using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using LibGit2Sharp.Core.Handles; // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming namespace LibGit2Sharp.Core { internal class Proxy { #region giterr_ public static void giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory error_class, Exception exception) { if (exception is OutOfMemoryException) { NativeMethods.giterr_set_oom(); } else { NativeMethods.giterr_set_str(error_class, exception.Message); } } public static void giterr_set_str(GitErrorCategory error_class, String errorString) { NativeMethods.giterr_set_str(error_class, errorString); } #endregion #region git_blame_ public static BlameSafeHandle git_blame_file( RepositorySafeHandle repo, FilePath path, GitBlameOptions options) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { BlameSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_blame_file(out handle, repo, path, options); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static GitBlameHunk git_blame_get_hunk_byindex(BlameSafeHandle blame, uint idx) { return NativeMethods.git_blame_get_hunk_byindex(blame, idx).MarshalAs(false); } public static void git_blame_free(IntPtr blame) { NativeMethods.git_blame_free(blame); } #endregion #region git_blob_ public static ObjectId git_blob_create_fromchunks(RepositorySafeHandle repo, FilePath hintpath, NativeMethods.source_callback fileCallback) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { var oid = new GitOid(); int res = NativeMethods.git_blob_create_fromchunks(ref oid, repo, hintpath, fileCallback, IntPtr.Zero); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return oid; } } public static ObjectId git_blob_create_fromdisk(RepositorySafeHandle repo, FilePath path) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { var oid = new GitOid(); int res = NativeMethods.git_blob_create_fromdisk(ref oid, repo, path); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return oid; } } public static ObjectId git_blob_create_fromfile(RepositorySafeHandle repo, FilePath path) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { var oid = new GitOid(); int res = NativeMethods.git_blob_create_fromworkdir(ref oid, repo, path); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return oid; } } public static UnmanagedMemoryStream git_blob_filtered_content_stream(RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId id, FilePath path, bool check_for_binary_data) { var buf = new GitBuf(); var handle = new ObjectSafeWrapper(id, repo).ObjectPtr; return new RawContentStream(handle, h => { Ensure.ZeroResult(NativeMethods.git_blob_filtered_content(buf, h, path, check_for_binary_data)); return buf.ptr; }, h => (long)buf.size, new[] { buf }); } public static UnmanagedMemoryStream git_blob_rawcontent_stream(RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId id, Int64 size) { var handle = new ObjectSafeWrapper(id, repo).ObjectPtr; return new RawContentStream(handle, NativeMethods.git_blob_rawcontent, h => size); } public static Int64 git_blob_rawsize(GitObjectSafeHandle obj) { return NativeMethods.git_blob_rawsize(obj); } public static bool git_blob_is_binary(GitObjectSafeHandle obj) { int res = NativeMethods.git_blob_is_binary(obj); Ensure.BooleanResult(res); return (res == 1); } #endregion #region git_branch_ public static ReferenceSafeHandle git_branch_create(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string branch_name, ObjectId targetId, bool force, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var osw = new ObjectSafeWrapper(targetId, repo)) using (var sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { ReferenceSafeHandle reference; int res = NativeMethods.git_branch_create(out reference, repo, branch_name, osw.ObjectPtr, force, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return reference; } } public static void git_branch_delete(ReferenceSafeHandle reference) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_branch_delete(reference); reference.SetHandleAsInvalid(); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static IEnumerable git_branch_iterator(Repository repo, GitBranchType branchType) { return git_iterator( (out BranchIteratorSafeHandle iter_out) => NativeMethods.git_branch_iterator_new(out iter_out, repo.Handle, branchType), (BranchIteratorSafeHandle iter, out ReferenceSafeHandle ref_out, out int res) => { GitBranchType type_out; res = NativeMethods.git_branch_next(out ref_out, out type_out, iter); return new { BranchType = type_out }; }, (handle, payload) => { var reference = Reference.BuildFromPtr(handle, repo); return new Branch(repo, reference, reference.CanonicalName); } ); } public static void git_branch_iterator_free(IntPtr iter) { NativeMethods.git_branch_iterator_free(iter); } public static ReferenceSafeHandle git_branch_move(ReferenceSafeHandle reference, string new_branch_name, bool force, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { ReferenceSafeHandle ref_out; int res = NativeMethods.git_branch_move(out ref_out, reference, new_branch_name, force, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return ref_out; } } public static string git_branch_remote_name(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string canonical_branch_name) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var buf = new GitBuf()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_branch_remote_name(buf, repo, canonical_branch_name); Ensure.Int32Result(res); return LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative(buf.ptr) ?? string.Empty; } } public static string git_branch_upstream_name(RepositorySafeHandle handle, string canonicalReferenceName) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var buf = new GitBuf()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_branch_upstream_name(buf, handle, canonicalReferenceName); if (res == (int) GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative(buf.ptr); } } #endregion #region git_buf_ public static void git_buf_free(GitBuf buf) { NativeMethods.git_buf_free(buf); } #endregion #region git_checkout_ public static void git_checkout_tree( RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId treeId, ref GitCheckoutOpts opts) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var osw = new ObjectSafeWrapper(treeId, repo)) { int res = NativeMethods.git_checkout_tree(repo, osw.ObjectPtr, ref opts); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_checkout_index(RepositorySafeHandle repo, GitObjectSafeHandle treeish, ref GitCheckoutOpts opts) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_checkout_index(repo, treeish, ref opts); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } #endregion #region git_clone_ public static RepositorySafeHandle git_clone( string url, string workdir, ref GitCloneOptions opts) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { RepositorySafeHandle repo; int res = NativeMethods.git_clone(out repo, url, workdir, ref opts); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return repo; } } #endregion #region git_commit_ public static Signature git_commit_author(GitObjectSafeHandle obj) { return new Signature(NativeMethods.git_commit_author(obj)); } public static Signature git_commit_committer(GitObjectSafeHandle obj) { return new Signature(NativeMethods.git_commit_committer(obj)); } public static ObjectId git_commit_create( RepositorySafeHandle repo, string referenceName, Signature author, Signature committer, string message, Tree tree, GitOid[] parentIds) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (SignatureSafeHandle authorHandle = author.BuildHandle()) using (SignatureSafeHandle committerHandle = committer.BuildHandle()) using (var parentPtrs = new ArrayMarshaler(parentIds)) { GitOid commitOid; var treeOid = tree.Id.Oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_commit_create_from_ids( out commitOid, repo, referenceName, authorHandle, committerHandle, null, message, ref treeOid, (UIntPtr)parentPtrs.Count, parentPtrs.ToArray()); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return commitOid; } } public static string git_commit_message(GitObjectSafeHandle obj) { return NativeMethods.git_commit_message(obj); } public static string git_commit_summary(GitObjectSafeHandle obj) { return NativeMethods.git_commit_summary(obj); } public static string git_commit_message_encoding(GitObjectSafeHandle obj) { return NativeMethods.git_commit_message_encoding(obj); } public static ObjectId git_commit_parent_id(GitObjectSafeHandle obj, uint i) { return NativeMethods.git_commit_parent_id(obj, i).