module Constructors type MyClass(x0, y0, z0) = let mutable x = x0 let mutable y = y0 let mutable z = z0 do printfn "Initialized object that has coordinates (%d, %d, %d)" x y z member this.X with get() = x and set(value) = x <- value member this.Y with get() = y and set(value) = y <- value member this.Z with get() = z and set(value) = z <- value new() = MyClass(0, 0, 0) type MyClassObjectParameters(x0:string, y0, z0) = let mutable x = x0 let mutable y = y0 let mutable z = z0 member this.X with get() = x and set(value) = x <- value member this.Y with get() = y and set(value) = y <- value member internal this.Z with get() = z and set(value) = z <- value // new() = MyClassObjectParameters("", 0, 0) // new(x0:string) = MyClassObjectParameters("", x0, x0) type MyStruct = struct val X : int val Y : int val Z : int new(x, y, z) = { X = x; Y = y; Z = z } end let myStructure1 = new MyStruct(1, 2, 3) // Error Each argument of the primary constructor for a struct must be given a type, // for example 'type S(x1:int, x2: int) = ...'. // These arguments determine the fields of the struct type MyStruct2 = struct [] val mutable X : int [] val mutable Y : int [] val mutable Z : int end let myStructure2 = new MyStruct2() type MyClass3 = val a : int val b : int // The following version of the constructor is an error // because b is not initialized. // new (a0, b0) = { a = a0; } // The following version is acceptable because all fields are initialized. new(a0, b0) = { a = a0; b = b0; } type MyClass3_1 (a0, b0)= let a : int = a0 let b : int = b0 //val c : int type MyClass3_2 = val a : int member this.b : int = 19 type MyClass3_3() = [] val mutable internal a : int [] val mutable b : int type MyClass3_4 (a0, b0) = [] val mutable a : int [] val mutable b : int let myClassObj = new MyClass3(35, 22) printfn "%d %d" (myClassObj.a) (myClassObj.b) // type MyStruct3 (a0, b0) = // Each argument of the primary constructor for a struct must be given a type, // for example 'type S(x1:int, x2: int) = ...'. // These arguments determine the fields of the struct type MyStruct33 (a0:int, b0:int) = struct [] val mutable a : int [] val mutable b : int new (a0:int) = MyStruct33(a0, 0) new (a0:int, b0:int, c0:int) = MyStruct33(a0, b0) end let myStruct = new MyStruct33() let myStruct2 = new MyStruct33(10, 15) type MyStruct44 (a0:int, b0:int) = struct [] val mutable a : int [] val mutable b : int end type MyStruct55 (a0:int, b0:int) = struct [] val mutable a : int [] val mutable b : int new (a0:int) = MyStruct55(34, 12) //then {this.a = 71} end type MyStruct66 = struct val a : int val b : int new (a0:int) = {a = a0; b = 83} end type MyStruct77 = struct [] val mutable a : int val b : int // new (a0:int) = {b = 83; a = 12} // doesn't work new (a0:int) = {b = 83} end type MyStruct88 = struct [] val mutable a : int val b : int // new (a0:int) = {b = 83; a = 12} // doesn't work new (a0:int) = {b = 83} new (a0:int, b0:int) = {b = 87} end type PetData = { name : string age : int animal : string } type Pet(name:string, age:int, animal:string) = let mutable age = age let mutable animal = animal new (name:string) = Pet(name, 5, "dog") new (data:PetData) = Pet(, data.age, data.animal) then System.Console.WriteLine("Pet created from PetData") type public MyType = val private myvar: int val private myvar2: string new () = for i in 1 .. 10 do printfn "Before field assignments %i" i { myvar = 1; myvar2 = "test" } then for i in 1 .. 10 do printfn "After field assignments %i" i //A primary constructor in a class can execute code in a do binding. // However, what if you have to execute code in an additional constructor, without a do binding? // To do this, you use the then keyword. // Executing side effects in the primary constructor and // additional constructors. type Person(nameIn : string, idIn : int) = let mutable name = nameIn let mutable id = idIn do printfn "Created a person object." member this.Name with get() = name and set(v) = name <- v member this.ID with get() = id and set(v) = id <- v new() = Person("Invalid Name", -1) then printfn "Created an invalid person object." new(person : Person) = Person(person.Name, person.ID) then printfn "Created a copy of person object." let person1 = new Person("Humberto Acevedo", 123458734) let person2 = new Person() let person3 = new Person(person1) // Self Identifiers in Constructors // In other members, you provide a name for the current // object in the definition of each member. // You can also put the self identifier on the first line of the class definition // by using the as keyword immediately following the constructor parameters. // The following example illustrates this syntax.+ type MyClass1(x) as this = // This use of the self identifier produces a warning - avoid. let x1 = this.X // This use of the self identifier is acceptable. do printfn "Initializing object with X =%d" this.X member this.X = x // In additional constructors, you can also define a self identifier // by putting the as clause right after the constructor parameters. // The following example illustrates this syntax. type MyClass2(x : int) = member this.X = x new() as this = MyClass2(0) then printfn "Initializing with X = %d" this.X // Assigning Values to Properties at Initialization // You can assign values to the properties of a class object in the initialization code // by appending a list of assignments of the form property = value // to the argument list for a constructor. This is shown in the following code example. type Account() = let mutable balance = 0.0 let mutable number = 0 let mutable firstName = "" let mutable lastName = "" member this.AccountNumber with get() = number and set(value) = number <- value member this.FirstName with get() = firstName and set(value) = firstName <- value member this.LastName with get() = lastName and set(value) = lastName <- value member this.Balance with get() = balance and set(value) = balance <- value member this.Deposit(amount: float) = this.Balance <- this.Balance + amount member this.Withdraw(amount: float) = this.Balance <- this.Balance - amount let account1 = new Account(AccountNumber=8782108, FirstName="Darren", LastName="Parker", Balance=1543.33) // The following version of the previous code illustrates the combination // of ordinary arguments, optional arguments, and property settings in one constructor call. type Account2(accountNumber : int, ?first: string, ?last: string, ?bal : float) = let mutable balance = defaultArg bal 0.0 let mutable number = accountNumber let mutable firstName = defaultArg first "" let mutable lastName = defaultArg last "" member this.AccountNumber with get() = number and set(value) = number <- value member this.FirstName with get() = firstName and set(value) = firstName <- value member this.LastName with get() = lastName and set(value) = lastName <- value member this.Balance with get() = balance and set(value) = balance <- value member this.Deposit(amount: float) = this.Balance <- this.Balance + amount member this.Withdraw(amount: float) = this.Balance <- this.Balance - amount let account2 = new Account2(8782108, bal = 543.33, FirstName="Raman", LastName="Iyer") // Constructors and Inheritance type MyClassBase2(x: int) = let mutable z = x * x do for i in 1..z do printf "%d " i type MyClassDerived2(y: int) = inherit MyClassBase2(y * 2) do for i in 1..y do printf "%d " i // In the case of multiple constructors, the following code can be used. // The first line of the derived class constructors is the inherit clause, // and the fields appear as explicit fields that are declared with the val keyword. // For more information, see Explicit Fields: The val Keyword.+ type BaseClass = val string1 : string new (str) = { string1 = str } new () = { string1 = "" } type DerivedClass = inherit BaseClass val string2 : string new (str1, str2) = { inherit BaseClass(str1); string2 = str2 } new (str2) = { inherit BaseClass(); string2 = str2 } let obj1 = DerivedClass("A", "B") let obj2 = DerivedClass("A")