using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug; using Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorDebug.NativeApi; using Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorMetadata; using Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.CorSymbolStore; using Microsoft.Samples.Debugging.Extensions; using Mono.Debugging.Backend; using Mono.Debugging.Client; using Mono.Debugging.Evaluation; using System.Linq; namespace Mono.Debugging.Win32 { public class CorDebuggerSession: DebuggerSession { readonly char[] badPathChars; readonly object debugLock = new object (); readonly object terminateLock = new object (); CorDebugger dbg; CorProcess process; CorThread activeThread; CorStepper stepper; bool terminated; bool evaluating; bool autoStepInto; bool stepInsideDebuggerHidden=false; int processId; bool attaching = false; static int evaluationTimestamp; readonly SymbolBinder symbolBinder = MtaThread.Run (() => new SymbolBinder ()); readonly object appDomainsLock = new object (); Dictionary appDomains = new Dictionary (); Dictionary processes = new Dictionary (); Dictionary threads = new Dictionary (); readonly Dictionary breakpoints = new Dictionary (); readonly Dictionary handles = new Dictionary(); readonly BlockingCollection helperOperationsQueue = new BlockingCollection(new ConcurrentQueue()); readonly CancellationTokenSource helperOperationsCancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource (); public CorObjectAdaptor ObjectAdapter = new CorObjectAdaptor(); class AppDomainInfo { public CorAppDomain AppDomain; public Dictionary Documents; public Dictionary Modules; } class DocInfo { public ISymbolDocument Document; public ModuleInfo ModuleInfo; } class ModuleInfo { public ISymbolReader Reader; public CorModule Module; public CorMetadataImport Importer; } public CorDebuggerSession(char[] badPathChars) { this.badPathChars = badPathChars; ObjectAdapter.BusyStateChanged += (sender, e) => SetBusyState (e); var cancellationToken = helperOperationsCancellationTokenSource.Token; new Thread (() => { try { while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { var action = helperOperationsQueue.Take(cancellationToken); try { action (); } catch (Exception e) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogError ("Exception on processing helper thread action", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e is OperationCanceledException || e is ObjectDisposedException) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("Helper thread was gracefully interrupted"); } else { DebuggerLoggingService.LogError ("Unhandled exception in helper thread. Helper thread is terminated", e); } } }) {Name = "CorDebug helper thread "}.Start(); } public new IDebuggerSessionFrontend Frontend { get { return base.Frontend; } } public static int EvaluationTimestamp { get { return evaluationTimestamp; } } public override void Dispose ( ) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { TerminateDebugger (); ObjectAdapter.Dispose(); }); helperOperationsCancellationTokenSource.Dispose (); helperOperationsQueue.Dispose (); base.Dispose (); // There is no explicit way of disposing the metadata objects, so we have // to rely on the GC to do it. lock (appDomainsLock) { foreach (var appDomainInfo in appDomains) { foreach (var module in appDomainInfo.Value.Modules.Values) { var disposable = module.Reader as IDisposable; if (disposable != null) disposable.Dispose (); } } appDomains = null; } threads = null; processes = null; activeThread = null; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate { Thread.Sleep (2000); GC.Collect (); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers (); Thread.Sleep (20000); GC.Collect (); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers (); }); } void QueueToHelperThread (Action action) { helperOperationsQueue.Add (action); } void DeactivateBreakpoints () { var breakpointsCopy = breakpoints.Keys.ToList (); foreach (var corBreakpoint in breakpointsCopy) { try { corBreakpoint.Activate (false); } catch (Exception e) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("Exception in DeactivateBreakpoints(): {0}", e); } } } void TerminateDebugger () { helperOperationsCancellationTokenSource.Cancel(); DeactivateBreakpoints (); lock (terminateLock) { if (terminated) return; terminated = true; if (process != null) { // Process already running. Stop it. In the ProcessExited event the // debugger engine will be terminated try { process.Stop (0); if (attaching) { process.Detach (); } else { process.Terminate (1); } } catch (COMException e) { // process was terminated, but debugger operation thread doesn't call ProcessExit callback at the time, // so we just think that the process is alive but that's wrong. // This may happen when e.g. when target process exited and Dispose was called at the same time // rethrow the exception in other case if (e.ErrorCode != (int) HResult.CORDBG_E_PROCESS_TERMINATED) { throw; } } } } } protected override void OnRun (DebuggerStartInfo startInfo) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { // Create the debugger string dversion; try { dversion = CorDebugger.GetDebuggerVersionFromFile (startInfo.Command); } catch { dversion = CorDebugger.GetDefaultDebuggerVersion (); } dbg = new CorDebugger (dversion); Dictionary env = new Dictionary (); foreach (DictionaryEntry de in Environment.GetEnvironmentVariables ()) env[(string)de.Key] = (string)de.Value; foreach (KeyValuePair var in startInfo.EnvironmentVariables) env[var.Key] = var.Value; // The second parameter of CreateProcess is the command line, and it includes the application being launched string cmdLine = "\"" + startInfo.Command + "\" " + startInfo.Arguments; int flags = 0; if (!startInfo.UseExternalConsole) { flags = (int)CreationFlags.CREATE_NO_WINDOW; flags |= DebuggerExtensions.CREATE_REDIRECT_STD; } var dir = startInfo.WorkingDirectory; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (dir)) dir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName (startInfo.Command); process = dbg.CreateProcess (startInfo.Command, cmdLine, dir, env, flags); processId = process.Id; SetupProcess (process); process.Continue (false); }); OnStarted (); } void SetupProcess (CorProcess corProcess) { processId = corProcess.Id; corProcess.OnCreateProcess += OnCreateProcess; corProcess.OnCreateAppDomain += OnCreateAppDomain; corProcess.OnAppDomainExit += OnAppDomainExit; corProcess.OnAssemblyLoad += OnAssemblyLoad; corProcess.OnAssemblyUnload += OnAssemblyUnload; corProcess.OnCreateThread += OnCreateThread; corProcess.OnThreadExit += OnThreadExit; corProcess.OnModuleLoad += OnModuleLoad; corProcess.OnModuleUnload += OnModuleUnload; corProcess.OnProcessExit += OnProcessExit; corProcess.OnUpdateModuleSymbols += OnUpdateModuleSymbols; corProcess.OnDebuggerError += OnDebuggerError; corProcess.OnBreakpoint += OnBreakpoint; corProcess.OnStepComplete += OnStepComplete; corProcess.OnBreak += OnBreak; corProcess.OnNameChange += OnNameChange; corProcess.OnEvalComplete += OnEvalComplete; corProcess.OnEvalException += OnEvalException; corProcess.OnLogMessage += OnLogMessage; corProcess.OnException2 += OnException2; corProcess.RegisterStdOutput (OnStdOutput); } void OnStdOutput (object sender, CorTargetOutputEventArgs e) { OnTargetOutput (e.IsStdError, e.Text); } void OnLogMessage (object sender, CorLogMessageEventArgs e) { OnTargetDebug (e.Level, e.LogSwitchName, e.Message); e.Continue = true; } void OnEvalException (object sender, CorEvalEventArgs e) { evaluationTimestamp++; } void OnEvalComplete (object sender, CorEvalEventArgs e) { evaluationTimestamp++; } void OnNameChange (object sender, CorThreadEventArgs e) { } void OnStopped ( ) { evaluationTimestamp++; lock (threads) { threads.Clear (); } } void OnBreak (object sender, CorThreadEventArgs e) { lock (debugLock) { if (evaluating) { e.Continue = true; return; } } OnStopped (); e.Continue = false; SetActiveThread (e.Thread); TargetEventArgs args = new TargetEventArgs (TargetEventType.TargetInterrupted); args.Process = GetProcess (process); args.Thread = GetThread (e.Thread); args.Backtrace = new Backtrace (new CorBacktrace (e.Thread, this)); OnTargetEvent (args); } bool StepThrough (MethodInfo methodInfo) { var m = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes (true); if (Options.ProjectAssembliesOnly) { return methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes (true).Union (methodInfo.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes (true)).Any (v => v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute || v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute || v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute); } else { return methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes (true).Union (methodInfo.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes (true)).Any (v => v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute || v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute); } } bool ContinueOnStepIn(MethodInfo methodInfo) { return methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes (true).Any (v => v is System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute); } static bool IsPropertyOrOperatorMethod (MethodInfo method) { if (method == null) return false; string name = method.Name; return method.IsSpecialName && (name.StartsWith ("get_", StringComparison.Ordinal) || name.StartsWith ("set_", StringComparison.Ordinal) || name.StartsWith ("op_", StringComparison.Ordinal)); } static bool IsCompilerGenerated (MethodInfo method) { return method.GetCustomAttributes (true).Any (v => v is System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute); } void OnStepComplete (object sender, CorStepCompleteEventArgs e) { lock (debugLock) { if (evaluating) { e.Continue = true; return; } } bool localAutoStepInto = autoStepInto; autoStepInto = false; bool localStepInsideDebuggerHidden = stepInsideDebuggerHidden; stepInsideDebuggerHidden = false; if (e.AppDomain.Process.HasQueuedCallbacks (e.Thread)) { e.Continue = true; return; } if (localAutoStepInto) { Step (true); e.Continue = true; return; } if (ContinueOnStepIn (e.Thread.ActiveFrame.Function.GetMethodInfo (this))) { e.Continue = true; return; } var currentSequence = CorBacktrace.GetSequencePoint (this, e.Thread.ActiveFrame); if (currentSequence == null) { stepper.StepOut (); autoStepInto = true; e.Continue = true; return; } if (StepThrough (e.Thread.ActiveFrame.Function.GetMethodInfo (this))) { stepInsideDebuggerHidden = e.StepReason == CorDebugStepReason.STEP_CALL; RawContinue (true, true); e.Continue = true; return; } if ((Options.StepOverPropertiesAndOperators || IsCompilerGenerated(e.Thread.ActiveFrame.Function.GetMethodInfo (this))) && IsPropertyOrOperatorMethod (e.Thread.ActiveFrame.Function.GetMethodInfo (this)) && e.StepReason == CorDebugStepReason.STEP_CALL) { stepper.StepOut (); autoStepInto = true; e.Continue = true; return; } if (currentSequence.IsSpecial) { Step (false); e.Continue = true; return; } if (localStepInsideDebuggerHidden && e.StepReason == CorDebugStepReason.STEP_RETURN) { Step (true); e.Continue = true; return; } OnStopped (); e.Continue = false; SetActiveThread (e.Thread); TargetEventArgs args = new TargetEventArgs (TargetEventType.TargetStopped); args.Process = GetProcess (process); args.Thread = GetThread (e.Thread); args.Backtrace = new Backtrace (new CorBacktrace (e.Thread, this)); OnTargetEvent (args); } void OnThreadExit (object sender, CorThreadEventArgs e) { lock (threads) { threads.Remove (e.Thread.Id); } } void OnBreakpoint (object sender, CorBreakpointEventArgs e) { lock (debugLock) { if (evaluating) { e.Continue = true; return; } } // we have to stop an execution and enqueue breakpoint calculations on another thread to release debugger event thread for further events // we can't perform any evaluations inside this handler, because the debugger thread is busy and we won't get evaluation events there e.Continue = false; QueueToHelperThread (() => { BreakEventInfo binfo; BreakEvent breakEvent = null; if (e.Controller.IsRunning ()) throw new InvalidOperationException ("Debuggee isn't stopped to perform breakpoint calculations"); var shouldContinue = false; if (breakpoints.TryGetValue (e.Breakpoint, out binfo)) { breakEvent = (Breakpoint) binfo.BreakEvent; try { shouldContinue = ShouldContinueOnBreakpoint (e.Thread, binfo); } catch (Exception ex) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogError ("ShouldContinueOnBreakpoint() has thrown an exception", ex); } } if (shouldContinue || e.AppDomain.Process.HasQueuedCallbacks (e.Thread)) { e.Controller.SetAllThreadsDebugState (CorDebugThreadState.THREAD_RUN, null); e.Controller.Continue (false); return; } OnStopped (); // If a breakpoint is hit while stepping, cancel the stepping operation if (stepper != null && stepper.IsActive ()) stepper.Deactivate (); autoStepInto = false; SetActiveThread (e.Thread); var args = new TargetEventArgs (TargetEventType.TargetHitBreakpoint) { Process = GetProcess (process), Thread = GetThread (e.Thread), Backtrace = new Backtrace (new CorBacktrace (e.Thread, this)), BreakEvent = breakEvent }; OnTargetEvent (args); }); } bool ShouldContinueOnBreakpoint (CorThread thread, BreakEventInfo binfo) { var bp = (Breakpoint) binfo.BreakEvent; binfo.IncrementHitCount(); if (!binfo.HitCountReached) return true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (bp.ConditionExpression)) { try { string res = EvaluateExpression (thread, bp.ConditionExpression); if (bp.BreakIfConditionChanges) { if (res == bp.LastConditionValue) return true; bp.LastConditionValue = res; } else { if (res != null && res.ToLower () != "true") return true; } } catch (EvaluatorException e) { OnDebuggerOutput (false, e.Message); binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Invalid, e.Message); return true; } } if ((bp.HitAction & HitAction.CustomAction) != HitAction.None) { // If custom action returns true, execution must continue if (binfo.RunCustomBreakpointAction (bp.CustomActionId)) return true; } if ((bp.HitAction & HitAction.PrintTrace) != HitAction.None) { OnTargetDebug (0, "", "Breakpoint reached: " + bp.FileName + ":" + bp.Line + Environment.NewLine); } if ((bp.HitAction & HitAction.PrintExpression) != HitAction.None) { string exp = EvaluateTrace (thread, bp.TraceExpression); binfo.UpdateLastTraceValue (exp); } return (bp.HitAction & HitAction.Break) == HitAction.None; } void OnDebuggerError (object sender, CorDebuggerErrorEventArgs e) { Exception ex = Marshal.GetExceptionForHR (e.HResult); OnDebuggerOutput (true, string.Format ("Debugger Error: {0}\n", ex.Message)); } void OnUpdateModuleSymbols (object sender, CorUpdateModuleSymbolsEventArgs e) { e.Continue = true; } void OnProcessExit (object sender, CorProcessEventArgs e) { TargetEventArgs args = new TargetEventArgs (TargetEventType.TargetExited); // If the main thread stopped, terminate the debugger session if (e.Process.Id == process.Id) { lock (terminateLock) { process.Dispose (); process = null; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (delegate { // The Terminate call will fail if called in the event handler dbg.Terminate (); dbg = null; GC.Collect (); }); } } OnTargetEvent (args); } void OnAssemblyUnload (object sender, CorAssemblyEventArgs e) { OnDebuggerOutput (false, string.Format ("Unloaded Module '{0}'\n", e.Assembly.Name)); e.Continue = true; } void OnModuleLoad (object sender, CorModuleEventArgs e) { var currentModule = e.Module; CorMetadataImport mi = new CorMetadataImport (currentModule); try { // Required to avoid the jit to get rid of variables too early currentModule.JITCompilerFlags = CorDebugJITCompilerFlags.CORDEBUG_JIT_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION; } catch { // Some kind of modules don't allow JIT flags to be changed. } var currentDomain = e.AppDomain; OnDebuggerOutput (false, String.Format("Loading module {0} in application domain {1}:{2}\n", currentModule.Name, currentDomain.Id, currentDomain.Name)); string file = currentModule.Assembly.Name; var newDocuments = new Dictionary (); var justMyCode = false; ISymbolReader reader = null; if (file.IndexOfAny (badPathChars) == -1) { try { reader = symbolBinder.GetReaderForFile (mi.RawCOMObject, file, ".", SymSearchPolicies.AllowOriginalPathAccess | SymSearchPolicies.AllowReferencePathAccess); if (reader != null) { OnDebuggerOutput (false, string.Format ("Symbols for module {0} loaded\n", file)); // set JMC to true only when we got the reader. // When module JMC is true, debugger will step into it justMyCode = true; foreach (ISymbolDocument doc in reader.GetDocuments ()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (doc.URL)) continue; string docFile = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath (doc.URL); DocInfo di = new DocInfo (); di.Document = doc; newDocuments[docFile] = di; } } } catch (COMException ex) { var hResult = ex.ToHResult (); if (hResult != null) { if (hResult != PdbHResult.E_PDB_OK) { OnDebuggerOutput (false, string.Format ("Failed to load pdb for assembly {0}. Error code {1}(0x{2:X})\n", file, hResult, ex.ErrorCode)); } } else { DebuggerLoggingService.LogError (string.Format ("Loading symbols of module {0} failed", e.Module.Name), ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogError (string.Format ("Loading symbols of module {0} failed", e.Module.Name), ex); } } try { currentModule.SetJmcStatus (justMyCode, null); } catch (COMException ex) { // somewhen exceptions is thrown DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("Exception during setting JMC: {0}", ex.Message); } lock (appDomainsLock) { AppDomainInfo appDomainInfo; if (!appDomains.TryGetValue (currentDomain.Id, out appDomainInfo)) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("OnCreatedAppDomain was not fired for domain {0} (id {1})", currentDomain.Name, currentDomain.Id); appDomainInfo = new AppDomainInfo { AppDomain = currentDomain, Documents = new Dictionary (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase), Modules = new Dictionary (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) }; appDomains[currentDomain.Id] = appDomainInfo; } var modules = appDomainInfo.Modules; if (modules.ContainsKey (currentModule.Name)) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("Module {0} was already added for app domain {1} (id {2}). Replacing\n", currentModule.Name, currentDomain.Name, currentDomain.Id); } var newModuleInfo = new ModuleInfo { Module = currentModule, Reader = reader, Importer = mi, }; modules[currentModule.Name] = newModuleInfo; var existingDocuments = appDomainInfo.Documents; foreach (var newDocument in newDocuments) { var documentFile = newDocument.Key; var newDocInfo = newDocument.Value; if (existingDocuments.ContainsKey (documentFile)) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("Document {0} was already added for module {1} in domain {2} (id {3}). Replacing\n", documentFile, currentModule.Name, currentDomain.Name, currentDomain.Id); } newDocInfo.ModuleInfo = newModuleInfo; existingDocuments[documentFile] = newDocInfo; } } foreach (var newFile in newDocuments.Keys) { BindSourceFileBreakpoints (newFile); } e.Continue = true; } void OnModuleUnload (object sender, CorModuleEventArgs e) { var currentDomain = e.AppDomain; var currentModule = e.Module; var documentsToRemove = new