delete(); Environment::setGlobalEnvironmentManipulator(new TestingEnvironmentManipulator($vars)); $rootTestEnvironment = new \Piwik\Application\Environment(null); $rootTestEnvironment->init(); } setupRootContainer(); // do it in a function so it doesn't appear in $_GLOBALS and so PHPUnit won't try to serialize it. Locale::setDefaultLocale(); function prepareServerVariables(Config $config) { $testConfig = $config->tests; if ('@REQUEST_URI@' === $testConfig['request_uri']) { // config not done yet, if Piwik is installed we can automatically configure request_uri and http_host $url = \Piwik\SettingsPiwik::getPiwikUrl(); if (!empty($url)) { $parsedUrl = parse_url($url); $testConfig['request_uri'] = $parsedUrl['path']; $testConfig['http_host'] = $parsedUrl['host']; $config->tests = $testConfig; $config->forceSave(); } } $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $testConfig['http_host']; $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $testConfig['request_uri']; $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = $testConfig['remote_addr']; $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = $testConfig['port']; } function prepareTestDatabaseConfig(Config $config) { $testDb = $config->database_tests; if ('@USERNAME@' !== $testDb['username']) { return; // testDb is already configured, we do not want to overwrite any existing settings. } $db = $config->database; $testDb['username'] = $db['username']; if (empty($testDb['password'])) { $testDb['password'] = $db['password']; } if (empty($testDb['host'])) { $testDb['host'] = $db['host']; } $testDb['tables_prefix'] = ''; // tables_prefix has to be empty for UI tests $config->database_tests = $testDb; $config->forceSave(); } if (!SettingsPiwik::isPiwikInstalled()) { throw new Exception('Piwik needs to be installed in order to run the tests'); } $config = Config::getInstance(); prepareServerVariables($config); prepareTestDatabaseConfig($config); checkPiwikSetupForTests(); function checkPiwikSetupForTests() { if (empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) || $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '@REQUEST_URI@' ) { echo "WARNING: for tests to pass, you must first: 1) Install webserver on localhost, eg. apache 2) Make these Piwik files available on the webserver, at eg. http://localhost/dev/piwik/ 3) Install Piwik by going through the installation process 4) Configure tests section if needed in config/config.ini.php: [tests] http_host = \"localhost\" request_uri = \"@REQUEST_URI@\" remote_addr = \"\" Try again."; exit(1); } }