using System; using System.IO; using LibGit2Sharp.Tests.TestHelpers; using Xunit; using Xunit.Extensions; namespace LibGit2Sharp.Tests { public class RemoveFixture : BaseFixture { [Theory] /*** * Test case: file exists in workdir and index, and has not been modified. * 'git rm --cached ' works (file removed only from index). * 'git rm ' works (file removed from both index and workdir). */ [InlineData(false, "1/branch_file.txt", false, FileStatus.Unaltered, true, true, FileStatus.Untracked | FileStatus.Removed)] [InlineData(true, "1/branch_file.txt", false, FileStatus.Unaltered, true, false, FileStatus.Removed)] /*** * Test case: file exists in the index, and has been removed from the wd. * 'git rm and 'git rm --cached ' both work (file removed from the index) */ [InlineData(true, "deleted_unstaged_file.txt", false, FileStatus.Missing, false, false, FileStatus.Removed)] [InlineData(false, "deleted_unstaged_file.txt", false, FileStatus.Missing, false, false, FileStatus.Removed)] /*** * Test case: modified file in wd, the modifications have not been promoted to the index yet. * 'git rm --cached ' works (removes the file from the index) * 'git rm ' fails ("error: '' has local modifications"). */ [InlineData(false, "modified_unstaged_file.txt", false, FileStatus.Modified, true, true, FileStatus.Untracked | FileStatus.Removed)] [InlineData(true, "modified_unstaged_file.txt", true, FileStatus.Modified, true, true, 0)] /*** * Test case: modified file in wd, the modifications have already been promoted to the index. * 'git rm --cached ' works (removes the file from the index) * 'git rm ' fails ("error: '' has changes staged in the index") */ [InlineData(false, "modified_staged_file.txt", false, FileStatus.Staged, true, true, FileStatus.Untracked | FileStatus.Removed)] [InlineData(true, "modified_staged_file.txt", true, FileStatus.Staged, true, true, 0)] /*** * Test case: modified file in wd, the modifications have already been promoted to the index, and * the file does not exist in the HEAD. * 'git rm --cached ' works (removes the file from the index) * 'git rm ' throws ("error: '' has changes staged in the index") */ [InlineData(false, "new_tracked_file.txt", false, FileStatus.Added, true, true, FileStatus.Untracked)] [InlineData(true, "new_tracked_file.txt", true, FileStatus.Added, true, true, 0)] public void CanRemoveAnUnalteredFileFromTheIndexWithoutRemovingItFromTheWorkingDirectory( bool removeFromWorkdir, string filename, bool throws, FileStatus initialStatus, bool existsBeforeRemove, bool existsAfterRemove, FileStatus lastStatus) { string path = SandboxStandardTestRepo(); using (var repo = new Repository(path)) { int count = repo.Index.Count; string fullpath = Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, filename); Assert.Equal(initialStatus, repo.RetrieveStatus(filename)); Assert.Equal(existsBeforeRemove, File.Exists(fullpath)); if (throws) { Assert.Throws(() => repo.Remove(filename, removeFromWorkdir)); Assert.Equal(count, repo.Index.Count); } else { repo.Remove(filename, removeFromWorkdir); Assert.Equal(count - 1, repo.Index.Count); Assert.Equal(existsAfterRemove, File.Exists(fullpath)); Assert.Equal(lastStatus, repo.RetrieveStatus(filename)); } } } /*** * Test case: modified file in wd, the modifications have already been promoted to the index, and * new modifications have been made in the wd. * 'git rm ' and 'git rm --cached ' both fail ("error: '' has staged content different from both the file and the HEAD") */ [Fact] public void RemovingAModifiedFileWhoseChangesHaveBeenPromotedToTheIndexAndWithAdditionalModificationsMadeToItThrows() { const string filename = "modified_staged_file.txt"; var path = SandboxStandardTestRepo(); using (var repo = new Repository(path)) { string fullpath = Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, filename); Assert.Equal(true, File.Exists(fullpath)); File.AppendAllText(fullpath, "additional content"); Assert.Equal(FileStatus.Staged | FileStatus.Modified, repo.RetrieveStatus(filename)); Assert.Throws(() => repo.Remove(filename)); Assert.Throws(() => repo.Remove(filename, false)); } } [Fact] public void CanRemoveAFolderThroughUsageOfPathspecsForNewlyAddedFiles() { string path = SandboxStandardTestRepo(); using (var repo = new Repository(path)) { repo.Stage(Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "2/subdir1/2.txt", "whone")); repo.Stage(Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "2/subdir1/3.txt", "too")); repo.Stage(Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "2/subdir2/4.txt", "tree")); repo.Stage(Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "2/5.txt", "for")); repo.Stage(Touch(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "2/6.txt", "fyve")); int count = repo.Index.Count; Assert.True(Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "2"))); repo.Remove("2", false); Assert.Equal(count - 5, repo.Index.Count); } } [Fact] public void CanRemoveAFolderThroughUsageOfPathspecsForFilesAlreadyInTheIndexAndInTheHEAD() { string path = SandboxStandardTestRepo(); using (var repo = new Repository(path)) { int count = repo.Index.Count; Assert.True(Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "1"))); repo.Remove("1"); Assert.False(Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(repo.Info.WorkingDirectory, "1"))); Assert.Equal(count - 1, repo.Index.Count); } } [Theory] [InlineData("deleted_staged_file.txt", FileStatus.Removed)] [InlineData("1/I-do-not-exist.txt", FileStatus.Nonexistent)] public void RemovingAnUnknownFileWithLaxExplicitPathsValidationDoesntThrow(string relativePath, FileStatus status) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var path = SandboxStandardTestRepoGitDir(); using (var repo = new Repository(path)) { Assert.Null(repo.Index[relativePath]); Assert.Equal(status, repo.RetrieveStatus(relativePath)); repo.Remove(relativePath, i % 2 == 0); repo.Remove(relativePath, i % 2 == 0, new ExplicitPathsOptions {ShouldFailOnUnmatchedPath = false}); } } } [Theory] [InlineData("deleted_staged_file.txt", FileStatus.Removed)] [InlineData("1/I-do-not-exist.txt", FileStatus.Nonexistent)] public void RemovingAnUnknownFileThrowsIfExplicitPath(string relativePath, FileStatus status) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { var path = SandboxStandardTestRepoGitDir(); using (var repo = new Repository(path)) { Assert.Null(repo.Index[relativePath]); Assert.Equal(status, repo.RetrieveStatus(relativePath)); Assert.Throws( () => repo.Remove(relativePath, i%2 == 0, new ExplicitPathsOptions())); } } } [Fact] public void RemovingFileWithBadParamsThrows() { var path = SandboxStandardTestRepoGitDir(); using (var repo = new Repository(path)) { Assert.Throws(() => repo.Remove(string.Empty)); Assert.Throws(() => repo.Remove((string)null)); Assert.Throws(() => repo.Remove(new string[] { })); Assert.Throws(() => repo.Remove(new string[] { null })); } } } }