;; Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. ;; The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. ;; See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;#include "asmmacros.inc" ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEAF_ENTRY macro Name, Section Section segment para 'CODE' align 16 public Name Name proc endm NAMED_LEAF_ENTRY macro Name, Section, SectionAlias Section segment para alias(SectionAlias) 'CODE' align 16 public Name Name proc endm LEAF_END macro Name, Section Name endp Section ends endm NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION macro Section, SectionAlias Section segment alias(SectionAlias) read 'DATA' align 16 DQ 0 Section ends endm NAMED_READWRITE_DATA_SECTION macro Section, SectionAlias Section segment alias(SectionAlias) read write 'DATA' align 16 DQ 0 Section ends endm ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STUBS & DATA SECTIONS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; THUNK_CODESIZE equ 10h ;; 7-byte lea, 6-byte jmp, 3 bytes of nops THUNK_DATASIZE equ 010h ;; 2 qwords THUNK_POOL_NUM_THUNKS_PER_PAGE equ 0FAh ;; 250 thunks per page PAGE_SIZE equ 01000h ;; 4K POINTER_SIZE equ 08h LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS macro groupIndex, index, thunkPool ALIGN 10h ;; make sure we align to 16-byte boundary for CFG table ;; set r10 to begining of data page : r10 <- [thunkPool] + PAGE_SIZE ;; fix offset of the data : r10 <- r10 + (THUNK_DATASIZE * current thunk's index) lea r10, [thunkPool + PAGE_SIZE + (groupIndex * THUNK_DATASIZE * 10 + THUNK_DATASIZE * index)] endm JUMP_TO_COMMON macro groupIndex, index, thunkPool ;; jump to the location pointed at by the last qword in the data page jmp qword ptr[thunkPool + PAGE_SIZE + PAGE_SIZE - POINTER_SIZE] endm TenThunks macro groupIndex, thunkPool ;; Each thunk will load the address of its corresponding data (from the page that immediately follows) ;; and call a common stub. The address of the common stub is setup by the caller (first qword ;; in the thunks data section, hence the +8's below) depending on the 'kind' of thunks needed (interop, ;; fat function pointers, etc...) ;; Each data block used by a thunk consists of two qword values: ;; - Context: some value given to the thunk as context (passed in r10). Example for fat-fptrs: context = generic dictionary ;; - Target : target code that the thunk eventually jumps to. LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS groupIndex,0,thunkPool JUMP_TO_COMMON groupIndex,0,thunkPool LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS groupIndex,1,thunkPool JUMP_TO_COMMON groupIndex,1,thunkPool LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS groupIndex,2,thunkPool JUMP_TO_COMMON groupIndex,2,thunkPool LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS groupIndex,3,thunkPool JUMP_TO_COMMON groupIndex,3,thunkPool LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS groupIndex,4,thunkPool JUMP_TO_COMMON groupIndex,4,thunkPool LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS groupIndex,5,thunkPool JUMP_TO_COMMON groupIndex,5,thunkPool LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS groupIndex,6,thunkPool JUMP_TO_COMMON groupIndex,6,thunkPool LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS groupIndex,7,thunkPool JUMP_TO_COMMON groupIndex,7,thunkPool LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS groupIndex,8,thunkPool JUMP_TO_COMMON groupIndex,8,thunkPool LOAD_DATA_ADDRESS groupIndex,9,thunkPool JUMP_TO_COMMON groupIndex,9,thunkPool endm THUNKS_PAGE_BLOCK macro thunkPool TenThunks 0,thunkPool TenThunks 1,thunkPool TenThunks 2,thunkPool TenThunks 3,thunkPool TenThunks 4,thunkPool TenThunks 5,thunkPool TenThunks 6,thunkPool TenThunks 7,thunkPool TenThunks 8,thunkPool TenThunks 9,thunkPool TenThunks 10,thunkPool TenThunks 11,thunkPool TenThunks 12,thunkPool TenThunks 13,thunkPool TenThunks 14,thunkPool TenThunks 15,thunkPool TenThunks 16,thunkPool TenThunks 17,thunkPool TenThunks 18,thunkPool TenThunks 19,thunkPool TenThunks 20,thunkPool TenThunks 21,thunkPool TenThunks 22,thunkPool TenThunks 23,thunkPool TenThunks 24,thunkPool endm ;; ;; The first thunks section should be 64K aligned because it can get ;; mapped multiple times in memory, and mapping works on allocation ;; granularity boundaries (we don't want to map more than what we need) ;; ;; The