// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. //Internal.Runtime.Augments //------------------------------------------------- // Why does this exist?: // Reflection.Execution cannot physically live in System.Private.CoreLib.dll // as it has a dependency on System.Reflection.Metadata. Its inherently // low-level nature means, however, it is closely tied to System.Private.CoreLib.dll. // This contract provides the two-communication between those two .dll's. // // // Implemented by: // System.Private.CoreLib.dll // // Consumed by: // Reflection.Execution.dll using System; using System.Runtime; using System.Reflection; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Threading; using Internal.Runtime; using Internal.Reflection.Core.NonPortable; using Internal.Runtime.CompilerServices; using Volatile = System.Threading.Volatile; namespace Internal.Runtime.Augments { [ReflectionBlocked] public static class RuntimeAugments { /// /// Callbacks used for metadata-based stack trace resolution. /// private static StackTraceMetadataCallbacks s_stackTraceMetadataCallbacks; //============================================================================================== // One-time initialization. //============================================================================================== [CLSCompliant(false)] public static void Initialize(ReflectionExecutionDomainCallbacks callbacks) { s_reflectionExecutionDomainCallbacks = callbacks; } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static void InitializeLookups(TypeLoaderCallbacks callbacks) { s_typeLoaderCallbacks = callbacks; } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static void InitializeInteropLookups(InteropCallbacks callbacks) { s_interopCallbacks = callbacks; } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static void InitializeStackTraceMetadataSupport(StackTraceMetadataCallbacks callbacks) { s_stackTraceMetadataCallbacks = callbacks; } //============================================================================================== // Access to the underlying execution engine's object allocation routines. //============================================================================================== // // Perform the equivalent of a "newobj", but without invoking any constructors. Other than the EEType, the result object is zero-initialized. // // Special cases: // // Strings: The .ctor performs both the construction and initialization // and compiler special cases these. // // Nullable: the boxed result is the underlying type rather than Nullable so the constructor // cannot truly initialize it. // // In these cases, this helper returns "null" and ConstructorInfo.Invoke() must deal with these specially. // public static object NewObject(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { EETypePtr eeType = typeHandle.ToEETypePtr(); if (eeType.IsNullable || eeType == EETypePtr.EETypePtrOf() ) return null; return RuntimeImports.RhNewObject(eeType); } // // Helper API to perform the equivalent of a "newobj" for any EEType. // Unlike the NewObject API, this is the raw version that does not special case any EEType, and should be used with // caution for very specific scenarios. // public static object RawNewObject(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return RuntimeImports.RhNewObject(typeHandle.ToEETypePtr()); } // // Perform the equivalent of a "newarr" The resulting array is zero-initialized. // public static Array NewArray(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandleForArrayType, int count) { // Don't make the easy mistake of passing in the element EEType rather than the "array of element" EEType. Debug.Assert(typeHandleForArrayType.ToEETypePtr().IsSzArray); return RuntimeImports.RhNewArray(typeHandleForArrayType.ToEETypePtr(), count); } // // Perform the equivalent of a "newarr" The resulting array is zero-initialized. // // Note that invoking NewMultiDimArray on a rank-1 array type is not the same thing as invoking NewArray(). // // As a concession to the fact that we don't actually support non-zero lower bounds, "lowerBounds" accepts "null" // to avoid unnecessary array allocations by the caller. // public static unsafe Array NewMultiDimArray(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandleForArrayType, int[] lengths, int[] lowerBounds) { Debug.Assert(lengths != null); Debug.Assert(lowerBounds == null || lowerBounds.Length == lengths.Length); if (lowerBounds != null) { foreach (int lowerBound in lowerBounds) { if (lowerBound != 0) throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(SR.Arg_NotSupportedNonZeroLowerBound); } } if (lengths.Length == 1) { // We just checked above that all lower bounds are zero. In that case, we should actually allocate // a new SzArray instead. RuntimeTypeHandle elementTypeHandle = new RuntimeTypeHandle(typeHandleForArrayType.ToEETypePtr().ArrayElementType); int length = lengths[0]; if (length < 0) throw new OverflowException(); // For compat: we need to throw OverflowException(): Array.CreateInstance throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException() return Array.