List (); lock (appDomainsLock) { AppDomainInfo appDomainInfo; if (!appDomains.TryGetValue (currentDomain.Id, out appDomainInfo)) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("Failed unload module {0} for app domain {1} (id {2}) because app domain was not found or already unloaded\n", currentModule.Name, currentDomain.Name, currentDomain.Id); return; } ModuleInfo moi; if (!appDomainInfo.Modules.TryGetValue (currentModule.Name, out moi)) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("Failed unload module {0} for app domain {1} (id {2}) because the module was not found or already unloaded\n", currentModule.Name, currentDomain.Name, currentDomain.Id); } else { appDomainInfo.Modules.Remove (currentModule.Name); var disposableReader = moi.Reader as IDisposable; if (disposableReader != null) disposableReader.Dispose (); } foreach (var docInfo in appDomainInfo.Documents) { if (docInfo.Value.ModuleInfo.Module.Name == currentModule.Name) documentsToRemove.Add (docInfo.Key); } foreach (var file in documentsToRemove) { appDomainInfo.Documents.Remove (file); } } foreach (var file in documentsToRemove) { UnbindSourceFileBreakpoints (file); } } void OnCreateAppDomain (object sender, CorAppDomainEventArgs e) { var appDomainId = e.AppDomain.Id; lock (appDomainsLock) { if (!appDomains.ContainsKey (appDomainId)) { appDomains[appDomainId] = new AppDomainInfo { AppDomain = e.AppDomain, Documents = new Dictionary (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase), Modules = new Dictionary (StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) }; } else { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("App domain {0} (id {1}) was already loaded", e.AppDomain.Name, appDomainId); } } e.AppDomain.Attach(); e.Continue = true; OnDebuggerOutput (false, string.Format("Loaded application domain '{0} (id {1})'\n", e.AppDomain.Name, appDomainId)); } private void OnAppDomainExit (object sender, CorAppDomainEventArgs e) { var appDomainId = e.AppDomain.Id; lock (appDomainsLock) { if (!appDomains.Remove (appDomainId)) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogMessage ("Failed to unload app domain {0} (id {1}) because it's not found in map. Possibly already unloaded.", e.AppDomain.Name, appDomainId); } } // Detach is not implemented for ICorDebugAppDomain, it's valid only for ICorDebugProcess //e.AppDomain.Detach (); e.Continue = true; OnDebuggerOutput (false, string.Format("Unloaded application domain '{0} (id {1})'\n", e.AppDomain.Name, appDomainId)); } void OnCreateProcess (object sender, CorProcessEventArgs e) { if (!attaching) { // Required to avoid the jit to get rid of variables too early // not allowed in attach mode e.Process.DesiredNGENCompilerFlags = CorDebugJITCompilerFlags.CORDEBUG_JIT_DISABLE_OPTIMIZATION; } e.Process.EnableLogMessages (true); e.Continue = true; } void OnCreateThread (object sender, CorThreadEventArgs e) { OnDebuggerOutput (false, string.Format ("Started Thread {0}\n", e.Thread.Id)); e.Continue = true; } void OnAssemblyLoad (object sender, CorAssemblyEventArgs e) { OnDebuggerOutput (false, string.Format ("Loaded Assembly '{0}'\n", e.Assembly.Name)); e.Continue = true; } void OnException2 (object sender, CorException2EventArgs e) { lock (debugLock) { if (evaluating) { e.Continue = true; return; } } TargetEventArgs args = null; switch (e.EventType) { case CorDebugExceptionCallbackType.DEBUG_EXCEPTION_FIRST_CHANCE: if (!this.Options.ProjectAssembliesOnly && IsCatchpoint (e)) args = new TargetEventArgs (TargetEventType.ExceptionThrown); break; case CorDebugExceptionCallbackType.DEBUG_EXCEPTION_USER_FIRST_CHANCE: if (IsCatchpoint (e)) args = new TargetEventArgs (TargetEventType.ExceptionThrown); break; case CorDebugExceptionCallbackType.DEBUG_EXCEPTION_CATCH_HANDLER_FOUND: break; case CorDebugExceptionCallbackType.DEBUG_EXCEPTION_UNHANDLED: args = new TargetEventArgs (TargetEventType.UnhandledException); break; } if (args != null) { OnStopped (); e.Continue = false; // If an exception is thrown while stepping, cancel the stepping operation if (stepper != null && stepper.IsActive ()) stepper.Deactivate (); autoStepInto = false; SetActiveThread (e.Thread); args.Process = GetProcess (process); args.Thread = GetThread (e.Thread); args.Backtrace = new Backtrace (new CorBacktrace (e.Thread, this)); OnTargetEvent (args); } } public bool IsExternalCode (string fileName) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (fileName)) return true; lock (appDomainsLock) { foreach (var appDomainInfo in appDomains) { if (appDomainInfo.Value.Documents.ContainsKey (fileName)) return false; } } return true; } private bool IsCatchpoint (CorException2EventArgs e) { // Build up the exception type hierachy CorValue v = e.Thread.CurrentException; List exceptions = new List(); CorType t = v.ExactType; while (t != null) { exceptions.Add(t.GetTypeInfo(this).FullName); t = t.Base; } if (exceptions.Count == 0) return false; // See if a catchpoint is set for this exception. foreach (Catchpoint cp in Breakpoints.GetCatchpoints()) { if (cp.Enabled && ((cp.IncludeSubclasses && exceptions.Contains (cp.ExceptionName)) || (exceptions [0] == cp.ExceptionName))) { return true; } } return false; } protected override void OnAttachToProcess(long procId) { attaching = true; MtaThread.Run(delegate { var version = CorDebugger.GetProcessLoadedRuntimes((int)procId); if (!version.Any()) throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Process {0} doesn't have .NET loaded runtimes", procId)); dbg = new CorDebugger(version.Last()); process = dbg.DebugActiveProcess((int)procId, false); SetupProcess(process); process.Continue(false); }); OnStarted(); } protected override void OnContinue ( ) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { ClearEvalStatus (); ClearHandles (); process.SetAllThreadsDebugState (CorDebugThreadState.THREAD_RUN, null); process.Continue (false); }); } protected override void OnDetach ( ) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { TerminateDebugger (); }); } protected override void OnEnableBreakEvent (BreakEventInfo binfo, bool enable) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { var bpList = binfo.Handle as List; if (bpList != null) { foreach (var bp in bpList) { try { bp.Activate (enable); } catch (COMException e) { HandleBreakpointException (binfo, e); } } } }); } protected override void OnExit ( ) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { TerminateDebugger (); }); } protected