$(document).ready(function () { function updateSystemCheck() { $('.system-check tr:contains(Time) td:nth-child(2)').text('Not showing in tests'); $('.system-check tr:contains(Datetime) td:nth-child(2)').text('Not showing in tests'); $('.system-check tr:contains(Version) td:nth-child(2)').text('Not showing in tests'); $('.system-check tr:contains(User Agent) td:nth-child(2)').text('Not showing in tests'); } updateSystemCheck(); if (window.piwikHelper) { var $timeout = piwikHelper.getAngularDependency('$timeout'); if ($timeout){ $timeout(function () { // because of angular rendering replacing the content potentially... updateSystemCheck(); $timeout(function () { updateSystemCheck(); }, 100); }); } } $('.ui-inline-help:contains(UTC time is)').hide(); $('[notification-id=ControllerAdmin_HttpIsUsed]').hide(); $.fx.off = true; // disable materialize animations (Materialize version > 1) if (typeof M !== 'undefined' && M.anime) { var oldAnime = M.anime; M.anime = function (params) { if (!params) { params = {}; } params.duration = 0; return oldAnime(params); }; } else if ($.Velocity) { $.Velocity.mock = true; } });