// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #ifndef __GCINFOTYPES_H__ #define __GCINFOTYPES_H__ #ifndef FEATURE_REDHAWK #include "gcinfo.h" #endif #define PARTIALLY_INTERRUPTIBLE_GC_SUPPORTED #define FIXED_STACK_PARAMETER_SCRATCH_AREA #define BITS_PER_SIZE_T ((int)sizeof(size_t)*8) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // It turns out, that ((size_t)x) << y == x, when y is not a literal // and its value is BITS_PER_SIZE_T // I guess the processor only shifts of the right operand modulo BITS_PER_SIZE_T // In many cases, we want the above operation to yield 0, // hence the following macros //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __forceinline size_t SAFE_SHIFT_LEFT(size_t x, size_t count) { _ASSERTE(count <= BITS_PER_SIZE_T); return (x << 1) << (count - 1); } __forceinline size_t SAFE_SHIFT_RIGHT(size_t x, size_t count) { _ASSERTE(count <= BITS_PER_SIZE_T); return (x >> 1) >> (count - 1); } inline UINT32 CeilOfLog2(size_t x) { _ASSERTE(x > 0); UINT32 result = (x & (x - 1)) ? 1 : 0; while (x != 1) { result++; x >>= 1; } return result; } enum GcSlotFlags { GC_SLOT_BASE = 0x0, GC_SLOT_INTERIOR = 0x1, GC_SLOT_PINNED = 0x2, GC_SLOT_UNTRACKED = 0x4, // For internal use by the encoder/decoder GC_SLOT_IS_REGISTER = 0x8, GC_SLOT_IS_DELETED = 0x10, }; enum GcStackSlotBase { GC_CALLER_SP_REL = 0x0, GC_SP_REL = 0x1, GC_FRAMEREG_REL = 0x2, GC_SPBASE_FIRST = GC_CALLER_SP_REL, GC_SPBASE_LAST = GC_FRAMEREG_REL, }; #ifdef _DEBUG const char* const GcStackSlotBaseNames[] = { "caller.sp", "sp", "frame", }; #endif enum GcSlotState { GC_SLOT_DEAD = 0x0, GC_SLOT_LIVE = 0x1, }; struct GcStackSlot { INT32 SpOffset; GcStackSlotBase Base; bool operator==(const GcStackSlot& other) { return ((SpOffset == other.SpOffset) && (Base == other.Base)); } bool operator!=(const GcStackSlot& other) { return ((SpOffset != other.SpOffset) || (Base != other.Base)); } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ReturnKind -- encoding return type information in GcInfo // // When a method is stopped at a call - site for GC (ex: via return-address // hijacking) the runtime needs to know whether the value is a GC - value // (gc - pointer or gc - pointers stored in an aggregate). // It needs this information so that mark - phase can preserve the gc-pointers // being returned. // // The Runtime doesn't need the precise return-type of a method. // It only needs to find the GC-pointers in the return value. // The only scenarios currently supported by CoreCLR are: // 1. Object references // 2. ByRef pointers // 3. ARM64/X64 only : Structs returned in two registers // 4. X86 only : Floating point returns to perform the correct save/restore // of the return value around return-hijacking. // // Based on these cases, the legal set of ReturnKind enumerations are specified // for each architecture/encoding. // A value of this enumeration is stored in the GcInfo header. // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RT_Unset: An intermediate step for staged bringup. // When ReturnKind is RT_Unset, it means that the JIT did not set // the ReturnKind in the GCInfo, and therefore the VM cannot rely on it, // and must use other mechanisms (similar to GcInfo ver 1) to determine // the Return type's GC information. // // RT_Unset is only used in the following situations: // X64: Used by JIT64 until updated to use GcInfo v2 API // ARM: Used by JIT32 until updated to use GcInfo v2 API // // RT_Unset should have a valid encoding, whose bits are actually stored in the image. // For X86, there are no free bits, and there's no RT_Unused