// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #include "gcinfodecoder.h" #ifdef USE_GC_INFO_DECODER #ifndef CHECK_APP_DOMAIN #if CHECK_APP_DOMAIN_LEAKS #define CHECK_APP_DOMAIN GC_CALL_CHECK_APP_DOMAIN #else #define CHECK_APP_DOMAIN 0 #endif #endif #ifndef GCINFODECODER_CONTRACT #define GCINFODECODER_CONTRACT LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT #endif // !GCINFODECODER_CONTRACT #ifndef GET_CALLER_SP #define GET_CALLER_SP(pREGDISPLAY) EECodeManager::GetCallerSp(pREGDISPLAY) #endif // !GET_CALLER_SP #ifndef VALIDATE_OBJECTREF #if defined(DACCESS_COMPILE) || defined(CROSSGEN_COMPILE) #define VALIDATE_OBJECTREF(objref, fDeep) #else // DACCESS_COMPILE || CROSSGEN_COMPILE #define VALIDATE_OBJECTREF(objref, fDeep) OBJECTREF_TO_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF(objref)->Validate(fDeep) #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE || CROSSGEN_COMPILE #endif // !VALIDATE_OBJECTREF #ifndef VALIDATE_ROOT #include "gcenv.h" #define VALIDATE_ROOT(isInterior, hCallBack, pObjRef) \ do { \ /* Only call Object::Validate() with bDeep == TRUE if we are in the promote phase. */ \ /* We should call Validate() with bDeep == FALSE if we are in the relocation phase. */ \ /* Actually with the introduction of the POPO feature, we cannot validate during */ \ /* relocate because POPO might have written over the object. It will require non */ \ /* trivial amount of work to make this work.*/ \ \ GCCONTEXT* pGCCtx = (GCCONTEXT*)(hCallBack); \ \ if (!(isInterior) && !(m_Flags & DECODE_NO_VALIDATION) && (pGCCtx->sc->promotion)) { \ VALIDATE_OBJECTREF(*(pObjRef), pGCCtx->sc->promotion == TRUE); \ } \ } while (0) #endif // !VALIDATE_ROOT #ifndef LOG_PIPTR #define LOG_PIPTR(pObjRef, gcFlags, hCallBack) \ { \ GCCONTEXT* pGCCtx = (GCCONTEXT*)(hCallBack); \ if (pGCCtx->sc->promotion) \ { \ LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, /* Part Three */ \ LOG_PIPTR_OBJECT_CLASS(OBJECTREF_TO_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF(*pObjRef), (gcFlags & GC_CALL_PINNED), (gcFlags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR)))); \ } \ else \ { \ LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, /* Part Three */ \ LOG_PIPTR_OBJECT(OBJECTREF_TO_UNCHECKED_OBJECTREF(*pObjRef), (gcFlags & GC_CALL_PINNED), (gcFlags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR)))); \ } \ } #endif // !LOG_PIPTR bool GcInfoDecoder::SetIsInterruptibleCB (UINT32 startOffset, UINT32 stopOffset, void * hCallback) { GcInfoDecoder *pThis = (GcInfoDecoder*)hCallback; bool fStop = pThis->m_InstructionOffset >= startOffset && pThis->m_InstructionOffset < stopOffset; if (fStop) pThis->m_IsInterruptible = true; return fStop; } GcInfoDecoder::GcInfoDecoder( GCInfoToken gcInfoToken, GcInfoDecoderFlags flags, UINT32 breakOffset ) : m_Reader(dac_cast(gcInfoToken.Info)) , m_InstructionOffset(breakOffset) , m_IsInterruptible(false) , m_ReturnKind(RT_Illegal) #ifdef _DEBUG , m_Flags( flags ) , m_GcInfoAddress(dac_cast(gcInfoToken.Info)) #endif , m_Version(gcInfoToken.Version) { _ASSERTE( (flags & (DECODE_INTERRUPTIBILITY | DECODE_GC_LIFETIMES)) || (0 == breakOffset) ); // The current implementation doesn't support the two flags together _ASSERTE( ((flags & (DECODE_INTERRUPTIBILITY | DECODE_GC_LIFETIMES)) != (DECODE_INTERRUPTIBILITY | DECODE_GC_LIFETIMES)) ); //-------------------------------------------- // Pre-decode information //-------------------------------------------- GcInfoHeaderFlags headerFlags; bool slimHeader = (m_Reader.ReadOneFast() == 0); if (slimHeader) { headerFlags = (GcInfoHeaderFlags)(m_Reader.ReadOneFast() ? GC_INFO_HAS_STACK_BASE_REGISTER : 0); } else { int numFlagBits = (m_Version == 1) ? GC_INFO_FLAGS_BIT_SIZE_VERSION_1 : GC_INFO_FLAGS_BIT_SIZE; headerFlags = (GcInfoHeaderFlags) m_Reader.Read(numFlagBits); } m_IsVarArg = headerFlags & GC_INFO_IS_VARARG; int hasSecurityObject = headerFlags & GC_INFO_HAS_SECURITY_OBJECT; int hasGSCookie = headerFlags & GC_INFO_HAS_GS_COOKIE; int hasPSPSym = headerFlags & GC_INFO_HAS_PSP_SYM; int hasGenericsInstContext = (headerFlags & GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_MASK) != GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_NONE; m_GenericSecretParamIsMD = (headerFlags & GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_MASK) == GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_MD; m_GenericSecretParamIsMT = (headerFlags & GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_MASK) == GC_INFO_HAS_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_MT; int hasStackBaseRegister = headerFlags & GC_INFO_HAS_STACK_BASE_REGISTER; m_WantsReportOnlyLeaf = ((headerFlags & GC_INFO_WANTS_REPORT_ONLY_LEAF) != 0); int hasSizeOfEditAndContinuePreservedArea = headerFlags & GC_INFO_HAS_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE_PRESERVED_SLOTS; int hasReversePInvokeFrame = false; if (gcInfoToken.IsReversePInvokeFrameAvailable()) { hasReversePInvokeFrame = headerFlags & GC_INFO_REVERSE_PINVOKE_FRAME; } if (gcInfoToken.IsReturnKindAvailable()) { int returnKindBits = (slimHeader) ? SIZE_OF_RETURN_KIND_IN_SLIM_HEADER : SIZE_OF_RETURN_KIND_IN_FAT_HEADER; m_ReturnKind = (ReturnKind)((UINT32)m_Reader.Read(returnKindBits)); } else { #ifndef _TARGET_X86_ m_ReturnKind = RT_Unset; #endif // ! _TARGET_X86_ } if (flags == DECODE_RETURN_KIND) { // Bail, if we've decoded enough, return; } m_CodeLength = (UINT32) DENORMALIZE_CODE_LENGTH((UINT32) m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(CODE_LENGTH_ENCBASE)); if (flags == DECODE_CODE_LENGTH) { // Bail, if we've decoded enough, return; } if (hasGSCookie) { // Note that normalization as a code offset can be different than // normalization as code legnth UINT32 normCodeLength = NORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(m_CodeLength); // Decode prolog/epilog information UINT32 normPrologSize = (UINT32) m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(NORM_PROLOG_SIZE_ENCBASE) + 1; UINT32 normEpilogSize = (UINT32) m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(NORM_EPILOG_SIZE_ENCBASE); m_ValidRangeStart = (UINT32) DENORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(normPrologSize); m_ValidRangeEnd = (UINT32) DENORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(normCodeLength - normEpilogSize); _ASSERTE(m_ValidRangeStart < m_ValidRangeEnd); } else if (hasSecurityObject || hasGenericsInstContext) { // Decode prolog information UINT32 normPrologSize = (UINT32) m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(NORM_PROLOG_SIZE_ENCBASE) + 1; m_ValidRangeStart = (UINT32) DENORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(normPrologSize); // satisfy asserts that assume m_GSCookieValidRangeStart != 0 ==> m_GSCookieValidRangeStart < m_GSCookieValidRangeEnd m_ValidRangeEnd = m_ValidRangeStart + 1; } else { m_ValidRangeStart = m_ValidRangeEnd = 0; } if (flags == DECODE_PROLOG_LENGTH) { // Bail, if we've decoded enough, return; } // Decode the offset to the security object. if(hasSecurityObject) { m_SecurityObjectStackSlot = (INT32) DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(SECURITY_OBJECT_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE)); } else { m_SecurityObjectStackSlot = NO_SECURITY_OBJECT; } if (flags == DECODE_SECURITY_OBJECT) { // Bail, if we've decoded enough, return; } // Decode the offset to the GS cookie. if(hasGSCookie) { m_GSCookieStackSlot = (INT32) DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(GS_COOKIE_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE)); } else { m_GSCookieStackSlot = NO_GS_COOKIE; } if (flags == DECODE_GS_COOKIE) { // Bail, if we've decoded enough, return; } // Decode the offset to the PSPSym. // The PSPSym is relative to the caller SP on IA64 and the initial stack pointer before any stack allocation on X64 (InitialSP). if(hasPSPSym) { m_PSPSymStackSlot = (INT32) DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(PSP_SYM_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE)); } else { m_PSPSymStackSlot = NO_PSP_SYM; } if (flags == DECODE_PSP_SYM) { // Bail, if we've decoded enough, return; } // Decode the offset to the generics type context. if(hasGenericsInstContext) { m_GenericsInstContextStackSlot = (INT32) DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE)); } else { m_GenericsInstContextStackSlot = NO_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT; } if (flags == DECODE_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT) { // Bail, if we've decoded enough, return; } if(hasStackBaseRegister) { if (slimHeader) { m_StackBaseRegister = (UINT32) DENORMALIZE_STACK_BASE_REGISTER(0); } else { m_StackBaseRegister = (UINT32) DENORMALIZE_STACK_BASE_REGISTER(m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(STACK_BASE_REGISTER_ENCBASE)); } } else { m_StackBaseRegister = NO_STACK_BASE_REGISTER; } if (hasSizeOfEditAndContinuePreservedArea) { m_SizeOfEditAndContinuePreservedArea = (UINT32) m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(SIZE_OF_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE_PRESERVED_AREA_ENCBASE); } else { m_SizeOfEditAndContinuePreservedArea = NO_SIZE_OF_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE_PRESERVED_AREA; } if (hasReversePInvokeFrame) { m_ReversePInvokeFrameStackSlot = (INT32)DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(REVERSE_PINVOKE_FRAME_ENCBASE)); } else { m_ReversePInvokeFrameStackSlot = NO_REVERSE_PINVOKE_FRAME; } #ifdef FIXED_STACK_PARAMETER_SCRATCH_AREA if (slimHeader) { m_SizeOfStackOutgoingAndScratchArea = 0; } else { m_SizeOfStackOutgoingAndScratchArea = (UINT32)DENORMALIZE_SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA(m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA_ENCBASE)); } #endif // FIXED_STACK_PARAMETER_SCRATCH_AREA #ifdef PARTIALLY_INTERRUPTIBLE_GC_SUPPORTED m_NumSafePoints = (UINT32) DENORMALIZE_NUM_SAFE_POINTS(m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(NUM_SAFE_POINTS_ENCBASE)); #endif if (slimHeader) { m_NumInterruptibleRanges = 0; } else { m_NumInterruptibleRanges = (UINT32) DENORMALIZE_NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES(m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES_ENCBASE)); } #ifdef PARTIALLY_INTERRUPTIBLE_GC_SUPPORTED if(flags & (DECODE_INTERRUPTIBILITY | DECODE_GC_LIFETIMES)) { if(m_NumSafePoints) { m_SafePointIndex = FindSafePoint(m_InstructionOffset); } else { m_SafePointIndex = 0; } } else if(flags & DECODE_FOR_RANGES_CALLBACK) { // Note that normalization as a code offset