@if "%_echo%" neq "on" echo off setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion set packagesLog=publish-packages.log echo Running publish-packages.cmd %* > %packagesLog% set options=/nologo /v:minimal /flp:v=detailed;Append;LogFile=%packagesLog% set allargs=%* if /I [%1] == [/?] goto Usage if /I [%1] == [/help] goto Usage REM ensure that msbuild is available echo Running init-tools.cmd call %~dp0init-tools.cmd echo msbuild.exe %~dp0src\publish.builds !options! !allargs! >> %packagesLog% call msbuild.exe %~dp0src\publish.builds !options! !allargs! if NOT [%ERRORLEVEL%]==[0] ( echo ERROR: An error occurred while publishing packages, see %packagesLog% for more details. exit /b ) echo Done publishing packages. exit /b :Usage echo. echo Publishes the NuGet packages to the specified location. echo For publishing to Azure the following properties are required. echo /p:CloudDropAccountName="account name" echo /p:CloudDropAccessToken="access token" exit /b