enumeration. #if defined(_TARGET_X86_) // 00 RT_Scalar // 01 RT_Object // 10 RT_ByRef // 11 RT_Float #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) // 00 RT_Scalar // 01 RT_Object // 10 RT_ByRef // 11 RT_Unset #elif defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) // Slim Header: // 00 RT_Scalar // 01 RT_Object // 10 RT_ByRef // 11 RT_Unset // Fat Header: // 0000 RT_Scalar // 0001 RT_Object // 0010 RT_ByRef // 0011 RT_Unset // 0100 RT_Scalar_Obj // 1000 RT_Scalar_ByRef // 0101 RT_Obj_Obj // 1001 RT_Obj_ByRef // 0110 RT_ByRef_Obj // 1010 RT_ByRef_ByRef #else #ifdef PORTABILITY_WARNING PORTABILITY_WARNING("Need ReturnKind for new Platform") #endif // PORTABILITY_WARNING #endif // Target checks enum ReturnKind { // Cases for Return in one register RT_Scalar = 0, RT_Object = 1, RT_ByRef = 2, #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ RT_Float = 3, // Encoding 3 means RT_Float on X86 #else RT_Unset = 3, // RT_Unset on other platforms #endif // _TARGET_X86_ // Cases for Struct Return in two registers // // We have the following equivalencies, because the VM's behavior is the same // for both cases: // RT_Scalar_Scalar == RT_Scalar // RT_Obj_Scalar == RT_Object // RT_ByRef_Scalar == RT_Byref // The encoding for these equivalencies will play out well because // RT_Scalar is zero. // // Naming: RT_firstReg_secondReg // Encoding: // // This encoding with exclusive bits for each register is chosen for ease of use, // and because it doesn't cost any more bits. // It can be changed (ex: to a linear sequence) if necessary. // For example, we can encode the GC-information for the two registers in 3 bits (instead of 4) // if we approximate RT_Obj_ByRef and RT_ByRef_Obj as RT_ByRef_ByRef. // RT_Scalar_Scalar = RT_Scalar RT_Scalar_Obj = RT_Object << 2 | RT_Scalar, RT_Scalar_ByRef = RT_ByRef << 2 | RT_Scalar, // RT_Obj_Scalar = RT_Object RT_Obj_Obj = RT_Object << 2 | RT_Object, RT_Obj_ByRef = RT_ByRef << 2 | RT_Object, // RT_ByRef_Scalar = RT_Byref RT_ByRef_Obj = RT_Object << 2 | RT_ByRef, RT_ByRef_ByRef = RT_ByRef << 2 | RT_ByRef, // Illegal or uninitialized value, // Not a valid encoding, never written to image. RT_Illegal = 0xFF }; // Identify ReturnKinds containing useful information inline bool IsValidReturnKind(ReturnKind returnKind) { return (returnKind != RT_Illegal) #ifndef _TARGET_X86_ && (returnKind != RT_Unset) #endif // _TARGET_X86_ ; } // Identify ReturnKinds that can be a part of a multi-reg struct return inline bool IsValidFieldReturnKind(ReturnKind returnKind) { return (returnKind == RT_Scalar || returnKind == RT_Object || returnKind == RT_ByRef); } inline bool IsValidReturnRegister(size_t regNo) { return (regNo == 0) #ifdef FEATURE_MULTIREG_RETURN || (regNo == 1) #endif // FEATURE_MULTIREG_RETURN ; } inline bool IsStructReturnKind(ReturnKind returnKind) { // Two bits encode integer/ref/float return-kinds. // Encodings needing more than two bits are (non-scalar) struct-returns. return returnKind > 3; } // Helpers for combining/extracting individual ReturnKinds from/to Struct ReturnKinds. // Encoding is two bits per register inline ReturnKind GetStructReturnKind(ReturnKind reg0, ReturnKind reg1) { _ASSERTE(IsValidFieldReturnKind(reg0) && IsValidFieldReturnKind(reg1)); ReturnKind structReturnKind = (ReturnKind)(reg1 << 2 | reg0); _ASSERTE(IsValidReturnKind(structReturnKind)); return structReturnKind; } // Extract returnKind for the specified return register. // Also determines if higher ordinal return registers contain object references inline ReturnKind ExtractRegReturnKind(ReturnKind returnKind, size_t