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static int git_commit_parentcount(RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId id) { using (var obj = new ObjectSafeWrapper(id, repo)) { return git_commit_parentcount(obj); } } public static int git_commit_parentcount(ObjectSafeWrapper obj) { return (int)NativeMethods.git_commit_parentcount(obj.ObjectPtr); } public static ObjectId git_commit_tree_id(GitObjectSafeHandle obj) { return NativeMethods.git_commit_tree_id(obj).MarshalAsObjectId(); } #endregion #region git_config_ public static void git_config_add_file_ondisk(ConfigurationSafeHandle config, FilePath path, ConfigurationLevel level) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_config_add_file_ondisk(config, path, (uint)level, true); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static bool git_config_delete(ConfigurationSafeHandle config, string name) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_config_delete_entry(config, name); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return false; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return true; } } public static FilePath git_config_find_global() { return ConvertPath(NativeMethods.git_config_find_global); } public static FilePath git_config_find_system() { return ConvertPath(NativeMethods.git_config_find_system); } public static FilePath git_config_find_xdg() { return ConvertPath(NativeMethods.git_config_find_xdg); } public static void git_config_free(IntPtr config) { NativeMethods.git_config_free(config); } public static ConfigurationEntry git_config_get_entry(ConfigurationSafeHandle config, string key) { GitConfigEntryHandle handle; if (!configurationParser.ContainsKey(typeof(T))) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Generic Argument of type '{0}' is not supported.", typeof(T).FullName)); } using (ThreadAffinity()) { var res = NativeMethods.git_config_get_entry(out handle, config, key); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } GitConfigEntry entry = handle.MarshalAsGitConfigEntry(); return new ConfigurationEntry(LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative(entry.namePtr), (T)configurationParser[typeof(T)](LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative(entry.valuePtr)), (ConfigurationLevel)entry.level); } public static ConfigurationSafeHandle git_config_new() { using (ThreadAffinity()) { ConfigurationSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_config_new(out handle); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static ConfigurationSafeHandle git_config_open_level(ConfigurationSafeHandle parent, ConfigurationLevel level) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { ConfigurationSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_config_open_level(out handle, parent, (uint)level); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static bool git_config_parse_bool(string value) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { bool outVal; var res = NativeMethods.git_config_parse_bool(out outVal, value); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return outVal; } } public static int git_config_parse_int32(string value) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int outVal; var res = NativeMethods.git_config_parse_int32(out outVal, value); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return outVal; } } public static long git_config_parse_int64(string value) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { long outVal; var res = NativeMethods.git_config_parse_int64(out outVal, value); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return outVal; } } public static void git_config_set_bool(ConfigurationSafeHandle config, string name, bool value) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_config_set_bool(config, name, value); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_config_set_int32(ConfigurationSafeHandle config, string name, int value) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_config_set_int32(config, name, value); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_config_set_int64(ConfigurationSafeHandle config, string name, long value) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_config_set_int64(config, name, value); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_config_set_string(ConfigurationSafeHandle config, string name, string value) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_config_set_string(config, name, value); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static ICollection git_config_foreach( ConfigurationSafeHandle config, Func resultSelector) { return git_foreach(resultSelector, c => NativeMethods.git_config_foreach(config, (e, p) => c(e, p), IntPtr.Zero)); } public static IEnumerable> git_config_iterator_glob( ConfigurationSafeHandle config, string regexp, Func> resultSelector) { return git_iterator( (out ConfigurationIteratorSafeHandle iter) => NativeMethods.git_config_iterator_glob_new(out iter, config, regexp), (ConfigurationIteratorSafeHandle iter, out SafeHandleBase handle, out int res) => { handle = null; IntPtr entry; res = NativeMethods.git_config_next(out entry, iter); return new { EntryPtr = entry }; }, (handle, payload) => resultSelector(payload.EntryPtr) ); } public static void git_config_iterator_free(IntPtr iter) { NativeMethods.git_config_iterator_free(iter); } #endregion #region git_diff_ public static void git_diff_blobs( RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId oldBlob, ObjectId newBlob, GitDiffOptions options, NativeMethods.git_diff_file_cb fileCallback, NativeMethods.git_diff_hunk_cb hunkCallback, NativeMethods.git_diff_line_cb lineCallback) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var osw1 = new ObjectSafeWrapper(oldBlob, repo, true)) using (var osw2 = new ObjectSafeWrapper(newBlob, repo, true)) { int res = NativeMethods.git_diff_blobs( osw1.ObjectPtr, null, osw2.ObjectPtr, null, options, fileCallback, hunkCallback, lineCallback, IntPtr.Zero); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_diff_foreach( DiffSafeHandle diff, NativeMethods.git_diff_file_cb fileCallback, NativeMethods.git_diff_hunk_cb hunkCallback, NativeMethods.git_diff_line_cb lineCallback) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_diff_foreach(diff, fileCallback, hunkCallback, lineCallback, IntPtr.Zero); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static DiffSafeHandle git_diff_tree_to_index( RepositorySafeHandle repo, IndexSafeHandle index, ObjectId oldTree, GitDiffOptions options) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var osw = new ObjectSafeWrapper(oldTree, repo, true)) { DiffSafeHandle diff; int res = NativeMethods.git_diff_tree_to_index(out diff, repo, osw.ObjectPtr, index, options); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return diff; } } public static void git_diff_free(IntPtr diff) { NativeMethods.git_diff_free(diff); } public static void git_diff_merge(DiffSafeHandle onto, DiffSafeHandle from) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_diff_merge(onto, from); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static DiffSafeHandle git_diff_tree_to_tree( RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId oldTree, ObjectId newTree, GitDiffOptions options) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var osw1 = new ObjectSafeWrapper(oldTree, repo, true)) using (var osw2 = new ObjectSafeWrapper(newTree, repo, true)) { DiffSafeHandle diff; int res = NativeMethods.git_diff_tree_to_tree(out diff, repo, osw1.ObjectPtr, osw2.ObjectPtr, options); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return diff; } } public static DiffSafeHandle git_diff_index_to_workdir( RepositorySafeHandle repo, IndexSafeHandle index, GitDiffOptions options) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { DiffSafeHandle diff; int res = NativeMethods.git_diff_index_to_workdir(out diff, repo, index, options); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return diff; } } public static DiffSafeHandle git_diff_tree_to_workdir( RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId oldTree, GitDiffOptions options) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var osw = new ObjectSafeWrapper(oldTree, repo, true)) { DiffSafeHandle diff; int res = NativeMethods.git_diff_tree_to_workdir(out diff, repo, osw.ObjectPtr, options); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return diff; } } public static void git_diff_find_similar(DiffSafeHandle diff, GitDiffFindOptions options) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_diff_find_similar(diff, options); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static int git_diff_num_deltas(DiffSafeHandle diff) { return (int)NativeMethods.git_diff_num_deltas(diff); } public static GitDiffDelta git_diff_get_delta(DiffSafeHandle diff, int idx) { return NativeMethods.git_diff_get_delta(diff, (UIntPtr) idx).MarshalAs(false); } #endregion #region git_graph_ public static Tuple git_graph_ahead_behind(RepositorySafeHandle repo, Commit first, Commit second) { if (first == null || second == null) { return new Tuple(null, null); } GitOid oid1 = first.Id.Oid; GitOid oid2 = second.Id.Oid; using (ThreadAffinity()) { UIntPtr ahead; UIntPtr behind; int res = NativeMethods.git_graph_ahead_behind(out ahead, out behind, repo, ref oid1, ref oid2); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return new Tuple((int)ahead, (int)behind); } } public static bool git_graph_descendant_of(RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId