# Hugo Now ![Powered By Hugo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mikeblum/hugo-now/master/static/logo/hugo-now.png) A Hugo port of [Jekyll Now](https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now). The Hugo implementation is inspired by [Hemingway](https://github.com/tanksuzuki/hemingway). ## Screenshots ### Home Page home page --- ### Posts post --- ### Dashboard dashboard --- ### Projects dashboard --- ### Table of Contents table of contents --- ## Features bootstrap 4

Bootstrap V4

Update from Bootstrap 3 to 4 font awesome logo

Font Awesome

Latest Font Awesome icons no javascript

Progressive Enhancement

Disabling Javascript should retain the same experience. sass

Powerful Styling

Using the power of SASS to power our build pipeline. All major dependencies have .scss support. gulp

Modern Build Pipeline

Without Jekyll's Asset pipeline, a Hugo theme needs a build system. I opted for gulp.js

Emoji :sunglasses:

Support for emojis found here: Emoji Cheatsheet Available for: - :white_check_mark: tags - :white_check_mark: titles - :white_check_mark: posts / .Content pygments

Syntax Highlighting

Rather then using a JS library like hightlight.js I opt for server-side rendering with Pygments to keep in line with progressive enhamcements. Here is Hugo's opinion on the matter:

The advantage of server side is that it doesn’t depend on a JavaScript library and consequently works very well when read from an RSS feed.

I would argue site usability / robustness far out weighs build times.

google analytics

Google Analytics

Configure Google Analytics with `GoogleAnalytics`

Table of Contents

Headings are resolved into a styleable Table of Contents

Enabled via `toc` in your front matter: ``` toc: true ``` * true = show table of contents * false = hide table of contents --- ## Install ### Hugo Module - Preferred Add Hugo Now as a Module: ``` # pygments PygmentsCodeFences = true PygmentsStyle = "pygments" [module] [[module.imports]] path = "github.com/mikeblum/hugo-now" ``` Update to the latest version: ``` hugo mod get -u github.com/mikeblum/hugo-now ``` ### Git Submodule Add Hugo Now as a submodule: `git submodule add git@github.com:mikeblum/hugo-now.git themes/hugo-now` Your `.gitmodules` should now contain: ``` [submodule "themes/hugo-now"] path = themes/hugo-now url = git@github.com:mikeblum/hugo-now.git ``` > Remember to commit your .gitmodules ## Configure `config.toml` ```toml baseurl = "http://example.org/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "My New Hugo Site" # use latest [module] [[module.imports]] path = "github.com/mikeblum/hugo-now" # or use local fork at themes/hugo-now [module] replacements = "github.com/mikeblum/hugo-now -> ../.." [[module.imports]] path = "github.com/mikeblum/hugo-now" # google analytics GoogleAnalytics = "UA-XXXXXX" [taxonomies] category = "categories" tag = "tags" [params] description = "Hugo port of Jekyll Now" author = "Hugo Now" keywords = ["hugo-now", "hugo"] avatar = "/images/hugo.png" displayauthor = false # pygments PygmentsUseClasses = true PygmentsCodeFences = true # pagination paginate = 10 paginatePath = "page" ``` ## Content * `Use SVG rather than PNG / JPG` - they style better and take less bandwidth * `Pygments styles use SASS` - PygmentsStyle is configured by changing the `sass/style.scss` - Defaults to `default` Pygments style - see [Pygments Styles](https://help.farbox.com/pygments.html) ## Build ### Hugo ``` hugo server ``` You can go to localhost:1313 and this theme should be visible. ### SASS Build [SASS](https://sass-lang.com/install) updates by downloading [Dart SASS](https://github.com/sass/dart-sass/releases/tag/1.45.0) > Development `sass sass/style.scss static/css/style.css` > Production `sass sass/style.scss static/css/style.css --style compressed` Set the `HUGO_ENV` variable to `production` to use the minified CSS. ## License Hugo Now is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE.md). ## Author [Michael Blum](https://github.com/mikeblum) ## Credits is based on [Hemingway](https://github.com/tanksuzuki/hemingway) created by [Asuka Suzuki](https://github.com/tanksuzuki).