// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. // // Implementation of the Redhawk Platform Abstraction Layer (PAL) library when MinWin is the platform. In this // case most or all of the import requirements which Redhawk has can be satisfied via a forwarding export to // some native MinWin library. Therefore most of the work is done in the .def file and there is very little // code here. // // Note that in general we don't want to assume that Windows and Redhawk global definitions can co-exist. // Since this code must include Windows headers to do its job we can't therefore safely include general // Redhawk header files. // #include "common.h" #include #include #include #include #ifndef CORERT #include #endif #include "holder.h" #define PalRaiseFailFastException RaiseFailFastException uint32_t PalEventWrite(REGHANDLE arg1, const EVENT_DESCRIPTOR * arg2, uint32_t arg3, EVENT_DATA_DESCRIPTOR * arg4) { return EventWrite(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4); } #define NO_STRESS_LOG #include "gcenv.h" #define REDHAWK_PALEXPORT extern "C" #define REDHAWK_PALAPI __stdcall #ifndef RUNTIME_SERVICES_ONLY // Index for the fiber local storage of the attached thread pointer static UInt32 g_flsIndex = FLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES; #endif static DWORD g_dwPALCapabilities; GCSystemInfo g_SystemInfo; bool InitializeSystemInfo() { SYSTEM_INFO systemInfo; GetSystemInfo(&systemInfo); g_SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors = systemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; g_SystemInfo.dwPageSize = systemInfo.dwPageSize; g_SystemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity = systemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity; return true; } extern bool PalQueryProcessorTopology(); #ifndef RUNTIME_SERVICES_ONLY // This is called when each *fiber* is destroyed. When the home fiber of a thread is destroyed, // it means that the thread itself is destroyed. // Since we receive that notification outside of the Loader Lock, it allows us to safely acquire // the ThreadStore lock in the RuntimeThreadShutdown. void __stdcall FiberDetachCallback(void* lpFlsData) { ASSERT(g_flsIndex != FLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES); ASSERT(lpFlsData == FlsGetValue(g_flsIndex)); if (lpFlsData != NULL) { // The current fiber is the home fiber of a thread, so the thread is shutting down RuntimeThreadShutdown(lpFlsData); } } #endif // The Redhawk PAL must be initialized before any of its exports can be called. Returns true for a successful // initialization and false on failure. REDHAWK_PALEXPORT bool REDHAWK_PALAPI PalInit() { g_dwPALCapabilities = WriteWatchCapability | GetCurrentProcessorNumberCapability | LowMemoryNotificationCapability; if (!PalQueryProcessorTopology()) return false; #ifndef RUNTIME_SERVICES_ONLY // We use fiber detach callbacks to run our thread shutdown code because the fiber detach // callback is made without the OS loader lock g_flsIndex = FlsAlloc(FiberDetachCallback); if (g_flsIndex == FLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { return false; } #endif return true; } // Given a mask of capabilities return true if all of them are supported by the current PAL. REDHAWK_PALEXPORT bool REDHAWK_PALAPI PalHasCapability(PalCapability capability) { return (g_dwPALCapabilities & (DWORD)capability) == (DWORD)capability; } #ifndef RUNTIME_SERVICES_ONLY // Attach thread to PAL. // It can be called multiple times for the same thread. // It fails fast if a different thread was already registered with the current fiber // or if the thread was already registered with a different fiber. // Parameters: // thread - thread to attach extern "C" void PalAttachThread(void* thread) { void* threadFromCurrentFiber = FlsGetValue(g_flsIndex); if (threadFromCurrentFiber != NULL) { ASSERT_UNCONDITIONALLY("Multiple threads encountered from a single fiber"); RhFailFast(); } // Associate the current fiber with the current thread. This makes the current fiber the thread's "home" // fiber. This fiber is the only fiber allowed to execute managed code on this thread. When this fiber // is destroyed, we consider the thread to be destroyed. FlsSetValue(g_flsIndex, thread); } // Detach thread from PAL. // It fails fast if some other thread value was attached to PAL. // Parameters: // thread - thread to detach // Return: // true if the thread was detached, false if there was no attached thread extern "C" bool PalDetachThread(void* thread) { ASSERT(g_flsIndex != FLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES); void* threadFromCurrentFiber = FlsGetValue(g_flsIndex); if (threadFromCurrentFiber == NULL) { // we've seen this thread, but not this fiber. It must be a "foreign" fiber that was // borrowing this thread. return false; } if (threadFromCurrentFiber != thread) { ASSERT_UNCONDITIONALLY("Detaching a thread from the wrong fiber"); RhFailFast(); } FlsSetValue(g_flsIndex, NULL); return true; } #endif // RUNTIME_SERVICES_ONLY extern "C" UInt64 PalGetCurrentThreadIdForLogging() { return GetCurrentThreadId(); } #define SUPPRESS_WARNING_4127 \ __pragma(warning(push)) \ __pragma(warning(disable:4127)) /* conditional expression is constant*/ #define POP_WARNING_STATE \ __pragma(warning(pop)) #define WHILE_0 \ SUPPRESS_WARNING_4127 \ while(0) \ POP_WARNING_STATE \ #define RETURN_RESULT(success) \ do \ { \ if (success) \ return S_OK; \ else \ { \ DWORD lasterror = GetLastError(); \ if (lasterror == 0) \ return E_FAIL; \ return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lasterror); \ } \ } \ WHILE_0; extern "C" int __stdcall PalGetModuleFileName(_Out_ const TCHAR** pModuleNameOut, HANDLE moduleBase); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE AllocateThunksFromTemplate( _In_ HANDLE hTemplateModule, DWORD templateRva, SIZE_T templateSize, __RPC__out_ecount(templateSize) /* [retval][out] */ PVOID * newThunksOut) { #ifdef XBOX_ONE return E_NOTIMPL; #else bool success = false; HANDLE hMap = NULL, hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; const WCHAR * wszModuleFileName = NULL; if (PalGetModuleFileName(&wszModuleFileName, hTemplateModule) == 0 || wszModuleFileName == NULL) return E_FAIL; hFile = CreateFileW(wszModuleFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_EXECUTE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) goto cleanup; hMap = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, SEC_IMAGE | PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (hMap == NULL) goto cleanup; *newThunksOut = MapViewOfFile(hMap, 0, 0, templateRva, templateSize); success = ((*newThunksOut) != NULL); cleanup: CloseHandle(hMap); CloseHandle(hFile); RETURN_RESULT(success); #endif } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT UInt32_BOOL REDHAWK_PALAPI PalAllocateThunksFromTemplate(_In_ HANDLE hTemplateModule, UInt32 templateRva, size_t templateSize, _Outptr_result_bytebuffer_(templateSize) void** newThunksOut) { return (AllocateThunksFromTemplate(hTemplateModule, templateRva, templateSize, newThunksOut) == S_OK); } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT UInt32 REDHAWK_PALAPI PalCompatibleWaitAny(UInt32_BOOL alertable, UInt32 timeout, UInt32 handleCount, HANDLE* pHandles, UInt32_BOOL allowReentrantWait) { DWORD index; SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); // recommended by MSDN. HRESULT hr = CoWaitForMultipleHandles(alertable ? COWAIT_ALERTABLE : 0, timeout, handleCount, pHandles, &index); switch (hr) { case S_OK: return index; case RPC_S_CALLPENDING: return WAIT_TIMEOUT; default: SetLastError(HRESULT_CODE(hr)); return WAIT_FAILED; } } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT void REDHAWK_PALAPI PalSleep(UInt32 milliseconds) { return Sleep(milliseconds); } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT UInt32_BOOL REDHAWK_PALAPI PalSwitchToThread() { return SwitchToThread(); } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT HANDLE REDHAWK_PALAPI PalCreateEventW(_In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pEventAttributes, UInt32_BOOL manualReset, UInt32_BOOL initialState, _In_opt_z_ LPCWSTR pName) { return CreateEventW(pEventAttributes, manualReset, initialState, pName); } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT _Success_(return) bool REDHAWK_PALAPI PalGetThreadContext(HANDLE hThread, _Out_ PAL_LIMITED_CONTEXT * pCtx) { CONTEXT win32ctx; win32ctx.ContextFlags = CONTEXT_CONTROL | CONTEXT_INTEGER | CONTEXT_EXCEPTION_REQUEST; if (!GetThreadContext(hThread, &win32ctx)) return false; // The CONTEXT_SERVICE_ACTIVE and CONTEXT_EXCEPTION_ACTIVE output flags indicate we suspended the thread // at a point where the kernel cannot guarantee a completely accurate context. We'll fail the request in // this case (which should force our caller to resume the thread and try again -- since this is a fairly // narrow window we're highly likely to succeed next time). if ((win32ctx.ContextFlags & CONTEXT_EXCEPTION_REPORTING) && (win32ctx.ContextFlags & (CONTEXT_SERVICE_ACTIVE | CONTEXT_EXCEPTION_ACTIVE))) return false; #ifdef _X86_ pCtx->IP = win32ctx.Eip; pCtx->Rsp = win32ctx.Esp; pCtx->Rbp = win32ctx.Ebp; pCtx->Rdi = win32ctx.Edi; pCtx->Rsi = win32ctx.Esi; pCtx->Rax = win32ctx.Eax; pCtx->Rbx = win32ctx.Ebx; #elif defined(_AMD64_) pCtx->IP = win32ctx.Rip; pCtx->Rsp = win32ctx.Rsp; pCtx->Rbp = win32ctx.Rbp; pCtx->Rdi = win32ctx.Rdi; pCtx->Rsi = win32ctx.Rsi; pCtx->Rax = win32ctx.Rax; pCtx->Rbx = win32ctx.Rbx; pCtx->R12 = win32ctx.R12; pCtx->R13 = win32ctx.R13; pCtx->R14 = win32ctx.R14; pCtx->R15 = win32ctx.R15; #elif defined(_ARM_) pCtx->IP = win32ctx.Pc; pCtx->R0 = win32ctx.R0; pCtx->R4 = win32ctx.R4; pCtx->R5 = win32ctx.R5; pCtx->R6 = win32ctx.R6; pCtx->R7 = win32ctx.R7; pCtx->R8 = win32ctx.R8; pCtx->R9 = win32ctx.R9; pCtx->R10 = win32ctx.R10; pCtx->R11 = win32ctx.R11; pCtx->SP = win32ctx.Sp; pCtx->LR = win32ctx.Lr; #else #error Unsupported platform #endif return true; } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT UInt32 REDHAWK_PALAPI PalHijack(HANDLE hThread, _In_ PalHijackCallback callback, _In_opt_ void* pCallbackContext) { if (hThread == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return (UInt32)E_INVALIDARG; } if (SuspendThread(hThread) == (DWORD)-1) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } PAL_LIMITED_CONTEXT ctx; HRESULT result; if (!PalGetThreadContext(hThread, &ctx)) { result = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); } else { result = callback(hThread, &ctx, pCallbackContext) ? S_OK : E_FAIL; } ResumeThread(hThread); return result; } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT HANDLE REDHAWK_PALAPI PalStartBackgroundWork(_In_ BackgroundCallback callback, _In_opt_ void* pCallbackContext, BOOL highPriority) { HANDLE hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)callback, pCallbackContext, highPriority ? CREATE_SUSPENDED : 0, NULL); if (hThread == NULL) return NULL; if (highPriority) { SetThreadPriority(hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST); ResumeThread(hThread); } return hThread; } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT bool REDHAWK_PALAPI PalStartBackgroundGCThread(_In_ BackgroundCallback callback, _In_opt_ void* pCallbackContext) { return PalStartBackgroundWork(callback, pCallbackContext, FALSE) != NULL; } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT bool REDHAWK_PALAPI PalStartFinalizerThread(_In_ BackgroundCallback callback, _In_opt_ void* pCallbackContext) { return PalStartBackgroundWork(callback, pCallbackContext, TRUE) != NULL; } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT UInt32 REDHAWK_PALAPI PalGetTickCount() { #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable: 28159) // Consider GetTickCount64 instead return GetTickCount(); #pragma warning(pop) } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT bool REDHAWK_PALAPI PalEventEnabled(REGHANDLE regHandle, _In_ const EVENT_DESCRIPTOR* eventDescriptor) { return !!EventEnabled(regHandle, eventDescriptor); } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT HANDLE REDHAWK_PALAPI PalCreateFileW( _In_z_ LPCWSTR pFileName, uint32_t desiredAccess, uint32_t shareMode, _In_opt_ void* pSecurityAttributes, uint32_t creationDisposition, uint32_t flagsAndAttributes, HANDLE hTemplateFile) { return CreateFileW(pFileName, desiredAccess, shareMode, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)pSecurityAttributes, creationDisposition, flagsAndAttributes, hTemplateFile); } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT HANDLE REDHAWK_PALAPI PalCreateLowMemoryNotification() { return CreateMemoryResourceNotification(LowMemoryResourceNotification); } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT HANDLE REDHAWK_PALAPI PalGetModuleHandleFromPointer(_In_ void* pointer) { HMODULE module; if (!GetModuleHandleExW( GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_FROM_ADDRESS | GET_MODULE_HANDLE_EX_FLAG_UNCHANGED_REFCOUNT, (LPCWSTR)pointer, &module)) { return NULL; } return (HANDLE)module; } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT void* REDHAWK_PALAPI PalAddVectoredExceptionHandler(UInt32 firstHandler, _In_ PVECTORED_EXCEPTION_HANDLER vectoredHandler) { return AddVectoredExceptionHandler(firstHandler, vectoredHandler); } // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Some more globally initialized data (in InitializeSubsystems), this time internal and used to cache // information returned by various GC support routines. // static UInt32 g_cLogicalCpus = 0; static size_t g_cbLargestOnDieCache = 0; static size_t g_cbLargestOnDieCacheAdjusted = 0; #if (defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined (_TARGET_X86_)) && !defined(USE_PORTABLE_HELPERS) EXTERN_C DWORD __fastcall getcpuid(DWORD arg, unsigned char result[16]); EXTERN_C DWORD __fastcall getextcpuid(DWORD arg1, DWORD arg2, unsigned char result[16]); void