using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using LibGit2Sharp.Tests.TestHelpers; using Xunit; using Xunit.Extensions; namespace LibGit2Sharp.Tests { public class FilterBranchFixture : BaseFixture { private readonly Repository repo; private bool succeeding; private Exception error; public FilterBranchFixture() { string path = CloneBareTestRepo(); repo = new Repository(path); } public override void Dispose() { repo.Dispose(); base.Dispose(); } [Fact] public void CanRewriteHistoryWithoutChangingCommitMetadata() { var originalRefs = repo.Refs.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName); var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray(); // Noop header rewriter repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = CommitRewriteInfo.From, }, commits); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.Equal(originalRefs, repo.Refs.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName)); Assert.Equal(commits, repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray()); } [Fact] public void CanRewriteHistoryWithoutChangingTrees() { var originalRefs = repo.Refs.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName); var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray(); // Noop tree rewriter repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitTreeRewriter = TreeDefinition.From, }, commits); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.Equal(originalRefs, repo.Refs.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName)); Assert.Equal(commits, repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray()); } [Fact] public void CanRollbackRewriteByThrowingInOnCompleting() { var originalRefs = repo.Refs.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName); var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray(); Assert.Throws( () => repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = () => { succeeding = true; throw new Exception(); }, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: "Rewritten " + c.Message), }, commits) ); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.Equal(originalRefs, repo.Refs.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName)); Assert.Equal(commits, repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray()); } [Fact] public void ErrorThrownInOnErrorTakesPrecedenceOverErrorDuringCommitHeaderRewriter() { var originalRefs = repo.Refs.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName); var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray(); var thrown = Assert.Throws( () => repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = ex => { throw new Exception("From OnError", ex); }, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => { throw new Exception("From CommitHeaderRewriter"); }, }, commits) ); AssertSucceedingNotFired(); Assert.Equal("From OnError", thrown.Message); Assert.NotNull(thrown.InnerException); Assert.Equal("From CommitHeaderRewriter", thrown.InnerException.Message); Assert.Equal(originalRefs, repo.Refs.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName)); Assert.Equal(commits, repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray()); } [Fact] public void ErrorThrownInOnErrorTakesPrecedenceOverErrorDuringCommitTreeRewriter() { var originalRefs = repo.Refs.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName); var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray(); var thrown = Assert.Throws( () => repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = ex => { throw new Exception("From OnError", ex); }, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitTreeRewriter = c => { throw new Exception("From CommitTreeRewriter"); }, }, commits) ); AssertSucceedingNotFired(); Assert.Equal("From OnError", thrown.Message); Assert.NotNull(thrown.InnerException); Assert.Equal("From CommitTreeRewriter", thrown.InnerException.Message); Assert.Equal(originalRefs, repo.Refs.ToList().OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName)); Assert.Equal(commits, repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray()); } [Fact] public void CanRewriteAuthorOfCommits() { var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray(); repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, author: new Signature("Ben Straub", "", c.Author.When)), }, commits); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); var nonBackedUpRefs = repo.Refs.Where(x => !x.CanonicalName.StartsWith("refs/original")); Assert.Empty(repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = nonBackedUpRefs }) .Where(c => c.Author.Name != "Ben Straub")); } [Fact] public void CanRewriteAuthorOfCommitsOnlyBeingPointedAtByTags() { var commit = repo.ObjectDatabase.CreateCommit( "I'm a lonesome commit", Constants.Signature, Constants.Signature, repo.Head.Tip.Tree, Enumerable.Empty()); repo.Tags.Add("so-lonely", commit); repo.Tags.Add("so-lonely-but-annotated", commit, Constants.Signature, "Yeah, baby! I'm going to be rewritten as well"); repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: "Bam!"), }, commit); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); var lightweightTag = repo.Tags["so-lonely"]; Assert.Equal("Bam!\n", ((Commit)lightweightTag.Target).Message); var annotatedTag = repo.Tags["so-lonely-but-annotated"]; Assert.Equal("Bam!\n", ((Commit)annotatedTag.Target).Message); } [Fact] public void CanRewriteTrees() { repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitTreeRewriter = c => TreeDefinition.From(c) .Remove("README"), }, repo.Head.Commits); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.True(repo.Head.Commits.All(c => c["README"] == null)); } [Fact] public void CanRewriteTreesByInjectingTreeEntry() { var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Branches }).ToArray(); var currentReadme = repo.Head["README"]; repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitTreeRewriter = c => c["README"] == null ? TreeDefinition.From(c) : TreeDefinition.From(c) .Add("README", currentReadme), }, commits); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.Equal(new Commit[0], repo.Commits .QueryBy(new CommitFilter {Since = repo.Branches}) .Where(c => c["README"] != null && c["README"].Target.Id != currentReadme.Target.Id) .ToArray()); } // git log --graph --oneline --name-status --decorate // // * 4c062a6 (HEAD, master) directory was added // | A 1/branch_file.txt // * be3563a Merge branch 'br2' // |\ // | * c47800c branch commit one // | | A branch_file.txt // * | 9fd738e a fourth commit // | | M new.txt // * | 4a202b3 (packed-test) a third commit // |/ // | M README // * 5b5b025 another commit // | A new.txt // * 8496071 testing // A README [Theory] // * 6d96779 (HEAD, master) directory was added // | A 1/branch_file.txt // * ca7a3ed Merge branch 'br2' // |\ // | * da8d9d0 branch commit one // | | A branch_file.txt // * | 38f9fac a fourth commit // |/ // | M new.txt // * ded26fd (packed-test) another commit // A new.txt [InlineData(new[] { "README" }, 5, "6d96779")] // * dfb164b (HEAD, master) directory was added // | A 1/branch_file.txt // * 8ab4a5f Merge branch 'br2' // |\ // | * 23dd639 branch commit one // | | A branch_file.txt // * | 5222c0f (packed-test) a third commit // |/ // | M README // * 8496071 testing // A README [InlineData(new[] { "new.txt" }, 5, "dfb164b")] // * f9ee587 (HEAD, master) directory was added // | A 1/branch_file.txt // * b87858a branch commit one // A branch_file.txt // // NB: packed-test is gone [InlineData(new[] { "new.txt", "README" }, 2, "f9ee587")] // * 446fde5 (HEAD, master) directory was added // | A 1/branch_file.txt // * 9fd738e a fourth commit // | M new.txt // * 4a202b3 (packed-test) a third commit // | M README // * 5b5b025 another commit // | A new.txt // * 8496071 testing // A README [InlineData(new[] { "branch_file.txt" }, 5, "446fde5")] // * be3563a (HEAD, master) Merge branch 'br2' // |\ // | * c47800c branch commit one // | | A branch_file.txt // * | 9fd738e a fourth commit // | | M new.txt // * | 4a202b3 (packed-test) a third commit // |/ // | M README // * 5b5b025 another commit // | A new.txt // * 8496071 testing // A README [InlineData(new[] { "1" }, 6, "be3563a")] // If all trees are empty, master should be an orphan [InlineData(new[] { "1", "branch_file.txt", "new.txt", "README" }, 0, null)] public void CanPruneEmptyCommits(string[] treeEntriesToRemove, int