# Techlog Simple, A simple theme for [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/). ![screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mazgi/hugo-theme-techlog-simple/main/images/screenshot.png) [DEMO](https://mazgi-hugo-themes-gcp.firebaseapp.com/techlog-simple/) Features - Simple - Table of Contents - Custom profile page. Also includes examples of Hugo Features or Functions: - Pagination - Tags - Authors ## Installation Inside the folder of your Hugo site run: $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/mazgi/hugo-theme-techlog-simple.git ## Getting started After installing the theme successfully it requires a just a few more steps to get your site running. ### The config file Take a look inside the [`exampleSite`](https://github.com/mazgi/hugo-theme-techlog-simple/tree/main/exampleSite) folder of this theme. You'll find a file called [`config.toml`](https://github.com/mazgi/hugo-theme-techlog-simple/blob/main/exampleSite/config.toml). To use it, copy the [`config.toml`](https://github.com/mazgi/hugo-theme-techlog-simple/blob/main/exampleSite/config.toml) in the root folder of your Hugo site. Feel free to change the strings in this theme. ### Nearly finished In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server. `$ hugo server` Now enter [`localhost:1313`](http://localhost:1313/) in the address bar of your browser. To run in production (e.g. to have Google Analytics show up), run `HUGO_ENV=production` before your build command. For example: ```shellsession $ HUGO_ENV=production hugo ```