baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Don Quixote" theme = "rocinante" paginate = 3 summaryLength = 0 [markup] [markup.highlight] style = "monokailight" tabWidth = 2 [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe= true [author] name = "Sid Verma" [params] mainSections = ["post", "photos"] email = "" favicon = "/icon/favicon.jpg" about = """ Hi. I'm **Don**. Some people also know me as Alonso Quixano. I ride around on my dear horse called _Rocinante_, being the best knight I can be. I named horse Rocinante because it's the best and the most powerful horse around. _If you see injustice around you, and need the help of an ingenious gentleman, feel free to reach out anytime. I'm usually always available._ """ [[params.links]] [[]] name = "About" href = "" new_tab = true [[]] name = "Email" href = "/contact" smart_email_link = true [[params.links]] [[]] name = "Goodreads" href = "" new_tab = true [[]] name = "Gutenberg" href = "" new_tab = true [[]] name = "Twitter" href = "" new_tab = true [[]] name = "Creator" href = "" new_tab = true