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromHandle(elementTypeHandle), length); } // Create a local copy of the lenghts that cannot be motified by the caller int* pLengths = stackalloc int[lengths.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < lengths.Length; i++) pLengths[i] = lengths[i]; return Array.NewMultiDimArray(typeHandleForArrayType.ToEETypePtr(), pLengths, lengths.Length); } public static IntPtr GetAllocateObjectHelperForType(RuntimeTypeHandle type) { return RuntimeImports.RhGetRuntimeHelperForType(CreateEETypePtr(type), RuntimeImports.RuntimeHelperKind.AllocateObject); } public static IntPtr GetAllocateArrayHelperForType(RuntimeTypeHandle type) { return RuntimeImports.RhGetRuntimeHelperForType(CreateEETypePtr(type), RuntimeImports.RuntimeHelperKind.AllocateArray); } public static IntPtr GetCastingHelperForType(RuntimeTypeHandle type, bool throwing) { return RuntimeImports.RhGetRuntimeHelperForType(CreateEETypePtr(type), throwing ? RuntimeImports.RuntimeHelperKind.CastClass : RuntimeImports.RuntimeHelperKind.IsInst); } public static IntPtr GetCheckArrayElementTypeHelperForType(RuntimeTypeHandle type) { return RuntimeImports.RhGetRuntimeHelperForType(CreateEETypePtr(type), RuntimeImports.RuntimeHelperKind.CheckArrayElementType); } public static IntPtr GetDispatchMapForType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return RuntimeImports.RhGetDispatchMapForType(CreateEETypePtr(typeHandle)); } public static IntPtr GetFallbackDefaultConstructor() { return System.Runtime.InteropServices.AddrofIntrinsics.AddrOf(System.Activator.ClassWithMissingConstructor.MissingDefaultConstructorStaticEntryPoint); } // // Helper to create a delegate on a runtime-supplied type. // public static Delegate CreateDelegate(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandleForDelegate, IntPtr ldftnResult, object thisObject, bool isStatic, bool isOpen) { return Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeHandleForDelegate.ToEETypePtr(), ldftnResult, thisObject, isStatic: isStatic, isOpen: isOpen); } // // Helper to extract the artifact that uniquely identifies a method in the runtime mapping tables. // public static IntPtr GetDelegateLdFtnResult(Delegate d, out RuntimeTypeHandle typeOfFirstParameterIfInstanceDelegate, out bool isOpenResolver, out bool isInterpreterEntrypoint) { return d.GetFunctionPointer(out typeOfFirstParameterIfInstanceDelegate, out isOpenResolver, out isInterpreterEntrypoint); } public static void GetDelegateData(Delegate delegateObj, out object firstParameter, out object helperObject, out IntPtr extraFunctionPointerOrData, out IntPtr functionPointer) { firstParameter = delegateObj.m_firstParameter; helperObject = delegateObj.m_helperObject; extraFunctionPointerOrData = delegateObj.m_extraFunctionPointerOrData; functionPointer = delegateObj.m_functionPointer; } public static int GetLoadedModules(TypeManagerHandle[] resultArray) { return Internal.Runtime.CompilerHelpers.StartupCodeHelpers.GetLoadedModules(resultArray); } public static IntPtr GetOSModuleFromPointer(IntPtr pointerVal) { return RuntimeImports.RhGetOSModuleFromPointer(pointerVal); } public static unsafe bool FindBlob(TypeManagerHandle typeManager, int blobId, IntPtr ppbBlob, IntPtr pcbBlob) { return RuntimeImports.RhFindBlob(typeManager, (uint)blobId, (byte**)ppbBlob, (uint*)pcbBlob); } public static IntPtr GetPointerFromTypeHandle(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().RawValue; } public static TypeManagerHandle GetModuleFromTypeHandle(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return RuntimeImports.RhGetModuleFromEEType(GetPointerFromTypeHandle(typeHandle)); } public static RuntimeTypeHandle CreateRuntimeTypeHandle(IntPtr ldTokenResult) { return new RuntimeTypeHandle(new EETypePtr(ldTokenResult)); } public static unsafe IntPtr GetThreadStaticFieldAddress(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle, int threadStaticsBlockOffset, int fieldOffset) { return new IntPtr(RuntimeImports.RhGetThreadStaticFieldAddress(typeHandle.ToEETypePtr(), threadStaticsBlockOffset, fieldOffset)); } public static unsafe void StoreValueTypeField(IntPtr address, object fieldValue, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldType) { RuntimeImports.RhUnbox(fieldValue, *(void**)&address, fieldType.ToEETypePtr()); } public static unsafe ref byte GetRawData(object obj) { return ref obj.GetRawData(); } public static unsafe object LoadValueTypeField(IntPtr address, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldType) { return RuntimeImports.RhBox(fieldType.ToEETypePtr(), *(void**)&address); } public static unsafe object LoadPointerTypeField(IntPtr address, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldType) { return Pointer.Box(*(void**)address, Type.GetTypeFromHandle(fieldType)); } public static unsafe void StoreValueTypeField(ref byte address, object fieldValue, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldType) { RuntimeImports.RhUnbox(fieldValue, ref