;; Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ;; The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ;; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. include AsmMacros.inc ;; WARNING: Code in EHHelpers.cpp makes assumptions about this helper, in particular: ;; - Function "InWriteBarrierHelper" assumes an AV due to passed in null pointer will happen at RhpLockCmpXchg32AVLocation ;; - Function "UnwindWriteBarrierToCaller" assumes the stack contains just the pushed return address LEAF_ENTRY RhpLockCmpXchg32, _TEXT mov rax, r8 ALTERNATE_ENTRY RhpLockCmpXchg32AVLocation lock cmpxchg [rcx], edx ret LEAF_END RhpLockCmpXchg32, _TEXT ;; WARNING: Code in EHHelpers.cpp makes assumptions about this helper, in particular: ;; - Function "InWriteBarrierHelper" assumes an AV due to passed in null pointer will happen at RhpLockCmpXchg64AVLocation ;; - Function "UnwindWriteBarrierToCaller" assumes the stack contains just the pushed return address LEAF_ENTRY RhpLockCmpXchg64, _TEXT mov rax, r8 ALTERNATE_ENTRY RhpLockCmpXchg64AVLocation lock cmpxchg [rcx], rdx ret LEAF_END RhpLockCmpXchg64, _TEXT end