QueryAMDCacheInfo(_Out_ UInt32* pcbCache, _Out_ UInt32* pcbCacheAdjusted) { unsigned char buffer[16]; if (getcpuid(0x80000000, buffer) >= 0x80000006) { UInt32* pdwBuffer = (UInt32*)buffer; getcpuid(0x80000006, buffer); UInt32 dwL2CacheBits = pdwBuffer[2]; UInt32 dwL3CacheBits = pdwBuffer[3]; *pcbCache = (size_t)((dwL2CacheBits >> 16) * 1024); // L2 cache size in ECX bits 31-16 getcpuid(0x1, buffer); UInt32 dwBaseFamily = (pdwBuffer[0] & (0xF << 8)) >> 8; UInt32 dwExtFamily = (pdwBuffer[0] & (0xFF << 20)) >> 20; UInt32 dwFamily = dwBaseFamily >= 0xF ? dwBaseFamily + dwExtFamily : dwBaseFamily; if (dwFamily >= 0x10) { BOOL bSkipAMDL3 = FALSE; if (dwFamily == 0x10) // are we running on a Barcelona (Family 10h) processor? { // check model UInt32 dwBaseModel = (pdwBuffer[0] & (0xF << 4)) >> 4; UInt32 dwExtModel = (pdwBuffer[0] & (0xF << 16)) >> 16; UInt32 dwModel = dwBaseFamily >= 0xF ? (dwExtModel << 4) | dwBaseModel : dwBaseModel; switch (dwModel) { case 0x2: // 65nm parts do not benefit from larger Gen0 bSkipAMDL3 = TRUE; break; case 0x4: default: bSkipAMDL3 = FALSE; } } if (!bSkipAMDL3) { // 45nm Greyhound parts (and future parts based on newer northbridge) benefit // from increased gen0 size, taking L3 into account getcpuid(0x80000008, buffer); UInt32 dwNumberOfCores = (pdwBuffer[2] & (0xFF)) + 1; // NC is in ECX bits 7-0 UInt32 dwL3CacheSize = (size_t)((dwL3CacheBits >> 18) * 512 * 1024); // L3 size in EDX bits 31-18 * 512KB // L3 is shared between cores dwL3CacheSize = dwL3CacheSize / dwNumberOfCores; *pcbCache += dwL3CacheSize; // due to exclusive caches, add L3 size (possibly zero) to L2 // L1 is too small to worry about, so ignore it } } } *pcbCacheAdjusted = *pcbCache; } #ifdef _DEBUG #define CACHE_WAY_BITS 0xFFC00000 // number of cache WAYS-Associativity is returned in EBX[31:22] (10 bits) using cpuid function 4 #define CACHE_PARTITION_BITS 0x003FF000 // number of cache Physical Partitions is returned in EBX[21:12] (10 bits) using cpuid function 4 #define CACHE_LINESIZE_BITS 0x00000FFF // Linesize returned in EBX[11:0] (12 bits) using cpuid function 4 #define LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT size_t CLR_GetIntelDeterministicCacheEnum() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; size_t retVal = 0; unsigned char buffer[16]; DWORD maxCpuid = getextcpuid(0, 0, buffer); DWORD* dwBuffer = (DWORD*)buffer; if ((maxCpuid > 3) && (maxCpuid < 0x80000000)) // Deterministic Cache Enum is Supported { DWORD dwCacheWays, dwCachePartitions, dwLineSize, dwSets; DWORD retEAX = 0; DWORD loopECX = 0; size_t maxSize = 0; size_t curSize = 0; // Make First call to getextcpuid with loopECX=0. loopECX provides an index indicating which level to return information about. // The second parameter is input EAX=4, to specify we want deterministic cache parameter leaf information. // getextcpuid with EAX=4 should be executed with loopECX = 0,1, ... until retEAX [4:0] contains 00000b, indicating no more // cache levels are supported. getextcpuid(loopECX, 4, buffer); retEAX = dwBuffer[0]; // get EAX int i = 0; while (retEAX & 0x1f) // Crack cache enums and loop while EAX > 0 { dwCacheWays = (dwBuffer[1] & CACHE_WAY_BITS) >> 22; dwCachePartitions = (dwBuffer[1] & CACHE_PARTITION_BITS) >> 12; dwLineSize = dwBuffer[1] & CACHE_LINESIZE_BITS; dwSets = dwBuffer[2]; // ECX curSize = (dwCacheWays + 1)*(dwCachePartitions + 1)*(dwLineSize + 1)*(dwSets + 1); if (maxSize < curSize) maxSize = curSize; loopECX++; getextcpuid(loopECX, 4, buffer); retEAX = dwBuffer[0]; // get EAX[4:0]; i++; if (i > 16) // prevent infinite looping return 0; } retVal = maxSize; } return retVal; } // The following function uses CPUID function 2 with descriptor values to determine the cache size. This requires a-priori // knowledge of the descriptor values. This works on gallatin and prior processors (already released processors). // If successful, this function returns the cache size in bytes of the highest level on-die cache. Returns 0 on failure. size_t CLR_GetIntelDescriptorValuesCache() { LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT; size_t size = 0; size_t maxSize = 0; unsigned char buffer[16]; getextcpuid(0, 2, buffer); // call CPUID with EAX function 2H to obtain cache descriptor values for (int i = buffer[0]; --i >= 0;) { int j; for (j = 3; j < 16; j += 4) { // if the information in a register is marked invalid, set to null descriptors if (buffer[j] & 0x80) { buffer[j - 3] = 0; buffer[j - 2] = 0; buffer[j - 1] = 0; buffer[j - 0] = 0; } } for (j = 1; j < 16; j++) { switch (buffer[j]) // need to add descriptor values for 8M and 12M when they become known { case 0x41: case 0x79: size = 128 * 1024; break; case 0x42: case 0x7A: case 0x82: size = 256 * 1024; break; case 0x22: case 0x43: case 0x7B: case 0x83: case 0x86: size = 512 * 1024; break; case 0x23: case 0x44: case 0x7C: case 0x84: case 0x87: size = 1024 * 1024; break; case 0x25: case 0x45: case 0x85: size = 2 * 1024 * 1024; break; case 0x29: size = 4 * 1024 * 1024; break; } if (maxSize < size) maxSize = size; } if (i > 0) getextcpuid(0, 2, buffer); } return maxSize; } size_t CLR_GetLargestOnDieCacheSizeX86(UInt32_BOOL bTrueSize) { static size_t maxSize; static size_t maxTrueSize; if (maxSize) { // maxSize and maxTrueSize cached if (bTrueSize) { return maxTrueSize; } else { return maxSize; } } __try { unsigned char buffer[16]; DWORD* dwBuffer = (DWORD*)buffer; DWORD maxCpuId = getcpuid(0, buffer); if (dwBuffer[1] == 'uneG') { if (dwBuffer[3] == 'Ieni') { if (dwBuffer[2] == 'letn') { size_t tempSize = 0; if (maxCpuId >= 2) // cpuid support for cache size determination is available { tempSize = CLR_GetIntelDeterministicCacheEnum(); // try to use use deterministic cache size enumeration if (!tempSize) { // deterministic enumeration failed, fallback to legacy enumeration using descriptor values tempSize = CLR_GetIntelDescriptorValuesCache(); } } // update maxSize once with final value maxTrueSize = tempSize; #ifdef _WIN64 if (maxCpuId >= 2) { // If we're running on a Prescott or greater core, EM64T tests // show that starting with a gen0 larger than LLC improves performance. // Thus, start with a gen0 size that is larger than the cache. The value of // 3 is a reasonable tradeoff between workingset and performance. maxSize = maxTrueSize * 3; } else #endif { maxSize = maxTrueSize; } } } } if (dwBuffer[1] == 'htuA') { if (dwBuffer[3] == 'itne') { if (dwBuffer[2] == 'DMAc') { if (getcpuid(0x80000000, buffer) >= 0x80000006) { getcpuid(0x80000006, buffer); DWORD dwL2CacheBits = dwBuffer[2]; DWORD dwL3CacheBits = dwBuffer[3]; maxTrueSize = (size_t)((dwL2CacheBits >> 16) * 1024); // L2 cache size in ECX bits 31-16 getcpuid(0x1, buffer); DWORD dwBaseFamily = (dwBuffer[0] & (0xF << 8)) >> 8; DWORD dwExtFamily = (dwBuffer[0] & (0xFF << 20)) >> 20; DWORD dwFamily = dwBaseFamily >= 0xF ? dwBaseFamily + dwExtFamily : dwBaseFamily; if (dwFamily >= 0x10) { BOOL bSkipAMDL3 = FALSE; if (dwFamily == 0x10) // are we running on a Barcelona (Family 10h) processor? { // check model DWORD dwBaseModel = (dwBuffer[0] & (0xF << 4)) >> 4; DWORD dwExtModel = (dwBuffer[0] & (0xF << 16)) >> 16; DWORD dwModel = dwBaseFamily >= 0xF ? (dwExtModel << 4) | dwBaseModel : dwBaseModel; switch (dwModel) { case 0x2: // 65nm parts do not benefit from larger Gen0 bSkipAMDL3 = TRUE; break; case 0x4: default: bSkipAMDL3 = FALSE; } } if (!bSkipAMDL3) { // 45nm Greyhound parts (and future parts based on newer northbridge) benefit // from increased gen0 size, taking L3 into account getcpuid(0x80000008, buffer); DWORD dwNumberOfCores = (dwBuffer[2] & (0xFF)) + 1; // NC is in ECX bits 7-0 DWORD dwL3CacheSize = (size_t)((dwL3CacheBits >> 18) * 512 * 1024); // L3 size in EDX bits 31-18 * 512KB // L3 is shared between cores dwL3CacheSize = dwL3CacheSize / dwNumberOfCores; maxTrueSize += dwL3CacheSize; // due to exclusive caches, add L3 size (possibly zero) to L2 // L1 is too small to worry about, so ignore it } } maxSize = maxTrueSize; } } } } } __except (1) { } if (bTrueSize) return maxTrueSize; else return maxSize; } DWORD CLR_GetLogicalCpuCountFromOS(_In_reads_opt_(nEntries) SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION * pslpi, DWORD nEntries); // This function returns the number of logical processors on a given physical chip. If it cannot // determine the number of logical cpus, or the machine is not populated uniformly with the same // type of processors, this function returns 1. DWORD CLR_GetLogicalCpuCountX86(_In_reads_opt_(nEntries) SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION * pslpi, DWORD nEntries) { // No CONTRACT possible because GetLogicalCpuCount uses SEH static DWORD val = 0; // cache value for later re-use if (val) { return val; } DWORD retVal = 1; __try { unsigned char buffer[16]; DWORD maxCpuId = getcpuid(0, buffer); if (maxCpuId < 1) goto lDone; DWORD* dwBuffer = (DWORD*)buffer; if (dwBuffer[1] == 'uneG') { if (dwBuffer[3] == 'Ieni') { if (dwBuffer[2] == 'letn') { // get SMT/multicore enumeration for Intel EM64T // TODO: Currently GetLogicalCpuCountFromOS() and GetLogicalCpuCountFallback() are broken on // multi-core processor, but we never call into those two functions since we don't halve the // gen0size when it's prescott and above processor. We keep the old version here for earlier // generation system(Northwood based), perf data suggests on those systems, halve gen0 size // still boost the performance(ex:Biztalk boosts about 17%). So on earlier systems(Northwood) // based, we still go ahead and halve gen0 size. The logic in GetLogicalCpuCountFromOS() // and GetLogicalCpuCountFallback() works fine for those earlier generation systems. // If it's a Prescott and above processor or Multi-core, perf data suggests not to halve gen0 // size at all gives us overall better performance. // This is going to be fixed with a new version in orcas time frame. if ((maxCpuId > 3) && (maxCpuId < 0x80000000)) goto lDone; val = CLR_GetLogicalCpuCountFromOS(pslpi, nEntries); //try to obtain HT enumeration from OS API if (val) { retVal = val; // OS API HT enumeration successful, we are Done goto lDone; } // val = GetLogicalCpuCountFallback(); // OS API failed, Fallback to HT enumeration using CPUID // if( val ) // retVal = val; } } } lDone:; } __except (1) { } if (val == 0) { val = retVal; } return retVal; } #endif // _DEBUG #endif // (defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined (_TARGET_X86_)) && !defined(USE_PORTABLE_HELPERS) #ifdef _DEBUG DWORD CLR_GetLogicalCpuCountFromOS(_In_reads_opt_(nEntries) SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION * pslpi, DWORD nEntries) { // No CONTRACT possible because GetLogicalCpuCount uses SEH static DWORD val = 0; DWORD retVal = 0; if (pslpi == NULL) { // GetLogicalProcessorInformation no supported goto lDone; } DWORD prevcount = 0; DWORD count = 1; for (DWORD j = 0; j < nEntries; j++) { if (pslpi[j].Relationship == RelationProcessorCore) { // LTP_PC_SMT indicates HT or SMT if (pslpi[j].ProcessorCore.Flags == LTP_PC_SMT) { SIZE_T pmask = pslpi[j].ProcessorMask; // Count the processors in the mask // // These are not the fastest bit counters. There may be processor intrinsics // (which would be best), but there are variants faster than these: // See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_weight. // This is the naive implementation. #if !_WIN64 count = (pmask & 0x55555555) + ((pmask >> 1) & 0x55555555); count = (count & 0x33333333) + ((count >> 2) & 0x33333333); count = (count & 0x0F0F0F0F) + ((count >> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F); count = (count & 0x00FF00FF) + ((count >> 8) & 0x00FF00FF); count = (count & 0x0000FFFF) + ((count >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF); #else pmask = (pmask & 0x5555555555555555ull) + ((pmask >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555ull); pmask = (pmask & 0x3333333333333333ull) + ((pmask >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333ull); pmask = (pmask & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0full) + ((pmask >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0full); pmask = (pmask & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffull) + ((pmask >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffull); pmask = (pmask & 0x0000ffff0000ffffull) + ((pmask >> 16) & 0x0000ffff0000ffffull); pmask = (pmask & 0x00000000ffffffffull) + ((pmask >> 32) & 0x00000000ffffffffull); count = static_cast(pmask); #endif // !_WIN64 else assert(count > 0); if (prevcount) { if (count != prevcount) { retVal = 1; // masks are not symmetric goto lDone; } } prevcount = count; } } } retVal = count; lDone: return retVal; } // This function returns the size of highest level cache on the physical chip. If it cannot // determine the cachesize this function returns 0. size_t CLR_GetLogicalProcessorCacheSizeFromOS(_In_reads_opt_(nEntries) SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION * pslpi, DWORD nEntries) { size_t cache_size = 0; // Try to use GetLogicalProcessorInformation API and get a valid pointer to the SLPI array if successful. Returns NULL // if API not present or on failure. if (pslpi == NULL) { // GetLogicalProcessorInformation not supported or failed. goto Exit; } // Crack the information. Iterate through all the SLPI array entries for all processors in system. // Will return the greatest of all the processor cache sizes or zero size_t last_cache_size = 0; for (DWORD i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) { if (pslpi[i].Relationship == RelationCache) { last_cache_size = max(last_cache_size, pslpi[i].Cache.Size); } } cache_size = last_cache_size; Exit: return cache_size; } DWORD CLR_GetLogicalCpuCount(_In_reads_opt_(nEntries) SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION * pslpi, DWORD nEntries) { #if (defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined (_TARGET_X86_)) && !defined(USE_PORTABLE_HELPERS) return CLR_GetLogicalCpuCountX86(pslpi, nEntries); #else return CLR_GetLogicalCpuCountFromOS(pslpi, nEntries); #endif } size_t CLR_GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(UInt32_BOOL bTrueSize, _In_reads_opt_(nEntries) SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION * pslpi, DWORD nEntries) { #if (defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined (_TARGET_X86_)) && !defined(USE_PORTABLE_HELPERS) return CLR_GetLargestOnDieCacheSizeX86(bTrueSize); #else return CLR_GetLogicalProcessorCacheSizeFromOS(pslpi, nEntries); #endif } #endif // _DEBUG enum CpuVendor { CpuUnknown, CpuIntel, CpuAMD, }; CpuVendor GetCpuVendor(_Out_ UInt32* puMaxCpuId) { #if (defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined (_TARGET_X86_)) && !defined(USE_PORTABLE_HELPERS) unsigned char buffer[16]; *puMaxCpuId = getcpuid(0, buffer); UInt32* pdwBuffer = (UInt32*)buffer; if (pdwBuffer[1] == 'uneG' && pdwBuffer[3] == 'Ieni' && pdwBuffer[2] == 'letn') { return CpuIntel; } else if (pdwBuffer[1] == 'htuA' && pdwBuffer[3] == 'itne' && pdwBuffer[2] == 'DMAc') { return CpuAMD; } #else *puMaxCpuId = 0; #endif return CpuUnknown; } // Count set bits in a bitfield. UInt32 CountBits(size_t bfBitfield) { UInt32 cBits = 0; // This is not the fastest algorithm possible but it's simple and the performance is not critical. for (UInt32 i = 0; i < (sizeof(size_t) * 8); i++) { cBits += (bfBitfield & 1) ? 1 : 0; bfBitfield >>= 1; } return cBits; } // // Enable TRACE_CACHE_TOPOLOGY to get a dump of the info provided by the OS as well as a comparison of the // 'answers' between the current implementation and the CLR implementation. // //#define TRACE_CACHE_TOPOLOGY #ifdef _DEBUG void DumpCacheTopology(_In_reads_(cRecords) SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION * pProcInfos, UInt32 cRecords) { printf("----------------\n"); for (UInt32 i = 0; i < cRecords; i++) { switch (pProcInfos[i].Relationship) { case RelationProcessorCore: printf(" [%2d] Core: %d threads 0x%04zx mask, flags = %d\n", i, CountBits(pProcInfos[i].ProcessorMask), pProcInfos[i].ProcessorMask, pProcInfos[i].ProcessorCore.Flags); break; case RelationCache: char* pszCacheType; switch (pProcInfos[i].Cache.Type) { case CacheUnified: pszCacheType = "[Unified]"; break; case CacheInstruction: pszCacheType = "[Instr ]"; break; case CacheData: pszCacheType = "[Data ]"; break; case CacheTrace: pszCacheType = "[Trace ]"; break; default: pszCacheType = "[Unk ]"; break; } printf(" [%2d] Cache: %s 0x%08x bytes 0x%04zx mask\n", i, pszCacheType, pProcInfos[i].Cache.Size, pProcInfos[i].ProcessorMask); break; case RelationNumaNode: printf(" [%2d] NumaNode: #%02d 0x%04zx mask\n", i, pProcInfos[i].NumaNode.NodeNumber, pProcInfos[i].ProcessorMask); break; case RelationProcessorPackage: printf(" [%2d] Package: 0x%04zx mask\n", i, pProcInfos[i].ProcessorMask); break; case RelationAll: case RelationGroup: default: printf(" [%2d] unknown: %d\n", i, pProcInfos[i].Relationship); break; } } printf("----------------\n"); } void DumpCacheTopologyResults(UInt32 maxCpuId, CpuVendor cpuVendor, _In_reads_(cRecords) SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION * pProcInfos, UInt32 cRecords) { DumpCacheTopology(pProcInfos, cRecords); printf("maxCpuId: %d, %s\n", maxCpuId, (cpuVendor == CpuIntel) ? "CpuIntel" : ((cpuVendor == CpuAMD) ? "CpuAMD" : "CpuUnknown")); printf(" g_cLogicalCpus: %d %d :CLR_GetLogicalCpuCount\n", g_cLogicalCpus, CLR_GetLogicalCpuCount(pProcInfos, cRecords)); printf(" g_cbLargestOnDieCache: 0x%08zx 0x%08zx :CLR_LargestOnDieCache(TRUE)\n", g_cbLargestOnDieCache, CLR_GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(TRUE, pProcInfos, cRecords)); printf("g_cbLargestOnDieCacheAdjusted: 0x%08zx 0x%08zx :CLR_LargestOnDieCache(FALSE)\n", g_cbLargestOnDieCacheAdjusted, CLR_GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(FALSE, pProcInfos, cRecords)); } #endif // _DEBUG // Method used to initialize the above values. bool PalQueryProcessorTopology() { SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION *pProcInfos = NULL; DWORD cbBuffer = 0; bool fError = false; for (;;) { // Ask for processor information with an insufficient buffer initially. The function will tell us how // much memory we need and we'll try again. if (!GetLogicalProcessorInformation(pProcInfos, &cbBuffer)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { if (pProcInfos) free(pProcInfos); pProcInfos = (SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION*)malloc(cbBuffer); if (pProcInfos == NULL) { // Ran out of memory. fError = true; break; } } else { // Unexpected error from GetLogicalProcessorInformation(). fError = true; break; } } else { // Successfully read processor information, stop looping. break; } } // If there was no error retrieving the data parse the result. GetLogicalProcessorInformation() returns an // array of structures each of which describes some attribute of a given group of logical processors. // Fields in the structure describe which processors and which attributes are being described and the // structures come in no particular order. Therefore we just iterate over all of them accumulating the // data we're interested in as we go. if (!fError && pProcInfos != NULL) { // Some explanation of the following logic is required. The GC queries information via two APIs: // 1) GetLogicalCpuCount() // 2) GetLargestOnDieCacheSize() // // These were once unambiguous queries; logical CPUs only existed when a physical CPU supported // threading (e.g. Intel's HyperThreading technology) and caches were always shared across an entire // physical processor. // // Unfortunately for us actual processor topologies are getting ever more complex (and divergent even // between otherwise near-identical architectures such as Intel and AMD). A single physical processor // (or package, the thing that fits in a socket on the motherboard) can now have multiple classes of // logical processors within it with differing relationships between the other logical processors // (e.g. which share functional units or caches). It's technically feasible to build systems with // non-symmetric topologies as well (where the number of logical processors or cache differs between // physical processors for instance). // // The GetLogicalProcessorInformation() reflects this in the potential complexity of its output. For // large-multi CPU systems it can generate quite a few output records effectively drawing a tree of // logical processors and their relationships within cores and packages and to various levels of // cache. // // Out of this complexity we have to distill the simple answers required above. It may well prove true // in the future that we will have to ask more complex questions, but until then this function will // utilize the following semantics for each of the queries: // 1) We will report logical processors as the average number of threads