address, fieldType.ToEETypePtr()); } public static unsafe void StoreValueTypeField(object obj, int fieldOffset, object fieldValue, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldType) { fixed (IntPtr* pObj = &obj.m_pEEType) { IntPtr pData = (IntPtr)pObj; IntPtr pField = pData + fieldOffset; StoreValueTypeField(pField, fieldValue, fieldType); } } public static unsafe object LoadValueTypeField(object obj, int fieldOffset, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldType) { fixed (IntPtr* pObj = &obj.m_pEEType) { IntPtr pData = (IntPtr)pObj; IntPtr pField = pData + fieldOffset; return LoadValueTypeField(pField, fieldType); } } public static unsafe object LoadPointerTypeField(object obj, int fieldOffset, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldType) { fixed (IntPtr* pObj = &obj.m_pEEType) { IntPtr pData = (IntPtr)pObj; IntPtr pField = pData + fieldOffset; return LoadPointerTypeField(pField, fieldType); } } public static unsafe void StoreReferenceTypeField(IntPtr address, object fieldValue) { Volatile.Write(ref Unsafe.As(ref *(IntPtr*)address), fieldValue); } public static unsafe object LoadReferenceTypeField(IntPtr address) { return Volatile.Read(ref Unsafe.As(ref *(IntPtr*)address)); } public static unsafe void StoreReferenceTypeField(object obj, int fieldOffset, object fieldValue) { fixed (IntPtr* pObj = &obj.m_pEEType) { IntPtr pData = (IntPtr)pObj; IntPtr pField = pData + fieldOffset; StoreReferenceTypeField(pField, fieldValue); } } public static unsafe object LoadReferenceTypeField(object obj, int fieldOffset) { fixed (IntPtr* pObj = &obj.m_pEEType) { IntPtr pData = (IntPtr)pObj; IntPtr pField = pData + fieldOffset; return LoadReferenceTypeField(pField); } } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static void StoreValueTypeFieldValueIntoValueType(TypedReference typedReference, int fieldOffset, object fieldValue, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldTypeHandle) { Debug.Assert(TypedReference.TargetTypeToken(typedReference).ToEETypePtr().IsValueType); RuntimeImports.RhUnbox(fieldValue, ref Unsafe.Add(ref typedReference.Value, fieldOffset), fieldTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr()); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static object LoadValueTypeFieldValueFromValueType(TypedReference typedReference, int fieldOffset, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldTypeHandle) { Debug.Assert(TypedReference.TargetTypeToken(typedReference).ToEETypePtr().IsValueType); Debug.Assert(fieldTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr().IsValueType); return RuntimeImports.RhBox(fieldTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr(), ref Unsafe.Add(ref typedReference.Value, fieldOffset)); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static void StoreReferenceTypeFieldValueIntoValueType(TypedReference typedReference, int fieldOffset, object fieldValue) { Debug.Assert(TypedReference.TargetTypeToken(typedReference).ToEETypePtr().IsValueType); Unsafe.As(ref Unsafe.Add(ref typedReference.Value, fieldOffset)) = fieldValue; } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static object LoadReferenceTypeFieldValueFromValueType(TypedReference typedReference, int fieldOffset) { Debug.Assert(TypedReference.TargetTypeToken(typedReference).ToEETypePtr().IsValueType); return Unsafe.As(ref Unsafe.Add(ref typedReference.Value, fieldOffset)); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static object LoadPointerTypeFieldValueFromValueType(TypedReference typedReference, int fieldOffset, RuntimeTypeHandle fieldTypeHandle) { Debug.Assert(TypedReference.TargetTypeToken(typedReference).ToEETypePtr().IsValueType); Debug.Assert(fieldTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr().IsPointer); IntPtr ptrValue = Unsafe.As(ref Unsafe.Add(ref typedReference.Value, fieldOffset)); unsafe { return Pointer.Box((void*)ptrValue, Type.GetTypeFromHandle(fieldTypeHandle)); } } public static unsafe int ObjectHeaderSize => sizeof(EETypePtr); [DebuggerGuidedStepThroughAttribute] public static object CallDynamicInvokeMethod( object thisPtr, IntPtr methodToCall, object thisPtrDynamicInvokeMethod, IntPtr dynamicInvokeHelperMethod, IntPtr dynamicInvokeHelperGenericDictionary, object defaultParametersContext, object[] parameters, BinderBundle binderBundle, bool wrapInTargetInvocationException, bool invokeMethodHelperIsThisCall, bool methodToCallIsThisCall) { object result = InvokeUtils.CallDynamicInvokeMethod( thisPtr, methodToCall, thisPtrDynamicInvokeMethod, dynamicInvokeHelperMethod, dynamicInvokeHelperGenericDictionary, defaultParametersContext, parameters, binderBundle, wrapInTargetInvocationException, invokeMethodHelperIsThisCall, methodToCallIsThisCall); System.Diagnostics.DebugAnnotations.PreviousCallContainsDebuggerStepInCode(); return result; } public static unsafe void EnsureClassConstructorRun(IntPtr staticClassConstructionContext) { StaticClassConstructionContext* context = (StaticClassConstructionContext*)staticClassConstructionContext; ClassConstructorRunner.EnsureClassConstructorRun(context); } public