{ "settings": { "SkipTests": { "description": "Enables/Disables running tests.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "OSGroup": { "description": "OS Group for result binaries.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["AnyOS", "Windows_NT", "Linux", "OSX", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD"], "defaultValue": "${OSName}" }, "TargetOS": { "description": "Target OS for result binaries.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["AnyOS", "Windows_NT", "Linux", "OSX", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD"], "defaultValue": "${OSName}" }, "FilterToOSGroup": { "description": "FilterToOSGroup for result binaries.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["Windows_NT", "Linux", "OSX", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD"], "defaultValue": "${OSRid}" }, "TestNugetRuntimeId": { "description": "Target OS for result binaries.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["win7-x64", "osx.10.10-x64", "ubuntu.14.04-x64", "ubuntu.16.04-x64", "etc-other-rids"], "defaultValue": "${OSRid}-x64" }, "TestWithLocalLibraries": { "description": "Enables/Disables building and running tests against local libraries.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "RestoreDuringBuild": { "description": "Enables/Disables the restoration of packages.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "Platform": { "description": "Sets the value of the platform.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["AnyCPU", "x86", "arm", "x64", "arm64"], "defaultValue": "x64" }, "ConfigurationGroup": { "description": "Sets the configuration group as Release or Debug", "valueType": "property", "values": ["Release", "Debug"], "defaultValue": "Debug" }, "BuildPackages": { "description": "Enables/Disables building packages.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "BuildPackageLibraryReferences": { "description": "Enables/Disables building libraries referenced by packages.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "SkipManagedPackageBuild": { "description": "Enables/Disables building packages for managed builds.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "BuildTests": { "description": "Enables/Disables building tests.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "BuildTestsAgainstPackages": { "description": "Allows building tests against product packages.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "Coverage": { "description": "Enables code coverage runs.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "Outerloop": { "description": "Enables outerloops tests scenarios.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "BuildAllOSGroups": { "description": "Enables building the libraries for all OSes.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "OfficialBuildId": { "description": "Specifies the SeedDate and the revision of the build to generate the version of the libraries.", "valueType": "property", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "CloudDropAccountName": { "description": "Azure account name.", "valueType": "property", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "CloudDropAccessToken": { "description": "Azure access token", "valueType": "property", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "ContainerName": { "description": "Azure container name", "valueType": "property", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "BuildNumberMajor": { "description": "Product build major number.", "valueType": "property", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "BuildNumberMinor": { "description": "Product build minor number.", "valueType": "property", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "GenerateNativeVersionInfo": { "description": "Enables generation of the native version header.", "valueType": "property", "values": ["True", "False"], "defaultValue": true }, "MsBuildLogging": { "description": "MsBuild logging options.", "valueType": "passThrough", "values": [], "defaultValue": "/flp:v=normal" }, "MsBuildWarning": { "description": "MsBuild warning logging.", "valueType": "passThrough", "values": [], "defaultValue": "/flp2:warningsonly;logfile=msbuild.wrn" }, "MsBuildError": { "description": "MsBuild error logging.", "valueType": "passThrough", "values": [], "defaultValue": "/flp3:errorsonly;logfile=msbuild.err" }, "BuildArchitecture": { "description": "Sets the value of the build architecture.", "valueType": "passThrough", "values": ["x86", "arm", "arm-softfp", "x64", "arm64"], "defaultValue": "${CPUArch}" }, "CmakeBuildType": { "description": "Sets