per core. (For the likely // case, a symmetric system, this average will be the exact number of threads per core). // 2) We will report the largest cache on-die as the average largest cache per-core. // // We will calculate the first value by counting the number of core records returned and the number of // threads running on those cores (each core record supplies a bitmask of processors running on that // core and by definition each of those processor sets must be disjoint, so we can simply accumulate a // count of processors seen for each core so far). For now we will count all processors on a core as a // thread (even if the HT/SMT flag is not set for the core) until we have data that suggests we should // treat non-HT processors as cores in their own right. We can then simply divide the thread total by // the core total to get a thread per core average. // // The second is harder since we have to discard caches that are superceded by a larger cache // servicing the same logical processor. For instance, on a typical Intel system we wish to sum the // sizes of all the L2 caches but ignore all the L1 caches. Since performance is not a huge issue here // (this is a one time operation and we cache the results) we'll use a linear algorithm that, when // presented with a cache information record, re-scans all the records for another cache entry which // is of larger size and has at least one logical processor in common. If found, the current cache // record can be ignored. // // Once we have to total sizes of all the largest level caches on the system we can divide it by the // previously computed total cores to get average largest cache size per core. // Count info records returned by GetLogicalProcessorInformation(). UInt32 cRecords = cbBuffer / sizeof(SYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION); UInt32 maxCpuId; CpuVendor cpuVendor = GetCpuVendor(&maxCpuId); bool isAsymmetric = false; UInt32 cLogicalCpus = 0; UInt32 cbCache = 0; UInt32 cbCacheAdjusted = 0; for (UInt32 i = 0; i < cRecords; i++) { switch (pProcInfos[i].Relationship) { case RelationProcessorCore: if (pProcInfos[i].ProcessorCore.Flags == LTP_PC_SMT) { UInt32 thisCount = CountBits(pProcInfos[i].ProcessorMask); if (!cLogicalCpus) cLogicalCpus = thisCount; else if (thisCount != cLogicalCpus) isAsymmetric = true; } break; case RelationCache: cbCache = max(cbCache, pProcInfos[i].Cache.Size); break; default: break; } } cbCacheAdjusted = cbCache; if (cLogicalCpus == 0) cLogicalCpus = 1; #if (defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined (_TARGET_X86_)) && !defined(USE_PORTABLE_HELPERS) // Apply some experimentally-derived policy to the number of logical CPUs in the same way CLR does. if ((maxCpuId < 1) || (cpuVendor != CpuIntel) || ((maxCpuId > 3) && (maxCpuId < 0x80000000)) // This is a strange one. || isAsymmetric) { cLogicalCpus = 1; } // Apply some experimentally-derived policy to the cache size in the same way CLR does. if (cpuVendor == CpuIntel) { #ifdef _WIN64 if (maxCpuId >= 2) { // If we're running on a Prescott or greater core, EM64T tests // show that starting with a gen0 larger than LLC improves performance. // Thus, start with a gen0 size that is larger than the cache. The value of // 3 is a reasonable tradeoff between workingset and performance. cbCacheAdjusted = cbCache * 3; } #endif // _WIN64 } else if (cpuVendor == CpuAMD) { QueryAMDCacheInfo(&cbCache, &cbCacheAdjusted); } #else // (defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined (_TARGET_X86_)) && !defined(USE_PORTABLE_HELPERS) cpuVendor; // avoid unused variable warnings. maxCpuId; #endif // (defined(_TARGET_AMD64_) || defined (_TARGET_X86_)) && !defined(USE_PORTABLE_HELPERS) g_cLogicalCpus = cLogicalCpus; g_cbLargestOnDieCache = cbCache; g_cbLargestOnDieCacheAdjusted = cbCacheAdjusted; #ifdef _DEBUG #ifdef TRACE_CACHE_TOPOLOGY DumpCacheTopologyResults(maxCpuId, cpuVendor, pProcInfos, cRecords); #endif // TRACE_CACHE_TOPOLOGY if ((CLR_GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(TRUE, pProcInfos, cRecords) != g_cbLargestOnDieCache) || (CLR_GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(FALSE, pProcInfos, cRecords) != g_cbLargestOnDieCacheAdjusted) || (CLR_GetLogicalCpuCount(pProcInfos, cRecords) != g_cLogicalCpus)) { DumpCacheTopologyResults(maxCpuId, cpuVendor, pProcInfos, cRecords); assert(!"QueryProcessorTopology doesn't match CLR's results. See stdout for more info."); } #endif // TRACE_CACHE_TOPOLOGY } if (pProcInfos) delete[](UInt8*)pProcInfos; return !fError; } #ifdef RUNTIME_SERVICES_ONLY // Functions called by the GC to obtain our cached values for number of logical processors and cache size. REDHAWK_PALEXPORT UInt32 REDHAWK_PALAPI PalGetLogicalCpuCount() { return g_cLogicalCpus; } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT size_t REDHAWK_PALAPI PalGetLargestOnDieCacheSize(UInt32_BOOL bTrueSize) { return bTrueSize ? g_cbLargestOnDieCache : g_cbLargestOnDieCacheAdjusted; } #endif // RUNTIME_SERVICES_ONLY REDHAWK_PALEXPORT _Ret_maybenull_ _Post_writable_byte_size_(size) void* REDHAWK_PALAPI PalVirtualAlloc(_In_opt_ void* pAddress, UIntNative size, UInt32 allocationType, UInt32 protect) { return VirtualAlloc(pAddress, size, allocationType, protect); } #pragma warning (push) #pragma warning (disable:28160) // warnings about invalid potential parameter combinations that would cause VirtualFree to fail - those are asserted for below REDHAWK_PALEXPORT UInt32_BOOL REDHAWK_PALAPI PalVirtualFree(_In_ void* pAddress, UIntNative size, UInt32 freeType) { assert(((freeType & MEM_RELEASE) != MEM_RELEASE) || size == 0); assert((freeType & (MEM_RELEASE | MEM_DECOMMIT)) != (MEM_RELEASE | MEM_DECOMMIT)); assert(freeType != 0); return VirtualFree(pAddress, size, freeType); } #pragma warning (pop) REDHAWK_PALEXPORT UInt32_BOOL REDHAWK_PALAPI PalVirtualProtect(_In_ void* pAddress, UIntNative size, UInt32 protect) { DWORD oldProtect; return VirtualProtect(pAddress, size, protect, &oldProtect); } REDHAWK_PALEXPORT _Ret_maybenull_ void* REDHAWK_PALAPI PalSetWerDataBuffer(_In_ void* pNewBuffer) { static void* pBuffer; return InterlockedExchangePointer(&pBuffer, pNewBuffer); } #ifndef RUNTIME_SERVICES_ONLY static LARGE_INTEGER g_performanceFrequency; #ifndef CORERT static bool g_roInitialized; #endif // Initialize the interface implementation // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed bool GCToOSInterface::Initialize() { if (!::QueryPerformanceFrequency(&g_performanceFrequency)) { return false; } #ifndef CORERT // TODO: Remove the RoInitialize call when we implement non-WinRT framework for classic apps HRESULT hr = RoInitialize(RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED); // RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE indicates this thread has been already initialized with a different // concurrency model. That is fine; we just need to skip the RoUninitialize call on