static object GetEnumValue(Enum e) { return e.GetValue(); } public static RuntimeTypeHandle GetRelatedParameterTypeHandle(RuntimeTypeHandle parameterTypeHandle) { EETypePtr elementType = parameterTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr().ArrayElementType; return new RuntimeTypeHandle(elementType); } public static bool IsValueType(RuntimeTypeHandle type) { return type.ToEETypePtr().IsValueType; } public static bool IsInterface(RuntimeTypeHandle type) { return type.ToEETypePtr().IsInterface; } public static unsafe object Box(RuntimeTypeHandle type, IntPtr address) { return RuntimeImports.RhBox(type.ToEETypePtr(), address.ToPointer()); } // Used to mutate the first parameter in a closed static delegate. Note that this does no synchronization of any kind; // use only on delegate instances you're sure nobody else is using. public static void SetClosedStaticDelegateFirstParameter(Delegate del, object firstParameter) { del.SetClosedStaticFirstParameter(firstParameter); } //============================================================================================== // Execution engine policies. //============================================================================================== // // This returns a generic type with one generic parameter (representing the array element type) // whose base type and interface list determines what TypeInfo.BaseType and TypeInfo.ImplementedInterfaces // return for types that return true for IsArray. // public static RuntimeTypeHandle ProjectionTypeForArrays { get { return typeof(Array<>).TypeHandle; } } // // Returns the name of a virtual assembly we dump types private class library-Reflectable ty[es for internal class library use. // The assembly binder visible to apps will never reveal this assembly. // // Note that this is not versionable as it is exposed as a const (and needs to be a const so we can used as a custom attribute argument - which // is the other reason this string is not versionable.) // public const string HiddenScopeAssemblyName = "HiddenScope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"; // // This implements the "IsAssignableFrom()" api for runtime-created types. By policy, we let the underlying runtime decide assignability. // public static bool IsAssignableFrom(RuntimeTypeHandle dstType, RuntimeTypeHandle srcType) { EETypePtr dstEEType = dstType.ToEETypePtr(); EETypePtr srcEEType = srcType.ToEETypePtr(); return RuntimeImports.AreTypesAssignable(srcEEType, dstEEType); } public static bool IsInstanceOfInterface(object obj, RuntimeTypeHandle interfaceTypeHandle) { return (null != RuntimeImports.IsInstanceOfInterface(obj, interfaceTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr())); } // // Return a type's base type using the runtime type system. If the underlying runtime type system does not support // this operation, return false and TypeInfo.BaseType will fall back to metadata. // // Note that "default(RuntimeTypeHandle)" is a valid result that will map to a null result. (For example, System.Object has a "null" base type.) // public static bool TryGetBaseType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle, out RuntimeTypeHandle baseTypeHandle) { EETypePtr eeType = typeHandle.ToEETypePtr(); if (eeType.IsGenericTypeDefinition || eeType.IsPointer || eeType.IsByRef) { baseTypeHandle = default(RuntimeTypeHandle); return false; } baseTypeHandle = new RuntimeTypeHandle(eeType.BaseType); return true; } // // Return a type's transitive implemeted interface list using the runtime type system. If the underlying runtime type system does not support // this operation, return null and TypeInfo.ImplementedInterfaces will fall back to metadata. Note that returning null is not the same thing // as returning a 0-length enumerable. // public static IEnumerable TryGetImplementedInterfaces(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { EETypePtr eeType = typeHandle.ToEETypePtr(); if (eeType.IsGenericTypeDefinition || eeType.IsPointer || eeType.IsByRef) return null; LowLevelList implementedInterfaces = new LowLevelList(); for (int i = 0; i < eeType.Interfaces.Count; i++) { EETypePtr ifcEEType = eeType.Interfaces[i]; RuntimeTypeHandle ifcrth = new RuntimeTypeHandle(ifcEEType); if (Callbacks.IsReflectionBlocked(ifcrth)) continue; implementedInterfaces.Add(ifcrth); } return implementedInterfaces.ToArray(); } private static RuntimeTypeHandle CreateRuntimeTypeHandle(EETypePtr eeType) { return new RuntimeTypeHandle(eeType); } private static EETypePtr CreateEETypePtr(RuntimeTypeHandle runtimeTypeHandle) { return runtimeTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr(); } public static int GetGCDescSize(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { EETypePtr eeType = CreateEETypePtr(typeHandle); return RuntimeImports.RhGetGCDescSize(eeType); } public static unsafe bool CreateGenericInstanceDescForType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle, int arity, int nonGcStaticDataSize, int nonGCStaticDataOffset, int