package java.lang; // Note: stop() should take care not to stop a thread if it is // executing code in this class. final class VMThread { private static final Object countLock = new Object(); private static int nonDaemonCount; private static Thread __tls_javaThread; private static Object __tls_cleanup; private cli.System.WeakReference nativeThreadReference; // Note: when this thread dies, this reference is *not* cleared volatile Thread thread; private volatile boolean running; private volatile boolean interruptableWait; private volatile boolean interruptPending; private VMThread firstJoinWaiter; private VMThread nextJoinWaiter; private VMThread(Thread thread) { this.thread = thread; } private void run() { try { try { running = true; synchronized(thread) { Throwable t = thread.stillborn; if(t != null) { thread.stillborn = null; throw t; } }; } catch(Throwable t) { try {, t); } catch(Throwable ignore) { } } } finally { // Setting runnable to false is partial protection against stop // being called while we're cleaning up. To be safe all code in // VMThread should be unstoppable. running = false; cleanup(); } } // notify Thread that it is dead, this method can safely be called multiple times private synchronized void cleanup() { if(thread.vmThread != null) { thread.die(); nativeThreadReference.set_Target(null); if(!thread.daemon) { synchronized(countLock) { nonDaemonCount--; } } } } private synchronized void addJoinWaiter(VMThread waiter) { if(waiter != this) { waiter.nextJoinWaiter = firstJoinWaiter; firstJoinWaiter = waiter; } } private synchronized void removeJoinWaiter(VMThread waiter) { if(waiter == this) { // we never link ourself } else if(firstJoinWaiter == waiter) { firstJoinWaiter = waiter.nextJoinWaiter; waiter.nextJoinWaiter = null; } else { VMThread prev = firstJoinWaiter; VMThread curr = prev.nextJoinWaiter; while(curr != null) { if(curr == waiter) { prev.nextJoinWaiter = waiter.nextJoinWaiter; waiter.nextJoinWaiter = null; break; } prev = curr; curr = curr.nextJoinWaiter; } } } static void jniDetach() { // If this thread never called Thread.currentThread(), we don't need // to clean up, because the Java Thread object doesn't exist and nobody // can possibly be waiting on us. Thread javaThread = __tls_javaThread; if(javaThread != null) { VMThread vmthread = javaThread.vmThread; synchronized(vmthread) { vmthread.cleanup(); __tls_javaThread = null; __tls_cleanup = null; VMThread joinWaiter = vmthread.firstJoinWaiter; while(joinWaiter != null) { VMThread next = joinWaiter.nextJoinWaiter; joinWaiter.interrupt(); joinWaiter = next; } } } } static void jniWaitUntilLastThread() { if(!Thread.currentThread().isDaemon()) { synchronized(countLock) { nonDaemonCount--; } } for(;;) { synchronized(countLock) { if(nonDaemonCount == 0) { return; } } try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch(InterruptedException x) { } } } static void setThreadGroup(ThreadGroup group) { if(__tls_javaThread == null) { newThread(group); } } static void create(Thread thread, long stacksize) { VMThread vmThread = new VMThread(thread); vmThread.start(stacksize); thread.vmThread = vmThread; } synchronized String getName() { return; } synchronized void setName(String name) { = name; } synchronized void setPriority(int priority) { thread.priority = priority; nativeSetPriority(priority); } synchronized int getPriority() { return thread.priority; } boolean isDaemon() { return thread.daemon; } int countStackFrames() { return 0; } void join(long ms, int ns) throws InterruptedException { cli.System.Threading.Thread nativeThread = (cli.System.Threading.Thread)nativeThreadReference.get_Target(); if(nativeThread == null) { return; } try { VMThread current = currentThread().vmThread; enterInterruptableWait(); try { addJoinWaiter(current); if(thread.vmThread != null) { if(ms == 0 && ns == 0) { nativeThread.Join(); } else { // if nanoseconds are specified, round up to one millisecond if(ns != 0) { nativeThread.Join(1); } for(long iter = ms / Integer.MAX_VALUE; iter != 0; iter--) { nativeThread.Join(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } nativeThread.Join((int)(ms % Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } } } finally { removeJoinWaiter(current); leaveInterruptableWait(); } } catch(InterruptedException x) { // if native code detached the thread, we get interrupted // to signal that the thread we were waiting for died if(thread.vmThread != null) { throw x; } } // make sure the thread is marked as dead and removed from the thread group, before we // return from a successful join if(!nativeThread.get_IsAlive()) { cleanup(); } } void stop(Throwable t) { // NOTE we assume that