shutdown. if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { g_roInitialized = true; } else if (hr != RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE) { return false; } #endif return true; } // Shutdown the interface implementation // Remarks: // Must be called on the same thread as Initialize. void GCToOSInterface::Shutdown() { #ifndef CORERT if (g_roInitialized) { RoUninitialize(); g_roInitialized = false; } #endif } // Get numeric id of the current thread if possible on the // current platform. It is indended for logging purposes only. // Return: // Numeric id of the current thread or 0 if the uint64_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentThreadIdForLogging() { return ::GetCurrentThreadId(); } // Get id of the process uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessId() { return ::GetCurrentProcessId(); } // Set ideal affinity for the current thread // Parameters: // affinity - ideal processor affinity for the thread // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed bool GCToOSInterface::SetCurrentThreadIdealAffinity(GCThreadAffinity* affinity) { bool success = true; PROCESSOR_NUMBER proc; if (affinity->Group != -1) { proc.Group = (WORD)affinity->Group; proc.Number = (BYTE)affinity->Processor; proc.Reserved = 0; success = !!SetThreadIdealProcessorEx(GetCurrentThread(), &proc, NULL); } else { if (GetThreadIdealProcessorEx(GetCurrentThread(), &proc)) { proc.Number = (BYTE)affinity->Processor; success = !!SetThreadIdealProcessorEx(GetCurrentThread(), &proc, NULL); } } return success; } // Get the number of the current processor uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessorNumber() { _ASSERTE(GCToOSInterface::CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber()); return ::GetCurrentProcessorNumber(); } // Check if the OS supports getting current processor number bool GCToOSInterface::CanGetCurrentProcessorNumber() { return true; } // Flush write buffers of processors that are executing threads of the current process void GCToOSInterface::FlushProcessWriteBuffers() { ::FlushProcessWriteBuffers(); } // Break into a debugger void GCToOSInterface::DebugBreak() { ::DebugBreak(); } // Get number of logical processors uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetLogicalCpuCount() { return g_cLogicalCpus; } // Causes the calling thread to sleep for the specified number of milliseconds // Parameters: // sleepMSec - time to sleep before switching to another thread void GCToOSInterface::Sleep(uint32_t sleepMSec) { PalSleep(sleepMSec); } // Causes the calling thread to yield execution to another thread that is ready to run on the current processor. // Parameters: // switchCount - number of times the YieldThread was called in a loop void GCToOSInterface::YieldThread(uint32_t /*switchCount*/) { PalSwitchToThread(); } // Reserve virtual memory range. // Parameters: // address - starting virtual address, it can be NULL to let the function choose the starting address // size - size of the virtual memory range // alignment - requested memory alignment // flags - flags to control special settings like write watching // Return: // Starting virtual address of the reserved range void* GCToOSInterface::VirtualReserve(size_t size, size_t alignment, uint32_t flags) { DWORD memFlags = (flags & VirtualReserveFlags::WriteWatch) ? (MEM_RESERVE | MEM_WRITE_WATCH) : MEM_RESERVE; return ::VirtualAlloc(0, size, memFlags, PAGE_READWRITE); } // Release virtual memory range previously reserved using VirtualReserve // Parameters: // address - starting virtual address // size - size of the virtual memory range // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualRelease(void* address, size_t size) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(size); return !!::VirtualFree(address, 0, MEM_RELEASE); } // Commit virtual memory range. It must be part of a range reserved using VirtualReserve. // Parameters: // address - starting virtual address // size - size of the virtual memory range // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualCommit(void* address, size_t size) { return ::VirtualAlloc(address, size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) != NULL; } // Decomit virtual memory range. // Parameters: // address - starting virtual address // size - size of the virtual memory range // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualDecommit(void* address, size_t size) { return !!::VirtualFree(address, size, MEM_DECOMMIT); } // Reset virtual memory range. Indicates that data in the memory range specified by address and size is no // longer of interest, but it should not be decommitted. // Parameters: // address - starting virtual address // size - size of the virtual memory range // unlock - true if the memory range should also be unlocked // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed bool GCToOSInterface::VirtualReset(void * address, size_t size, bool unlock) { bool success = ::VirtualAlloc(address, size, MEM_RESET, PAGE_READWRITE) != NULL; if (success && unlock) { // Remove the page range from the working set ::VirtualUnlock(address, size); } return success; } // Check if the OS supports write watching bool GCToOSInterface::SupportsWriteWatch() { return PalHasCapability(WriteWatchCapability); } // Reset the write tracking state for the specified virtual memory range. // Parameters: // address - starting virtual address // size - size of the virtual memory range void GCToOSInterface::ResetWriteWatch(void* address, size_t size) { ::ResetWriteWatch(address, size); } // Retrieve addresses of the pages that are written to in a region of virtual memory // Parameters: // resetState - true indicates to reset the write tracking state // address - starting virtual address // size - size of the virtual memory range // pageAddresses - buffer that receives an array of page addresses in the memory region // pageAddressesCount - on input, size of the lpAddresses array, in array elements // on output, the number of page addresses that are returned in the array. // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed bool GCToOSInterface::GetWriteWatch(bool resetState, void* address, size_t size, void** pageAddresses, uintptr_t* pageAddressesCount) { uint32_t flags = resetState ? 