gcStaticDataSize, int threadStaticsOffset, IntPtr gcStaticsDesc, IntPtr threadStaticsDesc, int[] genericVarianceFlags) { EETypePtr eeType = CreateEETypePtr(typeHandle); fixed (int* pGenericVarianceFlags = genericVarianceFlags) { return RuntimeImports.RhCreateGenericInstanceDescForType2(eeType, arity, nonGcStaticDataSize, nonGCStaticDataOffset, gcStaticDataSize, threadStaticsOffset, gcStaticsDesc.ToPointer(), threadStaticsDesc.ToPointer(), pGenericVarianceFlags); } } public static int GetInterfaceCount(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().Interfaces.Count; } public static RuntimeTypeHandle GetInterface(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle, int index) { EETypePtr eeInterface = typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().Interfaces[index]; return CreateRuntimeTypeHandle(eeInterface); } public static IntPtr NewInterfaceDispatchCell(RuntimeTypeHandle interfaceTypeHandle, int slotNumber) { EETypePtr eeInterfaceType = CreateEETypePtr(interfaceTypeHandle); IntPtr cell = RuntimeImports.RhNewInterfaceDispatchCell(eeInterfaceType, slotNumber); if (cell == IntPtr.Zero) throw new OutOfMemoryException(); return cell; } public static int GetValueTypeSize(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return (int)typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().ValueTypeSize; } [Intrinsic] public static RuntimeTypeHandle GetCanonType(CanonTypeKind kind) { #if PROJECTN switch (kind) { case CanonTypeKind.NormalCanon: return typeof(System.__Canon).TypeHandle; case CanonTypeKind.UniversalCanon: return typeof(System.__UniversalCanon).TypeHandle; default: Debug.Assert(false); return default(RuntimeTypeHandle); } #else // Compiler needs to expand this. This is not expressible in IL. throw new NotSupportedException(); #endif } public static RuntimeTypeHandle GetGenericDefinition(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { EETypePtr eeType = typeHandle.ToEETypePtr(); Debug.Assert(eeType.IsGeneric); return new RuntimeTypeHandle(eeType.GenericDefinition); } public static RuntimeTypeHandle GetGenericArgument(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle, int argumentIndex) { EETypePtr eeType = typeHandle.ToEETypePtr(); Debug.Assert(eeType.IsGeneric); return new RuntimeTypeHandle(eeType.Instantiation[argumentIndex]); } public static RuntimeTypeHandle GetGenericInstantiation(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle, out RuntimeTypeHandle[] genericTypeArgumentHandles) { EETypePtr eeType = typeHandle.ToEETypePtr(); Debug.Assert(eeType.IsGeneric); var instantiation = eeType.Instantiation; genericTypeArgumentHandles = new RuntimeTypeHandle[instantiation.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < instantiation.Length; i++) { genericTypeArgumentHandles[i] = new RuntimeTypeHandle(instantiation[i]); } return new RuntimeTypeHandle(eeType.GenericDefinition); } public static bool IsGenericType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().IsGeneric; } public static bool IsArrayType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().IsArray; } public static bool IsByRefLike(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) => typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().IsByRefLike; public static bool IsDynamicType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().IsDynamicType; } public static bool HasCctor(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().HasCctor; } public static RuntimeTypeHandle RuntimeTypeHandleOf() { return new RuntimeTypeHandle(EETypePtr.EETypePtrOf()); } public static IntPtr ResolveDispatchOnType(RuntimeTypeHandle instanceType, RuntimeTypeHandle interfaceType, int slot) { return RuntimeImports.RhResolveDispatchOnType(CreateEETypePtr(instanceType), CreateEETypePtr(interfaceType), checked((ushort)slot)); } public static IntPtr ResolveDispatch(object instance, RuntimeTypeHandle interfaceType, int slot) { return RuntimeImports.RhResolveDispatch(instance, CreateEETypePtr(interfaceType), checked((ushort)slot)); } public static IntPtr GVMLookupForSlot(RuntimeTypeHandle type, RuntimeMethodHandle slot) { return GenericVirtualMethodSupport.GVMLookupForSlot(type, slot); } public static bool IsUnmanagedPointerType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().IsPointer; } public static bool IsByRefType(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().IsByRef; } public static bool IsGenericTypeDefinition(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return typeHandle.ToEETypePtr().IsGenericTypeDefinition; } // // This implements the equivalent of the desktop's InvokeUtil::CanPrimitiveWiden() routine. // public static bool CanPrimitiveWiden(RuntimeTypeHandle srcType, RuntimeTypeHandle dstType) { EETypePtr srcEEType = srcType.ToEETypePtr(); EETypePtr dstEEType = dstType.ToEETypePtr(); if (srcEEType.IsGenericTypeDefinition || dstEEType.IsGenericTypeDefinition) return false; if (srcEEType.IsPointer || dstEEType.IsPointer) return false; if (srcEEType.IsByRef || dstEEType.IsByRef) return false; if (!srcEEType.IsPrimitive) return