commitId, ObjectId ancestorId) { GitOid oid1 = commitId.Oid; GitOid oid2 = ancestorId.Oid; using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_graph_descendant_of(repo, ref oid1, ref oid2); Ensure.BooleanResult(res); return (res == 1); } } #endregion #region git_ignore_ public static void git_ignore_add_rule(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string rules) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_ignore_add_rule(repo, rules); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_ignore_clear_internal_rules(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_ignore_clear_internal_rules(repo); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static bool git_ignore_path_is_ignored(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string path) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int ignored; int res = NativeMethods.git_ignore_path_is_ignored(out ignored, repo, path); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return (ignored != 0); } } #endregion #region git_index_ public static void git_index_add(IndexSafeHandle index, GitIndexEntry entry) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_index_add(index, entry); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_index_add_bypath(IndexSafeHandle index, FilePath path) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_index_add_bypath(index, path); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static Conflict git_index_conflict_get( IndexSafeHandle index, Repository repo, FilePath path) { IndexEntrySafeHandle ancestor, ours, theirs; int res = NativeMethods.git_index_conflict_get( out ancestor, out ours, out theirs, index, path); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return new Conflict( IndexEntry.BuildFromPtr(ancestor), IndexEntry.BuildFromPtr(ours), IndexEntry.BuildFromPtr(theirs)); } public static int git_index_entrycount(IndexSafeHandle index) { UIntPtr count = NativeMethods.git_index_entrycount(index); if ((long)count > int.MaxValue) { throw new LibGit2SharpException("Index entry count exceeds size of int"); } return (int)count; } public static StageLevel git_index_entry_stage(IndexEntrySafeHandle index) { return (StageLevel)NativeMethods.git_index_entry_stage(index); } public static void git_index_free(IntPtr index) { NativeMethods.git_index_free(index); } public static IndexEntrySafeHandle git_index_get_byindex(IndexSafeHandle index, UIntPtr n) { return NativeMethods.git_index_get_byindex(index, n); } public static IndexEntrySafeHandle git_index_get_bypath(IndexSafeHandle index, FilePath path, int stage) { IndexEntrySafeHandle handle = NativeMethods.git_index_get_bypath(index, path, stage); return handle.IsZero ? null : handle; } public static bool git_index_has_conflicts(IndexSafeHandle index) { int res = NativeMethods.git_index_has_conflicts(index); Ensure.BooleanResult(res); return res != 0; } public static IndexSafeHandle git_index_open(FilePath indexpath) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { IndexSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_index_open(out handle, indexpath); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static void git_index_read(IndexSafeHandle index) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_index_read(index, false); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_index_remove_bypath(IndexSafeHandle index, FilePath path) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_index_remove_bypath(index, path); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_index_write(IndexSafeHandle index) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_index_write(index); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static ObjectId git_tree_create_fromindex(Index index) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitOid treeOid; int res = NativeMethods.git_index_write_tree(out treeOid, index.Handle); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return treeOid; } } #endregion #region git_merge_ public static ObjectId git_merge_base_many(RepositorySafeHandle repo, GitOid[] commitIds) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitOid ret; int res = NativeMethods.git_merge_base_many(out ret, repo, commitIds.Length, commitIds); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return ret; } } public static ObjectId git_merge_base_octopus(RepositorySafeHandle repo, GitOid[] commitIds) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitOid ret; int res = NativeMethods.git_merge_base_octopus(out ret, repo, commitIds.Length, commitIds); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return ret; } } public static GitMergeHeadHandle git_merge_head_from_fetchhead(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string branchName, string remoteUrl, GitOid oid) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitMergeHeadHandle merge_head; int res = NativeMethods.git_merge_head_from_fetchhead(out merge_head, repo, branchName, remoteUrl, ref oid); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return merge_head; } } public static GitMergeHeadHandle git_merge_head_from_id(RepositorySafeHandle repo, GitOid oid) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitMergeHeadHandle their_head; int res = NativeMethods.git_merge_head_from_id(out their_head, repo, ref oid); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return their_head; } } public static GitMergeHeadHandle git_merge_head_from_ref(RepositorySafeHandle repo, ReferenceSafeHandle reference) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitMergeHeadHandle their_head; int res = NativeMethods.git_merge_head_from_ref(out their_head, repo, reference); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return their_head; } } public static ObjectId git_merge_head_id(GitMergeHeadHandle mergeHead) { return NativeMethods.git_merge_head_id(mergeHead).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static void git_merge(RepositorySafeHandle repo, GitMergeHeadHandle[] heads, GitMergeOpts mergeOptions, GitCheckoutOpts checkoutOptions) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { IntPtr[] their_heads = heads.Select(head => head.DangerousGetHandle()).ToArray(); int res = NativeMethods.git_merge( repo, their_heads, (UIntPtr)their_heads.Length, ref mergeOptions, ref checkoutOptions); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static GitMergeAnalysis git_merge_analysis( RepositorySafeHandle repo, GitMergeHeadHandle[] heads) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitMergeAnalysis ret; IntPtr[] their_heads = heads.Select(head => head.DangerousGetHandle()).ToArray(); int res = NativeMethods.git_merge_analysis( out ret, repo, their_heads, their_heads.Length); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return ret; } } public static void git_merge_head_free(IntPtr handle) { NativeMethods.git_merge_head_free(handle); } #endregion #region git_message_ public static string git_message_prettify(string message) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { return string.Empty; } using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var buf = new GitBuf()) { int res= NativeMethods.git_message_prettify(buf, message, false); Ensure.Int32Result(res); return LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative(buf.ptr) ?? string.Empty; } } #endregion #region git_note_ public static ObjectId git_note_create( RepositorySafeHandle repo, Signature author, Signature committer, string notes_ref, ObjectId targetId, string note, bool force) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (SignatureSafeHandle authorHandle = author.BuildHandle()) using (SignatureSafeHandle committerHandle = committer.BuildHandle()) { GitOid noteOid; GitOid oid = targetId.Oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_note_create(out noteOid, repo, authorHandle, committerHandle, notes_ref, ref oid, note, force ? 1 : 0); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return noteOid; } } public static string git_note_default_ref(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { string notes_ref; int res = NativeMethods.git_note_default_ref(out notes_ref, repo); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return notes_ref; } } public static ICollection git_note_foreach(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string notes_ref, Func resultSelector) { return git_foreach(resultSelector, c => NativeMethods.git_note_foreach(repo, notes_ref, (ref GitOid x, ref GitOid y, IntPtr p) => c(x, y, p), IntPtr.Zero)); } public static void git_note_free(IntPtr note) { NativeMethods.git_note_free(note); } public static string git_note_message(NoteSafeHandle note) { return NativeMethods.git_note_message(note); } public static ObjectId git_note_id(NoteSafeHandle note) { return NativeMethods.git_note_id(note).