override void OnFinish ( ) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { if (stepper != null) { stepper.StepOut (); ClearEvalStatus (); process.SetAllThreadsDebugState (CorDebugThreadState.THREAD_RUN, null); process.Continue (false); } }); } protected override ProcessInfo[] OnGetProcesses ( ) { return MtaThread.Run (() => new ProcessInfo[] { GetProcess (process) }); } protected override Backtrace OnGetThreadBacktrace (long processId, long threadId) { return MtaThread.Run (delegate { foreach (CorThread t in process.Threads) { if (t.Id == threadId) { return new Backtrace (new CorBacktrace (t, this)); } } return null; }); } protected override ThreadInfo[] OnGetThreads (long processId) { return MtaThread.Run (delegate { List list = new List (); foreach (CorThread t in process.Threads) list.Add (GetThread (t)); return list.ToArray (); }); } internal ISymbolReader GetReaderForModule (CorModule module) { lock (appDomainsLock) { AppDomainInfo appDomainInfo; if (!appDomains.TryGetValue (module.Assembly.AppDomain.Id, out appDomainInfo)) return null; ModuleInfo moduleInfo; if (!appDomainInfo.Modules.TryGetValue (module.Name, out moduleInfo)) return null; return moduleInfo.Reader; } } internal CorMetadataImport GetMetadataForModule (CorModule module) { lock (appDomainsLock) { AppDomainInfo appDomainInfo; if (!appDomains.TryGetValue (module.Assembly.AppDomain.Id, out appDomainInfo)) return null; ModuleInfo mod; if (!appDomainInfo.Modules.TryGetValue (module.Name, out mod)) return null; return mod.Importer; } } internal IEnumerable GetAppDomains () { lock (appDomainsLock) { var corAppDomains = new List (appDomains.Count); foreach (var appDomainInfo in appDomains) { corAppDomains.Add (appDomainInfo.Value.AppDomain); } return corAppDomains; } } internal IEnumerable GetModules (CorAppDomain appDomain) { lock (appDomainsLock) { List mods = new List (); AppDomainInfo appDomainInfo; if (appDomains.TryGetValue (appDomain.Id, out appDomainInfo)) { foreach (ModuleInfo mod in appDomainInfo.Modules.Values) { mods.Add (mod.Module); } } return mods; } } internal IEnumerable GetAllModules () { lock (appDomainsLock) { var corModules = new List (); foreach (var appDomainInfo in appDomains) { corModules.AddRange (GetModules (appDomainInfo.Value.AppDomain)); } return corModules; } } internal CorHandleValue GetHandle (CorValue val) { CorHandleValue handleVal = null; if (!handles.TryGetValue (val.Address, out handleVal)) { handleVal = val.CastToHandleValue (); if (handleVal == null) { // Create a handle CorReferenceValue refVal = val.CastToReferenceValue (); CorHeapValue heapVal = refVal.Dereference ().CastToHeapValue (); handleVal = heapVal.CreateHandle (CorDebugHandleType.HANDLE_STRONG); } handles.Add (val.Address, handleVal); } return handleVal; } protected override BreakEventInfo OnInsertBreakEvent (BreakEvent be) { return MtaThread.Run (delegate { var binfo = new BreakEventInfo (); var bp = be as Breakpoint; if (bp != null) { if (bp is FunctionBreakpoint) { // FIXME: implement breaking on function name binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Invalid, "Function breakpoint is not implemented"); return binfo; } else { var docInfos = new List (); lock (appDomainsLock) { foreach (var appDomainInfo in appDomains) { var documents = appDomainInfo.Value.Documents; DocInfo docInfo = null; if (documents.TryGetValue (Path.GetFullPath (bp.FileName), out docInfo)) { docInfos.Add (docInfo); } } } var doc = docInfos.FirstOrDefault (); //get info about source position using SymbolReader of first DocInfo if (doc == null) { binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.NotBound, string.Format("{0} is not found among the loaded symbol documents", bp.FileName)); return binfo; } int line; try { line = doc.Document.FindClosestLine (bp.Line); } catch { // Invalid line binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Invalid, string.Format("Invalid line {0}", bp.Line)); return binfo; } ISymbolMethod[] methods = null; if (doc.ModuleInfo.Reader is ISymbolReader2) { methods = ((ISymbolReader2)doc.ModuleInfo.Reader).GetMethodsFromDocumentPosition (doc.Document, line, 0); } if (methods == null || methods.Length == 0) { var met = doc.ModuleInfo.Reader.GetMethodFromDocumentPosition (doc.Document, line, 0); if (met != null) methods = new ISymbolMethod[] {met}; } if (methods == null || methods.Length == 0) { binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Invalid, "Unable to resolve method at position"); return binfo; } ISymbolMethod bestMethod = null; ISymbolMethod bestLeftSideMethod = null; ISymbolMethod bestRightSideMethod = null; SequencePoint bestSp = null; SequencePoint bestLeftSideSp = null; SequencePoint bestRightSideSp = null; foreach (var met in methods) { foreach (SequencePoint sp in met.GetSequencePoints ()) { if (sp.IsInside (doc.Document.URL, line, bp.Column)) { //breakpoint is inside current sequence point if (bestSp == null || bestSp.IsInside (doc.Document.URL, sp.StartLine, sp.StartColumn)) { //and sp is inside of current candidate bestSp = sp; bestMethod = met; break; } } else if (sp.StartLine == line && sp.Document.URL.Equals (doc.Document.URL, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && sp.StartColumn <= bp.Column) { //breakpoint is on the same line and on the right side of sp if (bestLeftSideSp == null || bestLeftSideSp.EndColumn < sp.EndColumn) { bestLeftSideSp = sp; bestLeftSideMethod = met; } } else if (sp.StartLine >= line && sp.Document.URL.Equals (doc.Document.URL, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { //sp is after bp if (bestRightSideSp == null || bestRightSideSp.StartLine > sp.StartLine || (bestRightSideSp.StartLine == sp.StartLine && bestRightSideSp.StartColumn > sp.StartColumn)) { //and current candidate is on the right side of it bestRightSideSp = sp; bestRightSideMethod = met; } } } } SequencePoint bestSameLineSp; ISymbolMethod bestSameLineMethod; if (bestRightSideSp != null && (bestLeftSideSp == null || bestRightSideSp.StartLine > line)) { bestSameLineSp = bestRightSideSp; bestSameLineMethod = bestRightSideMethod; } else { bestSameLineSp = bestLeftSideSp; bestSameLineMethod = bestLeftSideMethod; } if (bestSameLineSp != null) { if (bestSp == null) { bestSp = bestSameLineSp; bestMethod = bestSameLineMethod; } else { if (bp.Line != bestSp.StartLine || bestSp.StartColumn != bp.Column) { bestSp = bestSameLineSp; bestMethod = bestSameLineMethod; } } } if (bestSp == null || bestMethod == null) { binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Invalid, "Unable to calculate an offset in IL code"); return binfo; } foreach (var docInfo in docInfos) { CorFunction func = docInfo.ModuleInfo.Module.GetFunctionFromToken (bestMethod.Token.GetToken ()); try { CorFunctionBreakpoint corBp = func.ILCode.CreateBreakpoint (bestSp.Offset); breakpoints[corBp] = binfo; if (binfo.Handle == null) binfo.Handle = new List (); (binfo.Handle as List).Add (corBp); corBp.Activate (bp.Enabled); binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null); } catch (COMException e) { HandleBreakpointException (binfo, e); } } return binfo; } } var cp = be as Catchpoint; if (cp != null) { var bound = false; lock (appDomainsLock) { foreach (var appDomainInfo in appDomains) { foreach (ModuleInfo mod in appDomainInfo.Value.Modules.Values) { CorMetadataImport mi = mod.Importer; if (mi != null) { foreach (Type t in mi.DefinedTypes) if (t.FullName == cp.ExceptionName) { bound = true; } } } } } if (bound) { binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Bound, null); return binfo; } } binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Invalid, null); return binfo; }); } private static void HandleBreakpointException (BreakEventInfo binfo, COMException e) { var code = e.ToHResult (); if (code != null) { switch (code) { case HResult.CORDBG_E_UNABLE_TO_SET_BREAKPOINT: binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.Invalid, "Invalid breakpoint position"); break; case HResult.CORDBG_E_PROCESS_TERMINATED: binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.BindError, "Process terminated"); break; case HResult.CORDBG_E_CODE_NOT_AVAILABLE: binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.BindError, "Module is not loaded"); break; default: binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.BindError, e.Message); break; } } else { binfo.SetStatus (BreakEventStatus.BindError, e.Message); DebuggerLoggingService.LogError ("Unknown exception when setting breakpoint", e); } } protected override void OnCancelAsyncEvaluations () { ObjectAdapter.CancelAsyncOperations (); } protected override void OnNextInstruction ( ) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { Step (false); }); } protected override void OnNextLine ( ) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { Step (false); }); } void Step (bool into) { try { ObjectAdapter.CancelAsyncOperations (); if (stepper != null) { CorFrame frame = activeThread.ActiveFrame; ISymbolReader reader = GetReaderForModule (frame.Function.Module); if (reader == null) { RawContinue (into); return; } ISymbolMethod met = reader.GetMethod (new SymbolToken (frame.Function.Token)); if (met == null) { RawContinue (into); return; } uint offset; CorDebugMappingResult mappingResult; frame.GetIP (out offset, out mappingResult); // Exclude all ranges belonging to the current line List ranges = new List (); var sequencePoints = met.GetSequencePoints ().ToArray (); for (int i = 0; i < sequencePoints.Length; i++) { if (sequencePoints [i].Offset > offset) { var r = new COR_DEBUG_STEP_RANGE (); r.startOffset = i == 0 ? 0 : (uint)sequencePoints [i - 1].Offset; r.endOffset = (uint)sequencePoints [i].Offset; ranges.Add (r); break; } } if (ranges.Count == 0 && sequencePoints.Length > 0) { var r = new COR_DEBUG_STEP_RANGE (); r.startOffset = (uint)sequencePoints [sequencePoints.Length - 1].Offset; r.endOffset = uint.MaxValue; ranges.Add (r); } stepper.StepRange (into, ranges.ToArray ()); ClearEvalStatus (); process.SetAllThreadsDebugState (CorDebugThreadState.THREAD_RUN, null); process.Continue (false); } } catch (Exception e) { DebuggerLoggingService.LogError ("Exception on Step()", e); } } private void RawContinue (bool into, bool stepOverAll = false) { if (stepOverAll) stepper.StepRange (into, new[]{ new COR_DEBUG_STEP_RANGE (){ startOffset = 0, endOffset = uint.MaxValue } }); else stepper.Step (into); ClearEvalStatus (); process.Continue (false); } protected override void OnRemoveBreakEvent (BreakEventInfo bi) { if (terminated) return; if (bi.Status != BreakEventStatus.Bound || bi.Handle == null) return; MtaThread.Run (delegate { var corBpList = (List)bi.Handle; foreach (var corBp in corBpList) { try { corBp.Activate (false); } catch (COMException e) { HandleBreakpointException (bi, e); } } }); } protected override void OnSetActiveThread (long processId, long threadId) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { activeThread = null; if (stepper != null && stepper.IsActive ()) stepper.Deactivate (); stepper = null; foreach (CorThread t in process.Threads) { if (t.Id == threadId) { SetActiveThread (t); break; } } }); } void SetActiveThread (CorThread t) { activeThread = t; if (stepper != null && stepper.IsActive ()) { stepper.Deactivate (); } stepper = activeThread.CreateStepper (); stepper.SetUnmappedStopMask (CorDebugUnmappedStop.STOP_NONE); stepper.SetJmcStatus (true); } protected override void OnStepInstruction ( ) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { Step (true); }); } protected override void OnStepLine ( ) { MtaThread.Run (delegate { Step (true); }); } protected override void OnStop ( ) { TargetEventArgs args = new TargetEventArgs (TargetEventType.TargetStopped); MtaThread.Run (delegate { process.Stop (0); OnStopped (); CorThread currentThread = null; foreach (CorThread t in process.Threads) { currentThread = t; break; } args.Process = GetProcess (process); args.Thread = GetThread (currentThread); args.Backtrace = new Backtrace (new CorBacktrace (currentThread, this)); }); OnTargetEvent (args); } protected override void OnUpdateBreakEvent (BreakEventInfo be) { } public CorValue RuntimeInvoke (CorEvaluationContext ctx, CorFunction function, CorType[] typeArgs, CorValue thisObj, CorValue[] arguments) { CorValue[] args; if (thisObj == null) args = arguments; else { args = new CorValue[arguments.Length + 1]; args[0] = thisObj; arguments.CopyTo (args, 1); } CorMethodCall mc = new CorMethodCall (ctx); CorValue exception = null; CorEval eval = ctx.Eval; DebugEventHandler completeHandler = delegate (object o, CorEvalEventArgs eargs) { OnEndEvaluating (); mc.DoneEvent.Set (); eargs.Continue = false; }; DebugEventHandler exceptionHandler = delegate(object o, CorEvalEventArgs eargs) { OnEndEvaluating (); exception = eargs.Eval.Result; mc.DoneEvent.Set (); eargs.Continue = false; }; process.OnEvalComplete += completeHandler; process.OnEvalException += exceptionHandler; mc.OnInvoke = delegate { if (function.GetMethodInfo (this).Name == ".ctor") eval.NewParameterizedObject (function, typeArgs, args); else eval.CallParameterizedFunction (function, typeArgs, args); process.SetAllThreadsDebugState (CorDebugThreadState.THREAD_SUSPEND, ctx.Thread); ClearEvalStatus (); OnStartEvaluating (); process.Continue (false); }; mc.OnAbort = delegate { eval.Abort (); }; mc.OnGetDescription = delegate { MethodInfo met = function.GetMethodInfo (ctx.Session); if (met != null) return met.