false; if (!dstEEType.IsPrimitive) return false; if (!srcEEType.CorElementTypeInfo.CanWidenTo(dstEEType.CorElementType)) return false; return true; } public static object CheckArgument(object srcObject, RuntimeTypeHandle dstType, BinderBundle binderBundle) { return InvokeUtils.CheckArgument(srcObject, dstType, binderBundle); } // FieldInfo.SetValueDirect() has a completely different set of rules on how to coerce the argument from // the other Reflection api. public static object CheckArgumentForDirectFieldAccess(object srcObject, RuntimeTypeHandle dstType) { return InvokeUtils.CheckArgument(srcObject, dstType.ToEETypePtr(), InvokeUtils.CheckArgumentSemantics.SetFieldDirect, binderBundle: null); } public static bool IsAssignable(object srcObject, RuntimeTypeHandle dstType) { EETypePtr srcEEType = srcObject.EETypePtr; return RuntimeImports.AreTypesAssignable(srcEEType, dstType.ToEETypePtr()); } //============================================================================================== // Nullable<> support //============================================================================================== public static bool IsNullable(RuntimeTypeHandle declaringTypeHandle) { return declaringTypeHandle.ToEETypePtr().IsNullable; } public static RuntimeTypeHandle GetNullableType(RuntimeTypeHandle nullableType) { EETypePtr theT = nullableType.ToEETypePtr().NullableType; return new RuntimeTypeHandle(theT); } // // Useful helper for finding .pdb's. (This design is admittedly tied to the single-module design of Project N.) // public static string TryGetFullPathToMainApplication() { Func delegateToAnythingInsideMergedApp = TryGetFullPathToMainApplication; IntPtr ipToAnywhereInsideMergedApp = delegateToAnythingInsideMergedApp.GetFunctionPointer(out RuntimeTypeHandle _, out bool _, out bool _); IntPtr moduleBase = RuntimeImports.RhGetOSModuleFromPointer(ipToAnywhereInsideMergedApp); return TryGetFullPathToApplicationModule(moduleBase); } /// /// Locate the file path for a given native application module. /// /// Module base address public static unsafe string TryGetFullPathToApplicationModule(IntPtr moduleBase) { #if PLATFORM_UNIX byte* pModuleNameUtf8; int numUtf8Chars = RuntimeImports.RhGetModuleFileName(moduleBase, out pModuleNameUtf8); String modulePath = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pModuleNameUtf8, numUtf8Chars); #else // PLATFORM_UNIX char* pModuleName; int numChars = RuntimeImports.RhGetModuleFileName(moduleBase, out pModuleName); string modulePath = new string(pModuleName, 0, numChars); #endif // PLATFORM_UNIX return modulePath; } // // Useful helper for getting RVA's to pass to DiaSymReader. // public static int ConvertIpToRva(IntPtr ip) { unsafe { IntPtr moduleBase = RuntimeImports.RhGetOSModuleFromPointer(ip); return (int)(ip.ToInt64() - moduleBase.ToInt64()); } } public static IntPtr GetRuntimeTypeHandleRawValue(RuntimeTypeHandle runtimeTypeHandle) { return runtimeTypeHandle.RawValue; } // if functionPointer points at an import or unboxing stub, find the target of the stub public static IntPtr GetCodeTarget(IntPtr functionPointer) { return RuntimeImports.RhGetCodeTarget(functionPointer); } public static IntPtr GetTargetOfUnboxingAndInstantiatingStub(IntPtr functionPointer) { return RuntimeImports.RhGetTargetOfUnboxingAndInstantiatingStub(functionPointer); } [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public static IntPtr RuntimeCacheLookup(IntPtr context, IntPtr signature, RuntimeObjectFactory factory, object contextObject, out IntPtr auxResult) { return TypeLoaderExports.RuntimeCacheLookupInCache(context, signature, factory, contextObject, out auxResult); } //============================================================================================== // Internals //============================================================================================== [CLSCompliant(false)] public static ReflectionExecutionDomainCallbacks CallbacksIfAvailable { get { return s_reflectionExecutionDomainCallbacks; } } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static ReflectionExecutionDomainCallbacks Callbacks { get { ReflectionExecutionDomainCallbacks callbacks = s_reflectionExecutionDomainCallbacks; if (callbacks != null) return callbacks; throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_TooEarly); } } internal static TypeLoaderCallbacks TypeLoaderCallbacksIfAvailable { get { return s_typeLoaderCallbacks; } } internal static TypeLoaderCallbacks TypeLoaderCallbacks { get { TypeLoaderCallbacks callbacks = s_typeLoaderCallbacks; if (callbacks != null) return callbacks; throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_TooEarly); } } internal static InteropCallbacks InteropCallbacks { get { InteropCallbacks callbacks = s_interopCallbacks; if (callbacks != null) return callbacks; throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.InvalidOperation_TooEarly); } } internal static StackTraceMetadataCallbacks StackTraceCallbacksIfAvailable { get { return s_stackTraceMetadataCallbacks; } } public static string