the value of the build configuration.", "valueType": "passThrough", "values": [], "defaultValue": "Debug" }, "HostOs": { "description": "OS for result binaries.", "valueType": "passThrough", "values": ["AnyOS", "Windows_NT", "Linux", "OSX", "FreeBSD", "NetBSD"], "defaultValue": "${OSName}" }, "ProcessorCount": { "description": "Sets the value of the number of processors available.", "valueType": "passThrough", "values": ["Numeric values"], "defaultValue": "--numproc ${ProcessorCount}" }, "Project": { "description": "Project where the commands are going to be applied.", "valueType": "passThrough", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "BatchGenerateTestProjectJsons": { "description": "MsBuild target that generates the project.json files to build tests against packages.", "valueType": "target", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "BatchRestorePackages": { "description": "MsBuild target that restores the packages.", "valueType": "target", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "GenerateVersionHeader": { "description": "MsBuild target that generates the version header.", "valueType": "target", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "CleanAllProjects": { "description": "MsBuild target that deletes the binary output directory.", "valueType": "target", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "CleanPackages": { "description": "MsBuild target that deletes the repo-local nuget package directory.", "valueType": "target", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "CleanPackagesCache": { "description": "MsBuild target that deletes the user-local nuget package cache.", "valueType": "target", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" }, "ProducesTarget": { "description": "MsBuild target that displays all of the artifacts this repo produces.", "valueType": "target", "values": [], "defaultValue": "" } }, "commands": { "build-managed": { "alias":{ "binaries": { "description": "Only builds binaries. It doesn't restore packages.", "settings": { "RestoreDuringBuild": false, "BuildTests": false, "BuildPackages": false } }, "packages": { "description": "Builds the NuGet packages.", "settings": { "Project": "src/packages.builds", "FilterToOSGroup":"default", "MsBuildLogging":"/flp:v=normal;LogFile=build-packages.log" } }, "tests": { "description": "Builds the tests that are in the repository, doesn't restore packages.", "settings": { "RestoreDuringBuild": "false", "Project": "src/tests.builds", "MsBuildLogging":"/flp:v=normal;LogFile=build-tests.log" } }, "debug": { "description": "Sets ConfigurationGroup=Debug or the value passed by the user.", "settings": { "ConfigurationGroup": "Debug" } }, "release": { "description": "Sets ConfigurationGroup=Release or the value passed by the user.", "settings": { "ConfigurationGroup": "Release" } }, "os": { "description": "Sets OSGroup to the OS name where the build is going to run or it is set to the value passed by the user.", "settings": { "OSGroup": "default" } }, "target-os": { "description": "Sets TargetOS to the OS name where the build is going to run or it is set to the value passed by the user.", "settings": { "TargetOS": "default" } }, "distroRid": { "description": "Sets the OS version to the TestNugetRuntimeId property.", "settings": { "TestNugetRuntimeId": "default" } }, "GenerateVersion": { "description": "Generates the version header for native binaries.", "settings": { "GenerateNativeVersionInfo": true, "GenerateVersionHeader": "default" } }, "DisableManagedPackage": { "description": "Generates the version header for native binaries.", "settings": { "SkipManagedPackageBuild": true } }, "buildArch": { "description": "Passes the value of the build architecture to the respective build-native script.", "settings": { "Platform": "default" } }, "verbose": { "description": "Passes /flp:v=diag to the msbuild command or the value passed by the user.", "settings": { "MsBuildLogging": "/flp:v=diag;LogFile=build-managed.log" } } }, "defaultValues": { "toolName": "msbuild", "settings": { "OSGroup": "default", "TargetOS": "default", "ConfigurationGroup": "default", "MsBuildLogging":"default", "MsBuildWarning":"default", "MsBuildError":"default" } } }, "build-native": { "alias": { "debug": { "description": "Passes Debug to respective build-native script.", "settings": { "CmakeBuildType": "Debug" } }, "release": { "description": "Passes Release to respective build-native script.", "settings": { "CmakeBuildType": "Release" } }, "buildArch": { "description": "Passes the value of the build