// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Cryptography; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace System.Security { public sealed partial class SecureString { internal SecureString(SecureString str) { Debug.Assert(str != null, "Expected non-null SecureString"); Debug.Assert(str._buffer != null, "Expected other SecureString's buffer to be non-null"); Debug.Assert(str._encrypted, "Expected to be used only on encrypted SecureStrings"); AllocateBuffer(str._buffer.Length); SafeBSTRHandle.Copy(str._buffer, _buffer, str._buffer.Length * sizeof(char)); _decryptedLength = str._decryptedLength; _encrypted = str._encrypted; } private unsafe void InitializeSecureString(char* value, int length) { Debug.Assert(length >= 0, $"Expected non-negative length, got {length}"); AllocateBuffer((uint)length); _decryptedLength = length; byte* bufferPtr = null; try { _buffer.AcquirePointer(ref bufferPtr); Buffer.MemoryCopy((byte*)value, bufferPtr, (long)_buffer.ByteLength, length * sizeof(char)); } finally { if (bufferPtr != null) { _buffer.ReleasePointer(); } } ProtectMemory(); } private void AppendCharCore(char c) { UnprotectMemory(); try { EnsureCapacity(_decryptedLength + 1); _buffer.Write((uint)_decryptedLength * sizeof(char), c); _decryptedLength++; } finally { ProtectMemory(); } } private void ClearCore() { _decryptedLength = 0; _buffer.ClearBuffer(); } private void DisposeCore() { if (_buffer != null) { _buffer.Dispose(); _buffer = null; } } private unsafe void InsertAtCore(int index, char c) { byte* bufferPtr = null; UnprotectMemory(); try { EnsureCapacity(_decryptedLength + 1); _buffer.AcquirePointer(ref bufferPtr); char* pBuffer = (char*)bufferPtr; for (int i = _decryptedLength; i > index; i--) { pBuffer[i] = pBuffer[i - 1]; } pBuffer[index] = c; ++_decryptedLength; } finally { ProtectMemory(); if (bufferPtr != null) { _buffer.ReleasePointer(); } } } private unsafe void RemoveAtCore(int index) { byte* bufferPtr = null; UnprotectMemory(); try { _buffer.AcquirePointer(ref bufferPtr); char* pBuffer = (char*)bufferPtr; for (int i = index; i < _decryptedLength - 1; i++) { pBuffer[i] = pBuffer[i + 1]; } pBuffer[--_decryptedLength] = (char)0; } finally { ProtectMemory(); if (bufferPtr != null) { _buffer.ReleasePointer(); } } } private void SetAtCore(int index, char c) { UnprotectMemory(); try { _buffer.Write((uint)index * sizeof(char), c); } finally { ProtectMemory(); } } internal unsafe IntPtr MarshalToBSTR() { int length = _decryptedLength; IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr result = IntPtr.Zero; byte* bufferPtr = null; UnprotectMemory(); try { _buffer.AcquirePointer(ref bufferPtr); int resultByteLength = (length + 1) * sizeof(char); ptr = PInvokeMarshal.AllocBSTR(length); Buffer.MemoryCopy(bufferPtr, (byte*)ptr, resultByteLength, length * sizeof(char)); result = ptr; } finally { ProtectMemory(); // If we failed for any reason, free the new buffer if (result == IntPtr.Zero && ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { RuntimeImports.RhZeroMemory(ptr, (UIntPtr)(length * sizeof(char))); PInvokeMarshal.FreeBSTR(ptr); } if (bufferPtr != null) { _buffer.ReleasePointer(); } } return result; } internal unsafe IntPtr MarshalToStringCore(bool globalAlloc, bool unicode) { int length = _decryptedLength; IntPtr ptr = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr result = IntPtr.Zero; byte* bufferPtr = null; UnprotectMemory(); try { _buffer.AcquirePointer(ref bufferPtr); if (unicode) { int resultByteLength = (length + 1) * sizeof(char); ptr = globalAlloc ? Marshal.AllocHGlobal(resultByteLength) : Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(resultByteLength); Buffer.MemoryCopy(bufferPtr, (byte*)ptr, resultByteLength, length * sizeof(char)); *(length + (char*)ptr) = '\0'; } else { uint defaultChar = '?'; int resultByteLength = 1 + Interop.Kernel32.WideCharToMultiByte( Interop.Kernel32.CP_ACP, Interop.Kernel32.WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, (char*)bufferPtr, length, null, 0, (IntPtr)(&defaultChar), IntPtr.Zero); ptr = globalAlloc ? Marshal.AllocHGlobal(resultByteLength) : Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(resultByteLength); Interop.Kernel32.WideCharToMultiByte( Interop.Kernel32.CP_ACP, Interop.Kernel32.WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS, (char*)bufferPtr, length, (byte*)ptr, resultByteLength - 1, (IntPtr)(&defaultChar), IntPtr.Zero); *(resultByteLength - 1 + (byte*)ptr) = 0; } result = ptr; } finally { ProtectMemory(); // If we failed for any reason, free the new buffer if (result == IntPtr.Zero && ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { RuntimeImports.RhZeroMemory(ptr, (UIntPtr)(length * sizeof(char))); MarshalFree(ptr, globalAlloc); } if (bufferPtr != null) { _buffer.ReleasePointer(); } } return result; } private void EnsureNotDisposed() { if (_buffer == null) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().Name); } } // ----------------------------- // ---- PAL layer ends here ---- // ----------------------------- private const int BlockSize = (int)Interop.Crypt32.CRYPTPROTECTMEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE / sizeof(char); private SafeBSTRHandle _buffer; private bool _encrypted; private void AllocateBuffer(uint size) { _buffer = SafeBSTRHandle.Allocate(GetAlignedSize(size)); } private static uint GetAlignedSize(uint size) => size == 0 || size % BlockSize != 0 ? BlockSize + ((size / BlockSize) * BlockSize) : size; private void EnsureCapacity(int capacity) { if (capacity > MaxLength) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(capacity), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Capacity); } if (((uint)capacity * sizeof(char)) <= _buffer.ByteLength) { return; } var oldBuffer = _buffer; SafeBSTRHandle newBuffer = SafeBSTRHandle.Allocate(GetAlignedSize((uint)capacity)); SafeBSTRHandle.Copy(oldBuffer, newBuffer, (uint)_decryptedLength * sizeof(char)); _buffer = newBuffer; oldBuffer.Dispose(); } private void ProtectMemory() { Debug.Assert(!_buffer.IsInvalid, "Invalid buffer!"); if (_decryptedLength != 0 && !_encrypted && !Interop.Crypt32.CryptProtectMemory(_buffer, _buffer.Length * sizeof(char), Interop.Crypt32.CRYPTPROTECTMEMORY_SAME_PROCESS)) { throw new CryptographicException(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } _encrypted = true; } private void UnprotectMemory() { Debug.Assert(!_buffer.IsInvalid, "Invalid buffer!"); if (_decryptedLength != 0 && _encrypted && !Interop.Crypt32.CryptUnprotectMemory(_buffer, _buffer.Length * sizeof(char), Interop.Crypt32.CRYPTPROTECTMEMORY_SAME_PROCESS)) { throw new CryptographicException(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } _encrypted = false; } } }