text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Cannot serialize a null '{0}'. '{0}' cannot be serialized using the {1}. {0} does not support WriteObjectInline. The PropertyInfo provided must have public 'get' and 'set' accessor methods. {0} does not support CreateProperty. {0} is not a collection of type {1}. The ODataFeedSerializer can serialize only entity collections. {0} does not support WriteObject. The query specified in the URI is not valid. The LambdaExpression must have exactly one parameter. MemberExpressions must be bound to the LambdaExpression parameter. Member '{0}.{1}' is not a property. Unsupported Expression NodeType. The given entitySet must be in the given Entity Data Model. No EntitySet exists in the EdmModel with EntityClrType '{0}'. The '{0}' type cannot be used with action '{1}' on controller '{2}' because the action does not return a value. The '{0}' type cannot be used with action '{1}' on controller '{2}' because the return type '{3}' does not specify the type of the collection. The query parameter '{0}' is not supported. Request message does not contain an HttpConfiguration object. The HttpActionContext.ActionDescriptor is null. The HttpActionContext.Request is null. The HttpActionExecutedContext.ActionContext is null. The HttpExecutedActionContext.Request is null. The model does not contain the entityClrType '{0}'. The EntityClrType '{0}' does not match with the given entitySetName '{1}'. The EntityClrType '{0}' does not match with the given entitySet '{1}'. It is unsupported that the OrderByQueryNode.Expression is not an instance of PropertyAccessQueryNode type. Failed to convert '{0}' to an integer. No EntitySet exists in the EdmModel with entitySetName '{0}'. There are multiple EntitySets found that match EntityClrType '{0}'. The value for OData query '{0}' cannot be empty. {0} is not an supported edm type. More than one matching clr type found for the Edm type {0}.\nThe matching clr types are {1}. Unknown function '{0}'. Binding OData QueryNode of kind {0} is not supported by {1}. Duplicate property named '{0}' is not supported in the OrderByQueryNode. The type '{0}' is not supported by the ODataErrorSerializer. Cannot autoCreate binding because there are two or more candidate EntitySets. The entity set '{0}' is missing link generation configuration. Check that the self and edit links are configured during model building. The property '{0}' does not belong to the type '{1}'. The entity set '{0}' was already configured with a different EntityType ('{1}'). The type '{0}' cannot be configured as a ComplexType. It was previously configured as an EntityType. The type '{0}' cannot be configured as a EntityType. It was previously configured as an ComplexType. The complex type '{0}' has a reference to itself through the property '{1}'. A recursive loop of complex types is not allowed. '{0}' does not support Read. The provided mapping doesn't contain an entry for the entity type '{0}'. No EditLink factory was found. Try calling HasEditLink on the EntitySetConfiguration for '{0}'. The property '{0}' on the type '{1}' is being configured as a Many-to-Many navigation property. Many to Many navigation properties must be collections. Creating Links by convention is not supported. Type '{0}' does not support ReadInline. Reading type '{0}' is not supported by '{1}'. The item must be of type '{0}'. Entity type '{0}' has multiple keys. The property '{0}' on type '{1}' must be a Complex property. The property '{0}' on type '{1}' must be a Navigation property. The property '{0}' on type '{1}' must be a Primitive property. The multiplicity of the '{0}' property must be '{1}'. Entity type '{0}' has no keys. The type '{0}' must be a primitive type. Rebinding is not supported. The recursion limit has been exceeded. No NavigationLink factory was found for the property '{0}' on entity set '{1}'. Try calling HasNavigationPropertyLink on the EntitySetConfiguration. Link generation for the '{0}' NavigationProperty failed. Check that you have the '{1}' route correctly registered. EditLink generation failed. Check that you have the '{0}' route correctly registered. '{0}' is not a valid entity set name. Cannot cast $filter of type '{0}' to type '{1}'. Only $skip and $top OData query options are supported for this type. The type '{0}' is not a primitive type. The property '{0}' on type '{1}' is a collection property. Collection properties are not supported. The complex type '{0}' refers to the entity type '{1}' through the property '{1}'. The member '{0}' on type '{1}' contains multiple instances of the attribute '{2}'. GetEdmModel cannot be called more than once. Consider using a different instance of the model builder or reusing the model you have built earlier. CollectionProperties must implement IEnumerable<>. The Property '{0}' declared on '{1}' does not implement IEnumerable<>. The '{0}' property on '{1}' must be a Collection property. Cannot apply PATCH to navigation property '{0}' on entity type '{1}'. The property '{0}' on type '{1}' must be a string. The property '{0}' on type '{1}' must be a string with a length of 1. The property '{0}' on type '{1}' must be a string with a maximum length of 1. The argument must be of type '{0}'. Cannot apply PATCH on key property '{0}' on entity type '{1}' when '{2}' is '{3}'. The feed self link could not be generated for the route named '{0}'. Invalid bindingParameter type '{0}'. A bindingParameter must be either an EntityType or a Collection of EntityTypes. Invalid parameter type '{0}'. A non-binding parameter type must be either Primitive, Complex, Collection of Primitive or a Collection of Complex. More than one Procedure called '{0}' was found. Try using the other RemoveProcedure override. You already have a {0} on your {1}. Set your {0} once using the 'SetODataFormatter' method on '{1}' only. The '{0}' on the configuration does not match the '{0}' in the given formatter. Setting '{1}' using the method '{2}' also sets the corresponding '{0}'. The given '{0}' does not match the '{0}' in the formatter on the configuration. Setting '{1}' using the method '{2}' also sets the corresponding '{0}'. The configuration is missing '{0}'. Try calling '{1}' on '{2}'. No IEdmType could be found for '{0}'. Found unsupported EdmTypeKind '{0}' in list of available types. Cannot define keys on type '{0}' deriving from '{1}'. Only the root type in the entity inheritance hierarchy can contain keys. Cannot redefine property '{0}' already defined on the base type '{1}'. '{0}' does not inherit from '{1}'. Cannot define property '{0}' in the base entity type '{1}' as the derived type '{2}' already defines it.