returnRegOrdinal, bool& moreRegs) { _ASSERTE(IsValidReturnKind(returnKind)); _ASSERTE(IsValidReturnRegister(returnRegOrdinal)); // Return kind of each return register is encoded in two bits at returnRegOrdinal*2 position from LSB ReturnKind regReturnKind = (ReturnKind)((returnKind >> (returnRegOrdinal * 2)) & 3); // Check if any other higher ordinal return registers have object references. // ReturnKind of higher ordinal return registers are encoded at (returnRegOrdinal+1)*2) position from LSB // If all of the remaining bits are 0 then there isn't any more RT_Object or RT_ByRef encoded in returnKind. moreRegs = (returnKind >> ((returnRegOrdinal+1) * 2)) != 0; _ASSERTE(IsValidReturnKind(regReturnKind)); _ASSERTE((returnRegOrdinal == 0) || IsValidFieldReturnKind(regReturnKind)); return regReturnKind; } inline const char *ReturnKindToString(ReturnKind returnKind) { switch (returnKind) { case RT_Scalar: return "Scalar"; case RT_Object: return "Object"; case RT_ByRef: return "ByRef"; #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ case RT_Float: return "Float"; #else case RT_Unset: return "UNSET"; #endif // _TARGET_X86_ case RT_Scalar_Obj: return "{Scalar, Object}"; case RT_Scalar_ByRef: return "{Scalar, ByRef}"; case RT_Obj_Obj: return "{Object, Object}"; case RT_Obj_ByRef: return "{Object, ByRef}"; case RT_ByRef_Obj: return "{ByRef, Object}"; case RT_ByRef_ByRef: return "{ByRef, ByRef}"; case RT_Illegal: return ""; default: return "!Impossible!"; } } #ifdef _TARGET_X86_ #include // For memcmp() #include "bitvector.h" // for ptrArgTP #ifndef FASTCALL #define FASTCALL __fastcall #endif // we use offsetof to get the offset of a field #include // offsetof #ifndef offsetof #define offsetof(s,m) ((size_t)&(((s *)0)->m)) #endif enum infoHdrAdjustConstants { // Constants SET_FRAMESIZE_MAX = 7, SET_ARGCOUNT_MAX = 8, // Change to 6 SET_PROLOGSIZE_MAX = 16, SET_EPILOGSIZE_MAX = 10, // Change to 6 SET_EPILOGCNT_MAX = 4, SET_UNTRACKED_MAX = 3, SET_RET_KIND_MAX = 4, // 2 bits for ReturnKind ADJ_ENCODING_MAX = 0x7f, // Maximum valid encoding in a byte // Also used to mask off next bit from each encoding byte. MORE_BYTES_TO_FOLLOW = 0x80 // If the High-bit of a header or adjustment byte // is set, then there are more adjustments to follow. }; // // Enum to define codes that are used to incrementally adjust the InfoHdr structure. // First set of opcodes enum infoHdrAdjust { SET_FRAMESIZE = 0, // 0x00 SET_ARGCOUNT = SET_FRAMESIZE + SET_FRAMESIZE_MAX + 1, // 0x08 SET_PROLOGSIZE = SET_ARGCOUNT + SET_ARGCOUNT_MAX + 1, // 0x11 SET_EPILOGSIZE = SET_PROLOGSIZE + SET_PROLOGSIZE_MAX + 1, // 0x22 SET_EPILOGCNT = SET_EPILOGSIZE + SET_EPILOGSIZE_MAX + 1, // 0x2d SET_UNTRACKED = SET_EPILOGCNT + (SET_EPILOGCNT_MAX + 1) * 2, // 0x37 FIRST_FLIP = SET_UNTRACKED + SET_UNTRACKED_MAX + 1, FLIP_EDI_SAVED = FIRST_FLIP, // 0x3b FLIP_ESI_SAVED, // 0x3c FLIP_EBX_SAVED, // 0x3d FLIP_EBP_SAVED, // 0x3e FLIP_EBP_FRAME, // 0x3f FLIP_INTERRUPTIBLE, // 0x40 FLIP_DOUBLE_ALIGN, // 0x41 FLIP_SECURITY, // 0x42 FLIP_HANDLERS, // 0x43 FLIP_LOCALLOC, // 0x44 FLIP_EDITnCONTINUE, // 0x45 FLIP_VAR_PTR_TABLE_SZ, // 0x46 Flip whether a table-size exits after the header encoding FFFF_UNTRACKED_CNT, // 0x47 There is a count (>SET_UNTRACKED_MAX) after the header encoding FLIP_VARARGS, // 0x48 FLIP_PROF_CALLBACKS, // 0x49 FLIP_HAS_GS_COOKIE, // 0x4A - The offset of the GuardStack cookie follows after the header encoding FLIP_SYNC, // 0x4B FLIP_HAS_GENERICS_CONTEXT,// 0x4C FLIP_GENERICS_CONTEXT_IS_METHODDESC,// 0x4D FLIP_REV_PINVOKE_FRAME, // 0x4E NEXT_OPCODE, // 0x4F -- see next