// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Globalization; using Xunit; namespace System.ComponentModel.Tests { public class Int32ConverterTests : ConverterTestBase { private static TypeConverter s_converter = new Int32Converter(); [Fact] public static void ConvertFrom_WithContext() { ConvertFrom_WithContext(new object[3, 3] { { "1 ", (Int32)1, null }, { "#2", (Int32)2, null }, { "+7", (Int32)7, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture } }, Int32ConverterTests.s_converter); } [Fact] public static void ConvertFrom_WithContext_Negative() { Assert.Throws( () => Int32ConverterTests.s_converter.ConvertFrom(TypeConverterTests.s_context, null, "8.0")); } [Fact] public static void ConvertTo_WithContext() { ConvertTo_WithContext(new object[3, 3] { {(Int32)1, "1", null}, {(Int32)(-2), (Int32)(-2), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture}, {(Int32)3, (Single)3.0, null} }, Int32ConverterTests.s_converter); } } }