CoreUpdater Update settings release_channel <value>latest_stable</value> <defaultValue>latest_stable</defaultValue> <type>string</type> <uiControl>radio</uiControl> <uiControlAttributes> </uiControlAttributes> <availableValues> <latest_stable>Latest stable release (Recommended)</latest_stable> <latest_beta>Latest beta release</latest_beta> <latest_2x_stable>Latest stable 2.X (Long Term Support version)</latest_2x_stable> <latest_2x_beta>Latest beta 2.X (Long Term Support version)</latest_2x_beta> </availableValues> <description /> <inlineHelp>While our <a href='?module=Proxy&action=redirect&url=' target='_blank'>development process</a> includes thousands of automated tests, Beta Testers play a key role in achieving the "No bug policy" in Piwik.<br/>If Piwik is a critical part of your business, we recommend you use the latest stable release. If you use the latest beta and you find a bug or have a suggestion, please <a href='?module=Proxy&action=redirect&' target='_blank'>see here</a>.<br />LTS (Long Term Support) versions receive only security and bug fixes.</inlineHelp> <templateFile /> <introduction>Release channel</introduction> <condition /> </row> <row> <name>enable_plugin_update_communication</name> <title /> <value>1</value> <defaultValue>1</defaultValue> <type>boolean</type> <uiControl>radio</uiControl> <uiControlAttributes> </uiControlAttributes> <availableValues> <row key="1">Yes</row> <row key="0">No (Default)</row> </availableValues> <description /> <inlineHelp>An email will be sent to Super Users when there is a new version available for a plugin.</inlineHelp> <templateFile /> <introduction>Send an email when a plugin update is available</introduction> <condition /> </row> </settings> </row> <row> <pluginName>ExampleSettingsPlugin</pluginName> <title>ExampleSettingsPlugin metric Metric to display nb_visits nb_visits string select Visits Actions Visitors Choose the metric that should be displayed in the browser tab browsers Supported Browsers firefox chromium safari firefox chromium safari array multiselect Firefox Chromium safari The value will be only displayed in the following browsers description Description for value This is the value: Another line This is the value: Another line string textarea This description will be displayed next to the value password API password string password Password for the 3rd API where we fetch the value AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement AnonymousPiwikUsageMeasurement canUserOptOut Let users disable anonymous tracking 1 1 boolean checkbox If enabled, logged in users can opt out in their plugin settings. Anonymous users cannot opt out. trackToPiwik Send usage data to 0 1 boolean checkbox If enabled, anonymized usage data will be sent to and the tracked data can be viewed there (the data is public). The collected data is used to improve Piwik. Thank you for making Piwik better! Send anonmyized usage data to the creators of Piwik ownPiwikSiteId Site Id 0 0 integer text If specified, anonymized usage data will be sent to the specified site in this Piwik. Send anonymize usage data to this Piwik anonymizeSelfPiwik Anonymize tracking requests 1 1 boolean checkbox customSiteUrl Piwik Url string text eg. Send anonymize usage data to a custom Piwik customSiteId Site Id 0 0 integer text eg. "2" If a URL and Site Id is specified, usage data will be sent to the custom Piwik instance. anonymizeCustomPiwik Anonymize tracking requests 1 1 boolean checkbox QueuedTracking QueuedTracking useSentinelBackend Enable Redis Sentinel' 0 0 boolean checkbox 3 If enabled, the Redis Sentinel feature will be used. Make sure to update host and port if needed. Once you have enabled and saved the change, you will be able to specify multiple hosts and ports comma separated. sentinelMasterName Redis Sentinel Master name mymaster mymaster string text 200 The sentinel master name only needs to be configured if Sentinel is enabled. redisHost Redis host or unix socket string text 500 Remote host or unix socket of the Redis server. Max 500 characters are allowed. redisPort Redis port 6379 6379 string text 100 Port the Redis server is running on. Value should be between 1 and 65535. Use 0 if you are using unix socket to connect to Redis server. redisDatabase Redis database 15 0 integer text 5 In case you are using Redis for caching make sure to use a different database. redisPassword Redis password string password 100 Password set on the Redis server, if any. Redis can be instructed to require a password before allowing clients to execute commands. queueEnabled Queue enabled 0 0 boolean checkbox If enabled, all tracking requests will be written into a queue instead of the directly into the database. Requires a Redis server and phpredis PHP extension. numQueueWorkers Number of queue workers 4 1 integer text 5 Number of allowed maximum queue workers. Accepts a number between 1 and 16. Best practice is to set the number of CPUs you want to make available for queue processing. Be aware you need to make sure to start the workers manually. We recommend to not use 9-15 workers, rather use 8 or 16 as the queue might not be distributed evenly into different queues. DO NOT USE more than 1 worker if you make use the UserId feature when tracking see numRequestsToProcess Number of requests that are processed in one batch 25 25 integer text 3 Defines how many requests will be picked out of the queue and processed at once. Enter a number which is >= 1. processDuringTrackingRequest Process during tracking request 1 1 boolean checkbox If enabled, we will process all requests within a queue during a normal tracking request once there are enough requests in the queue. This will not slow down the tracking request. If disabled, you have to setup a cronjob that executes the "./console queuedtracking:process" console command eg every minute to process the queue.