easiest way to do so is by having the thunks section at the ;; first 64K aligned virtual address in the binary. We provide a section ;; layout file to the linker to tell it how to layout the thunks sections ;; that we care about. (ndp\rh\src\runtime\DLLs\app\mrt100_app_sectionlayout.txt) ;; ;; The PE spec says images cannot have gaps between sections (other ;; than what is required by the section alignment value in the header), ;; therefore we need a couple of padding data sections (otherwise the ;; OS will not load the image). ;; NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment0, ".pad0" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment1, ".pad1" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment2, ".pad2" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment3, ".pad3" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment4, ".pad4" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment5, ".pad5" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment6, ".pad6" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment7, ".pad7" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment8, ".pad8" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment9, ".pad9" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment10, ".pad10" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment11, ".pad11" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment12, ".pad12" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment13, ".pad13" NAMED_READONLY_DATA_SECTION PaddingFor64KAlignment14, ".pad14" ;; ;; Thunk Stubs ;; NOTE: Keep number of blocks in sync with macro/constant named 'NUM_THUNK_BLOCKS' in: ;; - ndp\FxCore\src\System.Private.CoreLib\System\Runtime\InteropServices\ThunkPool.cs ;; - ndp\rh\src\tools\rhbind\zapimage.h ;; NAMED_LEAF_ENTRY ThunkPool, TKS0, ".tks0" THUNKS_PAGE_BLOCK ThunkPool LEAF_END ThunkPool, TKS0 NAMED_READWRITE_DATA_SECTION ThunkData0, ".tkd0" NAMED_LEAF_ENTRY ThunkPool1, TKS1, ".tks1" THUNKS_PAGE_BLOCK ThunkPool1 LEAF_END ThunkPool1, TKS1 NAMED_READWRITE_DATA_SECTION ThunkData1, ".tkd1" NAMED_LEAF_ENTRY ThunkPool2, TKS2, ".tks2" THUNKS_PAGE_BLOCK ThunkPool2 LEAF_END ThunkPool2, TKS2 NAMED_READWRITE_DATA_SECTION ThunkData2, ".tkd2" NAMED_LEAF_ENTRY ThunkPool3, TKS3, ".tks3" THUNKS_PAGE_BLOCK ThunkPool3 LEAF_END ThunkPool3, TKS3 NAMED_READWRITE_DATA_SECTION ThunkData3, ".tkd3" NAMED_LEAF_ENTRY ThunkPool4, TKS4, ".tks4" THUNKS_PAGE_BLOCK ThunkPool4 LEAF_END ThunkPool4, TKS4 NAMED_READWRITE_DATA_SECTION ThunkData4, ".tkd4" NAMED_LEAF_ENTRY ThunkPool5, TKS5, ".tks5" THUNKS_PAGE_BLOCK ThunkPool5 LEAF_END ThunkPool5, TKS5 NAMED_READWRITE_DATA_SECTION ThunkData5, ".tkd5" NAMED_LEAF_ENTRY ThunkPool6, TKS6, ".tks6" THUNKS_PAGE_BLOCK ThunkPool6 LEAF_END ThunkPool6, TKS6 NAMED_READWRITE_DATA_SECTION ThunkData6, ".tkd6" NAMED_LEAF_ENTRY ThunkPool7, TKS7, ".tks7" THUNKS_PAGE_BLOCK ThunkPool7 LEAF_END ThunkPool7, TKS7 NAMED_READWRITE_DATA_SECTION ThunkData7, ".tkd7" ;; ;; IntPtr RhpGetThunksBase() ;; LEAF_ENTRY RhpGetThunksBase, _TEXT ;; Return the address of the first thunk pool to the caller (this is really the base address) lea rax, [ThunkPool] ret LEAF_END RhpGetThunksBase, _TEXT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; General Helpers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; int RhpGetNumThunksPerBlock() ;; LEAF_ENTRY RhpGetNumThunksPerBlock, _TEXT mov rax, THUNK_POOL_NUM_THUNKS_PER_PAGE ret LEAF_END RhpGetNumThunksPerBlock, _TEXT ;; ;; int RhpGetThunkSize() ;; LEAF_ENTRY RhpGetThunkSize, _TEXT mov rax, THUNK_CODESIZE ret LEAF_END RhpGetThunkSize, _TEXT ;; ;; int RhpGetNumThunkBlocksPerMapping() ;; LEAF_ENTRY RhpGetNumThunkBlocksPerMapping, _TEXT mov rax, 8 ret LEAF_END RhpGetNumThunkBlocksPerMapping, _TEXT ;; ;; int RhpGetThunkBlockSize ;; LEAF_ENTRY RhpGetThunkBlockSize, _TEXT mov rax, PAGE_SIZE * 2 ret LEAF_END RhpGetThunkBlockSize, _TEXT ;; ;; IntPtr RhpGetThunkDataBlockAddress(IntPtr thunkStubAddress) ;; LEAF_ENTRY RhpGetThunkDataBlockAddress, _TEXT mov rax, rcx mov rcx, PAGE_SIZE - 1 not rcx and rax, rcx add rax, PAGE_SIZE ret LEAF_END RhpGetThunkDataBlockAddress, _TEXT ;; ;; IntPtr RhpGetThunkStubsBlockAddress(IntPtr thunkDataAddress) ;; LEAF_ENTRY RhpGetThunkStubsBlockAddress, _TEXT mov rax, rcx mov rcx, PAGE_SIZE - 1 not rcx and rax, rcx sub rax, PAGE_SIZE ret LEAF_END RhpGetThunkStubsBlockAddress, _TEXT end