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static NoteSafeHandle git_note_read(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string notes_ref, ObjectId id) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitOid oid = id.Oid; NoteSafeHandle note; int res = NativeMethods.git_note_read(out note, repo, notes_ref, ref oid); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return note; } } public static void git_note_remove(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string notes_ref, Signature author, Signature committer, ObjectId targetId) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (SignatureSafeHandle authorHandle = author.BuildHandle()) using (SignatureSafeHandle committerHandle = committer.BuildHandle()) { GitOid oid = targetId.Oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_note_remove(repo, notes_ref, authorHandle, committerHandle, ref oid); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } #endregion #region git_object_ public static ObjectId git_object_id(GitObjectSafeHandle obj) { return NativeMethods.git_object_id(obj).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static void git_object_free(IntPtr obj) { NativeMethods.git_object_free(obj); } public static GitObjectSafeHandle git_object_lookup(RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId id, GitObjectType type) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitObjectSafeHandle handle; GitOid oid = id.Oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_object_lookup(out handle, repo, ref oid, type); switch (res) { case (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound: return null; default: Ensure.ZeroResult(res); break; } return handle; } } public static GitObjectSafeHandle git_object_peel(RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId id, GitObjectType type, bool throwsIfCanNotPeel) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitObjectSafeHandle peeled; int res; using (var obj = new ObjectSafeWrapper(id, repo)) { res = NativeMethods.git_object_peel(out peeled, obj.ObjectPtr, type); } if (!throwsIfCanNotPeel && (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound || res == (int)GitErrorCode.Ambiguous)) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return peeled; } } public static GitObjectType git_object_type(GitObjectSafeHandle obj) { return NativeMethods.git_object_type(obj); } #endregion #region git_odb_ public static void git_odb_add_backend(ObjectDatabaseSafeHandle odb, IntPtr backend, int priority) { Ensure.ZeroResult(NativeMethods.git_odb_add_backend(odb, backend, priority)); } public static IntPtr git_odb_backend_malloc(IntPtr backend, UIntPtr len) { IntPtr toReturn = NativeMethods.git_odb_backend_malloc(backend, len); if (IntPtr.Zero == toReturn) { throw new LibGit2SharpException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Unable to allocate {0} bytes; out of memory", len), GitErrorCode.Error, GitErrorCategory.NoMemory); } return toReturn; } public static bool git_odb_exists(ObjectDatabaseSafeHandle odb, ObjectId id) { GitOid oid = id.Oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_odb_exists(odb, ref oid); Ensure.BooleanResult(res); return (res == 1); } public static ICollection git_odb_foreach( ObjectDatabaseSafeHandle odb, Func resultSelector) { return git_foreach( resultSelector, c => NativeMethods.git_odb_foreach( odb, (x, p) => c(x, p), IntPtr.Zero)); } public static void git_odb_free(IntPtr odb) { NativeMethods.git_odb_free(odb); } #endregion #region git_patch_ public static void git_patch_free(IntPtr patch) { NativeMethods.git_patch_free(patch); } public static PatchSafeHandle git_patch_from_diff(DiffSafeHandle diff, int idx) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { PatchSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_patch_from_diff(out handle, diff, (UIntPtr) idx); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static void git_patch_print(PatchSafeHandle patch, NativeMethods.git_diff_line_cb printCallback) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_patch_print(patch, printCallback, IntPtr.Zero); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static Tuple git_patch_line_stats(PatchSafeHandle patch) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { UIntPtr ctx, add, del; int res = NativeMethods.git_patch_line_stats(out ctx, out add, out del, patch); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return new Tuple((int)add, (int)del); } } #endregion #region git_push_ public static void git_push_add_refspec(PushSafeHandle push, string pushRefSpec) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_push_add_refspec(push, pushRefSpec); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_push_finish(PushSafeHandle push) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_push_finish(push); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_push_free(IntPtr push) { NativeMethods.git_push_free(push); } public static PushSafeHandle git_push_new(RemoteSafeHandle remote) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { PushSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_push_new(out handle, remote); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static void git_push_set_callbacks( PushSafeHandle push, NativeMethods.git_push_transfer_progress pushTransferProgress, NativeMethods.git_packbuilder_progress packBuilderProgress) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_push_set_callbacks(push, packBuilderProgress, IntPtr.Zero, pushTransferProgress, IntPtr.Zero); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_push_set_options(PushSafeHandle push, GitPushOptions options) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_push_set_options(push, options); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_push_status_foreach(PushSafeHandle push, NativeMethods.push_status_foreach_cb status_cb) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_push_status_foreach(push, status_cb, IntPtr.Zero); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static bool git_push_unpack_ok(PushSafeHandle push) { int res = NativeMethods.git_push_unpack_ok(push); return res == 1; } public static void git_push_update_tips(PushSafeHandle push, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_push_update_tips(push, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } #endregion #region git_reference_ public static ReferenceSafeHandle git_reference_create(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name, ObjectId targetId, bool allowOverwrite, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { GitOid oid = targetId.Oid; ReferenceSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_reference_create(out handle, repo, name, ref oid, allowOverwrite, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static ReferenceSafeHandle git_reference_symbolic_create(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name, string target, bool allowOverwrite, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { ReferenceSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_reference_symbolic_create(out handle, repo, name, target, allowOverwrite, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static ICollection git_reference_foreach_glob( RepositorySafeHandle repo, string glob, Func resultSelector) { return git_foreach(resultSelector, c => NativeMethods.git_reference_foreach_glob(repo, glob, (x, p) => c(x, p), IntPtr.Zero)); } public static void git_reference_free(IntPtr reference) { NativeMethods.git_reference_free(reference); } public static bool git_reference_is_valid_name(string refname) { int res = NativeMethods.git_reference_is_valid_name(refname); Ensure.BooleanResult(res); return (res == 1); } public static IList git_reference_list(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { UnSafeNativeMethods.git_strarray arr; int res = UnSafeNativeMethods.git_reference_list(out arr, repo); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return Libgit2UnsafeHelper.BuildListOf(arr); } } public static ReferenceSafeHandle git_reference_lookup(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name, bool shouldThrowIfNotFound) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { ReferenceSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_reference_lookup(out handle, repo, name); if (!shouldThrowIfNotFound && res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static string git_reference_name(ReferenceSafeHandle reference) { return NativeMethods.git_reference_name(reference); } public static void git_reference_remove(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_reference_remove(repo, name); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static ObjectId git_reference_target(ReferenceSafeHandle reference) { return NativeMethods.git_reference_target(reference).