@if not defined _echo @echo off setlocal :: To run tests outside of MSBuild.exe :: %1 is the path to the bin\ folder :: %2 is the path to the tools\testdotnetcli folder set LOCATION=%1 set RUNTIME_PATH=%2 if "%LOCATION%" == "" set LOCATION=%~dp0\bin\Windows_NT.AnyCPU.Debug if "%RUNTIME_PATH%" == "" set RUNTIME_PATH=%~dp0\Tools\testdotnetcli pushd %LOCATION% FOR /D %%F IN (*.Tests) DO ( IF EXIST %%F\netcoreapp ( pushd %%F\netcoreapp @echo Looking in %cd%... IF EXIST RunTests.cmd ( @echo ... found tests CALL RunTests.cmd %RUNTIME_PATH% ) popd ) ) popd