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + met.Name; else return ""; }; try { ObjectAdapter.AsyncExecute (mc, ctx.Options.EvaluationTimeout); } catch (COMException ex) { // eval exception is a 'good' exception that should be shown in value box // all other exceptions must be thrown to error log var evalException = TryConvertToEvalException (ex); if (evalException != null) throw evalException; throw; } finally { process.OnEvalComplete -= completeHandler; process.OnEvalException -= exceptionHandler; } WaitUntilStopped (); if (exception != null) { /* ValueReference msg = ctx.Adapter.GetMember (ctx, val, "Message"); if (msg != null) { string s = msg.ObjectValue as string; mc.ExceptionMessage = s; } else mc.ExceptionMessage = "Evaluation failed.";*/ CorValRef vref = new CorValRef (exception); throw new EvaluatorException ("Evaluation failed: " + ObjectAdapter.GetValueTypeName (ctx, vref)); } return eval.Result; } void OnStartEvaluating ( ) { lock (debugLock) { evaluating = true; } } void OnEndEvaluating ( ) { lock (debugLock) { evaluating = false; Monitor.PulseAll (debugLock); } } CorValue NewSpecialObject (CorEvaluationContext ctx, Action createCall) { ManualResetEvent doneEvent = new ManualResetEvent (false); CorValue result = null; var eval = ctx.Eval; DebugEventHandler completeHandler = delegate (object o, CorEvalEventArgs eargs) { if (eargs.Eval != eval) return; result = eargs.Eval.Result; doneEvent.Set (); eargs.Continue = false; }; DebugEventHandler exceptionHandler = delegate(object o, CorEvalEventArgs eargs) { if (eargs.Eval != eval) return; result = eargs.Eval.Result; doneEvent.Set (); eargs.Continue = false; }; process.OnEvalComplete += completeHandler; process.OnEvalException += exceptionHandler; try { createCall (eval); process.SetAllThreadsDebugState (CorDebugThreadState.THREAD_SUSPEND, ctx.Thread); OnStartEvaluating (); ClearEvalStatus (); process.Continue (false); if (doneEvent.WaitOne (ctx.Options.EvaluationTimeout, false)) return result; else { eval.Abort (); return null; } } catch (COMException ex) { var evalException = TryConvertToEvalException (ex); // eval exception is a 'good' exception that should be shown in value box // all other exceptions must be thrown to error log if (evalException != null) throw evalException; throw; } finally { process.OnEvalComplete -= completeHandler; process.OnEvalException -= exceptionHandler; OnEndEvaluating (); } } public CorValue NewString (CorEvaluationContext ctx, string value) { return NewSpecialObject (ctx, eval => eval.NewString (value)); } public CorValue NewArray (CorEvaluationContext ctx, CorType elemType, int size) { return NewSpecialObject (ctx, eval => eval.NewParameterizedArray (elemType, 1, 1, 0)); } private static EvaluatorException TryConvertToEvalException (COMException ex) { var hResult = ex.ToHResult (); string message = null; switch (hResult) { case HResult.CORDBG_E_ILLEGAL_AT_GC_UNSAFE_POINT: message = "The thread is not at a GC-safe point"; break; case HResult.CORDBG_E_ILLEGAL_IN_PROLOG: message = "The thread is in the prolog"; break; case HResult.CORDBG_E_ILLEGAL_IN_NATIVE_CODE: message = "The thread is in native code"; break; case HResult.CORDBG_E_ILLEGAL_IN_OPTIMIZED_CODE: message = "The thread is in optimized code"; break; case HResult.CORDBG_E_FUNC_EVAL_BAD_START_POINT: message = "Bad starting point to perform evaluation"; break; } if (message != null) return new EvaluatorException ("Evaluation is not allowed: {0}", message); return null; } public void WaitUntilStopped () { lock (debugLock) { while (evaluating) Monitor.Wait (debugLock); } } void ClearEvalStatus ( ) { foreach (CorProcess p in dbg.Processes) { if (p.Id == processId) { process = p; break; } } } void ClearHandles ( ) { foreach (CorHandleValue handle in handles.Values) { handle.Dispose (); } handles.Clear (); } ProcessInfo GetProcess (CorProcess proc) { ProcessInfo info; lock (processes) { if (!processes.TryGetValue (proc.Id, out info)) { info = new ProcessInfo (proc.Id, ""); processes[proc.Id] = info; } } return info; } ThreadInfo GetThread (CorThread thread) { ThreadInfo info; lock (threads) { if (!threads.TryGetValue (thread.Id, out info)) { string loc = string.Empty; try { if (thread.ActiveFrame != null) { StackFrame frame = CorBacktrace.CreateFrame (this, thread.ActiveFrame); loc = frame.ToString (); } else { loc = ""; } } catch { loc = ""; } info = new ThreadInfo (thread.Process.Id, thread.Id, GetThreadName (thread), loc); threads[thread.Id] = info; } return info; } } public CorThread GetThread (int id) { try { WaitUntilStopped (); foreach (CorThread t in process.Threads) if (t.Id == id) return t; throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid thread id " + id); } catch { throw; } } string GetThreadName (CorThread thread) { // From try { CorReferenceValue refVal = thread.ThreadVariable.CastToReferenceValue(); if (refVal.IsNull) return string.Empty; CorObjectValue val = refVal.Dereference().CastToObjectValue(); if (val != null) { Type classType = val.ExactType.GetTypeInfo (this); // Loop through all private instance fields in the thread class foreach (FieldInfo fi in classType.GetFields (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)) { if (fi.Name == "m_Name") { CorReferenceValue fieldValue = val.GetFieldValue(val.Class, fi.MetadataToken).CastToReferenceValue(); if (fieldValue.IsNull) return string.Empty; else return fieldValue.Dereference().CastToStringValue().String; } } } } catch (Exception) { // Ignore } return string.Empty; } string EvaluateTrace (CorThread thread, string exp) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); int last = 0; int i = exp.IndexOf ('{'); while (i != -1) { if (i < exp.Length - 1 && exp [i+1] == '{') { sb.Append (exp.Substring (last, i - last + 1)); last = i + 2; i = exp.IndexOf ('{', i + 2); continue; } int j = exp.IndexOf ('}', i + 1); if (j == -1) break; string se = exp.Substring (i + 1, j - i - 1); try { se = EvaluateExpression (thread, se); } catch (EvaluatorException e) { OnDebuggerOutput (false, e.ToString ()); return String.Empty; } sb.Append (exp.Substring (last, i - last)); sb.Append (se); last = j + 1; i = exp.IndexOf ('{', last); } sb.Append (exp.Substring (last, exp.Length - last)); return sb.ToString (); } string EvaluateExpression (CorThread thread, string exp) { try { if (thread.ActiveFrame == null) return string.Empty; EvaluationOptions ops = Options.EvaluationOptions.Clone (); ops.AllowTargetInvoke = true; CorEvaluationContext ctx = new CorEvaluationContext (this, new CorBacktrace (thread, this), 0, ops); ctx.Thread = thread; ValueReference val = ctx.Evaluator.Evaluate (ctx, exp); return val.CreateObjectValue (false).Value; } catch (EvaluatorException) { throw; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new EvaluatorException (ex.Message); } } protected override T OnWrapDebuggerObject (T obj) { if (obj is IBacktrace) return (T) (object) new MtaBacktrace ((IBacktrace)obj); if (obj is IObjectValueSource) return (T)(object)new MtaObjectValueSource ((IObjectValueSource)obj); if (obj is IObjectValueUpdater) return (T)(object)new MtaObjectValueUpdater ((IObjectValueUpdater)obj); if (obj is IRawValue) return (T)(object)new MtaRawValue ((IRawValue)obj); if (obj is IRawValueArray) return (T)(object)new MtaRawValueArray ((IRawValueArray)obj); if (obj is IRawValueString) return (T)(object)new MtaRawValueString ((IRawValueString)obj); return obj; } public override bool CanSetNextStatement { get { return true; } } protected override void OnSetNextStatement (long threadId, string fileName, int line, int column) { if (!CanSetNextStatement) throw new NotSupportedException (); MtaThread.Run (delegate { var thread = GetThread ((int)threadId); if (thread == null) throw new ArgumentException ("Unknown thread."); CorFrame frame = thread.ActiveFrame; if (frame == null) throw new NotSupportedException (); ISymbolMethod met = frame.Function.GetSymbolMethod (this); if (met == null) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } int offset = -1; int firstSpInLine = -1; foreach (SequencePoint sp in met.GetSequencePoints ()) { if (sp.IsInside (fileName, line, column)) { offset = sp.Offset; break; } else if (firstSpInLine == -1 && sp.StartLine == line && sp.Document.URL.Equals (fileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { firstSpInLine = sp.Offset; } } if (offset == -1) {//No exact match? Use first match in that line offset = firstSpInLine; } if (offset == -1) { throw new NotSupportedException (); } try { frame.SetIP (offset); OnStopped (); RaiseStopEvent (); } catch { throw new NotSupportedException (); } }); } } class SequencePoint { public int StartLine; public int EndLine; public int StartColumn; public int EndColumn; public int Offset; public bool IsSpecial; public ISymbolDocument Document; public bool IsInside (string fileUrl, int line, int column) { if (!Document.URL.Equals (fileUrl, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) return false; if (line < StartLine || (line == StartLine && column < StartColumn)) return false; if (line > EndLine || (line == EndLine && column > EndColumn)) return false; return true; } } static class SequencePointExt { public static IEnumerable GetSequencePoints (this ISymbolMethod met) { int sc = met.SequencePointCount; int[] offsets = new int[sc]; int[] lines = new int[sc]; int[] endLines = new int[sc]; int[] columns = new int[sc]; int[] endColumns = new int[sc]; ISymbolDocument[] docs = new ISymbolDocument[sc]; met.GetSequencePoints (offsets, docs, lines, columns, endLines, endColumns); for (int n = 0; n < sc; n++) { SequencePoint sp = new SequencePoint (); sp.Document = docs[n]; sp.StartLine = lines[n]; sp.EndLine = endLines[n]; sp.StartColumn = columns[n]; sp.EndColumn = endColumns[n]; sp.Offset = offsets[n]; yield return sp; } } public static Type GetTypeInfo (this CorType type, CorDebuggerSession session) { Type t; if (MetadataHelperFunctionsExtensions.CoreTypes.TryGetValue (type.Type, out t)) return t; if (type.Type == CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_ARRAY || type.Type == CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_SZARRAY) { List sizes = new List (); List loBounds = new List (); for (int n = 0; n < type.Rank; n++) { sizes.Add (1); loBounds.Add (0); } return MetadataExtensions.MakeArray (type.FirstTypeParameter.GetTypeInfo (session), sizes, loBounds); } if (type.Type == CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF) return MetadataExtensions.MakeByRef (type.FirstTypeParameter.GetTypeInfo (session)); if (type.Type == CorElementType.ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR) return MetadataExtensions.MakePointer (type.FirstTypeParameter.GetTypeInfo (session)); CorMetadataImport mi = session.GetMetadataForModule (type.Class.Module); if (mi != null) { t = mi.GetType (type.Class.Token); CorType[] targs = type.TypeParameters; if (targs.Length > 0) { List types = new List (); foreach (CorType ct in targs) types.Add (ct.GetTypeInfo (session)); return MetadataExtensions.MakeGeneric (t, types); } else return t; } else return null; } public static ISymbolMethod GetSymbolMethod (this CorFunction func, CorDebuggerSession session) { ISymbolReader reader = session.GetReaderForModule (func.Module); if (reader == null) return null; return reader.GetMethod (new SymbolToken (func.Token)); } public static MethodInfo GetMethodInfo (this CorFunction func, CorDebuggerSession session) { CorMetadataImport mi = session.GetMetadataForModule (func.Module); if (mi != null) return mi.GetMethodInfo (func.Token); else return null; } public static void SetValue (this CorValRef thisVal, EvaluationContext ctx, CorValRef val) { CorEvaluationContext cctx = (CorEvaluationContext) ctx; CorObjectAdaptor actx = (CorObjectAdaptor) ctx.Adapter; if (actx.IsEnum (ctx, thisVal.Val.ExactType) && !actx.IsEnum (ctx, val.Val.ExactType)) { ValueReference vr = actx.GetMember (ctx, null, thisVal, "value__"); vr.Value = val; // Required to make sure that var returns an up-to-date value object thisVal.Invalidate (); return; } CorReferenceValue s = thisVal.Val.CastToReferenceValue (); if (s != null) { CorReferenceValue v = val.Val.CastToReferenceValue (); if (v != null) { s.Value = v.Value; return; } } CorGenericValue gv = CorObjectAdaptor.GetRealObject (cctx, thisVal.Val) as CorGenericValue; if (gv != null) gv.SetValue (ctx.Adapter.TargetObjectToObject (ctx, val)); } } }