can be different than // normalization as code legnth UINT32 normCodeLength = NORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(m_CodeLength); UINT32 numBitsPerOffset = CeilOfLog2(normCodeLength); m_Reader.Skip(m_NumSafePoints * numBitsPerOffset); } #endif if(!m_IsInterruptible && (flags & DECODE_INTERRUPTIBILITY)) { EnumerateInterruptibleRanges(&SetIsInterruptibleCB, this); } } bool GcInfoDecoder::IsInterruptible() { _ASSERTE( m_Flags & DECODE_INTERRUPTIBILITY ); return m_IsInterruptible; } bool GcInfoDecoder::HasMethodDescGenericsInstContext() { _ASSERTE( m_Flags & DECODE_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT ); return m_GenericSecretParamIsMD; } bool GcInfoDecoder::HasMethodTableGenericsInstContext() { _ASSERTE( m_Flags & DECODE_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT ); return m_GenericSecretParamIsMT; } #ifdef PARTIALLY_INTERRUPTIBLE_GC_SUPPORTED // This is used for gccoverage: is the given offset // a call-return offset with partially-interruptible GC info? bool GcInfoDecoder::IsSafePoint(UINT32 codeOffset) { _ASSERTE(m_Flags == DECODE_EVERYTHING && m_InstructionOffset == 0); if(m_NumSafePoints == 0) return false; #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) // Safepoints are encoded with a -1 adjustment codeOffset--; #endif size_t savedPos = m_Reader.GetCurrentPos(); UINT32 safePointIndex = FindSafePoint(codeOffset); m_Reader.SetCurrentPos(savedPos); return (bool) (safePointIndex != m_NumSafePoints); } UINT32 GcInfoDecoder::FindSafePoint(UINT32 breakOffset) { if(m_NumSafePoints == 0) return 0; const size_t savedPos = m_Reader.GetCurrentPos(); const UINT32 numBitsPerOffset = CeilOfLog2(NORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(m_CodeLength)); UINT32 result = m_NumSafePoints; #if defined(_TARGET_ARM_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) // Safepoints are encoded with a -1 adjustment // but normalizing them masks off the low order bit // Thus only bother looking if the address is odd if ((breakOffset & 1) != 0) #endif { const UINT32 normBreakOffset = NORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(breakOffset); INT32 low = 0; INT32 high = (INT32)m_NumSafePoints; while(low < high) { const INT32 mid = (low+high)/2; _ASSERTE(mid >= 0 && mid < (INT32)m_NumSafePoints); m_Reader.SetCurrentPos(savedPos + (UINT32)mid * numBitsPerOffset); UINT32 normOffset = (UINT32)m_Reader.Read(numBitsPerOffset); if(normOffset == normBreakOffset) { result = (UINT32) mid; break; } if(normOffset < normBreakOffset) low = mid+1; else high = mid; } } m_Reader.SetCurrentPos(savedPos + m_NumSafePoints * numBitsPerOffset); return result; } void GcInfoDecoder::EnumerateSafePoints(EnumerateSafePointsCallback *pCallback, void * hCallback) { if(m_NumSafePoints == 0) return; const UINT32 numBitsPerOffset = CeilOfLog2(NORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(m_CodeLength)); for(UINT32 i = 0; i < m_NumSafePoints; i++) { UINT32 normOffset = (UINT32)m_Reader.Read(numBitsPerOffset); UINT32 offset = DENORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(normOffset) + 2; #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) // Safepoints are encoded with a -1 adjustment offset--; #endif pCallback(offset, hCallback); } } #endif void GcInfoDecoder::EnumerateInterruptibleRanges ( EnumerateInterruptibleRangesCallback *pCallback, void * hCallback) { // If no info is found for the call site, we default to fully-interruptbile LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000000, "No GC info found for call site at offset %x. Defaulting to fully-interruptible information.\n", (int) m_InstructionOffset)); UINT32 lastInterruptibleRangeStopOffsetNormalized = 0; for(UINT32 i=0; i= normStart && normBreakOffset < normStop) { _ASSERTE(pseudoBreakOffset == 0); countIntersections++; pseudoBreakOffset = numInterruptibleLength + normBreakOffset - normStart; } numInterruptibleLength += normStopDelta; lastNormStop = normStop; } _ASSERTE(countIntersections <= 1); if(countIntersections == 0) { _ASSERTE(executionAborted); LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO100000, "Not reporting this frame because it is aborted and not fully interruptible.\n")); goto ExitSuccess; } } #else // !PARTIALLY_INTERRUPTIBLE_GC_SUPPORTED // Skip interruptibility information for(UINT32 i=0; i 0) && m_Reader.ReadOneFast()) { numBitsPerOffset = (UINT32) m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(POINTER_SIZE_ENCBASE) + 1; _ASSERTE(numBitsPerOffset != 0); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Try partially interruptible first //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(executionAborted) { _ASSERTE(m_NumSafePoints == 0); m_Reader.Skip(m_NumSafePoints * numSlots); } else if( m_SafePointIndex != m_NumSafePoints ) { if (numBitsPerOffset) { const size_t offsetTablePos = m_Reader.GetCurrentPos(); m_Reader.Skip(m_SafePointIndex * numBitsPerOffset); const size_t liveStatesOffset = m_Reader.Read(numBitsPerOffset); const size_t liveStatesStart = ((offsetTablePos + m_NumSafePoints * numBitsPerOffset + 7) & (~7)); m_Reader.SetCurrentPos(liveStatesStart + liveStatesOffset); if (m_Reader.ReadOneFast()) { // RLE encoded bool fSkip = (m_Reader.ReadOneFast() == 0); bool fReport = true; UINT32 