using System.IO; using System.Text; using LibGit2Sharp.Tests.TestHelpers; using Xunit; namespace LibGit2Sharp.Tests { public class BlobFixture : BaseFixture { [Fact] public void CanGetBlobAsUtf8() { using (var repo = new Repository(BareTestRepoPath)) { var blob = repo.Lookup("a8233120f6ad708f843d861ce2b7228ec4e3dec6"); string text = blob.ContentAsUtf8(); Assert.Equal("hey there\n", text); } } [Fact] public void CanGetBlobSize() { using (var repo = new Repository(BareTestRepoPath)) { var blob = repo.Lookup("a8233120f6ad708f843d861ce2b7228ec4e3dec6"); Assert.Equal(10, blob.Size); } } [Fact] public void CanLookUpBlob() { using (var repo = new Repository(BareTestRepoPath)) { var blob = repo.Lookup("a8233120f6ad708f843d861ce2b7228ec4e3dec6"); Assert.NotNull(blob); } } [Fact] public void CanReadBlobContent() { using (var repo = new Repository(BareTestRepoPath)) { var blob = repo.Lookup("a8233120f6ad708f843d861ce2b7228ec4e3dec6"); byte[] bytes = blob.Content; Assert.Equal(10, bytes.Length); string content = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes); Assert.Equal("hey there\n", content); } } [Fact] public void CanReadBlobStream() { using (var repo = new Repository(BareTestRepoPath)) { var blob = repo.Lookup("a8233120f6ad708f843d861ce2b7228ec4e3dec6"); using (var tr = new StreamReader(blob.ContentStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { string content = tr.ReadToEnd(); Assert.Equal("hey there\n", content); } } } public static void CopyStream(Stream input, Stream output) { // Reused from the following Stack Overflow post with permission // of Jon Skeet (obtained on 25 Feb 2013) // var buffer = new byte[8*1024]; int len; while ((len = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) { output.Write(buffer, 0, len); } } [Fact] public void CanStageAFileGeneratedFromABlobContentStream() { SelfCleaningDirectory scd = BuildSelfCleaningDirectory(); using (Repository repo = Repository.Init(scd.DirectoryPath)) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < 2000; j++) { sb.Append(((i + 1)*(j + 1)).ToString("X8")); } File.AppendAllText(Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "small.txt"), sb.ToString()); } repo.Index.Stage("small.txt"); IndexEntry entry = repo.Index["small.txt"]; Assert.Equal("baae1fb3760a73481ced1fa03dc15614142c19ef", entry.Id.Sha); var blob = repo.Lookup(entry.Id.Sha); using (Stream stream = blob.ContentStream) using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "small.fromblob.txt"))) { CopyStream(stream, file); } repo.Index.Stage("small.fromblob.txt"); IndexEntry newentry = repo.Index["small.fromblob.txt"]; Assert.Equal("baae1fb3760a73481ced1fa03dc15614142c19ef", newentry.Id.Sha); } } [Fact] public void CanTellIfTheBlobContentLooksLikeBinary() { using (var repo = new Repository(BareTestRepoPath)) { var blob = repo.Lookup("a8233120f6ad708f843d861ce2b7228ec4e3dec6"); Assert.Equal(false, blob.IsBinary); } } } }