using System; namespace LibGit2Sharp.Tests.TestHelpers { public static class Constants { public const string TemporaryReposPath = "TestRepos"; public const string UnknownSha = "deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef"; public static readonly Identity Identity = new Identity("A. U. Thor", ""); public static readonly Signature Signature = new Signature(Identity, new DateTimeOffset(2011, 06, 16, 10, 58, 27, TimeSpan.FromHours(2))); // Populate these to turn on live credential tests: set the // PrivateRepoUrl to the URL of a repository that requires // authentication. Define PrivateRepoCredentials to return an instance of // UsernamePasswordCredentials (for HTTP Basic authentication) or // DefaultCredentials (for NTLM/Negotiate authentication). // // For example: // public const string PrivateRepoUrl = ""; // ... return new UsernamePasswordCredentials { Username = "username", Password = "swordfish" }; // // Or: // public const string PrivateRepoUrl = ""; // ... return new DefaultCredentials(); public const string PrivateRepoUrl = ""; public static Credentials PrivateRepoCredentials(string url, string usernameFromUrl, SupportedCredentialTypes types) { return null; } } }