readSlots = (UINT32)m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned( fSkip ? LIVESTATE_RLE_SKIP_ENCBASE : LIVESTATE_RLE_RUN_ENCBASE ); fSkip = !fSkip; while (readSlots < numSlots) { UINT32 cnt = (UINT32)m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned( fSkip ? LIVESTATE_RLE_SKIP_ENCBASE : LIVESTATE_RLE_RUN_ENCBASE ) + 1; if (fReport) { for(UINT32 slotIndex = readSlots; slotIndex < readSlots + cnt; slotIndex++) { ReportSlotToGC(slotDecoder, slotIndex, pRD, reportScratchSlots, inputFlags, pCallBack, hCallBack ); } } readSlots += cnt; fSkip = !fSkip; fReport = !fReport; } _ASSERTE(readSlots == numSlots); goto ReportUntracked; } // Just a normal live state (1 bit per slot), so use the normal decoding loop } else { m_Reader.Skip(m_SafePointIndex * numSlots); } for(UINT32 slotIndex = 0; slotIndex < numSlots; slotIndex++) { if(m_Reader.ReadOneFast()) { ReportSlotToGC( slotDecoder, slotIndex, pRD, reportScratchSlots, inputFlags, pCallBack, hCallBack ); } } goto ReportUntracked; } else { m_Reader.Skip(m_NumSafePoints * numSlots); } #endif // PARTIALLY_INTERRUPTIBLE_GC_SUPPORTED _ASSERTE(m_NumInterruptibleRanges); _ASSERTE(numInterruptibleLength); // If no info is found for the call site, we default to fully-interruptbile LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000000, "No GC info found for call site at offset %x. Defaulting to fully-interruptible information.\n", (int) m_InstructionOffset)); UINT32 numChunks = (numInterruptibleLength + NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK - 1) / NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK; UINT32 breakChunk = pseudoBreakOffset / NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK; _ASSERTE(breakChunk < numChunks); UINT32 numBitsPerPointer = (UINT32) m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(POINTER_SIZE_ENCBASE); if(!numBitsPerPointer) goto ReportUntracked; size_t pointerTablePos = m_Reader.GetCurrentPos(); size_t chunkPointer; UINT32 chunk = breakChunk; for(;;) { m_Reader.SetCurrentPos(pointerTablePos + chunk * numBitsPerPointer); chunkPointer = m_Reader.Read(numBitsPerPointer); if(chunkPointer) break; if(chunk-- == 0) goto ReportUntracked; } size_t chunksStartPos = ((pointerTablePos + numChunks * numBitsPerPointer + 7) & (~7)); size_t chunkPos = chunksStartPos + chunkPointer - 1; m_Reader.SetCurrentPos(chunkPos); { BitStreamReader couldBeLiveReader(m_Reader); UINT32 numCouldBeLiveSlots = 0; // A potentially compressed bit vector of which slots have any lifetimes if (m_Reader.ReadOneFast()) { // RLE encoded bool fSkip = (m_Reader.ReadOneFast() == 0); bool fReport = true; UINT32 readSlots = (UINT32)m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned( fSkip ? LIVESTATE_RLE_SKIP_ENCBASE : LIVESTATE_RLE_RUN_ENCBASE ); fSkip = !fSkip; while (readSlots < numSlots) { UINT32 cnt = (UINT32)m_Reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned( fSkip ? LIVESTATE_RLE_SKIP_ENCBASE : LIVESTATE_RLE_RUN_ENCBASE ) + 1; if (fReport) { numCouldBeLiveSlots += cnt; } readSlots += cnt; fSkip = !fSkip; fReport = !fReport; } _ASSERTE(readSlots == numSlots); } else { for(UINT32 i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) { if(m_Reader.ReadOneFast()) numCouldBeLiveSlots++; } } _ASSERTE(numCouldBeLiveSlots > 0); BitStreamReader finalStateReader(m_Reader); m_Reader.Skip(numCouldBeLiveSlots); int lifetimeTransitionsCount = 0; UINT32 slotIndex = 0; bool fSimple = (couldBeLiveReader.ReadOneFast() == 0); bool fSkipFirst = false; // silence the warning UINT32 cnt = 0; if (!fSimple) { fSkipFirst = (couldBeLiveReader.ReadOneFast() == 0); slotIndex = -1; } for(UINT32 i = 0; i < numCouldBeLiveSlots; i++) { if (fSimple) { while(!couldBeLiveReader.ReadOneFast()) slotIndex++; } else if (cnt > 0) { // We have more from the last run to report cnt--; } // We need to find a new run else if (fSkipFirst) { UINT32 tmp = (UINT32)couldBeLiveReader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned( LIVESTATE_RLE_SKIP_ENCBASE ) + 1; slotIndex += tmp; cnt = (UINT32)couldBeLiveReader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned( LIVESTATE_RLE_RUN_ENCBASE ); } else { UINT32 tmp = (UINT32)couldBeLiveReader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned( LIVESTATE_RLE_RUN_ENCBASE ) + 1; slotIndex += tmp; cnt = (UINT32)couldBeLiveReader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned( LIVESTATE_RLE_SKIP_ENCBASE ); } UINT32 isLive = (UINT32) finalStateReader.Read(1); if(chunk == breakChunk) { // Read transitions UINT32 normBreakOffsetDelta = pseudoBreakOffset % NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK; for(;;) { if(!m_Reader.ReadOneFast()) break; UINT32 transitionOffset = (UINT32) m_Reader.Read(NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK_LOG2); lifetimeTransitionsCount++; _ASSERTE(transitionOffset && transitionOffset < NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK); if(transitionOffset > normBreakOffsetDelta) { isLive ^= 1; } } } if(isLive) { ReportSlotToGC( slotDecoder, slotIndex, pRD, reportScratchSlots, inputFlags, pCallBack, hCallBack ); } slotIndex++; } LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000000, "Decoded %d lifetime transitions.