var n = 30; while (n--) { describe('Array ' + n, function(){ var arr; beforeEach(function(){ arr = [1,2,3]; }) describe('#indexOf()', function(){ it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function(){ assert(-1 == arr.indexOf(5)); }) it('should return the correct index when the value is present', function(done){ assert(0 == arr.indexOf(1)); assert(1 == arr.indexOf(2)); done(); }) }) }) } describe('something', function(){ it('should provide a useful error', function(done){ setTimeout(function(){ throw new Error('boom'); done(); }, 1); }) it('should provide an even better error on phantomjs', function(done){ setTimeout(function(){ var AssertionError = function(message, actual, expected) { this.message = message; this.actual = actual; this.expected = expected; this.showDiff = true; }; AssertionError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); = 'AssertionError'; AssertionError.prototype.constructor = AssertionError; mocha.throwError(new AssertionError('kabooom', 'text with a typo', 'text without a typo')); done(); }, 1); }) })