using System; namespace LibGit2Sharp { /// /// Provides helper overloads to a . /// public static class NoteCollectionExtensions { /// /// Creates or updates a on the specified object, and for the given namespace. /// Both the Author and Committer will be guessed from the Git configuration. An exception will be raised if no configuration is reachable. /// /// The /// The target , for which the note will be created. /// The note message. /// The namespace on which the note will be created. It can be either a canonical namespace or an abbreviated namespace ('refs/notes/myNamespace' or just 'myNamespace'). /// The note which was just saved. public static Note Add(this NoteCollection collection, ObjectId targetId, string message, string @namespace) { Signature author = collection.repo.Config.BuildSignature(DateTimeOffset.Now, true); return collection.Add(targetId, message, author, author, @namespace); } /// /// Deletes the note on the specified object, and for the given namespace. /// Both the Author and Committer will be guessed from the Git configuration. An exception will be raised if no configuration is reachable. /// /// The /// The target , for which the note will be created. /// The namespace on which the note will be removed. It can be either a canonical namespace or an abbreviated namespace ('refs/notes/myNamespace' or just 'myNamespace'). public static void Remove(this NoteCollection collection, ObjectId targetId, string @namespace) { Signature author = collection.repo.Config.BuildSignature(DateTimeOffset.Now, true); collection.Remove(targetId, author, author, @namespace); } } }