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static ReferenceSafeHandle git_reference_rename(ReferenceSafeHandle reference, string newName, bool allowOverwrite, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { ReferenceSafeHandle ref_out; int res = NativeMethods.git_reference_rename(out ref_out, reference, newName, allowOverwrite, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return ref_out; } } public static ReferenceSafeHandle git_reference_set_target(ReferenceSafeHandle reference, ObjectId id, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (SignatureSafeHandle sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { GitOid oid = id.Oid; ReferenceSafeHandle ref_out; int res = NativeMethods.git_reference_set_target(out ref_out, reference, ref oid, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return ref_out; } } public static ReferenceSafeHandle git_reference_symbolic_set_target(ReferenceSafeHandle reference, string target, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (SignatureSafeHandle sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { ReferenceSafeHandle ref_out; int res = NativeMethods.git_reference_symbolic_set_target(out ref_out, reference, target, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return ref_out; } } public static string git_reference_symbolic_target(ReferenceSafeHandle reference) { return NativeMethods.git_reference_symbolic_target(reference); } public static GitReferenceType git_reference_type(ReferenceSafeHandle reference) { return NativeMethods.git_reference_type(reference); } public static void git_reference_ensure_log(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string refname) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_reference_ensure_log(repo, refname); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } #endregion #region git_reflog_ public static void git_reflog_free(IntPtr reflog) { NativeMethods.git_reflog_free(reflog); } public static ReflogSafeHandle git_reflog_read(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string canonicalName) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { ReflogSafeHandle reflog_out; int res = NativeMethods.git_reflog_read(out reflog_out, repo, canonicalName); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return reflog_out; } } public static int git_reflog_entrycount(ReflogSafeHandle reflog) { return (int)NativeMethods.git_reflog_entrycount(reflog); } public static ReflogEntrySafeHandle git_reflog_entry_byindex(ReflogSafeHandle reflog, int idx) { return NativeMethods.git_reflog_entry_byindex(reflog, (UIntPtr)idx); } public static ObjectId git_reflog_entry_id_old(SafeHandle entry) { return NativeMethods.git_reflog_entry_id_old(entry).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static ObjectId git_reflog_entry_id_new(SafeHandle entry) { return NativeMethods.git_reflog_entry_id_new(entry).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static Signature git_reflog_entry_committer(SafeHandle entry) { return new Signature(NativeMethods.git_reflog_entry_committer(entry)); } public static string git_reflog_entry_message(SafeHandle entry) { return NativeMethods.git_reflog_entry_message(entry); } #endregion #region git_refspec public static string git_refspec_rtransform(GitRefSpecHandle refSpecPtr, string name) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var buf = new GitBuf()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_refspec_rtransform(buf, refSpecPtr, name); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative(buf.ptr) ?? string.Empty; } } public static string git_refspec_string(GitRefSpecHandle refSpec) { return NativeMethods.git_refspec_string(refSpec); } public static string git_refspec_src(GitRefSpecHandle refSpec) { return NativeMethods.git_refspec_src(refSpec); } public static string git_refspec_dst(GitRefSpecHandle refSpec) { return NativeMethods.git_refspec_dst(refSpec); } public static RefSpecDirection git_refspec_direction(GitRefSpecHandle refSpec) { return NativeMethods.git_refspec_direction(refSpec); } public static bool git_refspec_force(GitRefSpecHandle refSpec) { return NativeMethods.git_refspec_force(refSpec); } #endregion #region git_remote_ public static TagFetchMode git_remote_autotag(RemoteSafeHandle remote) { return (TagFetchMode) NativeMethods.git_remote_autotag(remote); } public static RemoteSafeHandle git_remote_create(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name, string url) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { RemoteSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_create(out handle, repo, name, url); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static RemoteSafeHandle git_remote_create_with_fetchspec(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name, string url, string refspec) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { RemoteSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_create_with_fetchspec(out handle, repo, name, url, refspec); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static RemoteSafeHandle git_remote_create_anonymous(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string url, string refspec) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { RemoteSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_create_anonymous(out handle, repo, url, refspec); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static void git_remote_connect(RemoteSafeHandle remote, GitDirection direction) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_connect(remote, direction); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_remote_disconnect(RemoteSafeHandle remote) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { NativeMethods.git_remote_disconnect(remote); } } public static GitRefSpecHandle git_remote_get_refspec(RemoteSafeHandle remote, int n) { return NativeMethods.git_remote_get_refspec(remote, (UIntPtr)n); } public static int git_remote_refspec_count(RemoteSafeHandle remote) { return (int)NativeMethods.git_remote_refspec_count(remote); } public static IList git_remote_get_fetch_refspecs(RemoteSafeHandle remote) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { UnSafeNativeMethods.git_strarray arr; int res = UnSafeNativeMethods.git_remote_get_fetch_refspecs(out arr, remote); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return Libgit2UnsafeHelper.BuildListOf(arr); } } public static IList git_remote_get_push_refspecs(RemoteSafeHandle remote) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { UnSafeNativeMethods.git_strarray arr; int res = UnSafeNativeMethods.git_remote_get_push_refspecs(out arr, remote); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return Libgit2UnsafeHelper.BuildListOf(arr); } } public static void git_remote_set_fetch_refspecs(RemoteSafeHandle remote, IEnumerable refSpecs) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (GitStrArrayIn array = GitStrArrayIn.BuildFrom(refSpecs.ToArray())) { int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_set_fetch_refspecs(remote, array); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_remote_set_push_refspecs(RemoteSafeHandle remote, IEnumerable refSpecs) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (GitStrArrayIn array = GitStrArrayIn.BuildFrom(refSpecs.ToArray())) { int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_set_push_refspecs(remote, array); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_remote_fetch(RemoteSafeHandle remote, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_fetch(remote, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_remote_free(IntPtr remote) { NativeMethods.git_remote_free(remote); } public static bool git_remote_is_valid_name(string refname) { int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_is_valid_name(refname); Ensure.BooleanResult(res); return (res == 1); } public static IList git_remote_list(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { UnSafeNativeMethods.git_strarray arr; int res = UnSafeNativeMethods.git_remote_list(out arr, repo); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return Libgit2UnsafeHelper.BuildListOf(arr); } } public static IEnumerable git_remote_ls(Repository repository, RemoteSafeHandle remote) { var refs = new List(); IntPtr heads; UIntPtr size; using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_ls(out heads, out size, remote); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } var grheads = Libgit2UnsafeHelper.RemoteLsHelper(heads, size); foreach (var remoteHead in grheads) { // The name pointer should never be null - if it is, // this indicates a bug somewhere (libgit2, server, etc). if (remoteHead.NamePtr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Not expecting null value for reference name."); } string name = LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative(remoteHead.NamePtr); refs.Add(new DirectReference(name, repository, remoteHead.Oid)); } return refs; } public static RemoteSafeHandle git_remote_load(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name, bool throwsIfNotFound) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { RemoteSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_load(out handle, repo, name); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound && !throwsIfNotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static string git_remote_name(RemoteSafeHandle remote) { return NativeMethods.git_remote_name(remote); } public static void git_remote_save(RemoteSafeHandle