using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore; using System.Reflection; using Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug; using Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.NativeApi; using Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorMetadata; using Mono.Debugging.Client; using Mono.Debugging.Evaluation; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Mono.Debugging.Win32 { class CorBacktrace: BaseBacktrace { CorThread thread; readonly int threadId; readonly CorDebuggerSession session; List frames; int evalTimestamp; public CorBacktrace (CorThread thread, CorDebuggerSession session): base (session.ObjectAdapter) { this.session = session; this.thread = thread; threadId = thread.Id; frames = new List (GetFrames (thread)); evalTimestamp = CorDebuggerSession.EvaluationTimestamp; } internal static IEnumerable GetFrames (CorThread thread) { var corFrames = new List (); try { foreach (CorChain chain in thread.Chains) { if (!chain.IsManaged) continue; try { var chainFrames = chain.Frames; foreach (CorFrame frame in chainFrames) corFrames.Add (frame); } catch (COMException e) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("Failed to enumerate frames of chain: {0}", e.Message); } } } catch (COMException e) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("Failed to enumerate chains of thread: {0}", e.Message); } return corFrames; } internal List FrameList { get { if (evalTimestamp != CorDebuggerSession.EvaluationTimestamp) { thread = session.GetThread (threadId); frames = new List (GetFrames (thread)); evalTimestamp = CorDebuggerSession.EvaluationTimestamp; } return frames; } } protected override EvaluationContext GetEvaluationContext (int frameIndex, EvaluationOptions options) { var ctx = new CorEvaluationContext (session, this, frameIndex, options); ctx.Thread = thread; return ctx; } #region IBacktrace Members public override AssemblyLine[] Disassemble (int frameIndex, int firstLine, int count) { return new AssemblyLine[0]; } public override int FrameCount { get { return FrameList.Count; } } public override StackFrame[] GetStackFrames (int firstIndex, int lastIndex) { if (lastIndex >= FrameList.Count) lastIndex = FrameList.Count - 1; StackFrame[] array = new StackFrame[lastIndex - firstIndex + 1]; for (int n = 0; n < array.Length; n++) array[n] = CreateFrame (session, FrameList[n + firstIndex]); return array; } private const int SpecialSequencePoint = 0xfeefee; public static SequencePoint GetSequencePoint(CorDebuggerSession session, CorFrame frame) { ISymbolReader reader = session.GetReaderForModule (frame.Function.Module); if (reader == null) return null; ISymbolMethod met = reader.GetMethod (new SymbolToken (frame.Function.Token)); if (met == null) return null; int SequenceCount = met.SequencePointCount; if (SequenceCount <= 0) return null; CorDebugMappingResult mappingResult; uint ip; frame.GetIP (out ip, out mappingResult); if (mappingResult == CorDebugMappingResult.MAPPING_NO_INFO || mappingResult == CorDebugMappingResult.MAPPING_UNMAPPED_ADDRESS) return null; int[] offsets = new int[SequenceCount]; int[] lines = new int[SequenceCount]; int[] endLines = new int[SequenceCount]; int[] columns = new int[SequenceCount]; int[] endColumns = new int[SequenceCount]; ISymbolDocument[] docs = new ISymbolDocument[SequenceCount]; met.GetSequencePoints (offsets, docs, lines, columns, endLines, endColumns); if ((SequenceCount > 0) && (offsets [0] <= ip)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < SequenceCount; ++i) { if (offsets [i] >= ip) { break; } } if ((i == SequenceCount) || (offsets [i] != ip)) { --i; } if (lines [i] == SpecialSequencePoint) { int j = i; // let's try to find a sequence point that is not special somewhere earlier in the code // stream. while (j > 0) { --j; if (lines [j] != SpecialSequencePoint) { return new SequencePoint () { IsSpecial = true, Offset = offsets [j], StartLine = lines [j], EndLine = endLines [j], StartColumn = columns [j], EndColumn = endColumns [j], Document = docs [j] }; } } // we didn't find any non-special seqeunce point before current one, let's try to search // after. j = i; while (++j < SequenceCount) { if (lines [j] != SpecialSequencePoint) { return new SequencePoint () { IsSpecial = true, Offset = offsets [j], StartLine = lines [j], EndLine = endLines [j], StartColumn = columns [j], EndColumn = endColumns [j], Document = docs [j] }; } } // Even if sp is null at this point, it's a valid scenario to have only special sequence // point in a function. For example, we can have a compiler-generated default ctor which // doesn't have any source. return null; } else { return new SequencePoint () { IsSpecial = false, Offset = offsets [i], StartLine = lines [i], EndLine = endLines [i], StartColumn = columns [i], EndColumn = endColumns [i], Document = docs [i] }; } } return null; } internal static StackFrame CreateFrame (CorDebuggerSession session, CorFrame frame) { uint address = 0; string addressSpace = ""; string file = ""; int line = 0; int endLine = 0; int column = 0; int endColumn = 0; string method = "[Unknown]"; string lang = ""; string module = ""; string type = ""; bool hasDebugInfo = false; bool hidden = false; bool external = true; if (frame.FrameType == CorFrameType.ILFrame) { if (frame.Function != null) { module = frame.Function.Module.Name; CorMetadataImport importer = new CorMetadataImport (frame.Function.Module); MethodInfo mi = importer.GetMethodInfo (frame.Function.Token); var declaringType = mi.DeclaringType; if (declaringType != null) { method = declaringType.FullName + "." + mi.Name; type = declaringType.FullName; } else { method = mi.Name; } addressSpace = mi.Name; var sp = GetSequencePoint (session, frame); if (sp != null) { line = sp.StartLine; column = sp.StartColumn; endLine = sp.EndLine; endColumn = sp.EndColumn; file = sp.Document.URL; address = (uint)sp.Offset; } if (session.IsExternalCode (file)) { external = true; } else { if (session.Options.ProjectAssembliesOnly) { external = mi.GetCustomAttributes (true).Any (v => v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute || v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute); } else { external = mi.GetCustomAttributes (true).Any (v => v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute); } } hidden = mi.GetCustomAttributes (true).Any (v => v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute); } lang = "Managed"; hasDebugInfo = true; } else if (frame.FrameType == CorFrameType.NativeFrame) { frame.GetNativeIP (out address); method = "[Native frame]"; lang = "Native"; } else if (frame.FrameType == CorFrameType.InternalFrame) { switch (frame.InternalFrameType) { case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_M2U: method = "[Managed to Native Transition]"; break; case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_U2M: method = "[Native to Managed Transition]"; break; case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_LIGHTWEIGHT_FUNCTION: method = "[Lightweight Method Call]"; break; case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_APPDOMAIN_TRANSITION: method = "[Application Domain Transition]"; break; case CorDebugInternalFrameType.STUBFRAME_FUNC_EVAL: method = "[Function Evaluation]"; break; } } var loc = new SourceLocation (method, file, line, column, endLine, endColumn); return new StackFrame (address, addressSpace, loc, lang, external, hasDebugInfo, hidden, module, type); } #endregion } }