\n", (int) lifetimeTransitionsCount )); } } ReportUntracked: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Last report anything untracked // But only for the leaf funclet/frame // Turned on in the VM for regular GC reporting and the DAC for !CLRStack -gc // But turned off in the #includes for nidump and sos's !u -gcinfo and !gcinfo //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (slotDecoder.GetNumUntracked() && !(inputFlags & (ParentOfFuncletStackFrame | NoReportUntracked))) { ReportUntrackedSlots(slotDecoder, pRD, inputFlags, pCallBack, hCallBack); } ExitSuccess: return true; } void GcInfoDecoder::EnumerateUntrackedSlots( PREGDISPLAY pRD, unsigned inputFlags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, void * hCallBack ) { _ASSERTE(GC_SLOT_INTERIOR == GC_CALL_INTERIOR); _ASSERTE(GC_SLOT_PINNED == GC_CALL_PINNED); _ASSERTE( m_Flags & DECODE_GC_LIFETIMES ); GcSlotDecoder slotDecoder; // Skip interruptibility information for(UINT32 i=0; i 0) { // We certainly predecode the first register _ASSERTE(i < MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS); UINT32 normRegNum = (UINT32) reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(REGISTER_ENCBASE); UINT32 regNum = DENORMALIZE_REGISTER(normRegNum); GcSlotFlags flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); m_SlotArray[0].Slot.RegisterNumber = regNum; m_SlotArray[0].Flags = flags; UINT32 loopEnd = _min(m_NumRegisters, MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS); for(i++; i < loopEnd; i++) { if(flags) { normRegNum = (UINT32) reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(REGISTER_ENCBASE); regNum = DENORMALIZE_REGISTER(normRegNum); flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); } else { UINT32 normRegDelta = (UINT32) reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(REGISTER_DELTA_ENCBASE) + 1; normRegNum += normRegDelta; regNum = DENORMALIZE_REGISTER(normRegNum); } m_SlotArray[i].Slot.RegisterNumber = regNum; m_SlotArray[i].Flags = flags; } } if((numStackSlots > 0) && (i < MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS)) { // We have stack slots left and more room to predecode GcStackSlotBase spBase = (GcStackSlotBase) reader.Read(2); UINT32 normSpOffset = (INT32) reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE); INT32 spOffset = DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(normSpOffset); GcSlotFlags flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); m_SlotArray[i].Slot.Stack.SpOffset = spOffset; m_SlotArray[i].Slot.Stack.Base = spBase; m_SlotArray[i].Flags = flags; UINT32 loopEnd = _min(m_NumRegisters + numStackSlots, MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS); for(i++; i < loopEnd; i++) { spBase = (GcStackSlotBase) reader.Read(2); if(flags) { normSpOffset = (INT32) reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE); spOffset = DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(normSpOffset); flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); } else { INT32 normSpOffsetDelta = (INT32) reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(STACK_SLOT_DELTA_ENCBASE); normSpOffset += normSpOffsetDelta; spOffset = DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(normSpOffset); } m_SlotArray[i].Slot.Stack.SpOffset = spOffset; m_SlotArray[i].Slot.Stack.Base = spBase; m_SlotArray[i].Flags = flags; } } if((m_NumUntracked > 0) && (i < MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS)) { // We have untracked stack slots left and more room to predecode GcStackSlotBase spBase = (GcStackSlotBase) reader.Read(2); UINT32 normSpOffset = (INT32) reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE); INT32 spOffset = DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(normSpOffset); GcSlotFlags flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); m_SlotArray[i].Slot.Stack.SpOffset = spOffset; m_SlotArray[i].Slot.Stack.Base = spBase; m_SlotArray[i].Flags = flags; UINT32 loopEnd = _min(m_NumSlots, MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS); for(i++; i < loopEnd; i++) { spBase = (GcStackSlotBase) reader.Read(2); if(flags) { normSpOffset = (INT32) reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE); spOffset = DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(normSpOffset); flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); } else { INT32 normSpOffsetDelta = (INT32) reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(STACK_SLOT_DELTA_ENCBASE); normSpOffset += normSpOffsetDelta; spOffset = DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(normSpOffset); } m_SlotArray[i].Slot.Stack.SpOffset = spOffset; m_SlotArray[i].Slot.Stack.Base = spBase; m_SlotArray[i].Flags = flags; } } // Done pre-decoding if(i < m_NumSlots) { // Prepare for lazy decoding _ASSERTE(i == MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS); m_NumDecodedSlots = i; m_pLastSlot = &m_SlotArray[MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS - 1]; m_SlotReader = reader; // Move the argument reader past the end of the table GcSlotFlags flags = m_pLastSlot->Flags; // Skip any remaining registers for(; i < m_NumRegisters; i++) { if(flags) { reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(REGISTER_ENCBASE); flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); } else { reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(REGISTER_DELTA_ENCBASE); } } if(numStackSlots > 0) { if(i == m_NumRegisters) { // Skip the first stack slot reader.Read(2); reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE); flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); i++; } // Skip any remaining stack slots const UINT32 loopEnd = m_NumRegisters + numStackSlots; for(; i < loopEnd; i++) { reader.Read(2); if(flags) { reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE); flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); } else { reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(STACK_SLOT_DELTA_ENCBASE); } } } if(m_NumUntracked > 0) { if(i == m_NumRegisters + numStackSlots) { // Skip the first untracked slot reader.Read(2); reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE); flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); i++; } // Skip any remaining untracked slots for(; i < m_NumSlots; i++) { reader.Read(2); if(flags) { reader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE); flags = (GcSlotFlags) reader.Read(2); } else { reader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(STACK_SLOT_DELTA_ENCBASE); } } } } } const GcSlotDesc* GcSlotDecoder::GetSlotDesc(UINT32 slotIndex) { _ASSERTE(slotIndex < m_NumSlots); if(slotIndex < MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS) { return &m_SlotArray[slotIndex]; } _ASSERTE(m_NumDecodedSlots >= MAX_PREDECODED_SLOTS && m_NumDecodedSlots < m_NumSlots); _ASSERTE(m_NumDecodedSlots <= slotIndex); while(m_NumDecodedSlots <= slotIndex) { if(m_NumDecodedSlots < m_NumRegisters) { // // Decode a register // if(m_NumDecodedSlots == 0) { // Decode the first register UINT32 normRegNum = (UINT32) m_SlotReader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(REGISTER_ENCBASE); m_pLastSlot->Slot.RegisterNumber = DENORMALIZE_REGISTER(normRegNum); m_pLastSlot->Flags = (GcSlotFlags) m_SlotReader.Read(2); } else { if(m_pLastSlot->Flags) { UINT32 normRegNum = (UINT32) m_SlotReader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(REGISTER_ENCBASE); m_pLastSlot->Slot.RegisterNumber = DENORMALIZE_REGISTER(normRegNum); m_pLastSlot->Flags = (GcSlotFlags) m_SlotReader.Read(2); } else { UINT32 normRegDelta = (UINT32) m_SlotReader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(REGISTER_DELTA_ENCBASE) + 1; UINT32 normRegNum = normRegDelta + NORMALIZE_REGISTER(m_pLastSlot->Slot.RegisterNumber); m_pLastSlot->Slot.RegisterNumber = DENORMALIZE_REGISTER(normRegNum); } } } else { // // Decode a stack slot // if((m_NumDecodedSlots == m_NumRegisters) || (m_NumDecodedSlots == GetNumTracked())) { // Decode the first stack slot or first untracked slot m_pLastSlot->Slot.Stack.Base = (GcStackSlotBase) m_SlotReader.Read(2); UINT32 normSpOffset = (INT32) m_SlotReader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE); m_pLastSlot->Slot.Stack.SpOffset = DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(normSpOffset); m_pLastSlot->Flags = (GcSlotFlags) m_SlotReader.Read(2); } else { m_pLastSlot->Slot.Stack.Base = (GcStackSlotBase) m_SlotReader.Read(2); if(m_pLastSlot->Flags) { INT32 normSpOffset = (INT32) m_SlotReader.DecodeVarLengthSigned(STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE); m_pLastSlot->Slot.Stack.SpOffset = DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(normSpOffset); m_pLastSlot->Flags = (GcSlotFlags) m_SlotReader.Read(2); } else { INT32 normSpOffsetDelta = (INT32) m_SlotReader.DecodeVarLengthUnsigned(STACK_SLOT_DELTA_ENCBASE); INT32 normSpOffset = normSpOffsetDelta + NORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(m_pLastSlot->Slot.Stack.SpOffset); m_pLastSlot->Slot.Stack.SpOffset = DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(normSpOffset); } } } m_NumDecodedSlots++; } return m_pLastSlot; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Platform-specific methods //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) OBJECTREF* GcInfoDecoder::GetRegisterSlot( int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD ) { _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 16); _ASSERTE(regNum != 4); // rsp #ifdef FEATURE_REDHAWK PTR_UIntNative* ppRax = &pRD->pRax; if (regNum > 4) regNum--; // rsp is skipped in Redhawk RegDisplay #else // The fields of KNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS are in the same order as // the processor encoding numbers. ULONGLONG **ppRax = &pRD->pCurrentContextPointers->Rax; #endif return (OBJECTREF*)*(ppRax + regNum); } #ifdef FEATURE_PAL OBJECTREF* GcInfoDecoder::GetCapturedRegister( int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD ) { _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 16); _ASSERTE(regNum != 4); // rsp // The fields of CONTEXT are in the same order as // the processor encoding numbers. ULONGLONG *pRax = &pRD->pCurrentContext->Rax; return (OBJECTREF*)(pRax + regNum); } #endif // FEATURE_PAL bool GcInfoDecoder::IsScratchRegister(int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD) { _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 16); _ASSERTE(regNum != 4); // rsp UINT16 PreservedRegMask = (1 << 3) // rbx | (1 << 5) // rbp #ifndef UNIX_AMD64_ABI | (1 << 6) // rsi | (1 << 7) // rdi #endif // UNIX_AMD64_ABI | (1 << 12) // r12 | (1 << 13) // r13 | (1 << 14) // r14 | (1 << 15); // r15 return !