remote) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_save(remote); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_remote_set_autotag(RemoteSafeHandle remote, TagFetchMode value) { NativeMethods.git_remote_set_autotag(remote, value); } public static void git_remote_set_callbacks(RemoteSafeHandle remote, ref GitRemoteCallbacks callbacks) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_remote_set_callbacks(remote, ref callbacks); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static string git_remote_url(RemoteSafeHandle remote) { return NativeMethods.git_remote_url(remote); } #endregion #region git_repository_ public static FilePath git_repository_discover(FilePath start_path) { return ConvertPath(buf => NativeMethods.git_repository_discover(buf, start_path, false, null)); } public static bool git_repository_head_detached(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { return RepositoryStateChecker(repo, NativeMethods.git_repository_head_detached); } public static ICollection git_repository_fetchhead_foreach( RepositorySafeHandle repo, Func resultSelector) { return git_foreach( resultSelector, c => NativeMethods.git_repository_fetchhead_foreach( repo, (IntPtr w, IntPtr x, ref GitOid y, bool z, IntPtr p) => c(LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative(w), LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative(x), y, z, p), IntPtr.Zero), GitErrorCode.NotFound); } public static void git_repository_free(IntPtr repo) { NativeMethods.git_repository_free(repo); } public static bool git_repository_head_unborn(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { return RepositoryStateChecker(repo, NativeMethods.git_repository_head_unborn); } public static IndexSafeHandle git_repository_index(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { IndexSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_repository_index(out handle, repo); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static RepositorySafeHandle git_repository_init_ext( FilePath workdirPath, FilePath gitdirPath, bool isBare) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var opts = GitRepositoryInitOptions.BuildFrom(workdirPath, isBare)) { RepositorySafeHandle repo; int res = NativeMethods.git_repository_init_ext(out repo, gitdirPath, opts); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return repo; } } public static bool git_repository_is_bare(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { return RepositoryStateChecker(repo, NativeMethods.git_repository_is_bare); } public static bool git_repository_is_shallow(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { return RepositoryStateChecker(repo, NativeMethods.git_repository_is_shallow); } public static void git_repository_state_cleanup(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_repository_state_cleanup(repo); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static ICollection git_repository_mergehead_foreach( RepositorySafeHandle repo, Func resultSelector) { return git_foreach( resultSelector, c => NativeMethods.git_repository_mergehead_foreach( repo, (ref GitOid x, IntPtr p) => c(x, p), IntPtr.Zero), GitErrorCode.NotFound); } public static string git_repository_message(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var buf = new GitBuf()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_repository_message(buf, repo); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative(buf.ptr); } } public static ObjectDatabaseSafeHandle git_repository_odb(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { ObjectDatabaseSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_repository_odb(out handle, repo); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static RepositorySafeHandle git_repository_open(string path) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { RepositorySafeHandle repo; int res = NativeMethods.git_repository_open(out repo, path); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { throw new RepositoryNotFoundException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Path '{0}' doesn't point at a valid Git repository or workdir.", path)); } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return repo; } } public static void git_repository_open_ext(string path, RepositoryOpenFlags flags, string ceilingDirs) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res; using (var repo = new NullRepositorySafeHandle()) { res = NativeMethods.git_repository_open_ext(repo, path, flags, ceilingDirs); } if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { throw new RepositoryNotFoundException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Path '{0}' doesn't point at a valid Git repository or workdir.", path)); } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static FilePath git_repository_path(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { return NativeMethods.git_repository_path(repo); } public static void git_repository_set_config(RepositorySafeHandle repo, ConfigurationSafeHandle config) { NativeMethods.git_repository_set_config(repo, config); } public static void git_repository_set_index(RepositorySafeHandle repo, IndexSafeHandle index) { NativeMethods.git_repository_set_index(repo, index); } public static void git_repository_set_workdir(RepositorySafeHandle repo, FilePath workdir) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_repository_set_workdir(repo, workdir, false); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static CurrentOperation git_repository_state(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_repository_state(repo); Ensure.Int32Result(res); return (CurrentOperation)res; } } public static FilePath git_repository_workdir(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { return NativeMethods.git_repository_workdir(repo); } public static void git_repository_set_head_detached(RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId commitish, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { GitOid oid = commitish.Oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_repository_set_head_detached(repo, ref oid, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_repository_set_head(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string refname, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_repository_set_head(repo, refname, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } #endregion #region git_reset_ public static void git_reset( RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId committishId, ResetMode resetKind, Signature signature, string logMessage) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var osw = new ObjectSafeWrapper(committishId, repo)) using (var sigHandle = signature.BuildHandle()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_reset(repo, osw.ObjectPtr, resetKind, sigHandle, logMessage); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } #endregion #region git_revparse_ public static Tuple git_revparse_ext(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string objectish) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitObjectSafeHandle obj; ReferenceSafeHandle reference; int res = NativeMethods.git_revparse_ext(out obj, out reference, repo, objectish); switch (res) { case (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound: return null; case (int)GitErrorCode.Ambiguous: throw new AmbiguousSpecificationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Provided abbreviated ObjectId '{0}' is too short.", objectish)); default: Ensure.ZeroResult(res); break; } return new Tuple(obj, reference); } } public static GitObjectSafeHandle git_revparse_single(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string objectish) { var handles = git_revparse_ext(repo, objectish); if (handles == null) { return null; } handles.Item2.Dispose(); return handles.Item1; } #endregion #region git_revwalk_ public static void git_revwalk_free(IntPtr walker) { NativeMethods.git_revwalk_free(walker); } public static void git_revwalk_hide(RevWalkerSafeHandle walker, ObjectId commit_id) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitOid oid = commit_id.Oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_revwalk_hide(walker, ref oid); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static RevWalkerSafeHandle git_revwalk_new(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { RevWalkerSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_revwalk_new(out handle, repo); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static ObjectId git_revwalk_next(RevWalkerSafeHandle walker) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitOid ret; int res = NativeMethods.git_revwalk_next(out ret, walker); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.IterOver) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return ret; } } public static void git_revwalk_push(RevWalkerSafeHandle walker, ObjectId id) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitOid oid = id.Oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_revwalk_push(walker, ref