/*! * Piwik - free/libre analytics platform * * Bar graph screenshot tests. * * @link http://piwik.org * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GPL v3 or later */ describe("BarGraph", function () { this.timeout(0); var tokenAuth = "9ad1de7f8b329ab919d854c556f860c1", // md5('superUserLogin' . md5('superUserPass')) url = "?module=Widgetize&action=iframe&moduleToWidgetize=Referrers&idSite=1&period=year&date=2012-08-09&" + "actionToWidgetize=getKeywords&viewDataTable=graphVerticalBar&isFooterExpandedInDashboard=1&" + "token_auth=" + tokenAuth; before(function () { // use real auth + token auth to test that auth works when widgetizing reports in an iframe testEnvironment.testUseMockAuth = 0; testEnvironment.save(); }); it("should load correctly", function (done) { expect.screenshot("load").to.be.capture(function (page) { page.load(url); }, done); }); it("should display the metric picker on hover of metric picker icon", function (done) { expect.screenshot('metric_picker_shown').to.be.capture(function (page) { page.mouseMove('.jqplot-seriespicker'); }, done); }); it("should display multiple metrics when another metric picked", function (done) { expect.screenshot('other_metric').to.be.capture(function (page) { page.click('.jqplot-seriespicker-popover input:not(:checked)'); }, done); }); });