TryGetMethodDisplayStringFromIp(IntPtr ip) { StackTraceMetadataCallbacks callbacks = StackTraceCallbacksIfAvailable; if (callbacks == null) return null; ip = RuntimeImports.RhFindMethodStartAddress(ip); if (ip == IntPtr.Zero) return null; return callbacks.TryGetMethodNameFromStartAddress(ip); } private static volatile ReflectionExecutionDomainCallbacks s_reflectionExecutionDomainCallbacks; private static TypeLoaderCallbacks s_typeLoaderCallbacks; private static InteropCallbacks s_interopCallbacks; public static void ReportUnhandledException(Exception exception) { RuntimeExceptionHelpers.ReportUnhandledException(exception); } public static void GenerateExceptionInformationForDump(Exception currentException, IntPtr exceptionCCWPtr) { RuntimeExceptionHelpers.GenerateExceptionInformationForDump(currentException, exceptionCCWPtr); } public static unsafe RuntimeTypeHandle GetRuntimeTypeHandleFromObjectReference(object obj) { return new RuntimeTypeHandle(obj.EETypePtr); } public static int GetCorElementType(RuntimeTypeHandle type) { return (int)type.ToEETypePtr().CorElementType; } // Move memory which may be on the heap which may have object references in it. // In general, a memcpy on the heap is unsafe, but this is able to perform the // correct write barrier such that the GC is not incorrectly impacted. public static unsafe void BulkMoveWithWriteBarrier(IntPtr dmem, IntPtr smem, int size) { RuntimeImports.RhBulkMoveWithWriteBarrier(ref *(byte*)dmem.ToPointer(), ref *(byte*)smem.ToPointer(), (uint)size); } public static IntPtr GetUniversalTransitionThunk() { return RuntimeImports.RhGetUniversalTransitionThunk(); } public static object CreateThunksHeap(IntPtr commonStubAddress) { object newHeap = RuntimeImports.RhCreateThunksHeap(commonStubAddress); if (newHeap == null) throw new OutOfMemoryException(); return newHeap; } public static IntPtr AllocateThunk(object thunksHeap) { IntPtr newThunk = RuntimeImports.RhAllocateThunk(thunksHeap); if (newThunk == IntPtr.Zero) throw new OutOfMemoryException(); TypeLoaderCallbacks.RegisterThunk(newThunk); return newThunk; } public static void FreeThunk(object thunksHeap, IntPtr thunkAddress) { RuntimeImports.RhFreeThunk(thunksHeap, thunkAddress); } public static void SetThunkData(object thunksHeap, IntPtr thunkAddress, IntPtr context, IntPtr target) { RuntimeImports.RhSetThunkData(thunksHeap, thunkAddress, context, target); } public static bool TryGetThunkData(object thunksHeap, IntPtr thunkAddress, out IntPtr context, out IntPtr target) { return RuntimeImports.RhTryGetThunkData(thunksHeap, thunkAddress, out context, out target); } public static int GetThunkSize() { return RuntimeImports.RhGetThunkSize(); } [DebuggerStepThrough] /* TEMP workaround due to bug 149078 */ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void CallDescrWorker(IntPtr callDescr) { RuntimeImports.RhCallDescrWorker(callDescr); } [DebuggerStepThrough] /* TEMP workaround due to bug 149078 */ [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] public static void CallDescrWorkerNative(IntPtr callDescr) { RuntimeImports.RhCallDescrWorkerNative(callDescr); } public static Delegate CreateObjectArrayDelegate(Type delegateType, Func invoker) { return Delegate.CreateObjectArrayDelegate(delegateType, invoker); } [System.Runtime.InteropServices.McgIntrinsicsAttribute] internal class RawCalliHelper { [DebuggerHidden] [DebuggerStepThrough] public static unsafe void Call(System.IntPtr pfn, void* arg1, ref T arg2) { // This will be filled in by an IL transform } [DebuggerHidden] [DebuggerStepThrough] public static unsafe void Call(System.IntPtr pfn, void* arg1, ref T arg2, ref U arg3) { // This will be filled in by an IL transform } } /// /// This method creates a conservatively reported region and calls a function /// while that region is conservatively reported. /// /// size of buffer to allocated (buffer size described in bytes) /// function pointer to execute. Must have the calling convention void(void* pBuffer, ref T context) /// context to pass to inner function. Passed by-ref to allow for efficient use of a struct as a context. [DebuggerGuidedStepThroughAttribute] public static void RunFunctionWithConservativelyReportedBuffer(int cbBuffer, IntPtr pfnTargetToInvoke, ref T context) { RuntimeImports.ConservativelyReportedRegionDesc regionDesc = new RuntimeImports.ConservativelyReportedRegionDesc(); RunFunctionWithConservativelyReportedBufferInternal(cbBuffer, pfnTargetToInvoke, ref context, ref regionDesc); System.Diagnostics.DebugAnnotations.PreviousCallContainsDebuggerStepInCode(); } // Marked as no-inlining so optimizer won't decide to optimize away the fact that pRegionDesc is a pinned interior pointer. // This function must also not make a p/invoke transition, or the fixed statement reporting of the ConservativelyReportedRegionDesc // will be ignored. [DebuggerGuidedStepThroughAttribute] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] private static unsafe void RunFunctionWithConservativelyReportedBufferInternal(int cbBuffer, IntPtr pfnTargetToInvoke, ref