oid); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_revwalk_reset(RevWalkerSafeHandle walker) { NativeMethods.git_revwalk_reset(walker); } public static void git_revwalk_sorting(RevWalkerSafeHandle walker, CommitSortStrategies options) { NativeMethods.git_revwalk_sorting(walker, options); } public static void git_revwalk_simplify_first_parent(RevWalkerSafeHandle walker) { NativeMethods.git_revwalk_simplify_first_parent(walker); } #endregion #region git_signature_ public static void git_signature_free(IntPtr signature) { NativeMethods.git_signature_free(signature); } public static SignatureSafeHandle git_signature_new(string name, string email, DateTimeOffset when) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { SignatureSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_signature_new(out handle, name, email, when.ToSecondsSinceEpoch(), (int)when.Offset.TotalMinutes); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static IntPtr git_signature_dup(IntPtr sig) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { IntPtr handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_signature_dup(out handle, sig); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } #endregion #region git_stash_ public static ObjectId git_stash_save( RepositorySafeHandle repo, Signature stasher, string prettifiedMessage, StashModifiers options) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (SignatureSafeHandle sigHandle = stasher.BuildHandle()) { GitOid stashOid; int res = NativeMethods.git_stash_save(out stashOid, repo, sigHandle, prettifiedMessage, options); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.Int32Result(res); return new ObjectId(stashOid); } } public static ICollection git_stash_foreach( RepositorySafeHandle repo, Func resultSelector) { return git_foreach( resultSelector, c => NativeMethods.git_stash_foreach( repo, (UIntPtr i, IntPtr m, ref GitOid x, IntPtr p) => c((int)i, m, x, p), IntPtr.Zero), GitErrorCode.NotFound); } public static void git_stash_drop(RepositorySafeHandle repo, int index) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_stash_drop(repo, (UIntPtr) index); Ensure.BooleanResult(res); } } #endregion #region git_status_ public static FileStatus git_status_file(RepositorySafeHandle repo, FilePath path) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { FileStatus status; int res = NativeMethods.git_status_file(out status, repo, path); switch (res) { case (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound: return FileStatus.Nonexistent; case (int)GitErrorCode.Ambiguous: throw new AmbiguousSpecificationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "More than one file matches the pathspec '{0}'. You can either force a literal path evaluation (GIT_STATUS_OPT_DISABLE_PATHSPEC_MATCH), or use git_status_foreach().", path)); default: Ensure.ZeroResult(res); break; } return status; } } public static StatusListSafeHandle git_status_list_new(RepositorySafeHandle repo, GitStatusOptions options) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { StatusListSafeHandle handle; int res = NativeMethods.git_status_list_new(out handle, repo, options); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return handle; } } public static int git_status_list_entrycount(StatusListSafeHandle list) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_status_list_entrycount(list); Ensure.Int32Result(res); return res; } } public static StatusEntrySafeHandle git_status_byindex(StatusListSafeHandle list, long idx) { return NativeMethods.git_status_byindex(list, (UIntPtr)idx); } public static void git_status_list_free(IntPtr statusList) { NativeMethods.git_status_list_free(statusList); } #endregion #region git_submodule_ /// /// Returns a handle to the corresponding submodule, /// or an invalid handle if a submodule is not found. /// public static SubmoduleSafeHandle git_submodule_lookup(RepositorySafeHandle repo, FilePath name) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { SubmoduleSafeHandle reference; var res = NativeMethods.git_submodule_lookup(out reference, repo, name); switch (res) { case (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound: case (int)GitErrorCode.Exists: case (int)GitErrorCode.OrphanedHead: return null; default: Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return reference; } } } public static ICollection git_submodule_foreach(RepositorySafeHandle repo, Func resultSelector) { return git_foreach(resultSelector, c => NativeMethods.git_submodule_foreach(repo, (x, y, p) => c(x, y, p), IntPtr.Zero)); } public static void git_submodule_add_to_index(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule, bool write_index) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { var res = NativeMethods.git_submodule_add_to_index(submodule, write_index); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_submodule_save(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { var res = NativeMethods.git_submodule_save(submodule); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static void git_submodule_free(IntPtr submodule) { NativeMethods.git_submodule_free(submodule); } public static string git_submodule_path(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { return NativeMethods.git_submodule_path(submodule); } public static string git_submodule_url(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { return NativeMethods.git_submodule_url(submodule); } public static ObjectId git_submodule_index_id(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { return NativeMethods.git_submodule_index_id(submodule).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static ObjectId git_submodule_head_id(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { return NativeMethods.git_submodule_head_id(submodule).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static ObjectId git_submodule_wd_id(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { return NativeMethods.git_submodule_wd_id(submodule).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static SubmoduleIgnore git_submodule_ignore(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { return NativeMethods.git_submodule_ignore(submodule); } public static SubmoduleUpdate git_submodule_update(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { return NativeMethods.git_submodule_update(submodule); } public static bool git_submodule_fetch_recurse_submodules(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { return NativeMethods.git_submodule_fetch_recurse_submodules(submodule); } public static void git_submodule_reload(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { var res = NativeMethods.git_submodule_reload(submodule, false); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static SubmoduleStatus git_submodule_status(SubmoduleSafeHandle submodule) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { SubmoduleStatus status; var res = NativeMethods.git_submodule_status(out status, submodule); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return status; } } #endregion #region git_tag_ public static ObjectId git_tag_annotation_create( RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name, GitObject target, Signature tagger, string message) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var objectPtr = new ObjectSafeWrapper(target.Id, repo)) using (SignatureSafeHandle sigHandle = tagger.BuildHandle()) { GitOid oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_tag_annotation_create(out oid, repo, name, objectPtr.ObjectPtr, sigHandle, message); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return oid; } } public static ObjectId git_tag_create( RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name, GitObject target, Signature tagger, string message, bool allowOverwrite) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var objectPtr = new ObjectSafeWrapper(target.Id, repo)) using (SignatureSafeHandle sigHandle = tagger.BuildHandle()) { GitOid oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_tag_create(out oid, repo, name, objectPtr.ObjectPtr, sigHandle, message, allowOverwrite); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return oid; } } public static ObjectId git_tag_create_lightweight(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name, GitObject target, bool allowOverwrite) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var objectPtr = new ObjectSafeWrapper(target.Id, repo)) { GitOid oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_tag_create_lightweight(out oid, repo, name, objectPtr.ObjectPtr, allowOverwrite); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return oid; } } public static void git_tag_delete(RepositorySafeHandle repo, string name) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = NativeMethods.git_tag_delete(repo, name); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static IList git_tag_list(RepositorySafeHandle repo) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { UnSafeNativeMethods.git_strarray arr; int res = UnSafeNativeMethods.git_tag_list(out arr, repo); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return Libgit2UnsafeHelper.BuildListOf(arr); } } public static string git_tag_message(GitObjectSafeHandle tag) { return NativeMethods.git_tag_message(tag); } public static string git_tag_name(GitObjectSafeHandle tag) { return NativeMethods.git_tag_name(tag); } public static Signature git_tag_tagger(GitObjectSafeHandle tag) { return new Signature(NativeMethods.git_tag_tagger(tag)); } public static ObjectId git_tag_target_id(GitObjectSafeHandle tag) { return NativeMethods.git_tag_target_id(tag).