#!/usr/bin/env bash __scriptpath=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd -P) __init_tools_log=$__scriptpath/init-tools.log __PACKAGES_DIR=$__scriptpath/packages __TOOLRUNTIME_DIR=$__scriptpath/Tools __DOTNET_PATH=$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/dotnetcli __DOTNET_CMD=$__DOTNET_PATH/dotnet if [ -z "$__BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE" ]; then __BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE=https://dotnet.myget.org/F/dotnet-buildtools/api/v3/index.json; fi export __BUILDTOOLS_USE_CSPROJ=true __BUILD_TOOLS_PACKAGE_VERSION=$(cat $__scriptpath/BuildToolsVersion.txt | sed 's/\r$//') # remove CR if mounted repo on Windows drive __DOTNET_TOOLS_VERSION=$(cat $__scriptpath/DotnetCLIVersion.txt | sed 's/\r$//') # remove CR if mounted repo on Windows drive __ILASM_VERSION=$(cat $__scriptpath/tools-local/ILAsmVersion.txt | sed 's/\r$//') # remove CR if mounted repo on Windows drive __BUILD_TOOLS_PATH=$__PACKAGES_DIR/microsoft.dotnet.buildtools/$__BUILD_TOOLS_PACKAGE_VERSION/lib __INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT=$__scriptpath/init-tools.msbuild __BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE=$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR/$__BUILD_TOOLS_PACKAGE_VERSION/init-tools.complete if [ -e $__BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE ]; then echo "Tools are already initialized" return #return instead of exit because this script is inlined in other scripts which we don't want to exit fi if [ -e $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR ]; then rm -rf -- $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR; fi if [ -d "$DotNetBuildToolsDir" ]; then echo "Using tools from '$DotNetBuildToolsDir'." ln -s "$DotNetBuildToolsDir" "$__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR" if [ ! -e "$__DOTNET_CMD" ]; then echo "ERROR: Ensure that $DotNetBuildToolsDir contains the .NET Core SDK at $__DOTNET_PATH" exit 1 fi echo "Done initializing tools." mkdir -p "$(dirname "$__BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE")" && touch $__BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE return #return instead of exit because this script is inlined in other scripts which we don't want to exit fi echo "Running: $__scriptpath/init-tools.sh" > $__init_tools_log display_error_message() { echo "Please check the detailed log that follows." 1>&2 cat "$__init_tools_log" 1>&2 } # Executes a command and retries if it fails. execute_with_retry() { local count=0 local retries=${retries:-5} local waitFactor=${waitFactor:-6} until "$@"; do local exit=$? count=$(( $count + 1 )) if [ $count -lt $retries ]; then local wait=$(( waitFactor ** (( count - 1 )) )) echo "Retry $count/$retries exited $exit, retrying in $wait seconds..." sleep $wait else say_err "Retry $count/$retries exited $exit, no more retries left." return $exit fi done return 0 } if [ ! -e $__DOTNET_PATH ]; then if [ -z "$__DOTNET_PKG" ]; then if [ "$(uname -m | grep "i[3456]86")" = "i686" ]; then echo "Warning: build not supported on 32 bit Unix" fi __PKG_ARCH=x64 OSName=$(uname -s) case $OSName in Darwin) OS=OSX __PKG_RID=osx ulimit -n 2048 # Format x.y.z as single integer with three digits for each part VERSION=`sw_vers -productVersion| sed -e 's/\./ /g' | xargs printf "%03d%03d%03d"` if [ "$VERSION" -lt 010012000 ]; then echo error: macOS version `sw_vers -productVersion` is too old. 10.12 is needed as minimum. exit 1 fi ;; Linux) __PKG_RID=linux OS=Linux if [ -e /etc/os-release ]; then source /etc/os-release if [[ $ID == "alpine" ]]; then # remove the last version digit VERSION_ID=${VERSION_ID%.*} __PKG_RID=alpine.$VERSION_ID fi elif [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then redhatRelease=$(> "$__init_tools_log" rm -rf -- "$__DOTNET_PATH/*" # curl has HTTPS CA trust-issues less often than wget, so lets try that first. if command -v curl > /dev/null; then curl --retry 10 -sSL --create-dirs -o $__DOTNET_PATH/dotnet.tar ${__DOTNET_LOCATION} else wget -q -O $__DOTNET_PATH/dotnet.tar ${__DOTNET_LOCATION} fi cd $__DOTNET_PATH tar -xf $__DOTNET_PATH/dotnet.tar } execute_with_retry install_dotnet_cli >> "$__init_tools_log" 2>&1 cd $__scriptpath fi if [ ! -e $__BUILD_TOOLS_PATH ]; then echo "Restoring BuildTools version $__BUILD_TOOLS_PACKAGE_VERSION..." echo "Running: $__DOTNET_CMD restore \"$__INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT\" --no-cache --packages $__PACKAGES_DIR --source $__BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=$__BUILD_TOOLS_PACKAGE_VERSION" >> $__init_tools_log $__DOTNET_CMD restore "$__INIT_TOOLS_RESTORE_PROJECT" --no-cache --packages $__PACKAGES_DIR --source $__BUILDTOOLS_SOURCE /p:BuildToolsPackageVersion=$__BUILD_TOOLS_PACKAGE_VERSION >> $__init_tools_log if [ ! -e "$__BUILD_TOOLS_PATH/init-tools.sh" ]; then echo "ERROR: Could not restore build tools correctly." 1>&2 display_error_message fi fi if [ -z "$__ILASM_RID" ]; then __ILASM_RID=$__PKG_RID-$__PKG_ARCH fi echo "Using RID $__ILASM_RID for BuildTools native tools" export ILASMCOMPILER_VERSION=$__ILASM_VERSION export NATIVE_TOOLS_RID=$__ILASM_RID echo "Initializing BuildTools..." echo "Running: $__BUILD_TOOLS_PATH/init-tools.sh $__scriptpath $__DOTNET_CMD $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR" >> $__init_tools_log # Executables restored with .NET Core 2.0 do not have executable permission flags. https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/4424 chmod +x $__BUILD_TOOLS_PATH/init-tools.sh $__BUILD_TOOLS_PATH/init-tools.sh $__scriptpath $__DOTNET_CMD $__TOOLRUNTIME_DIR >> $__init_tools_log if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "ERROR: An error occurred when trying to initialize the tools." 1>&2 display_error_message exit 1 fi echo "Making all .sh files executable under Tools." # Executables restored with .NET Core 2.0 do not have executable permission flags. https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/4424 ls $__scriptpath/Tools/*.sh | xargs chmod +x ls $__scriptpath/Tools/scripts/docker/*.sh | xargs chmod +x Tools/crossgen.sh $__scriptpath/Tools mkdir -p "$(dirname "$__BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE")" && touch $__BUILD_TOOLS_SEMAPHORE echo "Done initializing tools."