architecture to the respective build-native script.", "settings": { "BuildArchitecture": "default" } }, "os":{ "description": "Passes the value of the OS to the respective build-native script.", "settings": { "HostOs": "default" } } }, "defaultValues": { "toolName": "terminal", "Project": "src/Native/build-native", "settings": { "BuildArchitecture": "default", "CmakeBuildType": "default", "HostOs": "default", "ProcessorCount": "default" } } }, "clean": { "alias": { "b": { "description": "Deletes the binary output directory.", "settings": { "CleanAllProjects": "default" } }, "p": { "description": "Deletes the repo-local nuget package directory.", "settings": { "CleanPackages": "default" } }, "c": { "description": "Deletes the user-local nuget package cache.", "settings": { "CleanPackagesCache": "default" } } }, "defaultValues": { "defaultAlias": "b", "toolName": "msbuild", "settings": { "MsBuildLogging":"/flp:v=normal;LogFile=clean.log" } } }, "produces": { "alias": {}, "defaultValues": { "toolName": "msbuild", "settings": { "Project": "src/packages.builds", "ProducesTarget":"default" } } }, "publish-packages": { "alias": { "AzureAccount": { "description": "Account name to connect to Azure Blob storage. Required for the command to work.", "settings": { "CloudDropAccountName": "default" } }, "AzureToken": { "description": "Account token to connect to Azure Blob storage. Required for the command to work.", "settings": { "CloudDropAccessToken": "default" } }, "Container": { "description": "Container name of the Azure Blob where the packages are going to be stored. Required for the command to work.", "settings": { "ContainerName": "default" } }, "verbose": { "description": "Passes /flp:v=diag to the msbuild command or the value passed by the user.", "settings": { "MsBuildLogging": "/flp:v=diag;LogFile=publish-packages.log" } } }, "defaultValues": { "toolName": "msbuild", "settings": { "Project": "src/publish.proj", "MsBuildLogging":"/flp:v=normal;LogFile=publish-packages.log" } } }, "sync": { "alias": { "p": { "description": "Restores all NuGet packages for repository.", "settings": { "RestoreDuringBuild": true, "BatchRestorePackages": "default" } }, "ab": { "description": "Downloads the latests product packages from Azure. The values for '-AzureAccount' and '-AzureToken' are required", "settings": { "Project": "src/syncAzure.proj" } }, "t": { "description": "Generates project.jsons for test projects, restores packages, builds product and then builds tests against the generated project.json files.", "settings": { "RestoreDuringBuild": true, "BuildTestsAgainstPackages": true, "BatchGenerateTestProjectJsons": "default", "BatchRestorePackages": "default" } }, "AzureAccount": { "description": "Account name to connect to Azure Blob storage. Required for -ab to work.", "settings": { "CloudDropAccountName": "default" } }, "AzureToken": { "description": "Account token to connect to Azure Blob storage. Required for -ab to work.", "settings": { "CloudDropAccessToken": "default" } }, "Container": { "description": "Container name of the Azure Blob where the packages are going to be stored.", "settings": { "ContainerName": "default" } }, "BuildMajor": { "description": "To download a specific group of product packages, specify build number. The value for -BuildMinor required.", "settings": { "BuildNumberMajor": "default" } }, "BuildMinor": { "description": "To download a specific group of product packages, specify build number. The value for -BuildMajor required.", "settings": { "BuildNumberMinor": "default" } }, "verbose": { "description": "Passes /flp:v=diag to the msbuild command or the value passed by the user.", "settings": { "MsBuildLogging": "/flp:v=diag;LogFile=sync.log" } } }, "defaultValues": { "defaultAlias": "p", "toolName": "msbuild", "settings": { "MsBuildLogging":"/flp:v=normal;LogFile=sync.log" } } } }, "tools": { "msbuild": { "osSpecific": { "windows": { "defaultParameters": "/nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /maxcpucount /nodeReuse:false /l:BinClashLogger,Tools\\net45\\Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log", "path": "Tools/msbuild.cmd" }, "unix": { "defaultParameters": "/nologo /verbosity:minimal /clp:Summary /maxcpucount /l:BinClashLogger,Tools/Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll;LogFile=binclash.log", "path": "Tools/msbuild.sh" } }, "valueTypes": { "property": "/p:{name}={value}", "target": "/t:{name}", "internal": "/{name}" } }, "terminal": { "osSpecific": { "windows": { "filesExtension": "cmd" }, "unix": { "filesExtension": "sh" } }, "valueTypes": {} } } }