using System; namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.PatternMatching { /// /// Specifies flags that control optional behavior of the pattern matching. /// [Flags] public enum PatternMatcherCreationFlags { /// /// No options selected. /// None = 0, /// /// Signifies that strings differing from the initial pattern by minor spelling changes should be considered a match. /// AllowFuzzyMatching = 1, /// /// Signifies that spans indicating matched segments in candidate strings should be returned. /// IncludeMatchedSpans = 2, /// /// Signifies that a case insensitive substring match, but not a prefix should be considered a match. /// This covers the case of non camel case naming conventions, for example matching /// 'afxsettingsstore.h' when user types 'store.h' /// AllowSimpleSubstringMatching = 4 } }