using System; namespace Mono.Documentation { public static class Consts { public static string MonoVersion = "5.8.3"; public const string DocId = "DocId"; public const string CppCli = "C++ CLI"; public const string CppCx = "C++ CX"; public const string CppWinRt = "C++ WINRT"; public const string CSharp = "C#"; public const string VbNet = "VB.NET"; public const string DocIdLowCase = "docid"; public const string VbNetLowCase = ""; public const string CppCliLowCase = "c++/cli"; public const string CppCxLowCase = "c++/cx"; public const string CppWinRtLowCase = "c++/winrt"; public const string Tab = " "; public const string FSharp = "F#"; public const string FSharpLowCase = "f#"; public const string Javascript = "JavaScript"; public const string JavascriptLowCase = "javascript"; public const string DependencyPropertyFullName = "System.Windows.DependencyProperty"; public const string DependencyPropertyFullNameXaml = "Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty"; public const string DependencyObjectFullName = "System.Windows.DependencyObject"; public const string DependencyObjectFullNameXaml = "Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject"; public const string DependencyPropertyFullNameIInputElement = "System.Windows.IInputElement"; public const string DependencyPropertyFullNameObject = "System.Object"; public const string VoidFullName = "System.Void"; public const string RefTypeObsoleteString = "Types with embedded references are not supported in this version of your compiler."; public const string FrameworksIndexFolderName = "FrameworksIndex"; public const string CompilerGeneratedAttribute = "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute"; public const string CompilationMappingAttribute = "Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilationMappingAttribute"; public const string FrameworksIndex = "FrameworksIndex"; public const string FrameworkAlternate = "FrameworkAlternate"; public const string Index = "Index"; public static bool CollapseInheritedInterfaces = true; } }