Adjustment enumeration NEXT_FOUR_START = 0x50, NEXT_FOUR_FRAMESIZE = 0x50, NEXT_FOUR_ARGCOUNT = 0x60, NEXT_THREE_PROLOGSIZE = 0x70, NEXT_THREE_EPILOGSIZE = 0x78 }; // Second set of opcodes, when first code is 0x4F enum infoHdrAdjust2 { SET_RETURNKIND = 0, // 0x00-SET_RET_KIND_MAX Set ReturnKind to value }; #define HAS_UNTRACKED ((unsigned int) -1) #define HAS_VARPTR ((unsigned int) -1) #define INVALID_REV_PINVOKE_OFFSET 0 #define HAS_REV_PINVOKE_FRAME_OFFSET ((unsigned int) -1) // 0 is not a valid offset for EBP-frames as all locals are at a negative offset // For ESP frames, the cookie is above (at a higher address than) the buffers, // and so cannot be at offset 0. #define INVALID_GS_COOKIE_OFFSET 0 // Temporary value to indicate that the offset needs to be read after the header #define HAS_GS_COOKIE_OFFSET ((unsigned int) -1) // 0 is not a valid sync offset #define INVALID_SYNC_OFFSET 0 // Temporary value to indicate that the offset needs to be read after the header #define HAS_SYNC_OFFSET ((unsigned int) -1) #define INVALID_ARGTAB_OFFSET 0 #include "pshpack1.h" // Working set optimization: saving 12 * 128 = 1536 bytes in infoHdrShortcut struct InfoHdr; struct InfoHdrSmall { unsigned char prologSize; // 0 unsigned char epilogSize; // 1 unsigned char epilogCount : 3; // 2 [0:2] unsigned char epilogAtEnd : 1; // 2 [3] unsigned char ediSaved : 1; // 2 [4] which callee-saved regs are pushed onto stack unsigned char esiSaved : 1; // 2 [5] unsigned char ebxSaved : 1; // 2 [6] unsigned char ebpSaved : 1; // 2 [7] unsigned char ebpFrame : 1; // 3 [0] locals accessed relative to ebp unsigned char interruptible : 1; // 3 [1] is intr. at all points (except prolog/epilog), not just call-sites unsigned char doubleAlign : 1; // 3 [2] uses double-aligned stack (ebpFrame will be false) unsigned char security : 1; // 3 [3] has slot for security object unsigned char handlers : 1; // 3 [4] has callable handlers unsigned char localloc : 1; // 3 [5] uses localloc unsigned char editNcontinue : 1; // 3 [6] was JITed in EnC mode unsigned char varargs : 1; // 3 [7] function uses varargs calling convention unsigned char profCallbacks : 1; // 4 [0] unsigned char genericsContext : 1;//4 [1] function reports a generics context parameter is present unsigned char genericsContextIsMethodDesc : 1;//4[2] unsigned char returnKind : 2; // 4 [4] Available GcInfo v2 onwards, previously undefined unsigned short argCount; // 5,6 in bytes unsigned int frameSize; // 7,8,9,10 in bytes unsigned int untrackedCnt; // 11,12,13,14 unsigned int varPtrTableSize; // 15.16,17,18 // Checks whether "this" is compatible with "target". // It is not an exact bit match as "this" could have some // marker/place-holder values, which will have to be written out // after the header. bool isHeaderMatch(const InfoHdr& target) const; }; struct InfoHdr : public InfoHdrSmall { // 0 (zero) means that there is no GuardStack cookie // The cookie is either at ESP+gsCookieOffset or EBP-gsCookieOffset unsigned int gsCookieOffset; // 19,20,21,22 unsigned int syncStartOffset; // 23,24,25,26 unsigned int syncEndOffset; // 27,28,29,30 unsigned int revPInvokeOffset; // 31,32,33,34 Available GcInfo v2 onwards, previously undefined // 35 bytes total // Checks whether "this" is compatible with "target". // It is not an exact bit match as "this" could have some // marker/place-holder values, which will have to be written out // after the header. bool isHeaderMatch(const InfoHdr& target) const { #ifdef _ASSERTE // target cannot have place-holder values. _ASSERTE(target.untrackedCnt != HAS_UNTRACKED && target.varPtrTableSize != HAS_VARPTR && target.gsCookieOffset != HAS_GS_COOKIE_OFFSET && target.syncStartOffset != HAS_SYNC_OFFSET && target.revPInvokeOffset != HAS_REV_PINVOKE_FRAME_OFFSET); #endif // compare two InfoHdr's up to but not including the untrackCnt field if (memcmp(this, &target, offsetof(InfoHdr, untrackedCnt)) != 0) return false; if (untrackedCnt != target.untrackedCnt) { if (target.untrackedCnt <= SET_UNTRACKED_MAX) return false; else if (untrackedCnt != HAS_UNTRACKED) return false; } if (varPtrTableSize != target.varPtrTableSize) { if ((varPtrTableSize != 0) != (target.varPtrTableSize != 0)) return false; } if ((gsCookieOffset == INVALID_GS_COOKIE_OFFSET) != (target.gsCookieOffset == INVALID_GS_COOKIE_OFFSET)) return false; if ((syncStartOffset == INVALID_SYNC_OFFSET) != (target.syncStartOffset == INVALID_SYNC_OFFSET)) return false; if ((revPInvokeOffset == INVALID_REV_PINVOKE_OFFSET) != (target.revPInvokeOffset == INVALID_REV_PINVOKE_OFFSET)) return false; return true; } }; union CallPattern { struct { unsigned char argCnt; unsigned char regMask; // EBP=0x8, EBX=0x4, ESI=0x2, EDI=0x1 unsigned char argMask; unsigned char codeDelta; } fld; unsigned val; }; #include "poppack.h" #define IH_MAX_PROLOG_SIZE (51) extern const InfoHdrSmall infoHdrShortcut[]; extern int infoHdrLookup[]; inline void GetInfoHdr(int index, InfoHdr * header) { *((InfoHdrSmall *)header) = infoHdrShortcut[index]; header->gsCookieOffset = INVALID_GS_COOKIE_OFFSET; header->syncStartOffset = INVALID_SYNC_OFFSET; header->syncEndOffset = INVALID_SYNC_OFFSET; header->revPInvokeOffset = INVALID_REV_PINVOKE_OFFSET; } PTR_CBYTE FASTCALL decodeHeader(PTR_CBYTE table, UINT32 version, InfoHdr* header); uint8_t FASTCALL encodeHeaderFirst(const InfoHdr& header, InfoHdr* state, int* more, int *pCached); uint8_t FASTCALL encodeHeaderNext(const InfoHdr& header, InfoHdr* state, uint8_t &codeSet); size_t FASTCALL decodeUnsigned(PTR_CBYTE src, unsigned* value); size_t FASTCALL decodeUDelta(PTR_CBYTE src, unsigned* value, unsigned lastValue); size_t FASTCALL decodeSigned(PTR_CBYTE src, int * value); #define CP_MAX_CODE_DELTA (0x23) #define CP_MAX_ARG_CNT (0x02) #define CP_MAX_ARG_MASK (0x00) extern const unsigned callPatternTable[]; extern const unsigned callCommonDelta[]; int FASTCALL lookupCallPattern(unsigned argCnt, unsigned regMask, unsigned argMask, unsigned codeDelta); void FASTCALL decodeCallPattern(int pattern, unsigned * argCnt, unsigned * regMask, unsigned * argMask, unsigned * codeDelta); #endif // _TARGET_86_ // Stack offsets must be 8-byte aligned, so we use this unaligned // offset to represent that the method doesn't have a security object #define NO_SECURITY_OBJECT (-1) #define NO_GS_COOKIE (-1) #define NO_STACK_BASE_REGISTER (0xffffffff) #define NO_SIZE_OF_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE_PRESERVED_AREA (0xffffffff) #define NO_GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT (-1) #define NO_REVERSE_PINVOKE_FRAME (-1) #define NO_PSP_SYM (-1) #if defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) #ifndef TARGET_POINTER_SIZE #define TARGET_POINTER_SIZE 8 // equal to sizeof(void*) and the managed pointer size in bytes for this target #endif #define NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK (64) #define NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK_LOG2 (6) #define NORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(x) ((x)>>3) #define DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(x) ((x)<<3) #define NORMALIZE_CODE_LENGTH(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_CODE_LENGTH(x) (x) // Encode