T context, ref RuntimeImports.ConservativelyReportedRegionDesc regionDesc) { fixed (RuntimeImports.ConservativelyReportedRegionDesc* pRegionDesc = ®ionDesc) { int cbBufferAligned = (cbBuffer + (sizeof(IntPtr) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(IntPtr) - 1); // The conservative region must be IntPtr aligned, and a multiple of IntPtr in size void* region = stackalloc IntPtr[cbBufferAligned / sizeof(IntPtr)]; RuntimeImports.RhInitializeConservativeReportingRegion(pRegionDesc, region, cbBufferAligned); RawCalliHelper.Call(pfnTargetToInvoke, region, ref context); System.Diagnostics.DebugAnnotations.PreviousCallContainsDebuggerStepInCode(); RuntimeImports.RhDisableConservativeReportingRegion(pRegionDesc); } } /// /// This method creates a conservatively reported region and calls a function /// while that region is conservatively reported. /// /// size of buffer to allocated (buffer size described in bytes) /// function pointer to execute. Must have the calling convention void(void* pBuffer, ref T context) /// context to pass to inner function. Passed by-ref to allow for efficient use of a struct as a context. /// context2 to pass to inner function. Passed by-ref to allow for efficient use of a struct as a context. [DebuggerGuidedStepThroughAttribute] public static void RunFunctionWithConservativelyReportedBuffer(int cbBuffer, IntPtr pfnTargetToInvoke, ref T context, ref U context2) { RuntimeImports.ConservativelyReportedRegionDesc regionDesc = new RuntimeImports.ConservativelyReportedRegionDesc(); RunFunctionWithConservativelyReportedBufferInternal(cbBuffer, pfnTargetToInvoke, ref context, ref context2, ref regionDesc); System.Diagnostics.DebugAnnotations.PreviousCallContainsDebuggerStepInCode(); } // Marked as no-inlining so optimizer won't decide to optimize away the fact that pRegionDesc is a pinned interior pointer. // This function must also not make a p/invoke transition, or the fixed statement reporting of the ConservativelyReportedRegionDesc // will be ignored. [DebuggerGuidedStepThroughAttribute] [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)] private static unsafe void RunFunctionWithConservativelyReportedBufferInternal(int cbBuffer, IntPtr pfnTargetToInvoke, ref T context, ref U context2, ref RuntimeImports.ConservativelyReportedRegionDesc regionDesc) { fixed (RuntimeImports.ConservativelyReportedRegionDesc* pRegionDesc = ®ionDesc) { int cbBufferAligned = (cbBuffer + (sizeof(IntPtr) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(IntPtr) - 1); // The conservative region must be IntPtr aligned, and a multiple of IntPtr in size void* region = stackalloc IntPtr[cbBufferAligned / sizeof(IntPtr)]; RuntimeImports.RhInitializeConservativeReportingRegion(pRegionDesc, region, cbBufferAligned); RawCalliHelper.Call(pfnTargetToInvoke, region, ref context, ref context2); System.Diagnostics.DebugAnnotations.PreviousCallContainsDebuggerStepInCode(); RuntimeImports.RhDisableConservativeReportingRegion(pRegionDesc); } } public static bool FileExists(string path) { return Internal.IO.File.Exists(path); } public static string GetLastResortString(RuntimeTypeHandle typeHandle) { return typeHandle.LastResortToString; } public static void RhpSendCustomEventToDebugger(IntPtr payload, int length) { RuntimeImports.RhpSendCustomEventToDebugger(payload, length); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static uint RhpGetFuncEvalParameterBufferSize() { return RuntimeImports.RhpGetFuncEvalParameterBufferSize(); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static uint RhpGetFuncEvalMode() { return RuntimeImports.RhpGetFuncEvalMode(); } [CLSCompliant(false)] public static unsafe uint RhpRecordDebuggeeInitiatedHandle(IntPtr objectHandle) { return RuntimeImports.RhpRecordDebuggeeInitiatedHandle((void*)objectHandle); } public static unsafe object RhBoxAny(IntPtr pData, IntPtr pEEType) { return RuntimeImports.RhBoxAny((void*)pData, new EETypePtr(pEEType)); } public static IntPtr RhHandleAlloc(object value, GCHandleType type) { return RuntimeImports.RhHandleAlloc(value, type); } public static void RhHandleFree(IntPtr handle) { RuntimeImports.RhHandleFree(handle); } public static IntPtr RhGetOSModuleForMrt() { return RuntimeImports.RhGetOSModuleForMrt(); } public static void RhpVerifyDebuggerCleanup() { RuntimeImports.RhpVerifyDebuggerCleanup(); } public static IntPtr RhpGetCurrentThread() { return RuntimeImports.RhpGetCurrentThread(); } public static void RhpInitiateThreadAbort(IntPtr thread, bool rude) { Exception ex = new ThreadAbortException(); RuntimeImports.RhpInitiateThreadAbort(thread, ex, rude); } public static void RhpCancelThreadAbort(IntPtr thread) { RuntimeImports.RhpCancelThreadAbort(thread); } public static void RhYield() { RuntimeImports.RhYield(); } } } namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices { [McgIntrinsics] internal static class AddrofIntrinsics { // This method is implemented elsewhere in the toolchain internal static IntPtr AddrOf(T ftn) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException(); } } }