1 : 0; ULONG granularity; bool success = ::GetWriteWatch(flags, address, size, pageAddresses, (ULONG_PTR*)pageAddressesCount, &granularity) == 0; _ASSERTE (granularity == OS_PAGE_SIZE); return success; } // Get size of the largest cache on the processor die // Parameters: // trueSize - true to return true cache size, false to return scaled up size based on // the processor architecture // Return: // Size of the cache size_t GCToOSInterface::GetLargestOnDieCacheSize(bool trueSize) { return trueSize ? g_cbLargestOnDieCache : g_cbLargestOnDieCacheAdjusted; } // Get affinity mask of the current process // Parameters: // processMask - affinity mask for the specified process // systemMask - affinity mask for the system // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed // Remarks: // A process affinity mask is a bit vector in which each bit represents the processors that // a process is allowed to run on. A system affinity mask is a bit vector in which each bit // represents the processors that are configured into a system. // A process affinity mask is a subset of the system affinity mask. A process is only allowed // to run on the processors configured into a system. Therefore, the process affinity mask cannot // specify a 1 bit for a processor when the system affinity mask specifies a 0 bit for that processor. bool GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessAffinityMask(uintptr_t* processMask, uintptr_t* systemMask) { return !!::GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), (PDWORD_PTR)processMask, (PDWORD_PTR)systemMask); } // Get number of processors assigned to the current process // Return: // The number of processors uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetCurrentProcessCpuCount() { static int cCPUs = 0; if (cCPUs != 0) return cCPUs; DWORD_PTR pmask, smask; if (!GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), &pmask, &smask)) return 1; if (pmask == 1) return 1; pmask &= smask; int count = 0; while (pmask) { if (pmask & 1) count++; pmask >>= 1; } // GetProcessAffinityMask can return pmask=0 and smask=0 on systems with more // than 64 processors, which would leave us with a count of 0. Since the GC // expects there to be at least one processor to run on (and thus at least one // heap), we'll return 64 here if count is 0, since there are likely a ton of // processors available in that case. The GC also cannot (currently) handle // the case where there are more than 64 processors, so we will return a // maximum of 64 here. if (count == 0 || count > 64) count = 64; cCPUs = count; return count; } // Return the size of the user-mode portion of the virtual address space of this process. // Return: // non zero if it has succeeded, 0 if it has failed size_t GCToOSInterface::GetVirtualMemoryLimit() { MEMORYSTATUSEX memStatus; memStatus.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX); BOOL fRet; fRet = GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStatus); _ASSERTE(fRet); return (size_t)memStatus.ullTotalVirtual; } // Get the physical memory that this process can use. // Return: // non zero if it has succeeded, 0 if it has failed uint64_t GCToOSInterface::GetPhysicalMemoryLimit() { MEMORYSTATUSEX memStatus; memStatus.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX); BOOL fRet; fRet = GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStatus); _ASSERTE(fRet); return memStatus.ullTotalPhys; } // Get memory status // Parameters: // memory_load - A number between 0 and 100 that specifies the approximate percentage of physical memory // that is in use (0 indicates no memory use and 100 indicates full memory use). // available_physical - The amount of physical memory currently available, in bytes. // available_page_file - The maximum amount of memory the current process can commit, in bytes. void GCToOSInterface::GetMemoryStatus(uint32_t* memory_load, uint64_t* available_physical, uint64_t* available_page_file) { MEMORYSTATUSEX memStatus; memStatus.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX); BOOL fRet; fRet = GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&memStatus); _ASSERTE(fRet); // If the machine has more RAM than virtual address limit, let us cap it. // The GC can never use more than virtual address limit. if (memStatus.ullAvailPhys > memStatus.ullTotalVirtual) { memStatus.ullAvailPhys = memStatus.ullAvailVirtual; } if (memory_load != NULL) *memory_load = memStatus.dwMemoryLoad; if (available_physical != NULL) *available_physical = memStatus.ullAvailPhys; if (available_page_file != NULL) *available_page_file = memStatus.ullAvailPageFile; } // Get a high precision performance counter // Return: // The counter value int64_t GCToOSInterface::QueryPerformanceCounter() { LARGE_INTEGER ts; if (!::QueryPerformanceCounter(&ts)) { ASSERT_UNCONDITIONALLY("Fatal Error - cannot query performance counter."); RhFailFast(); } return ts.QuadPart; } // Get a frequency of the high precision performance counter // Return: // The counter frequency int64_t GCToOSInterface::QueryPerformanceFrequency() { return g_performanceFrequency.QuadPart; } // Get a time stamp with a low precision // Return: // Time stamp in milliseconds uint32_t GCToOSInterface::GetLowPrecisionTimeStamp() { return ::GetTickCount(); } // Parameters of the GC thread stub struct GCThreadStubParam { GCThreadFunction GCThreadFunction; void* GCThreadParam; }; // GC thread stub to convert GC thread function to an OS specific thread function static DWORD GCThreadStub(void* param) { GCThreadStubParam *stubParam = (GCThreadStubParam*)param; GCThreadFunction function = stubParam->GCThreadFunction; void* threadParam = stubParam->GCThreadParam; delete stubParam; function(threadParam); return 0; } // Create a new thread for GC use // Parameters: // function - the function to be executed by the thread // param - parameters of the thread // affinity - processor affinity of the thread // Return: // true if it has succeeded, false if it has failed bool GCToOSInterface::CreateThread(GCThreadFunction function, void* param, GCThreadAffinity* affinity) { NewHolder stubParam = new (nothrow) GCThreadStubParam(); if (stubParam == NULL) { return false; } stubParam->GCThreadFunction = function; stubParam->GCThreadParam = param; DWORD thread_id; HANDLE gc_thread = ::CreateThread(0, 4096, GCThreadStub, stubParam.GetValue(), CREATE_SUSPENDED, &thread_id); if (!gc_thread) { return false; } stubParam.SuppressRelease(); SetThreadPriority(gc_thread, /* THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL );*/ THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST ); if (affinity->Group != GCThreadAffinity::None) { // @TODO: CPUGroupInfo // ASSERT(affinity->Processor != GCThreadAffinity::None); // GROUP_AFFINITY ga; // ga.Group = (WORD)affinity->Group; // ga.Reserved[0] = 0; // ga.Reserved[1] = 0; // ga.Reserved[2] = 0; // ga.Mask = (size_t)1 << affinity->Processor; // CPUGroupInfo::SetThreadGroupAffinity(gc_thread, &ga, NULL); } else if (affinity->Processor != GCThreadAffinity::None) { SetThreadAffinityMask(gc_thread, (DWORD_PTR)1 << affinity->Processor); } ResumeThread(gc_thread); CloseHandle(gc_thread); return true; } // Initialize the critical section void CLRCriticalSection::Initialize() { InitializeCriticalSection(&m_cs); } // Destroy the critical section void CLRCriticalSection::Destroy() { DeleteCriticalSection(&m_cs); } // Enter the critical section. Blocks until the section can be entered. void CLRCriticalSection::Enter() { EnterCriticalSection(&m_cs); } // Leave the critical section void CLRCriticalSection::Leave() { LeaveCriticalSection(&m_cs); } #endif // RUNTIME_SERVICES_ONLY