORTEDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttt 4 1 USD $ new 1 plugins/Morpheus/images/goal.png 1 none 0 0 721 12 min 1s 0 4 4 direct Direct Entry fr French Desktop plugins/DevicesDetection/images/screens/normal.gif Unknown Windows XP Windows plugins/DevicesDetection/images/os/WIN.gif WIN XP Gecko Gecko (Firefox) Firefox 3.6 Firefox plugins/DevicesDetection/images/browsers/FF.gif FF 3.6 0 Europe eur France fr plugins/UserCountry/images/flags/fr.png France 12:34:06 12 0 ValueIsZero 0 VisitorType NewLoggedOut 1024x768 flash, java plugins/DevicePlugins/images/plugins/flash.gif flash plugins/DevicePlugins/images/plugins/java.gif java