RBP as 0 #define NORMALIZE_STACK_BASE_REGISTER(x) ((x) ^ 5) #define DENORMALIZE_STACK_BASE_REGISTER(x) ((x) ^ 5) #define NORMALIZE_SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA(x) ((x)>>3) #define DENORMALIZE_SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA(x) ((x)<<3) #define CODE_OFFSETS_NEED_NORMALIZATION 0 #define NORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_REGISTER(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_REGISTER(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_NUM_SAFE_POINTS(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_NUM_SAFE_POINTS(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES(x) (x) #define PSP_SYM_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define SECURITY_OBJECT_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define GS_COOKIE_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define CODE_LENGTH_ENCBASE 8 #define SIZE_OF_RETURN_KIND_IN_SLIM_HEADER 2 #define SIZE_OF_RETURN_KIND_IN_FAT_HEADER 4 #define STACK_BASE_REGISTER_ENCBASE 3 #define SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA_ENCBASE 3 #define SIZE_OF_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE_PRESERVED_AREA_ENCBASE 4 #define REVERSE_PINVOKE_FRAME_ENCBASE 6 #define NUM_REGISTERS_ENCBASE 2 #define NUM_STACK_SLOTS_ENCBASE 2 #define NUM_UNTRACKED_SLOTS_ENCBASE 1 #define NORM_PROLOG_SIZE_ENCBASE 5 #define NORM_EPILOG_SIZE_ENCBASE 3 #define NORM_CODE_OFFSET_DELTA_ENCBASE 3 #define INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGE_DELTA1_ENCBASE 6 #define INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGE_DELTA2_ENCBASE 6 #define REGISTER_ENCBASE 3 #define REGISTER_DELTA_ENCBASE 2 #define STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define STACK_SLOT_DELTA_ENCBASE 4 #define NUM_SAFE_POINTS_ENCBASE 2 #define NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES_ENCBASE 1 #define NUM_EH_CLAUSES_ENCBASE 2 #define POINTER_SIZE_ENCBASE 3 #define LIVESTATE_RLE_RUN_ENCBASE 2 #define LIVESTATE_RLE_SKIP_ENCBASE 4 #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM_) #ifndef TARGET_POINTER_SIZE #define TARGET_POINTER_SIZE 4 // equal to sizeof(void*) and the managed pointer size in bytes for this target #endif #define NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK (64) #define NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK_LOG2 (6) #define NORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(x) ((x)>>2) #define DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(x) ((x)<<2) #define NORMALIZE_CODE_LENGTH(x) ((x)>>1) #define DENORMALIZE_CODE_LENGTH(x) ((x)<<1) // Encode R11 as zero #define NORMALIZE_STACK_BASE_REGISTER(x) ((((x) - 4) & 7) ^ 7) #define DENORMALIZE_STACK_BASE_REGISTER(x) (((x) ^ 7) + 4) #define NORMALIZE_SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA(x) ((x)>>2) #define DENORMALIZE_SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA(x) ((x)<<2) #define CODE_OFFSETS_NEED_NORMALIZATION 1 #define NORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(x) (x) // Instructions are 2/4 bytes long in Thumb/ARM states, #define DENORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(x) (x) // but the safe-point offsets are encoded with a -1 adjustment. #define NORMALIZE_REGISTER(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_REGISTER(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_NUM_SAFE_POINTS(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_NUM_SAFE_POINTS(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES(x) (x) // The choices of these encoding