#include "clar_libgit2.h" #include "diff_helpers.h" git_tree *resolve_commit_oid_to_tree( git_repository *repo, const char *partial_oid) { size_t len = strlen(partial_oid); git_oid oid; git_object *obj = NULL; git_tree *tree = NULL; if (git_oid_fromstrn(&oid, partial_oid, len) == 0) git_object_lookup_prefix(&obj, repo, &oid, len, GIT_OBJ_ANY); cl_assert(obj); if (git_object_type(obj) == GIT_OBJ_TREE) return (git_tree *)obj; cl_assert(git_object_type(obj) == GIT_OBJ_COMMIT); cl_git_pass(git_commit_tree(&tree, (git_commit *)obj)); git_object_free(obj); return tree; } static char diff_pick_suffix(int mode) { if (S_ISDIR(mode)) return '/'; else if (GIT_PERMS_IS_EXEC(mode)) return '*'; else return ' '; } static void fprintf_delta(FILE *fp, const git_diff_delta *delta, float progress) { char code = git_diff_status_char(delta->status); char old_suffix = diff_pick_suffix(delta->old_file.mode); char new_suffix = diff_pick_suffix(delta->new_file.mode); fprintf(fp, "%c\t%s", code, delta->old_file.path); if ((delta->old_file.path != delta->new_file.path && strcmp(delta->old_file.path, delta->new_file.path) != 0) || (delta->old_file.mode != delta->new_file.mode && delta->old_file.mode != 0 && delta->new_file.mode != 0)) fprintf(fp, "%c %s%c", old_suffix, delta->new_file.path, new_suffix); else if (old_suffix != ' ') fprintf(fp, "%c", old_suffix); fprintf(fp, "\t[%.2f]\n", progress); } int diff_file_cb( const git_diff_delta *delta, float progress, void *payload) { diff_expects *e = payload; if (e->debug) fprintf_delta(stderr, delta, progress); if (e->names) cl_assert_equal_s(e->names[e->files], delta->old_file.path); if (e->statuses) cl_assert_equal_i(e->statuses[e->files], (int)delta->status); e->files++; if ((delta->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY) != 0) e->files_binary++; cl_assert(delta->status <= GIT_DELTA_TYPECHANGE); e->file_status[delta->status] += 1; return 0; } int diff_print_file_cb( const git_diff_delta *delta, float progress, void *payload) { if (!payload) { fprintf_delta(stderr, delta, progress); return 0; } if (!((diff_expects *)payload)->debug) fprintf_delta(stderr, delta, progress); return diff_file_cb(delta, progress, payload); } int diff_hunk_cb( const git_diff_delta *delta, const git_diff_hunk *hunk, void *payload) { diff_expects *e = payload; const char *scan = hunk->header, *scan_end = scan + hunk->header_len; GIT_UNUSED(delta); /* confirm no NUL bytes in header text */ while (scan < scan_end) cl_assert('\0' != *scan++); e->hunks++; e->hunk_old_lines += hunk->old_lines; e->hunk_new_lines += hunk->new_lines; return 0; } int diff_line_cb( const git_diff_delta *delta, const git_diff_hunk *hunk, const git_diff_line *line, void *payload) { diff_expects *e = payload; GIT_UNUSED(delta); GIT_UNUSED(hunk); e->lines++; switch (line->origin) { case GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT: case GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT_EOFNL: /* techically not a line */ e->line_ctxt++; break; case GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADDITION: case GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADD_EOFNL: /* technically not a line add */ e->line_adds++; break; case GIT_DIFF_LINE_DELETION: case GIT_DIFF_LINE_DEL_EOFNL: /* technically not a line delete */ e->line_dels++; break; default: break; } return 0; } int diff_foreach_via_iterator( git_diff *diff, git_diff_file_cb file_cb, git_diff_hunk_cb hunk_cb, git_diff_line_cb line_cb, void *data) { size_t d, num_d = git_diff_num_deltas(diff); for (d = 0; d < num_d; ++d) { git_patch *patch; const git_diff_delta *delta; size_t h, num_h; cl_git_pass(git_patch_from_diff(&patch, diff, d)); cl_assert((delta = git_patch_get_delta(patch)) != NULL); /* call file_cb for this file */ if (file_cb != NULL && file_cb(delta, (float)d / num_d, data) != 0) { git_patch_free(patch); goto abort; } /* if there are no changes, then the patch will be NULL */ if (!patch) { cl_assert(delta->status == GIT_DELTA_UNMODIFIED || (delta->flags & GIT_DIFF_FLAG_BINARY) != 0); continue; } if (!hunk_cb && !line_cb) { git_patch_free(patch); continue; } num_h = git_patch_num_hunks(patch); for (h = 0; h < num_h; h++) { const git_diff_hunk *hunk; size_t l, num_l; cl_git_pass(git_patch_get_hunk(&hunk, &num_l, patch, h)); if (hunk_cb && hunk_cb(delta, hunk, data) != 0) { git_patch_free(patch); goto abort; } for (l = 0; l < num_l; ++l) { const git_diff_line *line; cl_git_pass(git_patch_get_line_in_hunk(&line, patch, h, l)); if (line_cb && line_cb(delta, hunk, line, data) != 0) { git_patch_free(patch); goto abort; } } } git_patch_free(patch); } return 0; abort: giterr_clear(); return GIT_EUSER; } static int diff_print_cb( const git_diff_delta *delta, const git_diff_hunk *hunk, const git_diff_line *line, void *payload) { FILE *fp = payload; GIT_UNUSED(delta); GIT_UNUSED(hunk); if (line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_CONTEXT || line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_ADDITION || line->origin == GIT_DIFF_LINE_DELETION) fputc(line->origin, fp); fwrite(line->content, 1, line->content_len, fp); return 0; } void diff_print(FILE *fp, git_diff *diff) { cl_git_pass(git_diff_print( diff, GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_PATCH, diff_print_cb, fp ? fp : stderr)); } void diff_print_raw(FILE *fp, git_diff *diff) { cl_git_pass(git_diff_print( diff, GIT_DIFF_FORMAT_RAW, diff_print_cb, fp ? fp : stderr)); }