expectedCommitCount, string expectedHead) { Assert.Equal(7, repo.Head.Commits.Count()); repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, PruneEmptyCommits = true, CommitTreeRewriter = c => TreeDefinition.From(c) .Remove(treeEntriesToRemove), }, repo.Head.Commits); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.Equal(expectedCommitCount, repo.Head.Commits.Count()); if (expectedHead == null) { Assert.Null(repo.Head.Tip); } else { Assert.Equal(expectedHead, repo.Head.Tip.Id.Sha.Substring(0, expectedHead.Length)); } foreach (var treeEntry in treeEntriesToRemove) { Assert.True(repo.Head.Commits.All(c => c[treeEntry] == null), "Did not expect a tree entry at " + treeEntry); } } // * 41bc8c6 (packed) // | // * 5001298 <----- rewrite this commit message [Fact] public void OnlyRewriteSelectedCommits() { var commit = repo.Branches["packed"].Tip; var parent = commit.Parents.Single(); Assert.True(parent.Sha.StartsWith("5001298")); Assert.NotEqual(Constants.Signature, commit.Author); Assert.NotEqual(Constants.Signature, parent.Author); repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, author: Constants.Signature), }, parent); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); commit = repo.Branches["packed"].Tip; parent = commit.Parents.Single(); Assert.False(parent.Sha.StartsWith("5001298")); Assert.NotEqual(Constants.Signature, commit.Author); Assert.Equal(Constants.Signature, parent.Author); } [Theory] [InlineData("refs/rewritten")] [InlineData("refs/rewritten/")] public void CanCustomizeTheNamespaceOfBackedUpRefs(string backupRefsNamespace) { repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: ""), }, repo.Head.Commits); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.NotEmpty(repo.Refs.Where(x => x.CanonicalName.StartsWith("refs/original"))); Assert.Empty(repo.Refs.Where(x => x.CanonicalName.StartsWith("refs/rewritten"))); repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, BackupRefsNamespace = backupRefsNamespace, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: "abc"), }, repo.Head.Commits); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.NotEmpty(repo.Refs.Where(x => x.CanonicalName.StartsWith("refs/rewritten"))); } [Fact] public void RefRewritingRollsBackOnFailure() { IList origRefs = repo.Refs.OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName).ToArray(); const string backupNamespace = "refs/original/"; var ex = Assert.Throws( () => repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, BackupRefsNamespace = backupNamespace, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: ""), TagNameRewriter = (n, a, t) => { var newRef1 = repo.Refs.FromGlob(backupNamespace + "*").FirstOrDefault(); if (newRef1 == null) return n; // At least one of the refs have been rewritten // Let's make sure it's been updated to a new target var oldName1 = newRef1.CanonicalName.Replace(backupNamespace, "refs/"); Assert.NotEqual(origRefs.Single(r => r.CanonicalName == oldName1), newRef1); // Violently interrupt the process throw new Exception("BREAK"); }, }, repo.Lookup("6dcf9bf7541ee10456529833502442f385010c3d")) ); AssertErrorFired(ex); AssertSucceedingNotFired(); // Ensure all the refs have been restored to their original targets var newRefs = repo.Refs.OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName).ToArray(); Assert.Equal(newRefs, origRefs); } // This test should rewrite br2, but not packed-test: // * a4a7dce (br2) Merge branch 'master' into br2 // |\ // | * 9fd738e a fourth commit // | * 4a202b3 (packed-test) a third commit // * | c47800c branch commit one <----- rewrite this one // |/ // * 5b5b025 another commit // * 8496071 testing [Fact] public void DoesNotRewriteRefsThatDontChange() { repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: "abc"), }, repo.Lookup("c47800c")); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.Null(repo.Refs["refs/original/heads/packed-test"]); Assert.NotNull(repo.Refs["refs/original/heads/br2"]); // Ensure br2 is still a merge commit var parents = repo.Branches["br2"].Tip.Parents.ToList(); Assert.Equal(2, parents.Count()); Assert.NotEmpty(parents.Where(c => c.Sha.StartsWith("9fd738e"))); Assert.Equal("abc\n", parents.Single(c => !c.Sha.StartsWith("9fd738e")).Message); } [Fact] public void CanNotOverWriteBackedUpReferences() { Assert.Empty(repo.Refs.FromGlob("refs/original/*")); repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: "abc"), }, repo.Head.Commits); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); var originalRefs = repo.Refs.FromGlob("refs/original/*").OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName).ToArray(); Assert.NotEmpty(originalRefs); var ex = Assert.Throws( () => repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: "def"), }, repo.Head.Commits) ); AssertErrorFired(ex); AssertSucceedingNotFired(); Assert.Equal("abc\n", repo.Head.Tip.Message); var newOriginalRefs = repo.Refs.FromGlob("refs/original/*").OrderBy(r => r.CanonicalName).ToArray(); Assert.Equal(originalRefs, newOriginalRefs); Assert.Empty(repo.Refs.Where(x => x.CanonicalName.StartsWith("refs/original/original/"))); } [Fact] public void CanNotOverWriteAnExistingReference() { var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs }).ToArray(); var ex = Assert.Throws( () => repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, TagNameRewriter = (n, a, t) => "test", }, commits) ); AssertErrorFired(ex); AssertSucceedingNotFired(); Assert.Equal(0, repo.Refs.FromGlob("refs/original/*").Count()); } // Graft the orphan "test" branch to the tip of "packed" // // Before: // * e90810b (test, lw, e90810b, test) // | // * 6dcf9bf // <------------------ note: no connection // * 41bc8c6 (packed) // | // * 5001298 // // ... and after: // // * f558880 (test, lw, e90810b, test) // | // * 0c25efa // | <------------------ add this link // * 41bc8c6 (packed) // | // * 5001298 [Fact] public void CanRewriteParents() { var commitToRewrite = repo.Lookup("6dcf9bf"); var newParent = repo.Lookup("41bc8c6"); bool hasBeenCalled = false; repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitParentsRewriter = c => { Assert.False(hasBeenCalled); Assert.Empty(c.Parents); hasBeenCalled = true; return new[] { newParent }; }, }, commitToRewrite); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.Contains(newParent, repo.Lookup("refs/heads/test~").Parents); Assert.True(hasBeenCalled); } // Graft the orphan "test" branch to the tip of "packed" // // Before: // * e90810b (test, lw, e90810b, test) // | // * 6dcf9bf // <------------------ note: no connection // * 41bc8c6 (packed) // | // * 5001298 // // ... and after: // // * f558880 (test, lw, e90810b, test) // | // * 0c25efa // | <------------------ add this link // * 41bc8c6 (packed) // | // * 5001298 [Fact] public void CanRewriteParentWithRewrittenCommit() { var commitToRewrite = repo.Lookup("6dcf9bf"); var newParent = repo.Lookup("41bc8c6"); repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => c.Id != newParent.Id ? null : CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: "changed"), CommitParentsRewriter = c => c.Id != commitToRewrite.Id ? c.Parents : new[] { newParent } }, commitToRewrite, newParent); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); var rewrittenParent = repo.Lookup("refs/heads/test~").Parents.Single(); Assert.Equal(newParent.Tree, rewrittenParent.Tree); Assert.NotEqual(newParent, rewrittenParent); } [Fact] public void WritesCorrectReflogMessagesForSimpleRewrites() { EnableRefLog(repo); repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: ""), }, repo.Head.Commits); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.Equal("filter-branch: rewrite", repo.Refs.Log(repo.Refs["refs/heads/master"]).First().Message); Assert.Equal("filter-branch: backup", repo.Refs.Log(repo.Refs["refs/original/heads/master"]).First().Message); } [Fact] public void CanProvideNewNamesForTags() { GitObject lwTarget = repo.Tags["lw"].Target; GitObject e908Target = repo.Tags["e90810b"].Target; GitObject testTarget = repo.Tags["test"].Target; repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: ""), TagNameRewriter = TagNameRewriter, }, repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { Since = repo.Refs["refs/heads/test"] })); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); Assert.NotEqual(lwTarget, repo.Tags["lw_new_e90810b"].Target); Assert.NotEqual(e908Target, repo.Tags["e90810b_new_7b43849"].Target); Assert.NotEqual(testTarget, repo.Tags["test_new_b25fa35"].Target); } [Fact] public