bases only affects space overhead // and performance, not semantics/correctness. #define PSP_SYM_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 5 #define GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 5 #define SECURITY_OBJECT_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 5 #define GS_COOKIE_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 5 #define CODE_LENGTH_ENCBASE 7 #define SIZE_OF_RETURN_KIND_IN_SLIM_HEADER 2 #define SIZE_OF_RETURN_KIND_IN_FAT_HEADER 2 #define STACK_BASE_REGISTER_ENCBASE 1 #define SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA_ENCBASE 3 #define SIZE_OF_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE_PRESERVED_AREA_ENCBASE 3 #define REVERSE_PINVOKE_FRAME_ENCBASE 5 #define NUM_REGISTERS_ENCBASE 2 #define NUM_STACK_SLOTS_ENCBASE 3 #define NUM_UNTRACKED_SLOTS_ENCBASE 3 #define NORM_PROLOG_SIZE_ENCBASE 5 #define NORM_EPILOG_SIZE_ENCBASE 3 #define NORM_CODE_OFFSET_DELTA_ENCBASE 3 #define INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGE_DELTA1_ENCBASE 4 #define INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGE_DELTA2_ENCBASE 6 #define REGISTER_ENCBASE 2 #define REGISTER_DELTA_ENCBASE 1 #define STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define STACK_SLOT_DELTA_ENCBASE 4 #define NUM_SAFE_POINTS_ENCBASE 3 #define NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES_ENCBASE 2 #define NUM_EH_CLAUSES_ENCBASE 3 #define POINTER_SIZE_ENCBASE 3 #define LIVESTATE_RLE_RUN_ENCBASE 2 #define LIVESTATE_RLE_SKIP_ENCBASE 4 #elif defined(_TARGET_ARM64_) #ifndef TARGET_POINTER_SIZE #define TARGET_POINTER_SIZE 8 // equal to sizeof(void*) and the managed pointer size in bytes for this target #endif #define NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK (64) #define NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK_LOG2 (6) #define NORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(x) ((x)>>3) // GC Pointers are 8-bytes aligned #define DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(x) ((x)<<3) #define NORMALIZE_CODE_LENGTH(x) ((x)>>2) // All Instructions are 4 bytes long #define DENORMALIZE_CODE_LENGTH(x) ((x)<<2) #define NORMALIZE_STACK_BASE_REGISTER(x) ((x)^29) // Encode Frame pointer X29 as zero #define DENORMALIZE_STACK_BASE_REGISTER(x) ((x)^29) #define NORMALIZE_SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA(x) ((x)>>3) #define DENORMALIZE_SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA(x) ((x)<<3) #define CODE_OFFSETS_NEED_NORMALIZATION 0 #define NORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(x) (x) // Instructions are 4 bytes long, but the safe-point #define DENORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(x) (x) // offsets are encoded with a -1 adjustment. #define NORMALIZE_REGISTER(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_REGISTER(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_NUM_SAFE_POINTS(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_NUM_SAFE_POINTS(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES(x) (x) #define PSP_SYM_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define SECURITY_OBJECT_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define GS_COOKIE_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define CODE_LENGTH_ENCBASE 8 #define SIZE_OF_RETURN_KIND_IN_SLIM_HEADER 2 #define SIZE_OF_RETURN_KIND_IN_FAT_HEADER 4 #define STACK_BASE_REGISTER_ENCBASE 2 // FP encoded as 0, SP as 2. #define SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA_ENCBASE 3 #define SIZE_OF_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE_PRESERVED_AREA_ENCBASE 4 #define REVERSE_PINVOKE_FRAME_ENCBASE 6 #define NUM_REGISTERS_ENCBASE 3 #define NUM_STACK_SLOTS_ENCBASE 2 #define NUM_UNTRACKED_SLOTS_ENCBASE 1 #define NORM_PROLOG_SIZE_ENCBASE 5 #define NORM_EPILOG_SIZE_ENCBASE 3 #define NORM_CODE_OFFSET_DELTA_ENCBASE 3 #define INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGE_DELTA1_ENCBASE 6 #define INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGE_DELTA2_ENCBASE 6 #define REGISTER_ENCBASE 3 #define REGISTER_DELTA_ENCBASE 2 #define STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define STACK_SLOT_DELTA_ENCBASE 4 #define NUM_SAFE_POINTS_ENCBASE 3 #define NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES_ENCBASE 1 #define NUM_EH_CLAUSES_ENCBASE 2 #define POINTER_SIZE_ENCBASE 3 #define LIVESTATE_RLE_RUN_ENCBASE 2 #define LIVESTATE_RLE_SKIP_ENCBASE 4 #else #ifndef _TARGET_X86_ #ifdef PORTABILITY_WARNING PORTABILITY_WARNING("Please specialize these definitions for your platform!") #endif #endif #ifndef TARGET_POINTER_SIZE #define TARGET_POINTER_SIZE 4 // equal to sizeof(void*) and the managed pointer size in bytes for this target #endif #define NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK (64) #define NUM_NORM_CODE_OFFSETS_PER_CHUNK_LOG2 (6) #define NORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_STACK_SLOT(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_CODE_LENGTH(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_CODE_LENGTH(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_STACK_BASE_REGISTER(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_STACK_BASE_REGISTER(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA(x) (x) #define CODE_OFFSETS_NEED_NORMALIZATION 0 #define NORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_CODE_OFFSET(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_REGISTER(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_REGISTER(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_NUM_SAFE_POINTS(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_NUM_SAFE_POINTS(x) (x) #define NORMALIZE_NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES(x) (x) #define DENORMALIZE_NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES(x) (x) #define PSP_SYM_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define GENERICS_INST_CONTEXT_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define SECURITY_OBJECT_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define GS_COOKIE_STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define CODE_LENGTH_ENCBASE 6 #define SIZE_OF_RETURN_KIND_IN_SLIM_HEADER 2 #define SIZE_OF_RETURN_KIND_IN_FAT_HEADER 2 #define STACK_BASE_REGISTER_ENCBASE 3 #define SIZE_OF_STACK_AREA_ENCBASE 6 #define SIZE_OF_EDIT_AND_CONTINUE_PRESERVED_AREA_ENCBASE 3 #define REVERSE_PINVOKE_FRAME_ENCBASE 6 #define NUM_REGISTERS_ENCBASE 3 #define NUM_STACK_SLOTS_ENCBASE 5 #define NUM_UNTRACKED_SLOTS_ENCBASE 5 #define NORM_PROLOG_SIZE_ENCBASE 4 #define NORM_EPILOG_SIZE_ENCBASE 3 #define NORM_CODE_OFFSET_DELTA_ENCBASE 3 #define INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGE_DELTA1_ENCBASE 5 #define INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGE_DELTA2_ENCBASE 5 #define REGISTER_ENCBASE 3 #define REGISTER_DELTA_ENCBASE REGISTER_ENCBASE #define STACK_SLOT_ENCBASE 6 #define STACK_SLOT_DELTA_ENCBASE 4 #define NUM_SAFE_POINTS_ENCBASE 4 #define NUM_INTERRUPTIBLE_RANGES_ENCBASE 1 #define NUM_EH_CLAUSES_ENCBASE 2 #define POINTER_SIZE_ENCBASE 3 #define LIVESTATE_RLE_RUN_ENCBASE 2 #define LIVESTATE_RLE_SKIP_ENCBASE 4 #endif #endif // !__GCINFOTYPES_H__