// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. .intel_syntax noprefix #include // generated by the build from AsmOffsets.cpp #include #define POINTER_SIZE 8 LEAF_ENTRY RhCommonStub, _TEXT PUSH_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS push_register r10 alloc_stack SIZEOF_FP_REGS SAVE_FLOAT_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS 0 INLINE_GET_TLS_VAR tls_thunkData RESTORE_FLOAT_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS 0 free_stack SIZEOF_FP_REGS pop_register r10 POP_ARGUMENT_REGISTERS mov r11, [r10] mov qword ptr [rax], r11 mov rax, [r10 + POINTER_SIZE] jmp rax LEAF_END RhCommonStub, _TEXT LEAF_ENTRY RhGetCommonStubAddress, _TEXT lea rax, [rip + C_FUNC(RhCommonStub)] ret LEAF_END RhGetCommonStubAddress, _TEXT LEAF_ENTRY RhGetCurrentThunkContext, _TEXT INLINE_GET_TLS_VAR tls_thunkData mov rax, qword ptr [rax] ret LEAF_END RhGetCurrentThunkContext, _TEXT