using System.IO; namespace LibGit2Sharp { /// /// Provides helper overloads to a . /// public static class ObjectDatabaseExtensions { /// /// Create a TAR archive of the given tree. /// /// The object database. /// The tree. /// The archive path. public static void Archive(this ObjectDatabase odb, Tree tree, string archivePath) { using (var output = new FileStream(archivePath, FileMode.Create)) using (var archiver = new TarArchiver(output)) { odb.Archive(tree, archiver); } } /// /// Create a TAR archive of the given commit. /// /// The object database. /// commit. /// The archive path. public static void Archive(this ObjectDatabase odb, Commit commit, string archivePath) { using (var output = new FileStream(archivePath, FileMode.Create)) using (var archiver = new TarArchiver(output)) { odb.Archive(commit, archiver); } } } }