void CanRewriteSymbolicRefsPointingToTags() { const string tagRefName = "refs/tags/test"; repo.Refs.Add("refs/tags/one_tracker", tagRefName); repo.Refs.Add("refs/tags/another_tracker", tagRefName); repo.Refs.Add("refs/attic/dusty_tracker", "refs/tags/another_tracker"); repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, author: Constants.Signature), TagNameRewriter = TagNameRewriter, }, repo.Lookup("e90810b8df")); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); // Ensure the initial tags don't exist anymore... Assert.Null(repo.Refs["refs/tags/one_tracker"]); Assert.Null(repo.Refs["refs/tags/another_tracker"]); // ...and have been backed up. Assert.Equal(tagRefName, repo.Refs["refs/original/tags/one_tracker"].TargetIdentifier); Assert.Equal(tagRefName, repo.Refs["refs/original/tags/another_tracker"].TargetIdentifier); // Ensure the renamed symref tags points to the renamed target const string renamedTarget = "refs/tags/test_new_b25fa35"; Assert.Equal(renamedTarget, repo.Refs["refs/tags/one_tracker_new_test"].TargetIdentifier); Assert.Equal(renamedTarget, repo.Refs["refs/tags/another_tracker_new_test"].TargetIdentifier); // Ensure that the non tag symref points to a renamed target... Assert.Equal("refs/tags/another_tracker_new_test", repo.Refs["refs/attic/dusty_tracker"].TargetIdentifier); // ...and has been backed up as well. Assert.Equal("refs/tags/another_tracker", repo.Refs["refs/original/attic/dusty_tracker"].TargetIdentifier); } [Fact] public void HandlesNameRewritingOfChainedTags() { // Add a lightweight tag (A) that points to tag annotation (B) that points to another tag annotation (C), // which points to a commit var theCommit = repo.Lookup("6dcf9bf"); var annotationC = repo.ObjectDatabase.CreateTagAnnotation("annotationC", theCommit, Constants.Signature, ""); var annotationB = repo.ObjectDatabase.CreateTagAnnotation("annotationB", annotationC, Constants.Signature, ""); var tagA = repo.Tags.Add("lightweightA", annotationB); // Rewrite the commit, renaming the tag repo.Refs.RewriteHistory(new RewriteHistoryOptions { OnError = OnError, OnSucceeding = OnSucceeding, BackupRefsNamespace = "refs/original/", CommitHeaderRewriter = c => CommitRewriteInfo.From(c, message: "Rewrote"), TagNameRewriter = TagNameRewriter, }, repo.Lookup("6dcf9bf")); AssertSucceedingButNotError(); // Verify the rewritten tag-annotation chain var newTagA = repo.Tags["lightweightA_new_d53d92e"]; Assert.NotNull(newTagA); Assert.NotEqual(newTagA, tagA); Assert.True(newTagA.IsAnnotated); var newAnnotationB = newTagA.Annotation; Assert.NotNull(newAnnotationB); Assert.NotEqual(newAnnotationB, annotationB); Assert.Equal("annotationB_ann_237c1b0", newAnnotationB.Name); var newAnnotationC = newAnnotationB.Target as TagAnnotation; Assert.NotNull(newAnnotationC); Assert.NotEqual(newAnnotationC, annotationC); Assert.Equal("annotationC_ann_6dcf9bf", newAnnotationC.Name); var newCommit = newAnnotationC.Target as Commit; Assert.NotNull(newCommit); Assert.NotEqual(newCommit, theCommit); Assert.Equal("Rewrote\n", newCommit.Message); // Ensure the original tag doesn't exist anymore Assert.Null(repo.Tags["lightweightA"]); // ...but it's been backed up Reference backedUpTag = repo.Refs["refs/original/tags/lightweightA"]; Assert.NotNull(backedUpTag); Assert.Equal(annotationB, backedUpTag.ResolveToDirectReference().Target); } private static string TagNameRewriter(string name, bool isAnnotated, string target) { const string tagPrefix = "refs/tags/"; var t = target == null ? "" : target.StartsWith(tagPrefix) ? target.Substring(tagPrefix.Length) : target.Substring(0, 7); return name + (isAnnotated ? "_ann_" : "_new_") + t; } private Action OnSucceeding { get { succeeding = false; return () => succeeding = true; } } private void AssertSucceedingButNotError() { Assert.True(succeeding); Assert.Null(error); } private void AssertSucceedingNotFired() { Assert.False(succeeding); } private Action OnError { get { error = null; return ex => error = ex; } } private void AssertErrorFired(Exception ex) { Assert.Equal(ex, error); } } }