database_tests->dbname; Zend_Registry::get('config')->disableSavingConfigurationFileUpdates(); ?>

Piwik unit tests

Some of the tests require a database access. The database used for tests is different from your normal Piwik database. You may need to create this database ; you can edit the settings for the unit tests database access in your config file /config/global.ini.php

The database used in your tests is called "". Create it if necessary.

Run the tests by module

"); continue; } $test->addFile($file); } $timer = new Piwik_Timer; $test->run(new HtmlReporter()); echo $timer."
"; echo $timer->getMemoryLeak(); /* assertTrue($x) Fail if $x is false assertFalse($x) Fail if $x is true assertNull($x) Fail if $x is set assertNotNull($x) Fail if $x not set assertIsA($x, $t) Fail if $x is not the class or type $t assertNotA($x, $t) Fail if $x is of the class or type $t assertEqual($x, $y) Fail if $x == $y is false assertNotEqual($x, $y) Fail if $x == $y is true assertWithinMargin($x, $y, $m) Fail if abs($x - $y) < $m is false assertOutsideMargin($x, $y, $m) Fail if abs($x - $y) < $m is true assertIdentical($x, $y) Fail if $x == $y is false or a type mismatch assertNotIdentical($x, $y) Fail if $x == $y is true and types match assertReference($x, $y) Fail unless $x and $y are the same variable assertClone($x, $y) Fail unless $x and $y are identical copies assertPattern($p, $x) Fail unless the regex $p matches $x assertNoPattern($p, $x) Fail if the regex $p matches $x expectError($x) Swallows any upcoming matching error assert($e) Fail on failed expectation object $e */