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static GitObjectType git_tag_target_type(GitObjectSafeHandle tag) { return NativeMethods.git_tag_target_type(tag); } #endregion #region git_tree_ public static Mode git_tree_entry_attributes(SafeHandle entry) { return (Mode)NativeMethods.git_tree_entry_filemode(entry); } public static TreeEntrySafeHandle git_tree_entry_byindex(GitObjectSafeHandle tree, long idx) { return NativeMethods.git_tree_entry_byindex(tree, (UIntPtr)idx); } public static TreeEntrySafeHandle_Owned git_tree_entry_bypath(RepositorySafeHandle repo, ObjectId id, FilePath treeentry_path) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var obj = new ObjectSafeWrapper(id, repo)) { TreeEntrySafeHandle_Owned treeEntryPtr; int res = NativeMethods.git_tree_entry_bypath(out treeEntryPtr, obj.ObjectPtr, treeentry_path); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return treeEntryPtr; } } public static void git_tree_entry_free(IntPtr treeEntry) { NativeMethods.git_tree_entry_free(treeEntry); } public static ObjectId git_tree_entry_id(SafeHandle entry) { return NativeMethods.git_tree_entry_id(entry).MarshalAsObjectId(); } public static string git_tree_entry_name(SafeHandle entry) { return NativeMethods.git_tree_entry_name(entry); } public static GitObjectType git_tree_entry_type(SafeHandle entry) { return NativeMethods.git_tree_entry_type(entry); } public static int git_tree_entrycount(GitObjectSafeHandle tree) { return (int)NativeMethods.git_tree_entrycount(tree); } #endregion #region git_treebuilder_ public static TreeBuilderSafeHandle git_treebuilder_create() { using (ThreadAffinity()) { TreeBuilderSafeHandle builder; int res = NativeMethods.git_treebuilder_create(out builder, IntPtr.Zero); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return builder; } } public static void git_treebuilder_free(IntPtr bld) { NativeMethods.git_treebuilder_free(bld); } public static void git_treebuilder_insert(TreeBuilderSafeHandle builder, string treeentry_name, TreeEntryDefinition treeEntryDefinition) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitOid oid = treeEntryDefinition.TargetId.Oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_treebuilder_insert(IntPtr.Zero, builder, treeentry_name, ref oid, (uint)treeEntryDefinition.Mode); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); } } public static ObjectId git_treebuilder_write(RepositorySafeHandle repo, TreeBuilderSafeHandle bld) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { GitOid oid; int res = NativeMethods.git_treebuilder_write(out oid, repo, bld); Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return oid; } } #endregion #region git_libgit2_ /// /// Returns the features with which libgit2 was compiled. /// public static string git_libgit2_features() { GitBuiltInFeatures features; int flags = NativeMethods.git_libgit2_features(); features = (GitBuiltInFeatures)Enum.ToObject(typeof(GitBuiltInFeatures), flags); return features.ToString(); } #endregion private static ICollection git_foreach( Func resultSelector, Func, int> iterator, params GitErrorCode[] ignoredErrorCodes) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { var result = new List(); var res = iterator((x, payload) => { result.Add(resultSelector(x)); return 0; }); if (ignoredErrorCodes != null && ignoredErrorCodes.Contains((GitErrorCode)res)) { return new TResult[0]; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return result; } } private static ICollection git_foreach( Func resultSelector, Func, int> iterator, params GitErrorCode[] ignoredErrorCodes) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { var result = new List(); var res = iterator((x, y, payload) => { result.Add(resultSelector(x, y)); return 0; }); if (ignoredErrorCodes != null && ignoredErrorCodes.Contains((GitErrorCode)res)) { return new TResult[0]; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return result; } } private static ICollection git_foreach( Func resultSelector, Func, int> iterator, params GitErrorCode[] ignoredErrorCodes) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { var result = new List(); var res = iterator((w, x, y, payload) => { result.Add(resultSelector(w, x, y)); return 0; }); if (ignoredErrorCodes != null && ignoredErrorCodes.Contains((GitErrorCode)res)) { return new TResult[0]; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return result; } } public delegate TResult Func(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4, T5 arg5); private static ICollection git_foreach( Func resultSelector, Func, int> iterator, params GitErrorCode[] ignoredErrorCodes) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { var result = new List(); var res = iterator((w, x, y, z, payload) => { result.Add(resultSelector(w, x, y, z)); return 0; }); if (ignoredErrorCodes != null && ignoredErrorCodes.Contains((GitErrorCode)res)) { return new TResult[0]; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); return result; } } private delegate int IteratorNew(out THandle iter); private delegate TPayload IteratorNext(TIterator iter, out THandle next, out int res); private static THandle git_iterator_new(IteratorNew newFunc) where THandle : SafeHandleBase { THandle iter; Ensure.ZeroResult(newFunc(out iter)); return iter; } private static IEnumerable git_iterator_next( TIterator iter, IteratorNext nextFunc, Func resultSelector) where THandle : SafeHandleBase { while (true) { var next = default(THandle); try { int res; var payload = nextFunc(iter, out next, out res); if (res == (int)GitErrorCode.IterOver) { yield break; } Ensure.ZeroResult(res); yield return resultSelector(next, payload); } finally { if (next != null) next.SafeDispose(); } } } private static IEnumerable git_iterator( IteratorNew newFunc, IteratorNext nextFunc, Func resultSelector ) where TIterator : SafeHandleBase where THandle : SafeHandleBase { using (ThreadAffinity()) { using (var iter = git_iterator_new(newFunc)) { foreach (var next in git_iterator_next(iter, nextFunc, resultSelector)) { yield return next; } } } } private static unsafe class Libgit2UnsafeHelper { public static IList BuildListOf(UnSafeNativeMethods.git_strarray strArray) { try { UnSafeNativeMethods.git_strarray* gitStrArray = &strArray; var numberOfEntries = (int)gitStrArray->size; var list = new List(numberOfEntries); for (uint i = 0; i < numberOfEntries; i++) { var name = LaxUtf8Marshaler.FromNative((IntPtr)gitStrArray->strings[i]); list.Add(name); } return list; } finally { UnSafeNativeMethods.git_strarray_free(ref strArray); } } public static IList RemoteLsHelper(IntPtr heads, UIntPtr size) { var rawHeads = (IntPtr*) heads; var count = (int) size; var list = new List(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { list.Add(rawHeads[i].MarshalAs()); } return list; } } private static bool RepositoryStateChecker(RepositorySafeHandle repo, Func checker) { using (ThreadAffinity()) { int res = checker(repo); Ensure.BooleanResult(res); return (res == 1); } } private static FilePath ConvertPath(Func pathRetriever) { using (ThreadAffinity()) using (var buf = new GitBuf()) { int result = pathRetriever(buf); if (result == (int)GitErrorCode.NotFound) { return null; } Ensure.ZeroResult(result); return LaxFilePathMarshaler.FromNative(buf.ptr); } } private static Func ThreadAffinity = WithoutThreadAffinity; internal static void EnableThreadAffinity() { ThreadAffinity = WithThreadAffinity; } private static IDisposable WithoutThreadAffinity() { return null; } private static IDisposable WithThreadAffinity() { return new DisposableThreadAffinityWrapper(); } private class DisposableThreadAffinityWrapper : IDisposable { public DisposableThreadAffinityWrapper() { Thread.BeginThreadAffinity(); } public void Dispose() { Thread.EndThreadAffinity(); } } private static readonly IDictionary> configurationParser = new Dictionary> { { typeof(int), value => git_config_parse_int32(value) }, { typeof(long), value => git_config_parse_int64(value) }, { typeof(bool), value => git_config_parse_bool(value) }, { typeof(string), value => value }, }; /// /// Helper method for consistent conversion of return value on /// Callbacks that support cancellation from bool to native type. /// True indicates that function should continue, false indicates /// user wants to cancel. /// /// /// internal static int ConvertResultToCancelFlag(bool result) { return result ? 0 : (int)GitErrorCode.User; } } } // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming