// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. #include "common.h" #include "CommonTypes.h" #include "CommonMacros.h" #include "daccess.h" #include "PalRedhawkCommon.h" #include "regdisplay.h" #include "ICodeManager.h" #include "UnixNativeCodeManager.h" #include "varint.h" #include "holder.h" #include "CommonMacros.inl" #define GCINFODECODER_NO_EE #include "coreclr/gcinfodecoder.cpp" #include "UnixContext.h" #define UBF_FUNC_KIND_MASK 0x03 #define UBF_FUNC_KIND_ROOT 0x00 #define UBF_FUNC_KIND_HANDLER 0x01 #define UBF_FUNC_KIND_FILTER 0x02 #define UBF_FUNC_HAS_EHINFO 0x04 #define UBF_FUNC_REVERSE_PINVOKE 0x08 #define UBF_FUNC_HAS_ASSOCIATED_DATA 0x10 struct UnixNativeMethodInfo { PTR_VOID pMethodStartAddress; PTR_UInt8 pMainLSDA; PTR_UInt8 pLSDA; bool executionAborted; }; // Ensure that UnixNativeMethodInfo fits into the space reserved by MethodInfo static_assert(sizeof(UnixNativeMethodInfo) <= sizeof(MethodInfo), "UnixNativeMethodInfo too big"); UnixNativeCodeManager::UnixNativeCodeManager(TADDR moduleBase, PTR_PTR_VOID pClasslibFunctions, UInt32 nClasslibFunctions) : m_moduleBase(moduleBase), m_pClasslibFunctions(pClasslibFunctions), m_nClasslibFunctions(nClasslibFunctions) { } UnixNativeCodeManager::~UnixNativeCodeManager() { } bool UnixNativeCodeManager::FindMethodInfo(PTR_VOID ControlPC, MethodInfo * pMethodInfoOut) { UnixNativeMethodInfo * pMethodInfo = (UnixNativeMethodInfo *)pMethodInfoOut; UIntNative startAddress; UIntNative lsda; if (!FindProcInfo((UIntNative)ControlPC, &startAddress, &lsda)) { return false; } PTR_UInt8 p = dac_cast(lsda); pMethodInfo->pLSDA = p; uint8_t unwindBlockFlags = *p++; if ((unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_KIND_MASK) != UBF_FUNC_KIND_ROOT) { // Funclets just refer to the main function's blob pMethodInfo->pMainLSDA = p + *dac_cast(p); p += sizeof(int32_t); pMethodInfo->pMethodStartAddress = dac_cast(startAddress - *dac_cast(p)); } else { pMethodInfo->pMainLSDA = dac_cast(lsda); pMethodInfo->pMethodStartAddress = dac_cast(startAddress); } pMethodInfo->executionAborted = false; return true; } bool UnixNativeCodeManager::IsFunclet(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo) { UnixNativeMethodInfo * pNativeMethodInfo = (UnixNativeMethodInfo *)pMethodInfo; uint8_t unwindBlockFlags = *(pNativeMethodInfo->pLSDA); return (unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_KIND_MASK) != UBF_FUNC_KIND_ROOT; } bool UnixNativeCodeManager::IsFilter(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo) { UnixNativeMethodInfo * pNativeMethodInfo = (UnixNativeMethodInfo *)pMethodInfo; uint8_t unwindBlockFlags = *(pNativeMethodInfo->pLSDA); return (unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_KIND_MASK) == UBF_FUNC_KIND_FILTER; } PTR_VOID UnixNativeCodeManager::GetFramePointer(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo, REGDISPLAY * pRegisterSet) { UnixNativeMethodInfo * pNativeMethodInfo = (UnixNativeMethodInfo *)pMethodInfo; // Return frame pointer for methods with EH and funclets uint8_t unwindBlockFlags = *(pNativeMethodInfo->pLSDA); if ((unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_HAS_EHINFO) != 0 || (unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_KIND_MASK) != UBF_FUNC_KIND_ROOT) { return (PTR_VOID)pRegisterSet->GetFP(); } return NULL; } void UnixNativeCodeManager::EnumGcRefs(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo, PTR_VOID safePointAddress, REGDISPLAY * pRegisterSet, GCEnumContext * hCallback) { UnixNativeMethodInfo * pNativeMethodInfo = (UnixNativeMethodInfo *)pMethodInfo; PTR_UInt8 p = pNativeMethodInfo->pMainLSDA; uint8_t unwindBlockFlags = *p++; if ((unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_HAS_ASSOCIATED_DATA) != 0) p += sizeof(int32_t); if ((unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_HAS_EHINFO) != 0) p += sizeof(int32_t); UInt32 codeOffset = (UInt32)(dac_cast(safePointAddress) - dac_cast(pNativeMethodInfo->pMethodStartAddress)); GcInfoDecoder decoder( GCInfoToken(p), GcInfoDecoderFlags(DECODE_GC_LIFETIMES | DECODE_SECURITY_OBJECT | DECODE_VARARG), codeOffset - 1 // TODO: Is this adjustment correct? ); ICodeManagerFlags flags = (ICodeManagerFlags)0; if (pNativeMethodInfo->executionAborted) flags = ICodeManagerFlags::ExecutionAborted; if (IsFilter(pMethodInfo)) flags = (ICodeManagerFlags)(flags | ICodeManagerFlags::NoReportUntracked); if (!decoder.EnumerateLiveSlots( pRegisterSet, false /* reportScratchSlots */, flags, hCallback->pCallback, hCallback )) { assert(false); } } UIntNative UnixNativeCodeManager::GetConservativeUpperBoundForOutgoingArgs(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo, REGDISPLAY * pRegisterSet) { // @TODO: CORERT: GetConservativeUpperBoundForOutgoingArgs assert(false); return false; } bool UnixNativeCodeManager::UnwindStackFrame(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo, REGDISPLAY * pRegisterSet, // in/out PTR_VOID * ppPreviousTransitionFrame) // out { UnixNativeMethodInfo * pNativeMethodInfo = (UnixNativeMethodInfo *)pMethodInfo; PTR_UInt8 p = pNativeMethodInfo->pMainLSDA; uint8_t unwindBlockFlags = *p++; if ((unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_HAS_ASSOCIATED_DATA) != 0) p += sizeof(int32_t); if ((unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_REVERSE_PINVOKE) != 0) { // Reverse PInvoke transition should on the main function body only assert(pNativeMethodInfo->pMainLSDA == pNativeMethodInfo->pLSDA); if ((unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_HAS_EHINFO) != 0) p += sizeof(int32_t); GcInfoDecoder decoder(GCInfoToken(p), DECODE_REVERSE_PINVOKE_VAR); INT32 slot = decoder.GetReversePInvokeFrameStackSlot(); assert(slot != NO_REVERSE_PINVOKE_FRAME); TADDR basePointer = NULL; UINT32 stackBasedRegister = decoder.GetStackBaseRegister(); if (stackBasedRegister == NO_STACK_BASE_REGISTER) { basePointer = dac_cast(pRegisterSet->GetSP()); } else { basePointer = dac_cast(pRegisterSet->GetFP()); } *ppPreviousTransitionFrame = *(void**)(basePointer + slot); return true; } *ppPreviousTransitionFrame = NULL; if (!VirtualUnwind(pRegisterSet)) { return false; } return true; } bool UnixNativeCodeManager::GetReturnAddressHijackInfo(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo, REGDISPLAY * pRegisterSet, // in PTR_PTR_VOID * ppvRetAddrLocation, // out GCRefKind * pRetValueKind) // out { // @TODO: CORERT: GetReturnAddressHijackInfo return false; } void UnixNativeCodeManager::UnsynchronizedHijackMethodLoops(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo) { // @TODO: CORERT: UnsynchronizedHijackMethodLoops } PTR_VOID UnixNativeCodeManager::RemapHardwareFaultToGCSafePoint(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo, PTR_VOID controlPC) { // GCInfo decoder needs to know whether execution of the method is aborted // while querying for gc-info. But ICodeManager::EnumGCRef() doesn't receive any // flags from mrt. Call to this method is used as a cue to mark the method info // as execution aborted. Note - if pMethodInfo was cached, this scheme would not work. // // If the method has EH, then JIT will make sure the method is fully interruptible // and we will have GC-info available at the faulting address as well. UnixNativeMethodInfo * pNativeMethodInfo = (UnixNativeMethodInfo *)pMethodInfo; pNativeMethodInfo->executionAborted = true; return controlPC; } struct UnixEHEnumState { PTR_UInt8 pMethodStartAddress; PTR_UInt8 pEHInfo; UInt32 uClause; UInt32 nClauses; }; // Ensure that UnixEHEnumState fits into the space reserved by EHEnumState static_assert(sizeof(UnixEHEnumState) <= sizeof(EHEnumState), "UnixEHEnumState too big"); bool UnixNativeCodeManager::EHEnumInit(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo, PTR_VOID * pMethodStartAddress, EHEnumState * pEHEnumStateOut) { assert(pMethodInfo != NULL); assert(pMethodStartAddress != NULL); assert(pEHEnumStateOut != NULL); UnixNativeMethodInfo * pNativeMethodInfo = (UnixNativeMethodInfo *)pMethodInfo; PTR_UInt8 p = pNativeMethodInfo->pMainLSDA; uint8_t unwindBlockFlags = *p++; if ((unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_HAS_ASSOCIATED_DATA) != 0) p += sizeof(int32_t); // return if there is no EH info associated with this method if ((unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_HAS_EHINFO) == 0) { return false; } UnixEHEnumState * pEnumState = (UnixEHEnumState *)pEHEnumStateOut; *pMethodStartAddress = pNativeMethodInfo->pMethodStartAddress; pEnumState->pMethodStartAddress = dac_cast(pNativeMethodInfo->pMethodStartAddress); pEnumState->pEHInfo = dac_cast(p + *dac_cast(p)); pEnumState->uClause = 0; pEnumState->nClauses = VarInt::ReadUnsigned(pEnumState->pEHInfo); return true; } bool UnixNativeCodeManager::EHEnumNext(EHEnumState * pEHEnumState, EHClause * pEHClauseOut) { assert(pEHEnumState != NULL); assert(pEHClauseOut != NULL); UnixEHEnumState * pEnumState = (UnixEHEnumState *)pEHEnumState; if (pEnumState->uClause >= pEnumState->nClauses) { return false; } pEnumState->uClause++; pEHClauseOut->m_tryStartOffset = VarInt::ReadUnsigned(pEnumState->pEHInfo); UInt32 tryEndDeltaAndClauseKind = VarInt::ReadUnsigned(pEnumState->pEHInfo); pEHClauseOut->m_clauseKind = (EHClauseKind)(tryEndDeltaAndClauseKind & 0x3); pEHClauseOut->m_tryEndOffset = pEHClauseOut->m_tryStartOffset + (tryEndDeltaAndClauseKind >> 2); // For each clause, we have up to 4 integers: // 1) try start offset // 2) (try length << 2) | clauseKind // 3) if (typed || fault || filter) { handler start offset } // 4a) if (typed) { type RVA } // 4b) if (filter) { filter start offset } // // The first two integers have already been decoded switch (pEHClauseOut->m_clauseKind) { case EH_CLAUSE_TYPED: pEHClauseOut->m_handlerAddress = pEnumState->pMethodStartAddress + VarInt::ReadUnsigned(pEnumState->pEHInfo); // Read target type { // @TODO: CORERT: Compress EHInfo using type table index scheme // https://github.com/dotnet/corert/issues/972 Int32 typeRelAddr = *((PTR_Int32&)pEnumState->pEHInfo)++; pEHClauseOut->m_pTargetType = dac_cast(pEnumState->pEHInfo + typeRelAddr); } break; case EH_CLAUSE_FAULT: pEHClauseOut->m_handlerAddress = pEnumState->pMethodStartAddress + VarInt::ReadUnsigned(pEnumState->pEHInfo); break; case EH_CLAUSE_FILTER: pEHClauseOut->m_handlerAddress = pEnumState->pMethodStartAddress + VarInt::ReadUnsigned(pEnumState->pEHInfo); pEHClauseOut->m_filterAddress = pEnumState->pMethodStartAddress + VarInt::ReadUnsigned(pEnumState->pEHInfo); break; default: UNREACHABLE_MSG("unexpected EHClauseKind"); } return true; } PTR_VOID UnixNativeCodeManager::GetOsModuleHandle() { return (PTR_VOID)m_moduleBase; } PTR_VOID UnixNativeCodeManager::GetMethodStartAddress(MethodInfo * pMethodInfo) { UnixNativeMethodInfo * pNativeMethodInfo = (UnixNativeMethodInfo *)pMethodInfo; return pNativeMethodInfo->pMethodStartAddress; } void * UnixNativeCodeManager::GetClasslibFunction(ClasslibFunctionId functionId) { uint32_t id = (uint32_t)functionId; if (id >= m_nClasslibFunctions) { return nullptr; } return m_pClasslibFunctions[id]; } PTR_VOID UnixNativeCodeManager::GetAssociatedData(PTR_VOID ControlPC) { UnixNativeMethodInfo methodInfo; if (!FindMethodInfo(ControlPC, (MethodInfo*)&methodInfo)) return NULL; PTR_UInt8 p = methodInfo.pMainLSDA; uint8_t unwindBlockFlags = *p++; if ((unwindBlockFlags & UBF_FUNC_HAS_ASSOCIATED_DATA) == 0) return NULL; return dac_cast(p + *dac_cast(p)); } extern "C" bool __stdcall RegisterCodeManager(ICodeManager * pCodeManager, PTR_VOID pvStartRange, UInt32 cbRange); extern "C" void __stdcall UnregisterCodeManager(ICodeManager * pCodeManager); extern "C" bool __stdcall RegisterUnboxingStubs(PTR_VOID pvStartRange, UInt32 cbRange); extern "C" bool RhRegisterOSModule(void * pModule, void * pvManagedCodeStartRange, UInt32 cbManagedCodeRange, void * pvUnboxingStubsStartRange, UInt32 cbUnboxingStubsRange, void ** pClasslibFunctions, UInt32 nClasslibFunctions) { NewHolder pUnixNativeCodeManager = new (nothrow) UnixNativeCodeManager((TADDR)pModule, pClasslibFunctions, nClasslibFunctions); if (pUnixNativeCodeManager == nullptr) return false; if (!RegisterCodeManager(pUnixNativeCodeManager, pvManagedCodeStartRange, cbManagedCodeRange)) return false; if (!RegisterUnboxingStubs(pvUnboxingStubsStartRange, cbUnboxingStubsRange)) { UnregisterCodeManager(pUnixNativeCodeManager); return false; } pUnixNativeCodeManager.SuppressRelease(); return true; }