we own the lock on thread // (i.e. that Thread.stop() is synchronized) if(running) nativeStop(t); else thread.stillborn = t; } void start(long stacksize) { cli.System.Threading.ThreadStart starter = new cli.System.Threading.ThreadStart( new cli.System.Threading.ThreadStart.Method() { public void Invoke() { __tls_javaThread = thread; run(); } }); cli.System.Threading.Thread nativeThread = new cli.System.Threading.Thread(starter); nativeThreadReference = new cli.System.WeakReference(nativeThread); nativeThread.set_Name(; nativeThread.set_IsBackground(thread.daemon); nativeSetPriority(thread.priority); nativeThread.Start(); if(!thread.daemon) { synchronized(countLock) { nonDaemonCount++; } } } private static void enterInterruptableWait() throws InterruptedException { VMThread vmthread = currentThread().vmThread; synchronized(vmthread) { if(vmthread.interruptPending) { vmthread.interruptPending = false; throw new InterruptedException(); } vmthread.interruptableWait = true; } } private static void leaveInterruptableWait() throws InterruptedException { cli.System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException dotnetInterrupt = null; for(;;) { try { if(false) throw new cli.System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException(); VMThread vmthread = currentThread().vmThread; synchronized(vmthread) { vmthread.interruptableWait = false; if(vmthread.interruptPending) { vmthread.interruptPending = false; throw new InterruptedException(); } } break; } catch(cli.System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException x) { dotnetInterrupt = x; } } if(dotnetInterrupt != null) { VMClass.throwException(dotnetInterrupt); } } synchronized void interrupt() { interruptPending = true; if(interruptableWait) { cli.System.Threading.Thread nativeThread = (cli.System.Threading.Thread)nativeThreadReference.get_Target(); if(nativeThread != null) { nativeThread.Interrupt(); } } } static boolean interrupted() { VMThread thread = currentThread().vmThread; synchronized(thread) { boolean state = thread.interruptPending; thread.interruptPending = false; return state; } } boolean isInterrupted() { return interruptPending; } void suspend() { cli.System.Threading.Thread nativeThread = (cli.System.Threading.Thread)nativeThreadReference.get_Target(); if(nativeThread != null) { try { if(false) throw new cli.System.Threading.ThreadStateException(); nativeThread.Suspend(); } catch(cli.System.Threading.ThreadStateException x) { } } } void resume() { cli.System.Threading.Thread nativeThread = (cli.System.Threading.Thread)nativeThreadReference.get_Target(); if(nativeThread != null) { try { if(false) throw new cli.System.Threading.ThreadStateException(); nativeThread.Resume(); } catch(cli.System.Threading.ThreadStateException x) { } } } void nativeSetPriority(int priority) { cli.System.Threading.Thread nativeThread = (cli.System.Threading.Thread)nativeThreadReference.get_Target(); if(nativeThread != null) { if(priority == Thread.MIN_PRIORITY) { nativeThread.set_Priority(cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.wrap(cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Lowest)); } else if(priority > Thread.MIN_PRIORITY && priority < Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) { nativeThread.set_Priority(cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.wrap(cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal)); } else if(priority == Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) { nativeThread.set_Priority(cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.wrap(cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Normal)); } else if(priority > Thread.NORM_PRIORITY && priority < Thread.MAX_PRIORITY) { nativeThread.set_Priority(cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.wrap(cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.AboveNormal)); } else if(priority == Thread.MAX_PRIORITY) { nativeThread.set_Priority(cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.wrap(cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest)); } } } void nativeStop(Throwable t) { // NOTE we allow ThreadDeath (and its subclasses) to be thrown on every thread, but any // other exception is ignored, except if we're throwing it on the current Thread. This // is done to allow exception handlers to be type specific, otherwise every exception // handler would have to catch ThreadAbortException and look inside it to see if it // contains the real exception that we wish to handle. // I hope we can get away with this behavior, because Thread.stop() is deprecated // anyway. Note that we do allow arbitrary exceptions to be thrown on the current // thread, since this is harmless (because they aren't wrapped) and also because it // provides some real value, because it is the only way you can throw arbitrary checked // exceptions from Java. if(currentThread().vmThread == this) { VMClass.throwException(t); } else if(t instanceof ThreadDeath) { cli.System.Threading.Thread nativeThread = (cli.System.Threading.Thread)nativeThreadReference.get_Target(); if(nativeThread != null) { try { if(false) throw new cli.System.Threading.ThreadStateException(); nativeThread.Abort(t); } catch(cli.System.Threading.ThreadStateException x) { // .NET 2.0 throws a ThreadStateException if the target thread is currently suspended } try { if(false) throw new cli.System.Threading.ThreadStateException(); int suspend = cli.System.Threading.ThreadState.Suspended | cli.System.Threading.ThreadState.SuspendRequested; while((nativeThread.get_ThreadState().Value & suspend) != 0) { nativeThread.Resume(); } } catch(cli.System.Threading.ThreadStateException x) { } } } } private static class CleanupHack { private Thread thread; CleanupHack(Thread thread) { this.thread = thread; } protected void finalize() { VMThread vmThread = thread.vmThread; if(vmThread != null) { vmThread.cleanup(); } } } // this method creates a new java.lang.Thread instance for threads that were started outside // of Java (either in .NET or in native code) private static Thread newThread(ThreadGroup group) { cli.System.Threading.Thread nativeThread = cli.System.Threading.Thread.get_CurrentThread(); VMThread vmThread = new VMThread(null); vmThread.nativeThreadReference = new cli.System.WeakReference(nativeThread); vmThread.running = true; int priority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; switch(nativeThread.get_Priority().Value) { case cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Lowest: priority = Thread.MIN_PRIORITY; break; case cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal: priority = 3; break; case cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Normal: priority = Thread.NORM_PRIORITY; break; case cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.AboveNormal: priority = 7; break; case cli.System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest: priority = Thread.MAX_PRIORITY; break; } Thread javaThread = new Thread(vmThread, nativeThread.get_Name(), priority, nativeThread.get_IsBackground()); if(!javaThread.daemon) { synchronized(countLock) { nonDaemonCount++; } } vmThread.thread = javaThread; __tls_javaThread = javaThread; __tls_cleanup = new CleanupHack(javaThread); = group;; InheritableThreadLocal.newChildThread(javaThread); return javaThread; } static Thread currentThread() { Thread javaThread = __tls_javaThread; if(javaThread == null) { __tls_javaThread = javaThread = newThread(ThreadGroup.root); } return javaThread; } static void yield() { cli.System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(0); } static void sleep(long ms, int ns) throws InterruptedException { // NOTE sleep(0) doesn't trigger a pending interrupt on the Sun JDK, // so we duplicate that behavior. if(ms == 0 && ns == 0) { yield(); } else { enterInterruptableWait(); try { // if nanoseconds are specified, round up to one millisecond if(ns != 0) { cli.System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1); } for(long iter = ms / Integer.MAX_VALUE; iter != 0; iter--) { cli.System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } cli.System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int)(ms % Integer.MAX_VALUE)); } finally { leaveInterruptableWait(); } } } static boolean holdsLock(Object obj) { if(obj == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } try { // The new 1.5 memory model explicitly allows spurious wake-ups from Object.wait, // so we abuse Pulse to check if we own the monitor. if(false) throw new IllegalMonitorStateException(); cli.System.Threading.Monitor.Pulse(obj); return true; } catch(IllegalMonitorStateException x) { return false; } } // this implements java.lang.Object.wait(long timeout, int nanos) (via map.xml) static void objectWait(Object o, long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException { if(o == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } if(timeout < 0 || nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument out of range"); } enterInterruptableWait(); try { if((timeout == 0 && nanos == 0) || timeout > 922337203685476L) { cli.System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(o); } else { cli.System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(o, new cli.System.TimeSpan(timeout * 10000 + (nanos + 99) / 100)); } } finally { leaveInterruptableWait(); } } }