(PreservedRegMask & (1 << regNum)); } bool GcInfoDecoder::IsScratchStackSlot(INT32 spOffset, GcStackSlotBase spBase, PREGDISPLAY pRD) { #ifdef FIXED_STACK_PARAMETER_SCRATCH_AREA _ASSERTE( m_Flags & DECODE_GC_LIFETIMES ); TADDR pSlot = (TADDR) GetStackSlot(spOffset, spBase, pRD); _ASSERTE(pSlot >= pRD->SP); return (pSlot < pRD->SP + m_SizeOfStackOutgoingAndScratchArea); #else return FALSE; #endif } void GcInfoDecoder::ReportRegisterToGC( // AMD64 int regNum, unsigned gcFlags, PREGDISPLAY pRD, unsigned flags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, void * hCallBack) { GCINFODECODER_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 16); _ASSERTE(regNum != 4); // rsp LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, "Reporting " FMT_REG, regNum )); OBJECTREF* pObjRef = GetRegisterSlot( regNum, pRD ); #if defined(FEATURE_PAL) && !defined(SOS_TARGET_AMD64) // On PAL, we don't always have the context pointers available due to // a limitation of an unwinding library. In such case, the context // pointers for some nonvolatile registers are NULL. // In such case, we let the pObjRef point to the captured register // value in the context and pin the object itself. if (pObjRef == NULL) { // Report a pinned object to GC only in the promotion phase when the // GC is scanning roots. GCCONTEXT* pGCCtx = (GCCONTEXT*)(hCallBack); if (!pGCCtx->sc->promotion) { return; } pObjRef = GetCapturedRegister(regNum, pRD); gcFlags |= GC_CALL_PINNED; } #endif // FEATURE_PAL && !SOS_TARGET_AMD64 #ifdef _DEBUG if(IsScratchRegister(regNum, pRD)) { // Scratch registers cannot be reported for non-leaf frames _ASSERTE(flags & ActiveStackFrame); } LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, /* Part Two */ "at" FMT_ADDR "as ", DBG_ADDR(pObjRef) )); VALIDATE_ROOT((gcFlags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR), hCallBack, pObjRef); LOG_PIPTR(pObjRef, gcFlags, hCallBack); #endif //_DEBUG gcFlags |= CHECK_APP_DOMAIN; pCallBack(hCallBack, pObjRef, gcFlags DAC_ARG(DacSlotLocation(regNum, 0, false))); } #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) OBJECTREF* GcInfoDecoder::GetRegisterSlot( int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD ) { _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 14); _ASSERTE(regNum != 13); // sp #ifdef FEATURE_REDHAWK PTR_UIntNative *ppReg = &pRD->pR0; if (regNum > 12) regNum--; // rsp is skipped in Redhawk RegDisplay return (OBJECTREF*)*(ppReg + regNum); #else DWORD **ppReg; if(regNum <= 3) { ppReg = &pRD->pR0; return (OBJECTREF*)*(ppReg + regNum); } else if(regNum == 12) { return (OBJECTREF*) pRD->pR12; } else if(regNum == 14) { return (OBJECTREF*) pRD->pLR; } ppReg = &pRD->pR4; return (OBJECTREF*)*(ppReg + regNum-4); #endif } #ifdef FEATURE_PAL OBJECTREF* GcInfoDecoder::GetCapturedRegister( int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD ) { _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 14); _ASSERTE(regNum != 13); // sp // The fields of CONTEXT are in the same order as // the processor encoding numbers. ULONG *pR0 = &pRD->pCurrentContext->R0; return (OBJECTREF*)(pR0 + regNum); } #endif // FEATURE_PAL bool GcInfoDecoder::IsScratchRegister(int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD) { _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 14); _ASSERTE(regNum != 13); // sp return regNum <= 3 || regNum >= 12; // R12 and R14/LR are both scratch registers } bool GcInfoDecoder::IsScratchStackSlot(INT32 spOffset, GcStackSlotBase spBase, PREGDISPLAY pRD) { #ifdef FIXED_STACK_PARAMETER_SCRATCH_AREA _ASSERTE( m_Flags & DECODE_GC_LIFETIMES ); TADDR pSlot = (TADDR) GetStackSlot(spOffset, spBase, pRD); _ASSERTE(pSlot >= pRD->SP); return (pSlot < pRD->SP + m_SizeOfStackOutgoingAndScratchArea); #else return FALSE; #endif } void GcInfoDecoder::ReportRegisterToGC( // ARM int regNum, unsigned gcFlags, PREGDISPLAY pRD, unsigned flags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, void * hCallBack) { GCINFODECODER_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 14); _ASSERTE(regNum != 13); // sp LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, "Reporting " FMT_REG, regNum )); OBJECTREF* pObjRef = GetRegisterSlot( regNum, pRD ); #ifdef _DEBUG if(IsScratchRegister(regNum, pRD)) { // Scratch registers cannot be reported for non-leaf frames _ASSERTE(flags & ActiveStackFrame); } LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, /* Part Two */ "at" FMT_ADDR "as ", DBG_ADDR(pObjRef) )); VALIDATE_ROOT((gcFlags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR), hCallBack, pObjRef); LOG_PIPTR(pObjRef, gcFlags, hCallBack); #endif //_DEBUG gcFlags |= CHECK_APP_DOMAIN; pCallBack(hCallBack, pObjRef, gcFlags DAC_ARG(DacSlotLocation(regNum, 0, false))); } #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) OBJECTREF* GcInfoDecoder::GetRegisterSlot( int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD ) { _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 30); _ASSERTE(regNum != 18); // TEB DWORD64 **ppReg; if(regNum <= 17) { ppReg = &pRD->volatileCurrContextPointers.X0; return (OBJECTREF*)*(ppReg + regNum); } else if(regNum == 29) { return (OBJECTREF*) pRD->pCurrentContextPointers->Fp; } else if(regNum == 