using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using LibGit2Sharp.Tests.TestHelpers; using Xunit; namespace LibGit2Sharp.Tests { public class GlobalSettingsFixture : BaseFixture { [Fact] public void CanGetMinimumCompiledInFeatures() { BuiltInFeatures features = GlobalSettings.Version.Features; Assert.True(features.HasFlag(BuiltInFeatures.Threads)); Assert.True(features.HasFlag(BuiltInFeatures.Https)); } [Fact] public void CanRetrieveValidVersionString() { // Version string format is: // Major.Minor.Patch[-preDateTime]-LibGit2Sharp_abbrev_hash-libgit2_abbrev_hash (x86|amd64 - features) // Example output: // "0.17.0[-pre20170914123547]-deadcafe-06d772d (x86 - Threads, Https)" string versionInfo = GlobalSettings.Version.ToString(); // The GlobalSettings.Version returned string should contain : // version: '0.17.0[-pre20170914123547]' LibGit2Sharp version number. // git2SharpHash:'unknown' ( when compiled from source ) else LibGit2Sharp library hash. // git2hash: '06d772d' LibGit2 library hash. // arch: 'x86' or 'amd64' LibGit2 target. // git2Features: 'Threads, Ssh' LibGit2 features compiled with. string regex = @"^(?\d{1,}\.\d{1,2}\.\d{1,3}(-(pre|dev)\d{14})?)-(?\w+)-(?\w+) \((?\w+) - (?(?:\w*(?:, )*\w+)*)\)$"; Assert.NotNull(versionInfo); Match regexResult = Regex.Match(versionInfo, regex); Assert.True(regexResult.Success, "The following version string format is enforced:" + "Major.Minor.Patch[-preDateTime]-LibGit2Sharp_abbrev_hash-libgit2_abbrev_hash (x86|amd64 - features)"); GroupCollection matchGroups = regexResult.Groups; Assert.Equal(8, matchGroups.Count); // Check that all groups are valid for (int i = 0; i < matchGroups.Count; i++) { if (i == 1 || i == 2) // '-pre' segment is optional { continue; } Assert.True(matchGroups[i].Success); } } } }