30) { return (OBJECTREF*) pRD->pCurrentContextPointers->Lr; } ppReg = &pRD->pCurrentContextPointers->X19; return (OBJECTREF*)*(ppReg + regNum-19); } bool GcInfoDecoder::IsScratchRegister(int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD) { _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 30); _ASSERTE(regNum != 18); return regNum <= 17 || regNum >= 29; // R12 and R14/LR are both scratch registers } bool GcInfoDecoder::IsScratchStackSlot(INT32 spOffset, GcStackSlotBase spBase, PREGDISPLAY pRD) { #ifdef FIXED_STACK_PARAMETER_SCRATCH_AREA _ASSERTE( m_Flags & DECODE_GC_LIFETIMES ); ULONGLONG pSlot = (ULONGLONG) GetStackSlot(spOffset, spBase, pRD); _ASSERTE(pSlot >= pRD->SP); return (pSlot < pRD->SP + m_SizeOfStackOutgoingAndScratchArea); #else return FALSE; #endif } void GcInfoDecoder::ReportRegisterToGC( // ARM64 int regNum, unsigned gcFlags, PREGDISPLAY pRD, unsigned flags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, void * hCallBack) { GCINFODECODER_CONTRACT; _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum <= 30); _ASSERTE(regNum != 18); LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, "Reporting " FMT_REG, regNum )); OBJECTREF* pObjRef = GetRegisterSlot( regNum, pRD ); #ifdef _DEBUG if(IsScratchRegister(regNum, pRD)) { // Scratch registers cannot be reported for non-leaf frames _ASSERTE(flags & ActiveStackFrame); } LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, /* Part Two */ "at" FMT_ADDR "as ", DBG_ADDR(pObjRef) )); VALIDATE_ROOT((gcFlags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR), hCallBack, pObjRef); LOG_PIPTR(pObjRef, gcFlags, hCallBack); #endif //_DEBUG gcFlags |= CHECK_APP_DOMAIN; pCallBack(hCallBack, pObjRef, gcFlags DAC_ARG(DacSlotLocation(regNum, 0, false))); } #ifdef FEATURE_PAL OBJECTREF* GcInfoDecoder::GetCapturedRegister( int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD ) { _ASSERTE(regNum >= 0 && regNum < GEN_REG_COUNT); // The fields of CONTEXT are in the same order as // the processor encoding numbers. DWORD64 *pX0 = &pRD->pCurrentContext->X0; return (OBJECTREF*)(pX0 + regNum); } #endif // FEATURE_PAL #else // Unknown platform OBJECTREF* GcInfoDecoder::GetRegisterSlot( int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD ) { PORTABILITY_ASSERT("GcInfoDecoder::GetRegisterSlot"); return NULL; } bool GcInfoDecoder::IsScratchRegister(int regNum, PREGDISPLAY pRD) { PORTABILITY_ASSERT("GcInfoDecoder::IsScratchRegister"); return false; } bool GcInfoDecoder::IsScratchStackSlot(INT32 spOffset, GcStackSlotBase spBase, PREGDISPLAY pRD) { _ASSERTE( !"NYI" ); return false; } void GcInfoDecoder::ReportRegisterToGC( int regNum, unsigned gcFlags, PREGDISPLAY pRD, unsigned flags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, void * hCallBack) { _ASSERTE( !"NYI" ); } #endif // Unknown platform OBJECTREF* GcInfoDecoder::GetStackSlot( INT32 spOffset, GcStackSlotBase spBase, PREGDISPLAY pRD ) { #ifdef CROSSGEN_COMPILE _ASSERTE(!"GcInfoDecoder::GetStackSlot not supported in this build configuration"); return NULL; #else // CROSSGEN_COMPILE OBJECTREF* pObjRef; if( GC_SP_REL == spBase ) { pObjRef = (OBJECTREF*) ((SIZE_T)pRD->SP + spOffset); } else if( GC_CALLER_SP_REL == spBase ) { pObjRef = (OBJECTREF*) (GET_CALLER_SP(pRD) + spOffset); } else { _ASSERTE( GC_FRAMEREG_REL == spBase ); _ASSERTE( NO_STACK_BASE_REGISTER != m_StackBaseRegister ); SIZE_T * pFrameReg = (SIZE_T*) GetRegisterSlot(m_StackBaseRegister, pRD); #ifdef FEATURE_PAL // On PAL, we don't always have the context pointers available due to // a limitation of an unwinding library. In such case, the context // pointers for some nonvolatile registers are NULL. if (pFrameReg == NULL) { pFrameReg = (SIZE_T*) GetCapturedRegister(m_StackBaseRegister, pRD); } #endif // FEATURE_PAL pObjRef = (OBJECTREF*)(*pFrameReg + spOffset); } return pObjRef; #endif // CROSSGEN_COMPILE } #ifdef DACCESS_COMPILE int GcInfoDecoder::GetStackReg(int spBase) { #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) int esp = 4; #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) int esp = 13; #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) int esp = 31; #endif if( GC_SP_REL == spBase ) return esp; else if ( GC_CALLER_SP_REL == spBase ) return -(esp+1); else return m_StackBaseRegister; } #endif // DACCESS_COMPILE void GcInfoDecoder::ReportStackSlotToGC( INT32 spOffset, GcStackSlotBase spBase, unsigned gcFlags, PREGDISPLAY pRD, unsigned flags, GCEnumCallback pCallBack, void * hCallBack) { GCINFODECODER_CONTRACT; OBJECTREF* pObjRef = GetStackSlot(spOffset, spBase, pRD); _ASSERTE( IS_ALIGNED( pObjRef, sizeof( void* ) ) ); #ifdef _DEBUG LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, /* Part One */ "Reporting %s" FMT_STK, ( (GC_SP_REL == spBase) ? "" : ((GC_CALLER_SP_REL == spBase) ? "caller's " : ((GC_FRAMEREG_REL == spBase) ? "frame " : " "))), DBG_STK(spOffset) )); LOG((LF_GCROOTS, LL_INFO1000, /* Part Two */ "at" FMT_ADDR "as ", DBG_ADDR(pObjRef) )); VALIDATE_ROOT((gcFlags & GC_CALL_INTERIOR), hCallBack, pObjRef); LOG_PIPTR(pObjRef, gcFlags, hCallBack); #endif gcFlags |= CHECK_APP_DOMAIN; pCallBack(hCallBack, (PTR_PTR_VOID)pObjRef, gcFlags DAC_ARG(DacSlotLocation(GetStackReg(spBase), spOffset, true))); } #endif // USE_GC_INFO_DECODER